HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 24, 1956 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM &. Heetill~ of Council was held on MONDA!, the TWEHTY-P01JRTH day .r SEPTEMBER, tMS6, at ElcæT o'clock in the evenin~. PRESENT: William G. Ne_n, in the Chair William G. Lawson J. Sheraan Scott S. S. J. Pu~h Mrs. Jean McPherson L. T. Johnston, Clerk .-. roll.win~ CORRESPONDENCE was read: I. Police Fines, Au~st, $ 609.27. z. Mr. F. B. laker, new preltdent Liverpool Ratepayers' Ass.oiation. I. Canadian Le~ion, Dunbarton, offered their 4.95 acres for . 6,000.00 .. French.n's Bay Power Sauadron, ad'Yising they expect to ha'Ye 100 attend theire.ur.e When "sarety on water" will be taught in Piokerin~ High School this winter. Pee ror High School $15.00 per niCbt, and each student $20.00 rer Course; asked ror grant of $ 100.00. 5. T. M. Moere .onsidered Garbage C.llector's A~ree.ent adequate ror this year. a. Taxes colleoted in August $ 88,245.20 Current 83,482.2' Arrears 4,762.91 Balan.. Arrears4l,478.74 -.. Hià1land Creek Sand and Gra.el C.mDany, acknowled~in~ reoeipt or letter - of August 31st, 1956, re road prop.sal. S. DeDartment.r Health, approval By-Law 2177, re taking .ver 7 c..eteries. I. C.st McCullou£h fire DumDer, 250' hose, and equip.ent Marlow " " " " " " . 686.61 785.61 1.. 08~awa Gen...l HOSDltal dericit: patients during this time, 312. 1955-1956 - $ 53,212.57. Request grant. PickeriD~ TABLED 11. Fire Prevention Week, October 7 - 13. Clerk advertise that Fire Chief or his depu~T will inspect buildings for rire hazzard on request. 13. Persons objecting to Altona Road sidewalk: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) B. W. Letton Rdward80hneller Mrs. F. Hoare KIt.. L. Alderdice B. W. Smith I. C. <Brown fll (8) (9 ) (10) (11) Ja-.es Smyth M. Dobbin J. Allen.haw D. Allen C. Wagar la. En~ine.r Sims, .r Coµnty of Ontario, will cheek Clarke's Bellow and Valley Farm Road bridges, approaches, railings, etc., as requested. 14. Uni'Yersity of T.ronto, Municipal Government lectures WedResday evenings Oøtober 3 to December 5. Fee, $ 20.00. AGREED any member atten4. who wishes. l~. 1-2. Fee, ldL DeDBrtment.r Mines - will keep Township informed on their action re license ror Highland Creek Sand and Gravel Company. l~. Canadian National Ra1lvaY~ advisinc Township may bore wateraain through tbeir road bed to pUBping station. - 2 - L8. Proctor. Redfern and Lanrhlin. advising cost of boring (in Item 17), $12,800.00 Lt. DeDartment of AlCriculture. They will take over Brucelosis Control as of October 1, 1956. ~O. Police Occurrences, August, 173. ~l. Town of Ajax. advising that they will not furnish rire protection to any part of Pickering Township as of September 15, 1956. !2. Canadian National Railway, offering $400.00 for Lot 97 and 277 and part of Block "D", Plan 284, purChased by Township at 1955 Tax Sale ror $ 49.63, to be used by Railway to stone and protect their lines. :3. A a and Pickerin Hos ital - operatiD« deficit, January 1 to August 31, 19,151.12. Request immediate grant, $5,000.00; $2,250.00, Ajax; 2,250.00~ Pickering Township, and $ 500.00, Pickering Village. TABLED or complete report on all liabilities and individual administrative costs. J he ro1lowing PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Mrs. Hoarè and delegation of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, Mr. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. France, Mr. Littleford, Mrs. Bollinger, Mr. Cromie, Mr. Schwalm, Mr. Arthurs, objected to paying for and removing snow from proposed sidewalk on Altona Road between Concession 1 and HighwaT 2. 2. Messrs. Allerton and Bur~ess stated theT wanted to retain the westerly 100' of their Dunbarton Legion grounds for a Hall, and sell balance .r 4.95 acres. , 3. Mr. Ca~ and neighbour of (about Con. 2, Lot 25) discussed a dog problem concerning Mr. Shredrin. 4. Clirford Schwalm discussed dog problems. 5. Mr. Buddl, Engineer, stated he had completed road paving of 4.8 miles and that ditching and road construction was progressing. He re.....ended that three trucks be turned in ror two new ones - G. M. C. 1945 International and K 11. Tenders, November; DeliverT, December, and paplent J'anulU"'1, 1957. Recommended purchase of International 190 series. lOTIONS}:, r,- >'";, '.11' c, J' fOVEDby är. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPhers.n, that Council submit a firm offer ~o purchase the Legion propertT at Dunbart.n in its entirety (approximately 4.95 ~cres) for the sum of $ 6,000.00 with down payment or $ 500.00, and all cash 'losing date, February 1, 1957, to be used as Township yard for our Road Depart- lent, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. CARRIED lOVED by Mr. Scott, sec.nded by Mrs. McPherson, that all dogs which have bitten »ersons shall be picked up by Dog Catcher and held 14 days, then inspected by the [ea1th Inspector berere being returned to owner. CARRIED rOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded bT Mr. Lawson, that Chail'lllan or delegate of School ~rea No. 2 be a member or the Planning Board commencing in year 1957. CARRIED [OVED bT Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that a grant of $ 25.00 be given the 'rench_an's Bay Pewer Squadren to assist them with their Coursè' beinc given in Þickering Higb School, and that Council be supplied with a report on work when lompleted · CARRIED .GREED that the official Dog Catcher, Clifrord Schwalm, be the only person who hall be empowered to pick up dogs and that Mrs. C. Schwalm and Burwin Black be hanked for past assistance. GREED that the Dog Catcher be not sworn in as a special Constable. OVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that ofrtr' of Canadian National ailWayfor Lots 97, 277 and part of Block "D", Plan 284, of $400.00, be ccepted · CARRIED - 3 - MOVED by Mr. lAwson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that whereas the Road Superintendent of the Township of Pickering has submitted an acceant of expenditures in the amount of t 73,207.40 in the period January 1st, 1156, to August 31st, 1956, the Clerk be authorized to make application to the Department of Highways of Ontario for grant to cover. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS ,1. 2. Prepare and circulate petition for proposed sidewalks on Altona and Fairport Road North. Get legal opinion if owners of dogs who have bitten persons and held 14 days can be legally charged for dogs' rood and lodging)from Mr. W. H. J. Thompson. Get information on Tanner dog. Now tied up. Complaints ceased. Ask Claremont Firemen to meet Council October 9th at 11 A. M. 3. 4. 5. Copy of Grass Fire By-lAw tor Port Perry Council. Beron Drive, 30 mile per hour speed limit. Advise County Engineer Mr. Wilcox wants culvert on Concession 2, Lot 18. Council will .ill part of lot in Fairport Beach to Mr. Gordon Kirk for $100.00 and survey costs. Road Department serape Greenwood Avenue, Plan 329, for ODe Bellar. Mr. Thomp.on, hole in road at Forest 'and Stream, o~cted to by Mr. Gilpin·. Mr. Thompson reports hole not dangerous but is an engineering problem. Clerk get Ajax Hospital costs of adainistration and total deficit. Ask Mr. F. Routley about eo-operation a fire service at Pickering Beach would reeéiTe. 6. 7. 8. 9. o. 1. :!. J. Advise Mr. Wheeler that Council will advise later about renting him a part of Concession 3. , H f.~ Mrs. Mc~erson and Mr. Lavson be delegates to Ajax Health Unit meeting. Advise Mr. R. Ferguson that he will be required to keep better order around his place of business. t MOTION of Mr. Pugh, the meeting adjourned. (.. i. )PROVED ø~9' / 1956 Clerk ~~ A:5. ~~ ReeTe