HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 9, 1956 -- MUNICIPAL BUILDING B'.'R 0 UGH A M A Meeting of Council was held on the NINTH day of OCTOBER, 1956, at IE! o'clock in the forenoon. PRESENT: William G. Newman, IN the Chair William G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson L. T. Johnston, Clerk MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Minutes of meeting held September 4, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Minutes of meeting held September 10, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Minutes of meeting held September 24, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED The following CORRESPOND~ was read: 1. Arrears - $34,358.84, reduced by $ 7,119.90 in September. Current reduced by 24,544.42" " 2. Bruce Graham, Ridgeway, Ontario, applied for position as Engineer. Has no degree. 3. Mrs. Hoare, submitted a petition of 92 names against a sidewalk on Altona Road. 4. Clerk canvassed abutting owners re Alton. sidewalk and did not get the necessary 66% signatures. It was recommended that the road be extended 4 feet and a solid white line be drawn on pavement for ped- estrian area. 5. Mrs. E. R. Youn~ presented a petition of 18 names requesting a 30 mile speed limit from Fourth Concession south 3300 feet on Brock Road, and asked Council to recommend to County Council. 6. C. N. R. offered $ 200.00 for closed sideline between Lots 34 and 35, Broken Fro~ Range 1 - approximately 100 feet in length. 7. A. J. ThomDson suomitted statement showing September Building Permits ~ 164,250.00 - 5 dwellings, average, $ l4,600.00~ 8. A. J. ThomDson - September By-Law Enforcement report. 9. Dr. Tomlinson, M.O.H., stated Municipal Building shows lack of clean- liness for health clinics. Clerk forward letter to caretaker. lO. Ajax and Pickerin£ General HOSDital: Current Assets Accounts Receivable As of AU2. 31. 1956 $ 24,418.90 As of Dec. 31. 1955 $ 27,486.98 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 19,000.44 31,216.87 31.059.91 l2.52~.6l $ 50,060.35 . 43,742.48 . 25,641.45 $ 16,255.50 Bank Overdraft Excess of Current Liabilities over Current assets. / .., " - 2 - 11. Dr. Phair, of Department of Health, advising that his Department had approved surface water from Ajax being drained into Carruthers Creek. The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Mr. Jack Bti£Dall stated sideline between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 3, very bad. Council agreed to place a culvert across road, gravel this Fall - brush this winter and ditch next year, if possible. 2. Messrs. Lowe and Sabiston, of R. R. 1, Unionville, asked permission to open a clay pit in south half of Lot 34, Concession 6, 95 acres, and process clay bricks for which a plant would be built costing approximately. 400,000.00, and employ 20 men. 3. John Norton spoke on behalf of the Claremont Fire Department. He stated they had good equipment but required 500 feet more hose and a Scott Air pack. He felt the Fire Brigade lacked full co-operation of the Police Trustees and would ask his committee if they would favour a fire area taking in the part of the Tewnship now served. 4. Mr. Goslin, Assessor, stated he had returned his 1956 Assessment Roll on October 1st, showing an increase of It million. His staff worked 43 days overtime, and he asked for payment. 5. Mr. Northover, Engineer for Kilbourne and Company, stated his firm could supply the Township with any engineering required, especially until the Township employs an Engineer. 6. Mr. Stanley Mann drew Council's attention to the location of a house built on south west corner of Powell Road and Concession 1, approx- imately 16 feet from Pickering Beach Road, and discussed the disposition of Township excess fill. 7. W. C. Willson asked Council to declare a holiday so that school children may attend Temperance pictures at Provincial Plowing Match at Brooklin. 8. Claremont Police Villa£e Trustees asked that present agreement be operative until December 31, 1956. 9. Dr. Tomlinson. Dr. Loos. and A. J. ThomDson discussed (1) Goldman Camp. Dr. Tomlinson agreed to condemn it as unsanitary, and Mr. Thompson agreed to condemn it as "building unsafe." Clerk have Fire Chief give a report for chimneys. 1~7 Mr. Frenette stated his client wished to purchase all unsold lots south of Mr. Puckrin's home in Plan 377. He had contacted Town of Ajax, and it is possible that the Town would annex this area if ~he Pickering Beach were not included. Council agreed to consider. AGREED Whitevale Village may erect a temporary building on unused road allowance north of Baptist Church to house fire fighting equipment. MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that: WHEREAS the residents of Brock Road have submitted a petition requesting a 30-Mile Speed Limit for 3300 feet south of Concession 4 on the Brock Road because: (1) There are 19 dwellings in the 3300 feet. (2) 61 children attend the School at Brock Road. (3) There are approximately 30 gravel trucks per hour used this road and travel at speed limit of 50 miles per hour. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that this Council go on record that they recommend to the County Council of the County of Ontario that a 30-Mile Speed Limit be imposed on said 3300 feet of Brock Road immediately south of Concession 4 and 1000 feet north. CARRIED - 3 - MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. MePheøson, that a permit be granted Besbite of Canada Limited, to mine clay on 95 acre farm, Concession 6, south half of Lot 34, sUbject to the provisions of By-Law Number 2139 and approve a plant to be built west of ~"I in line with present farm house. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Township sell to C. N. R. approximately 100 feet of sideline between Lots 34 and 35, Broken Front, Range 1, abutting C. N. R. right-of-way for sum of Two Hundred Dollars. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that resolution of March 12, 1956, cancelling Claremont Village Agreement be rescinded. CARRIED MOVE~ by Mr. Lawson seconded by Mrs. MCPherson, that Township make an immediate grant of 6 2,250.00 to the Ajax Pickering General Hospital. "- YEAS: Mrs. McPherson, Messrs. Pugh, Newman and Lawson. NAY: Mr. Scott CARRIED MOVED by Mr. ScoitJ seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the Assessment Department be paid for 43 aa;¡1"of 'overtime at regular rates of pay, such overtime being required because of setting up new Roll under Wards. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that members of the Court of Revision be paid $ 12.00 per day for sitting on Board. CARRIED AGREED. that Clerk advertise for a full time Dog Catcher, who has a panel truck or ear and sufficient land for kennels. AGREED that Clerk call for tenders for two 5-ton trucks with usual specifi- cations. AGREED Agreement with Pickering Village re fire protection in order. AGREED rent Third Concession opposite Wheeler property to Mr. Wheeler for One Dollar per year, 30 days' notice, subject to Percy approval. FINANCE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FINANCE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: County of Ontario - Training School..................... Beare's Limited - Stationery............................ Stouffville Tribune - Stationery........................ Registrar of Deeds - Transfers .......................... James A. Cook & Son Ltd. - Health Cards ................. J. F. Hartz Co. Ltd. - Health Supplies .................. The Pickering News - Stationery, Health ................. Imperial Oi¡ Ltd. - Furnace Oil......................... Ontario Hydro - Greenwood Street Lights ................. Ontario Hydro - Harwood Street Lights ................... Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - Office ................... Markham Economist and Sun - Stationer, .................. The Municipal World Limited - Stationery................ Toronto Humane Society - 23 dogs ........................ Off rex (Canada) Limited - Stencils ...................... Thomas Gregg, Bailiff Fee ............................... L. Sherkie, Clerk of Court .............................. F. L. MacFarlane - Expenses ............................. W. Shade - Laundry 4.80 Drugs 1.19 Mileage 64.96. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gestetner (Canada) Ltd. - Replacement ................... D. ~. PIitz - 48 Miles @ S¢· ............................. D. F. Goslin - 590 Miles @ 8¢ ........................... William Gliddon - 424 Miles @ 8¢ ........................ M. F. Binsted - 330 Miles @ 8¢ .......................... A. J. Thompson - 717 Miles @ 8¢ ......................... Clifford Schwalm - Dog Catcher Expenses ................. Tom Pilkey - Cutting weeds, Claremont ................... Amount Cheque 13.95 1053 30 ;33 1054 110;83 1055 31~85 1056 ... 1057 4.50 15:60 1058 23;25 1059 43;1;6 1060 43:-88 1003 24~75 1003 79~80 991 151 :-SO 1061 7~01 1062 11 :-50 1063 24 :-00 1064 4;00 1065 4~00 1066 62 ;20 1067 , 70.95 1068 ~ No Clìarge 3.84 1069 47~20 1070 33:-92 1071 26:-40 1072 57~36 1073 180 ~39 1074 23;00 1075 , - 4 - Finance Report (Continued) Regent Refining (Canada) Ltd. - Fuel Claremont Library...... Tom David - Street Light Bulbs, Claremont ...........~...... J. W. Lehman - Gravel for Claremont Streets ................ The Pickering News - Advertising; Claremont ................ Stouffville Tribune - Advertising, Claremont ............... W. A. Lehman - Deepening Culvert, Claremont ................ Frank Hutchings - Deepening Culvert, Claremont ............. Stouffville Public Utilities - Hydro Lamps, Claremont ...... Frank Hutching - Weed Cutting .............................. Thomas Pilkey - Weed Cutting ............................... W. H. Ellicott - Weed Cutting .............................. Amount Cheque 32.83 1076 26 :-00 1077 24 :-75 1078 3~00 1059 ..... 1055 3.00 5:00 1079 5:'00 1080 14 ;'38 1081 17 :-00 5 :-00 1075 118 :18 1082 ... All of which is respectfully submitted. . 1,383.61 "S. $. J. Pugh" Chairman MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on FINANCE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED FIRE REPORT Your Standing Committee on ~ begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Wilson & Cousins - Parts, Fire Area 1 ..................... Ontario Hydro - Fire Area 1 ...........................~~~. Mur-Don Marine - Parts & Repairs .......................... Scythes & Co. Ltd. - Fireman's Coat Repair ................ Ontario Hydro - Fire Area 1, Siren ........................ All of which is respectfully submitted. ". J. S. Scott" Chairman Amount Chegue 16.39 1083 ~ :-11 989 5 :-65 1014 1~00 1085 6:07 1002 .... $ 79.22 MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. MacPherson, that the report of the Standing Committee on FIRE. as just read, be adopted. CARRIED POLICE REPORT Your Standing Committee on POLICE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Industrial Supply House - Police Station Supplies ....... Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - Police Phones ............ J. R. Boyes - Photographic Supplies ...................... C. N. Telegraphs - Roberts, Hull........................ John S. Balsdon & Sons - Flashlight Batteries ........... Pennyworth's Dept. Stores - Boots - P. C. Brown ......... Simpsons' Wood Products - Aluminum Screens .............. William Scully Ltd. - 2 Speed Trap Signs ................ Canadian Oil Cos. Ltd. - Oil & Gas ...................... Dean Hodgson - Grease, etc. ............................. Law Motor Sales - Service & Repairs ..................... Dan's Grill - Prisoners' Meals .......................... Mrs. H. M. Dandie - Postages, Mileage ................... Amount Cheoue 15.80 1086 96 ::"0 1087 7~49 1088 ;75 1089 4;80 1090 7~65 1091 483~00 1092 19~50 1093 280~92 1094 22~75 1095 63~45 1096 ~70 1097 2~51 1098 ... . 1,005.42 All of which is respectfully submitted. "J. S. Scott" Chairman MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee on POLICE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED / - 5 - ~BLIC UTILITIES REPORT 'our Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES begs leave to report and recommends layment of the following: )ickering Drilling Contractors - Services .................. l. Ferguson - Mileage and Telephone ........................ 'ntario Hydro - Pumping Plant .............................. :anadian Industries Ltd. - Chlorine ........................ losebank Hardware - Supplies for Pumping Plant ............. [arino Construction Co. Ltd. - Section, Valve Box........... :ohn A. Melville - Water Service (Helyar) .................. ~ll of which is respectfully submitted. Amount CheQue 378.85 1052 19 ~59 1105 l35~00 1106 90~24 1107 23~28 1108 9~85 1109 79~39 1110 .... . 736.20 "J. S. Scott" Chairman roVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the report of the Standing :ommittee on PUBLIC UTILITIES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ~IVESTOCK REPORT :our Standing Committee on LIVESTOCK begs leave to report and recommends paYmBnt tf the following: ~ul Aldwyn - 1 goose, 3 ducks ............................ [. V. R. Moore - 1 goat................................... ~eorge Moore - Shooting 1 dog which injured goat........... [omer Jackson - Sheep & Lambs injured ..................... i. C. Willson - Inspections of above: Aldwyn, 1 Inspection $ 5.00 Transportation 2.00 Moore, 1 Inspection 5.00 Jackson, 2 Inspections 10.00 Spencer, 1 Inspection 5.00 ..................... [arold Spencer - 2 Lambs .................................. III of which is respectfully submitted. Amount 23.25 3~0 5~00 380 :-00 " 27.00 40 ~OO $ 478.25 "Jean L. McPherson" Chairman CheQue 1099 :@pO 1101 1102 1103 1104 rOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing :ommittee on LIVESTOCK, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED WAD AND BRIDGE REPORT :our Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES begs leave to report and recommends )ayment of the following: lrmco Drainage & Metal Products of Canada Ltd. - Bridge... i. L. Ballen~ine Co., Ltd. - Fan Belt .................... ~rclay Transport - Cartage............................... Jrantford Coach & Body Ltd. - Parts ...................... 3urrow's Garage - Parts and Repairs ...................... :anadian Iron Foundries Ltd. - Catch Basins .............. :anadian Johns-Manville Co. - Culvert Pipe ............... :laremont Co-operative - Culvert Tile .................... :onstruction Equipment Co. - Parts ....................... ~astern Steel Products Ltd. - Parts ...................... ~red Hicks - Tools, Phone calls .......................... Cnternational Harvester Co. - Parts ...................... iilliam Knox - Car Fare .................................. ). L. Mair s - Part 8 ...................................... [echanical Advertising Ltd. - Street Sigvs ............... [iller Paving Ltd. - Crushing Gravel..................... ~. C. Pascoe - Tool Box .................................. Amount 1,126.80 10 ~16 263 :-50 7~56 l26~97 111~10 382~88 4~40 l6l~55 17 ~27 1~55 43 :-16 1~50 l5~22 l46~70 " 6,757.25 29;67 , CheQue 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 - 6 - Road and Brid£e ReDort (Continuedl L. G. Rawding .............................................. Robertson-Irwin Ltd. - Culvert Pipe ........................ Rosco Metal & Roofing Ltd. - Signs ......................... Rosebank Hardware - Tools .................................. Shell Oil Co. of Canada Ltd. - one oil drum ................ Supertest Petroleum Corporation - Gas. and oil............. Department of Highways - Tax on Diesel Fuel................ Township of Scarborough - re balance of sanding ............ Ward Machine & Welding - Repairs ........................... The White Motor Co. of Canada - Parts ...................... Brian Ruddy - Mileage ...................................... D. PIitz - Unemployment Insurance .......................... Receiver General of Canada - Pension ....................... K. J. Beamish Construction Co. Ltd. - Paving ............... Pay Ro¡l, September All of which is respectfully submitted. "W. G. $ t Lawson" Chairman Amount 3,570.00 1,861 :-13 57~20 l5~32 7~00 692 :-66 77~00 59 ~69 28~60 26;66 112:'80 8~36 122 :'21 .... 27.133.87 .... 42,979.74 2 . 802 ~ 60 45,782.34 Cheque 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1204 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED w&LFARE REPORT Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: PROVINCIAL Local Mrs. E. Robinson .......................... :Local Mrs. A. Green ............................. :Local Mrs. F. Bilton ............................ :Local Mrs. J. Martin ............................ :Local Miss V. Oldfield .......................... Toronto Miss H. Pearce ............................ Toronto Mrs. M. Mulligan .......................... MUNICIPAL Township of Osnabruck - Raycraft, August ........... City of Toronto - Thompson, July................... E. G. Baker, Mileage, September, 1956 .............. SUPPLEMENTARY PENSION ASSISTANCE ~r. and Mrs. M. Elety ........:::................... tefrs. E. Linton ..................................... ~rs. F. Hammond .................................... ~rs. E. Headland ................................... ~rs. E. Shea ....................................... :IOSPITALIZATION Oounty of Ontario .................................. Provincial Treasurer - Insulin ..................... R. Ravey, Dunbarton Taxi, Re: Cameron ............. Dity Treasurer, Re: E. Brumwell, Riverdale Isolation ~ountain Sanatorium, Re: Wong ..................... POST SAN CA~E ~ity of Toronto, Re: Wong - July and August . . . . . . . III of which is respectfully submitted. 1016 35.00 1017 15 :-00 1018 102 ~13 10¡9 90 ~05 1020 37 ~50 1021 37~32 1022 107~65 .... 1023 20.77 1024 42~50 1035 43 ~12 .... 1025 20.00 1026 1 0 ~OO 1027 10~00 1028 10~00 1029 10~00 , 1030 340.25 1031 5~06 1032 8~00 1033 98~00 1034 2~30 "' Cheaue 1024 Amount 55.04 , Total 424.65 106.39 60.60 453.61 55.04 "Jean L. McPherson" CHairman ~OVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing ~ommittee on WELFARE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED - 7 - MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the Reeve grant his order on the Treasurer to pay the several accounts as presented and passed in the various reports as passed this day. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS 1. Advise Jack B~ignall certain work will be done on his road. ? 2. Send Minutes of this meeting to Messrs. Lowe and Sabiston. ) 3. Advise County Engineer culvert plugged on Concession 9, Lot 30. ~4. Get report from Pickering Beach Ratepayers' Association re Fire ~ equipment care and operation. ,/ 5. Phone owner of Hedge, corner Powell Road and Lakeview Crescent, re removal. ? 6. Cheek Claremont fire payments in 1953. 7. Write letter of apprèciation to Brougham Ball Club for their fine record in playing and interest in bringing on Junior teams. J 8. Write Dr. Phair and ask if he considers the rabies danger now over. ¡ 9. Get legal opinion from W. H. J. Thompson on M. O. H. giving blanket order for all dogs who have bitten persons to be held 14 days and if known owners can be forced to pay pound fees. 10. Call Mr. Ruddy':re payment of culverts, Harwood Drive, and pavement, v Mr. Dand. 11. Advise "United Appeal" (Community Chest) Toronto, that residents in ~ Rouge West will be canvassed by our local appeal and that Township would appreciate their withdrawing from area. 12. Percy Farm sold. Assessors no knowledge. MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, November 5, 1956, at 10 A. M. CARRIED APPROVED 1956 ~~ ~ :fÞ. Reeve