HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 28, 1956 M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G BROUGHAM A ¥eeting of Council was held on December 28. 1956, at Three Thirty o'clock in the afternoon. PRESENT: Wm. G. Newman, in the Chair Wm. G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson L. T. Johnston, Clerk MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Minutes of previous meeting held December 3, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of previous meeting held December 18, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. F. J. Prouse. 1955 Estimated 175 Dwellings, 1956 Estimated l76-Dwellings, December Building Permits, 6. Total $ 4,150.00~ Value, Buildings, 343; Permits, $ 2,304,600.00. average, $11,000.00 each. Value Buildings, $ 2,599,050.00. average, $12,700.00 each. 2. A. J. ThomÐson stated he had canvassed area around E. J. Gibson, Con- cession 2, Lot 31, and had no objections to Mr. Gibson being granted a Kennel License on I! acres land. 3. Mrs. Margaret Carter, Roll No. 20039, Concession 3, Lot 18, 1.14 acres, Land assessed at 1255.00; Buildings, $ 1,100.00, asked that her school tax be changed from Separate to Public. 4. Mrs. Blunden, Rosebank, complained that her garbage has not been picked up. Clerk advise her road now completed and she can expect regular service. 5. Chesterhill DeveloDments Limited regretted that they had unsolved drainage and water service problems but are holding sUb-contractors' funds until properly finished. Mr. Lawson has arranged a meeting re above for January 3rd, 1957. . MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scøt~, that Carter school assessment in Concession 3, Lot 18, be changed from Çatholic to Public support. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that a Kennel License be granted E. J. Gibson, Concession 2, Lot 31, for 1957. CARRIED FINANCE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FINANCE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Amount CheQue Mrs. E. Lawrence, Mileage - re 5 Clinics ............... 2.60 Geraldine Hall, November, 6 Polio Clinics, 62 Miles..... 6.20 tI Geralding Hall, December, 6 Polio Clinics, 62 miles .... 6.20 J. F. Hartz Co. Ltd., Board of Health supplies ......... 13.60 Municipal World Limited, 27 Combined Poll Books ........ 57.85 D. J. PIitz, Mileage, 176 miles ........................ 14.08 Village of Pickering, Fires attended ...................1,840.00 Village of Pickering, Power & Service for 2 Street Lts. 28.40 Beare's Limited - Supplies ............................. 42.28 Stouffville Tribune - Tax Forms $ 24.20 Claremont Acct. 1.00 ........... 25.20 His Honour, Judge J. E. Pritchard, revising Voters' List 10.00 1475 1333 1476 1477 1478 1479 1401 1480 1481 1482 1483 ..~'\ '" ~. (';: - 2 - Finance Report - Continued W. G. Newm.an, Jurors .................................... Wilson & CdU~ns Co., Fire Dept., Pickering Beach........ D. L. Mairs, Repairs and Supplies ....................... Registrar of De.eds - Transfers, etc. .................... CountY,9f Ontario, Training School, Cobourg.............. Fred Bla.nd & Co. - Paper Towels ......................... Bell Telephone Co. of Canada ............................ Pickering News, Election Ballots ........................ Imperial Oil Limited - Furnace Oil...................... Ontario Hydro, Brougham ................................. Ontario'-Hydro, Village of Greenwood ..................... Ontario Hydro, Whitevale & Brougham ..................... Gordon Gray, Replacing Bulbs in Brougham ................ A. J. Thompson, 627 Miles ............................... Gestetner {Canada) Ltd. Stencils ........................ Ontario Hydro, Claremont Street Lights .................. Mrs. W. A. Lehman, Claremont Phone, Stationery, etc. ..... L. P. Linton, 10 tile, 4 inch, for Claremont ............. County of Ontario, Roads Department, Repairs to roads... Barclay Transport, Machine & Truek for Claremont........ F. J. Prouse, Mileage from May to Dee. 27th, 4747 miles. D. F. Goslin, 304 Miles ................................ M. F. Binsted, 149 Miles ............................... William Gliddon, 285 Miles ............................. Mrs. E. Lawrence, 5 days, Clinics ...................... Mrs. A. M. Bellhouse, 3 Polio Clinics .................. Mrs. C. I. Fletcher, 3 Polio Clinics .................... W. G. Newman - Expenses ................................. W. G. Lawson - Expenses ................................. S. S. J. Pu.gh - Expenses ................................ J. Sherman Scott - Expenses ............................. Mrs. J. McPherson - Expenses ............................ All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount Cheque 10.00 1484 785.61 1485 10.01 1486 47.95 1487 27.00 1488 14.00 1489 108.25 1469 114.00 1490 50.88 1491 24.75 1337 43.88 1338 278.00 1373 35.00 1492 50.16 1493 15.80 1494 798.25 1424 4.00 1425 1.00 1426 84.60 1427 19.50 1428 379.76 1495 24.32 1496 11.92 1497 22.80 1498 17.50 1475 10.50 1499 10.50 1501 81.56 1484 16.00 1502 15.75 1503 61.00 1504 26.07 1505 $ 5,246.73 \. tIS. S. J. Pugh" Chairman MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on FINANCE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED FIRE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FIRE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: E". Orchard, Short Pay on Payroll cheque to D. Lynde ...... Ontario Hydro, Markham ................................... Ontario,Hydro, Markham ................................... Allison Motor Service, Towing Services ................... All of which is respectful¡Y submitted. Amount Cheque .75 1472 6.07 1373 20.53 1329 5.00 1472 $ 32.35 ". --------- "J. S. Scott" Chairman MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the report of the Standing Committee on FIRE AREA NO.1, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED LIVESTOCK REPORT Your Standing Committee on LIVESTOCK begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Cheque Amount R. C. Baker, 1 Ewe Killed ............................... 30.00 W. C. Willson, Inspection of above ...................... 5.00 .. 35.00" 1473 1474 All of which is respectfully submitted. "Jean L. McPherson" - ChairlJlan - 3 - MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on LIVESTOCK, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED POLICE REPORT Your Standing Committee on POLICE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Lander-Stark Oil, Fuel Oil............................. Spence's Stationery, Notebooks ......................... Caribonum Limited - Office Supplies .................... Walmsley & Magill, supplies and typewriter ............. Forrest Lumber Company - Lumber and Stand .............. Rosebank Hardware - Electrical Outlet .................. Balsdon's Hardware - Electrical Supplies ............... Ajax Hardware - Scrub Brush ............................ Industrial Supply - Caretaking Supplies, etc. .......... Canadian Oil Companies - Gasoline ...................... Disney Motors - Repairs to Brake ....................... Law Motor Sales - Repairs and Service .................. Will Motors - Repairs and Service ...................... Dunbarton Radio - Service .............................. Rogers Majestic - Repairs .............................. Western Tire - Radar Lite .............................. Wilcox Auto-Wrecker - Tires Recapped and Vulcanized..... Beauchamp & How, - Uniform ribbons, etc. ............... Bell Telephone - Pickering 365 - 38.80 At. 2-2881 - 56.15 Ajax 1131 5.45 ................ Chief A. L. Laking - Blackboard Paint, Express Charges, Chief A. L. Laking - Re Cooey Repeating Rifle .......... All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount Cheaue 58.43 1451 1.05 1452 23.25 1453 88.30 1454 15.00 1455 .35 1456 67.50 1457 1.98 1458 34.70 1459 219.60 1460 1.00 1461 59.15 l46e 72.41 1463 16.20 1464 49.20 1465 12.25 1466 62.50 1467 12.60 1468 100.40 1469 2.65 1470 19.95 1470 $ 918.47 '\. "J. S. Scott" Chairman MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee on POLICE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED PUBLIC UTILITIES REPORT Your Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Russell Ferguson - 63 water services inspected & sealed... Russell Ferguson - 282 Miles @ 8¢ ... 22.56 Telephone Calls ... 1.45 ............ John A. Melville, I~stallation or 1" water pipe........... Ontario Hydro, Markham ................................... Pickering Drilling Contractors - Service Calls ........... All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount Cheaue 126.00 1001 24.01. 83.70 142.18 238.83 $ 614.72 1006 1008 1005 1007 "J. S. Scott" Chairman .NOV~ by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the report of the Standing Committl on BLIC UTILITIES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ROADS AND BRIDGES REPORT Your Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: - 4 - ds and Brid~es ReDort Continued Amount J. D. Adams Co. Ltd Parts .............................. 13.36 Armco Drainage & Metal Products Ltd. - Culvert Pipe....... 881.13 Balsdon's Hardware - Tools ............................... 4.15 Barclay Transport - Cartage .............................. 4.50 Lee Bishop Radiator Repairs - New Radiator ............... 82.50 G. Blacktopp - Construction, Rosebank .................... 4,085.00 J. Burrows - Parts and Repairs ........................... 79.62 Claremont Co-Operative - Repairs ......................... .70 Construction Equipment - Parts ........................... 19.82 B. F. Goddrich Canada Limited - Tires and Tubes ........... 149.71 J. F. Hartz - Medical Kits ............................... 58.50 H. W. Hoskin - Gradall, ditching ......................... 1,560.00 H. E. P. C. - relocating poles on sideline 30-31, etc..... 1,510.00 International Harvester Company - Parts .................. 12.37 C. H. Johnston and Company - Signs ....................... 24.75 D. L. Mairs - Parts ...................................... 15.45 A. E. Reuben - O.L.S. - Surveying ........................ 125.00 Dick Puckrin - Hauling Salt .............................. 236.80 H. Robinson, Wholesale - Parts ........................... 16.50 Robot Springs Limited - Parts ............................ 9.02 Treasurer of Ontario - Tax on Diesel Fuel................ 44.00 Supertest Petroleum Corporation - Gas and Diesel Fuel...... 869.00 Village of Pickering - Spreading Calcium on Station Road ....448.98 The White Motor Company - Parts .......................... 10.94 Ward Machine & Welding - parts and repairs ............... 152.43 Westeel Products Limited - Signs ......................... 19.15 Karl Polanyi - Damages in Drainage Problem ............... 25.00 Greer, Lee, Murphy - Lawyers' Fees ....................... 250.00 T. M. Moore, Esq., B.A. - Lawyers' Fees .................. 102.50 Fred Hicks - Phone Calls & Freight ....................... 1.40 C. Dunke Id - Mi 1 eage ..................................... 7 .04 R. G. Godson - Mileage ................................... Z8.32 Miller's Mendit Shop - Repairs ........................... 13.50 Receive~ General - Pension ............................... 147.21 D. PIitz - Unemployment Insurance ........................ 8.60 .... Total Accounts ..................................... Pay Ro 11 ........................................... $ 11,016.95 3.053.07 $ 14,070.02 " All of which is respectfully submitted. "w. G. Lawson" Chairman CheQue 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1278 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 899 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED WELFARE REPORT Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: PROVINCIAL CheQue Amount 1340 49.26 1268 34.26 1431 l4.9~ Toronto " " Earl Roberts ........................... Earl Roberts ........................... H. Richardson, re: Roberts ............ MUNICIPAL L. St. Pierre .................................... 1405 H. Richardson - Re: St. Pierre .................. 1431 J. Galloway, re: Loutette ....................... 1432 City of Toronto re: Hilton and Thompson ......... 1433 E. G. Baker, Mileage, December, 1956 ............. 1434 HOSPITALIZATION 58.00 24.56 10.00 99.73 31.20 County of Ontario ................................ 1435 488.78 All of which is respectfully submitted. "Jean L. McPherson" Chairman Total 98.46 ... 223.49 ..... 488.78 " - 5 - MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on WELPARE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED WELFARE REPORT (January. 1957) Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: PROVINCIAL Local Local Local Local Scarboro' Toronto Local Mrs. E. Robinson ....................... Mrs. A. Green .......................... Miss V. Oldfield ....................... Mrs. H. Hi 11 ........................... Mrs. M. Hamilton ....................... Mrs. M. Mulligan ....................... Mrs. J. Martin ......................... SUPPLEMENTARY PENSION ASSISTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Mac Elety ........................... Mrs. L. Barber ................................... Mrs. F. Hammond .................................. Mrs. E. Head land ................................. All of which is respectfully submitted. Cheoue 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 Amount Total 35.0~ 20.00, 37 . 5 0....... 59.0~ 59.8~ 107.65'-.... 100.0~ 418.96 "'I 20.0~ 1 0 . 0 0-...... 10.00-........ 10 .O~ 50.00 " "Jean L. McPherson" Chairman MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on WELFARE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the Reeve grant his order on the Treasurer to pay the several accounts as presented and passed in the various reports as passed this day. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS .1. Have Road Department place a load of gravel on Mrs. Gibbs' culvert. 2. Get cost of pre-fab garage for Pickering Beach Fire Department from Mr. Walton. 3. Have Road Department deliver Fire equipment to Pickering Beach if they have storage room. 4. Ask County to improve Brock Road at 7th Concession. On MOTION of Mr. Scott, the meeting adjourned. ~ -- Clerk APPRO~ '/ / 1957 ø~ Reeve