HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 5, 1956 ~~ M U N I C I PAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the FIFTH day of NOVEMBER, 1956, at TEN . -. 0' clock in the forenoon. PRESENT: Wm. G. Newman, in the Chair Wm. G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson Lloyd T. Johnston, Clerk MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Minutes of meeting held October 9, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of meeting held October 15, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Minutes of meeting held October 22, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. Tenders two trucks, one with plow.. (I) Giffin Truck Equipment Ltd. - One Truck One Truck, Plow and Wing Allowance for three trucks Griffin advising reduction for Wing. $ 8,083.00 10,702.00 1,350.00 {2} Joe Burrows Two Trucks One Plow Allowance, three trucks Net 17,232.50 1,447.95 3,200.00 15,480.45 2. ADPlications for Engineer: (1) R. G. Godson - Degree equivalent. Salary,. 6,000.00, expected. (2) R. C. Northover - Degree. Salary, $ 6,500.00, expected. 3. Mr. M. Patterson objects to a Sportsmen's Club with Shooting Range on Concession 5, Lot 21. 4. W. A. Scott, Concession 5, Lot 21, objects to Sportsmen's Club with Shooting Range on Concession 5, Lot 21. 5. F. J. Prouse - October - 27 Permits - Value, $ 345,800.00. 8 dwellings averaging '-13,800.00. 6. R. C. Church has applied for a 150 acre cemetery in north three-quarters Lot 24, Concession 6. 7. A. J. ThomDson, October report. 8. West Rou~e Community Association, recommending that "Star" street signs be repl by other signs, and that street numbering be undertaken by Council . 9. Dr. Phair advised that (l) dogs held 14 days must be on M. O. H. Order for "animal in question, and that if held 14 days, it is at Township expense, and it would be difficult to suspect that every biting dog is rabid." 10. Hiihland Creek Sand and Gravel COmDany say they cannot grant a sum of money to upkeep of roads because they are on a temporary basis only until December 31, 1956, but they will agree to put on gravel on roads when necessary used by trucks to their plant. 11. H. C. Rickaby. DeDartment of Mines, advising that they have permitted Highland Creek Sand and Gravel Company to mine 10,000 yards to find out if there is erosion. - 2 - 12. Town of Ajax, advising that they cannot permit other than Ajax employees to operate any of their waterworks fixtures. 13. Town of Ajax, advising that the Township will be permitted to dig a ditch west of Pickering Beach Road to Lake, providing the Township get permission from the owners. 14. Canadian Legion, advising they have sold five acres at Dunbarton. 15. Secretary, International Plowing Match, asking if Township has any accounts owing from them. 16. R. M. Jackson, of Toronto Star, advising they will replace broken signs. 17. F. Calderone claims he cannot pay for sewer pipe at Montgomery Park. 18. John Norton offered $5,000.00 for Township gravel crushing plant. Council held up until November 12th. 19. Canadian National Railway advised that their submission to Board of Transport Commissioners is that Traffic does not warrant a large expenditure at Brock Road 'improve sight lines. Clerk advise Board of Transport Commissioners that Council do feel that traffic on Brock Road warrants better sight lines as it is a very bad crossing, and as Township right-of-way is clear, the cost be not shared by the Township. The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Mr.. L. Selkirk and delegation complained about the condition of the Dog Pound. 2. Mr. Geri£s applied for position of Dog Catcher at price of $ 2,500.00. He lives on Station Road, north of Pickeriºg Station, east side. He wanted to work for six months and his wife would take telephone calls. 3. A. J. Thompson thought Dog Catc~er should sell dog licenses and he would chase delinquents. 4. Dr. Loos stated that he had inspected all septic tanks in Chesterhill Subdivisio and there is only one that is not working properly. Believes a bulldozer broke tile. He agreed to have owner take matter up with builder. 5. Mr. Godson applied for position of Engineer and stated he would accept $6,000.00 per year and live in Township in reasonable time. 6. Mr. Roberts, of Concession 2, Lot 22, applied for position of Dog Catcher. 7. Harold Hornshaw stated he had been offered $ 185.00 for one-fifth of an acre in 8oüth-west corner of his farm on Altona Road for road widening. He claimed it broke up his field and he thought he should have $ 400.00. 8. Ben Lotton asked for a guard rail on both sides of bridge on Altona Road opposite his farm, as a number of ears have gone through, which breaks his fence. He agreed to provide the fence posts. Mr. Lotton asked that the road ditch north of this gate be deepened on west side so the water would run off. Council agreed to build the guard rail, as requested, and ordered the Road Department to try and deepen ditch with maintainer, and if it cannot do it, get done with a Gradall, when he is doing other work. 9. Mr. Ross, of Giffin Truck Company submitted a Tender on two trucks. Offered -¡ 750.00 G. M. C. and $ 300.00 for each of K 11 and K 7. LO. Robert Miller, of Brougham, asked for a sidewalk in front of his seed cleaning plant. Council agreed to put some fine gravel on it if agreeable to Mr. Miller. L. Mr. Goslin, Assessor, asked that overtime be calculated on five day week. Council agreed. 3 - MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Clerk have good lighting fixtures in Assessment Departmentl CARRIED AGREED that Shooting Range in Concession 5, Lot 21, be not permitted. MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPHerson, that agreement with Scarborough Township for sanding Concession 1 at Lot 35 be terminated. CARRIED AGREED that Road Department clean up garbage at gate to dump. AGREED that Septic Tank Permits be issued by Mr. Thompson at same time as Building Permit issued, and Dr. Loos receive weekdy copy of permits issued. MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Mr. Hornshaw be paid t 400~~ for land taken by Township for road widening in Concession 4, Lot 32. CARRIED AGREED that High~and Creek Sand and Gravel Company grant Township 10¢ per cubic yard on 10,000 yards which Department of Mines have agreed that they be permitted to mine from Lake Ontario. AGREED that Dog Catcher do not hold dogs which have bitten persons 14 days unless he has a separate letterof authority from M. O. H. MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. Mc~erson, that Reeve and Clerk be authorized to the Fire Protection Agreement with Pickering Village, as agreed upon by the Fire Committee. CARRIED FINANCE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FINANCE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Registrar of Deeds - Transfers ............................... Daily Times-Gazette - Advertising ............................ Jack Norton, Building for Dump ............................... J. A. Bushby - dog chain ..................................... Letter Supply Company - 300 Voters' Lists .................... County of Ontario - Training School.......................... Toronto Humane Society - Dogs Destroyed ...................... Stouffville Tribune - Advertising ............................ United Stationery Co. - Deed Forms ........................... Bell Telephone Company - Calls to October 3, 1956 ............ Kayes Plumbing & Heating - Reapirs ........................... Beare's Limited - Office Supplies ............................ Pickering News - Printing ...1................................ Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. - Audit ...................... D. J. PI1 tz ~ Mileage ........................................ Mrs. J. Shade - Mileage ...................................... M. F. Binsted - Mileage ...................................... A. J. Thompson - Mileage ..................................... William Gliddon - Mileage .................................... D. F. Goslin - Mileage ....................................... Mrs. C. S. Bryant, Guards, School Area No.1................. F. L. MacFarlane - Mileage and Phone Calls .................. W. H. Ellicott - Weed Inspection -----........................ Mr. Irwin - Claremont Santa Claus Parade ..................... E. Latcham, Building sidewalk ................................. Canadian Line Materials Ltd. - 3 Street Lamps, Claremont...... Clifford Schwalm - Dog Catcher Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allor which is respectfully submitted. Amount 72.15 ~96 75 :'00 2~55 330~65 24~75 13 ;00 10 :-50 1 ;66 83~80 75 ~10 21 :'48 57 ~20 700 ~OO 6 :-08 46~16 29 ~36 45 ;04 25~6 22 ~08 80 ;00 52 ~20 17:67 25 ;-00 471':'80 114";'60 " $2,404.15 175.38 ..... $2,579.53 Cheaue 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1117 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1212 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 "S. s. J. Pugh" Chairman that the report of the Standing Committee CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, on FINANCE~ as just read, be adopted. . - 4 - FIRE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FIRE begs leave to report and recommends paymentæ the following: Ontario Hydro - Fire Area No.1......................... Shell Oil Company - Gas and Oil.......................... Vigor Oil Co. - Fuel Oil................................. Pickering News - Advertising ............................. Disney Motors - Signal light and trailer bar ............. Wilson & Cousins Ltd. - Fire Equipment ................... Scythes & Co. Ltd. - Fireman's Coat Repair ............... All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount Cheque 6.07 1120 17:'01 1207 33';'25 1208 2 :-00 1177 44~45 1209 32~5 1210 8 :'18 1211 ..... $ 143.41 "J. S. Scott" Chairman ,... MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the report of the Standing Committe~ ~, as Just read, be adopted. CARRIED LIVESTOCK REPORT Your Standing Committee on LIVESTOCK begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Richard Wakeford for R. C. Baker, 1 Sheep ................ Richard Wakeford for R. C. Baker, 2 Sheep ................ Harold Spencer - 2 Sheep ................................. W. C. Willson - Inspection of above ...................... All of which is respectfully submitted. Cheaue Amount 25.00 60~00 60 :-00 15 :-00 ..... 1192 1192 1193 1194 $ 160.00 "Jean L. McPherson" Chairman MOVED by Mrs. MC~berson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee on LIVESTOCK, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED POLICE REPOR! Your Standing Committee on POLICE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Forrest Lumber Co. Ltd. - Radio Tower ................... J. R. Boyes - Photographic Supplies ..................... Pickering News - Rubber Stamp ........................... Forrest's Auto Electric - Speedometer Recalibrate ....... Canadian National Telegraphs - Ottawa, RCMP ............. Walmsley & Magill - Office Supplies ..................... Ajax Hardware - 6 Light Bulbs ........................... Dan's Grill - Meal for Prisoner ......................... Bell Telephone Co. - Pickering 365 - 33.75 Ajax 1131 4.10............... At. 2-2881 64.35 Will Motors - Car Repairs & Services .................... reddy's Service Station - Gas ........................... ffilda M. Dandie - Expenses .............................. ~. L. Laking - Post Office Box Rent & Meals ............. P. Robson - Meals ....................................... Ontario Hydro - Markham ................................. ~ll of which is respectfully submitted. Amount Cheque 1.20 1195 ~60 1196 2~00 1177 4~5 1197 ~75 1198 31 ~05 1199 6 :-00 1200 :-30 Cash 102.20 1201 .... 119.23 1202 4 :-00 1204 3 :-03 1205 9 ;-g5 1206 2~80 1203 45 :"58 1124 .... . 333.44 "J. S. Scott" Chairman - 5 - rOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee 01 ~LIQE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ~LIC UTILITIES REPORT rnur Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES begs leave to report and recommends )ayment of the following: Amount "'Cheque 121.63 1119 368 ~90 1052 ,- $ 490.53 )ntario Hydro - Pumphouse ................................. )ickering Drilling Contractor - Service Installed ......... III of which is respectfully submitted. "J. S. Scott" Chairman rOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPHerson, that the report of the Standing ~ommittee on PUBLIC UTILITIES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED lOAD AND BRIDGE REPORT (our Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES begs leave to report and recommends )ayment of the following: Amount r. D. Adam Co. Ltd. - Parts .................................., 743.21 ~ .... ~jax Lumber o. Ltd. - Lumber for Construction ............... 25.50 " ~rmco Drainage and Metal Products - Bridge No. 2..............2,719.52 .... ~arclay Transport - HanlingGravel .......................... 4,872.08 [¡èe Bishop Radiator Service -, Repairing Radiator ............ 35 ;50 ~roqþam Garage - Repairing .................................. 3!33 ~anadian Johns-Manville Co. Ltd. - Culverts ................. 5,16l~95 ~anada Iron Foundries Ltd. - Catch Basin .................... 51:70 ~anadian Tire Corporation - Tools ........................... 9{94 ~harles Cooper Ltd. - Fence ................................. 7.62 ~laremont Co-Operative - Wire for Snow Fencing .............. 54~40 ~red Hicks - Telephone calls and freight .................... 2:45 ~ .... ~. . Goodrich Canada Ltd. - Tire and Tubes ................. 318.90 ligtiland Creek Sand and Gravel - Hauling Pit Run ............ 78;50 ~vi Hopkins - Fencing ...................................... 10;25 rhe Hughes-Owens Co. Ltd. - Draughting Supplies ............. 32(70 I. E. P. C. - 38' X 42" Steel Pipe .......................... 352~63 [nternaUonal Harvester Co. - Repairs ........................ 14 ~'84 ~. L. Mairs - Parts & Repairs ............................... 122.16 ~iller's Mendit Shop - Repairs .............................. 3l)ðO ~iller Paving Ltd. - Paving .................................15,570~29 ... ~nther Oil or Grease - Oil and Grease ..................... 168.30 ~rovincial Tire Co. - Repairing Tire ....................... 37~07 [¡. G. Rawding - Ditching ................................... 285.00 lerb Robinson Wholesale Ltd. - Oil filters, anti-freeze .... .168~00 ;upertest - Gasoline Diesel Fuel & Oil..................... 1,871:84 ~esteel Products Ltd. - Culverts ........................... 925:13 ~aily Commercial News - Advertising for Engineer ........... 6;44 ~e Globe & Mail - Advertising for Engineer ................ 29¿~0 ~he Municipal World Ltd - Advertising for Engineer ......... 9.00 rhe Toronto Star, Ltd. - Advertising for Engineer .......... 29:40 ieceiver General of Canada - Pension ....................... l32~24 ~ouglas PIitz - Unemployment Insurance ..................... 6:88 , rreasurer of Ontario - Tax on Diesel Oil................... 236.50 ~ard Machine & Welding - Repairs ............................ . l4~35. rack Chapman - Const. Con. 6, Sideline 14-15 ............... 810.00 . 34,948 :32 ~y Roll ................................................... 3.093.00 ..... . 38,041.32 III of which is respectfully submitted. "W. G. Lawson" Chairman Cheque 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 - 6 - MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committt on ROAnS AND BRIDGES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED WELFARE REPORT Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommends payment or the following: PROVINCIAL Local Mrs. E. Robinson ..................... Local Mrs. A. Green ........................ Local Mrs. F. Bilton ....................... Local Mrs. J. Martin - Richardson .......... Local Miss V. Oldfield ..................... Toronto Mrs. M. Mulligan ..................... MUNICIPAL City or Toronto ................................ E. G. Baker, Mileage - October, 1956 ........... SUPPLEMENTARY PENSION ASSISTANCE Mr. and Mrs. M. Elety .......................... Mrs. L. Barber ................................. Mrs. F. Hammond ................................ Mrs. E. Headlar1.d ............................... Mrs. E. Shea ................................... HOSPITALIZATION County of Ontario .............................. W. E. McEachnie, Re: COlley - Sonchuk ......... Dr. T. A. Sweet, Re: Hardy.................... All of which is respectfully submitted. Cheque Amount Total 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 35.00 l5~00 102~13 l17~13 37 ~50 107~65 .... 414.41 1152 1143 180.75 49'.36 , 230.11 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 20.00 10 ~OO 10.00 10;00 10;00 "' 60.00 1149 1150 1151 270.95 24 ~OO 10~00 " 304.95 "Jean L. McPherson" Chairman MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the report of the Standing Committee on WELFARE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Reeve grant his order on t~ Treasurer to pay the several accounts as presented and paslèd in the various reports as passed this day. CARRIED BY-LAW NUMBER 2179 Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Townsb of Pickering to authorize an application to the Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation for the purchase by it of certain debentures, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-Law Number 2179 to authorize an application to the Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation for the purchase by it certain debentures, be now read a second time, and that the Council go into Committe of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2179 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED BY-LAW NUMBER 2180 Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of $ 60,000.00 for Public School pu and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McpÅerson, moves that By-Law Number 2180 to author~ze th borrowing of $ 60,000.00 for Public School purposes be now read a second time, and that the Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. - 7 - By-Law Number 2180 to authorize the borrowing of $ 60,000.00 for Public School purposes read a First and Second time on the 17th day of January, 1956. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports By-Law No. 2180 as read. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2180 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS 1. Ask Markham Township if they intend to finish Town Line north of Highway 7 X this year. 2. Ask George Blacktopp, 67 Homestead Road, West Hill, to tender on Rosebank east-west road. 3. Ask residents of PIitz Plan 440 to order culvert direct from Johns-Manville, and they pay for same. Township transport and instal. ..... 4. Order bulk salt from Sifto. Richard Puckrin draw. 5. Get recommendation from Professional Engineers for Mr. Godson. 6. Councillor Lawson see Mr. McIntosh re lane liability. 7. Arrange for fine crushed gravel for sidewalk in front of Robert Miller plant in Brougham. 8. Write Mrs. Shade re Nurse's room. 9. Advertise that applications for position of Dog Catcher will close November 12th LO. Ask Robert Watson about pick up on Maple and Lakecrest Avenues in Pickering Beach. x Ll. Get correspondence on Beachview Avenue in Pickering Beach about taking over for Harold Taylor, Ratepayers' Association; also about Crusader Subdivision in Ajax drainage. L2. Write Honourable Warrender, Department of Planning and Development, re not submitting Crusader Plan to Township for approval. l3. Have Mr. Dunkeld inspect Staudinger watercourse. l4. Send Mrs. Hull and Mr. Tyas copy of sidewalk proposed on Altona Road. l5. Future reports to papers will not itemize Welfare. l6. Southview Drive not Township Road. roVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that this ðouncil do now adjourn to 1eet again on Monday the Third day of December, 1956, at 10 o'clock in the ·orenoon. CARRIED )( .PPROVED I 1956 r-' \ Clerk 4. ~ Reeve