HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 15, 1956 M U N I C I PAL BUILDING BROUGHAM l Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the FIFTEENTH day of OCTOBER, 1956, at ~IGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: William G. Newman, in the Chair William G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson Lloyd T. Johnston, Clerk 'he following CORRESPONDENCE was read: Ratepayers' Association of Pickerin~ Beach, advising they have secured a site for a building to house fire equipment and ask how much Council will agree to spend on a building. .. AGREED Council spend $ 100.00. Clerk get names of persons who would be available during daytime. Dr. Dymond. M.P.P., advising that through his efforts the O. P. P. will continue to police the north part of the Township at no cost to the residents. Constable Frank Robson asked for a grant for the Elmer the Elephant Safety Campaign, Which has operated one year among the 2000 school children in the south of Pickering without an accident. MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Council give a grant of ¡ 50.00 towards.the Elmer the Elephant Safety Campaign sponsored by the South Picke~ing Police Foree, and that Constable Robson be personally thanked for his efforts, CARRIED :. Dr. Berry, of Department of Health, submitted a report on Water Area No. 1 and recommended (1) A bleeder valve be installed on the distribution system to maintain a significant flow of water at all times. , . . I I. (2) A chlorine residual of 0.2 to 0.3 p.p.m. after 15 minutes contact be maintained in water leaving the pumphouse. An operating log be kept. At least one cylinder of chlorine be kept in reserve at all times. (3) (4) Police Fines, September, . 334.54. Fai.Do~t Beach RateDayerS' Association, thanking Council for tax information, and Councillor McPherson for attending their meeting and answering their questions. Mrs. I. L. Harrod asked the Planning Board for two consents for her acreage in Lot 6, Plan 282. As these lots would front Greenwood Avenue, a private road, the Planning Board asked Council for an opinion. IT WAS AGREED by Council that Greenwood Avenue should be brought to Council standard, with adequate provision for drains before the consents were approved. · MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Clerk call for Tenders for two approximately five ton trucks, with ratings set out in previous call for Tenders, one truck to be èquipped with snow plow..and that following three trucks be turned in: International KH, and Red International 1945, and G. M. C........ ., all sUbject to approval of the Department of Highways. CARRIED · · · · Mr. Kirk accepts Township offer to sell him a corner in front of his lot for tlOO.OO and costs of a survey. - 2 - 10. Mr. Gallagher, of Harwood Road, asked if Council would approach the Town of Ajax to see if the Fire Department could use the north two hydrants as this service would save approximately 50% of insurance rates. Council AGREED. Clerk inquire of the Town of Ajax if such arrangements could be made. 11. Mr. Anton Kleinjohann, of Woodfield Road, applied for a Kennel License. As Mr. Thompson had three objections from neighbours, it was MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that a Kennel License be not granted to Mr. Kleinjohann. CARRIED The. following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Mr. Morrison and delegation of four, Plan 440, discussed drainage and private roads in PIitz subdivision. AGREED as many of Council as possible and Road Foreman and Mr. Rouse .eet corner Range Line and Susan Drive Wednesday at 9:30 A. M. 2. Arthur Carlton asked for shelter at Dump. Road Foreman agreed to move small house to a proper location. 3. Fred Hicks, Road Foreman, discussed road problems. 4. Frank Smith, of R. B. Anderson and Associates, presented profile of Rouge Highlands Subdivision for approval of Engineer. AGREED "Dump" hours be 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. AGREED thatpld motor and mixer (unused for 10 years) be sold for $20.00. AGREED Northview Construction Company get 10 bags calcium laid on. Submit bill to Stan Fairbairn. MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that notice be given the Trustees of the Police Village of Claremont that the Council of the Township of Pickering wish to terminate their Agreement signed March 9, 1908, in favour of a new agreement, as of December 31, 1956, as the present Agreement is now outdated, and our Auditors have so recommended in their 1955 Annual Report. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS >1. Ask Hydro to remove unused guy wire on Concession 2, Lot 20, in front of Journey's End. )2. Ask Mr. Dunkeld to prepare costs of extending Concession 4 to eliminate C. P. R. overhead bridge two ways. ) 3. Write Chesterhill Developments Limited that east ditch of East Avenue opposite Fitzpatrick houses must be ditched within 10 days or the Township 'will do it at expense of Chesterhill Developments Limited. -4. Prepare Agreement with William Middleton re new entrance to field. >5. Write:Department of Mines and inqùire if Highland Creek Sand and Gravel have had their license renewed. >6. Ask Mr. Ruddy to cheek submitted contour plan or Rouge Highlands Subdivision and arrange fee. >7. File name of George Blacktopp, 67 Homestead Road, West Hill, At. 2-2896, for contracting work. >8. Check Repair Shop building permit in I Puckrin Plan. 1956 =;æ~--~ \ ~ -i Clerk ~:Æ_~~ ~ ( ~eve On MOTION of Mr. Scott, the meeting adjourned. APPROVED