HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 10, 1956 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the TENTH day of SEPTEMBER, 1956 at EIGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: William G. Newman, in the Chair William G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson L. T. Johnston, Clerk The following CORRESPONDENCE was read; 1. TownshiD of Scarborou~, advising there will be no major works done on our Town Line south of Highway 401 this year. 2. DeDartment of Hi£hways, advising they cannot permit "Speed Electrically Timed" on Highway No.2. 3. T. J. 'Wheeler, request that he be permitted to purchase or rent Concession 3 unused sideline from Brock Road West to Creek. TABLED until next meeting. The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Mr. KrauDa, of Pickering Beach Ratepayers' Association, who have 36 members, perhaps 20% of resident population, discussed: (a) Fire protection for Pickering Beach. Asked for a $500.00 Pumper, 250' two inch hose, 10' three inch suction hose, fog nozzle, trailer. Would erect small building to house same. (b) Preparation of Pickering Beach road in 1956 for paving in 1957. Mr. Ruddy stated this work on list to be done this year. (c) Asked for removal of posts placed 150 feet from lake on Shoal Point Road. (d) High hedge be removed from corner of Powell Road and Lakeview Avenue, as it is a traffic hazzard. 2. Messrs. Wilson and Whitson, of Hydro-~lectric Power Commission, asked that Fairport Road North of Concession 2 be improved, and they pay 50% of the cost. 3. Mr. GilDin discussed: (1) By-Law No. 1832 and his neighbour John Gedney fouling a natural watercourse and leaving a dangerous excavation. (2) Promised snow fence in past years south of Mr. McCairn's home. Not put up. (3) Tree obstructions on south side of Clark's Hollow bridge and very bad curve. Guard rails down and bridge noisy and unsafe. 4. Wesley Sadler and Geor£e Griffin asked about sideline between Lots 14 and 15, Concession 6, south half, road being widened. Engineer stated it would be done this year. MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Council approve purchase of mobile pumper, 250' 2 inch hose, 20 feet, 3 inch suction hose, nozzle, lumber for shed to house at a cost not to exceed $ 800.00 if Pickering Beach rate- payers would get information on costs, location for housing and erect the building Clerk to make purchase; cheek wi th Mr. Don. L~nde. CARRIED AGREED posts on Shoal Point Road 150 feet from Lake remain for present. - 2 - MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the Reeve and Clerk enter into an agreement with Hydro-Electric Power Commission, whereby they agree to supply equipment and labour plus 5~ cost of material haulage, with Township supplying materials and 5~ cost of haulage for re-building part of Liverpool Road north of Concession 2, Township Engineer to approve levels, give some supervision, and let the contract. CARRIED AGREED that cost of perpetual upkeep of large "Post" lot in Cemetery in Concession 1, Lot 19, be set at $ 200.00. MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Mr. Kenneth Clarke be paid ¡ 50~00 yearly for mowing the Cemetery in Concession 1, Lot 19. CARRIED AGREED. five year debentures and asphalt best for sidewalks. CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS >1. Contact owner hedge corner Powell Road and Lakeview Avenue, and ask that same be trimmed so that it will not be dangerous to traffic. ~2. Ask Mr. Moore validity of By-Law Number 1832. >3. Ask Mr. Thompson to cheek excavation of Mr. Gedney, in Plan 372, as being dangerous. >4. Ask Mr. Thompson and Dr. Loos to cheek Goldman Camp to see if housing should be condémned. '5. Get Gottlièp Road Agreement. ~6. Check issuance of Kennel License in Taitwood, and if not issued, hold up. ~7. Write Department of Mines to delay decision on permit to Highland Creek Sand and Gravel until Ajax makes a survey. , 8. Ask Road Superintendent to erect snow fence south of Mr. McCain's residence, Concession 3, between Lots 28 and 29. >9. Ask Mr. Sims to clear brush from south side of Clark's Hollow Bridge, fix bad curve, guard rails and bridge, also bridge and approaches to Valley Farm Bridge. On MOTION of Mr. Lawson, the meeting adjourned. APPROVED @~ \ 1956 Clerk ~~ð?~ Reeve