HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 22, 1956 M U N I 'C I PAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY the TWENTY-SECOND day of OCTOBER, 1956 at EIGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: William G. Newman William G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson L. T. Johnston, Clerk The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: ? 1. Don Lynde, Fire Chief, reported he had inspected all schools in his area and gave fire drill, had inspected rest homes, apartments and dance hall. Some were not ~p to par. Clerk advise Trustees, etc., to comply with Fire Chief's recommendations. Norman R. Wilkinson. R. R. 1, Milliken, Ax. 3-7166, applied for position of Dog Catcher at $3,000.00 plus mileage, and would locate in the Township. )3. M. Fallon, Box 405, Markham, applied for position of Dog Catcher. Little information. ) 2. '4. John Fertile, Frenchman's Bay, owner of 20 acres in north half of Lot 21, Concession 5, asked to use land for Gun Club for Dunlop Sportsmen Conservation Club. Clerk check with three local residents. >5. Ajax and Pickerin£ General Hospital. Thanks for grant, $2,250.00. ~6. R. D. H. P. Conservation Authority, Minutes, Meeting September 19, 1956. , 7. Police ReDort, September 1956, 131 occurrences. > 8. Clifford Dunkeld asked that his salary be increased to $2,800.00 per year. '9. Jack Hambleton, letter of appreciation for courtesy and speed in getting emergent road conditions improved on Elizabeth Street, 10. Clerk reported he could sell debentures to Ontario MuniciDal Improvement Corporation at: Years 1 - 5.....5% Years 6 - 10....5t% Years 11 - 15...53% Years 16 - 20...54% Fred Braybrook in charge. Clerk directed to prepare Money By-Laws. The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: )2. Delegation of four owners from Montgomery Park, Concession B.F. R.2, Lot 16, wh~ have a drainage problem on private roads. Seven owners have agreed to pay $100.00 each to pay for installing 30 inch Johns-Manville pipe and the Clerk is directed to contact Mr. Calderone, owner of ten lots and one block (5.6 acres to get a donation towards such culverts. Mr. Harrod stated he would put 6" of gravel on Greenwood Avenue from Pine Grove Road to his east lot, and that the ditches were in good shape. Road Foreman check. 'J 1. .,3. Mr. Jos. Staudin~~v's son-in-law, Concession 1, Lot 27, spoke to Council _ about a drainage problem, where the water crosses Fairport Road North. It seems that Mr. Staudinger's house basement is subject to flooding. Reeve Newman was well acquainted with the problem, other members would view, and matter would be taken up November 5th. Mr. John GilDin. of Concession 3, Lot 27, asked that Road Grading Account of 1 8.00 be reduced to $ 1.00. (AGREED); and stated that no action had been taken against Mr. Gedney, who dug a deep trench on the private road. Clerk write Mr. Gedney. 74. - 2 - 7 MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Council recommend to Planning Board that two consents be granted Mr. Harrod, subject to Greenwood Avenue being gravelled with 6 inch pit run 20 feet wide. CARRIED ?MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the salary of Clifford Dunkeld be increased from One Dollar per hour to $ 2,800.00 per year, as of November 1, 1956, but that he be required to work Saturday A. M. and attend Council Meetings when requested. CARRIED ) MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Council take over Woodview Road in Usaty Plan, remove all improper culverts and instal new ones which will be charged to owners. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS 11. Contact three owners around John Fertile property in Concession 5, Lot 21, to see ir they would object to a Gun Club in area. ;2. Congratulate Don Lynde, and men, on efficient work they are doing, including fire of William Donald. /3. Prepare By-Law to zone all registered plans. ,4. Check on owners of dogs held 14 days for rabies. )5. Have Mr. Dunkeld stake and machine ditch Boyden area north of Liverpool Hotel. Mr. Ruddy could not apparently determine where water should go, could not get easement. ~ 6. Get Toronto Township numbering system. ) 7. Copies for Council of "Stop" and 30-mile areas proposed. ? 8. Reeve Newman thinks built~up areas not required for Township speed limits. Check. > 9. Fred Hicks - Bert Hill, Fairport Beach, 10'- 14" Johns-Manville Culvert. On MOTION of Mr. Scott, the meeting adjourned. APPROVED 1 N~ 1956 /7 -'. /;:~ $ ~~..,h, ~ Reeve