HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 13, 1956 M U . I C I PAL B U I L D I I G B R 0 U,G HAM A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the THIRTEENTH day of AUGUST, 1956, at EIGHT 0' clock in the evening. PRESENT: William G. Newman, in the Chair J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson, Brian Ruddy Douglas J. PIitz, Acting Clerk The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that delegation from Chesterhill Subdivision be heard. . CARRIED IT WAS DISCUSSED with COUDcil on what could be done about: (1) Drainage Problems (2) Grading Probleas (3) Improper workmanship in general. (4) Septic Tanks. COUNCIL decided that a meeting be arranged with the Subdivider to go over the existing problems. Mr. Scott, Mr. Ruddy and members of Chesterhill Subdivision ratepayers, along with Dr. Loos, to meet at Kirkdene Drive and East Avenue at Four o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, August 15, 1956. AGREED that Mr. Prouse should withhold further Building Permits from Press Construction until further advised by Council. 2. MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. Mcrhersoni that Mr. Laurek ,e heard. CARRIED Mr. Laurek made a request for a Wrecking License to operate business on Woodland Road, Lot 16, Plan 2~g. MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that due to location of proposed Wrecking business, that Mr. Laurek not be granted a Wrecking License. CARRIED 3. MOVED by Mr. Pugh, aeconded by Mr. Scott, t.hat W. Johnston be heard. CARRIED Mr. W. Johnston requested a lett.er be written by ~. TOwD$hip Clerk to his COUDsel, Cattanach and Cattanach, giving asaurance that the Township road allowance between Lots 24 and 25 in Concession 4, remain open. AGREED Clerk to advise also, by letter, to Kayes and Johnston, t.hat rental agreement on road allowance between Lots 24 and 25 in Concession 4, be terminated, effective i..ediat.ely. The following CORRESPONDEICE was read: 1. T. M. Moore. Let.t.er on Rouge Valley Inn Company Limited, re agreement with Township on construction of road on Concession 1. AGREED that Mr. Moore be instructed to carryon as originally instructed, and also ~dvise that Township was not approached by Rouge Valley Inn Company Ltd. either verbally or in wiiting with regard to road work not being done by certain date, that agreement would terminate. 2. Jackson and Cuttell, Solicitors for D. F. Pidgeon. Letter read to Mr. Moore for comment. Acknowledge. 3. Dexartment of Highways - re Highway Ho. 2 at Old Rosebank Road. Request for re beacon light. Copy of letter sent to Fire Area No.1. - 2 - 4.. Olive M. Munroe, asking Council to investigate intersections of East Avenue and Rouge Hills Drive; East Avenue and Ridgewood Road. Brian Ruddy to go over situation with Chief Laking. Area to be zoned as 30 miles per hour, speed limit. Brian Ruddy to list all roads that would come under 30 mile an hour speed limit. By~Law to cover new 30 mile zones. 5. Department of Highways, re approval of the Department for the Paving Contracts for six sections of road, totalling 26,230 feet. Mr. Ruddy to write Department of Highways with regards to entrance to Clover Leaf at Lansing from Island Road. Instruct Chesterhill Developments Limited to get all roads in subdivision in shape. AGREED that a new culvert replace a rotting wooden structure located on the road between Lots 14 and 15, Concession 9. AGREED that calcium chloride be supplied at $1.25 per bag for the Chesterton Road. - 6. Letter from proctor! Redfern and La~hlin re quotations for supply and placing of granular materia on the roadwayeadlng to the Infiltration Gallery and Pumphouse. Prices received were: R. W. Heron Paving Ltd. R. Ferguson . 6,452.g0 3,767.25 MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that R. Ferguson be awarded con tract to supply and place granular material on roadway to Infiltration Gallery, as per quotation. CARRIED To Clarify the matter of the Claremont Village Agreement W. ith the Township of Pickering, it was pointed out by the Reeve tnat the old Agreement was cancelled because of it being outdated, and also that the Township Auditors suggested that a new agreement be made to bring it up with the times. Report of Mr. A. J. Thompson, By-Law Enforcement Officer, on: 1. Dogs that bite. 2. David Smith, Fish and Ch~p Operation. 3. Operation of Booth on Ridgewood Road by Andrew Dand. NO ACTION ACTING CLERK'5INSTRUCTIONS 1. Instruct Mr. Goslin, Assessor, to investigate possibility of placing business assessment on Normandy Production Company, located on property of Mr. A. Gottlieb. 2. Instruct Mr. Thompson to investigate Dan's Grill for possible charge on Pedlar's License for sale of lunches to staff of Normandy Production Co. (3. Advise Dr. N. C. Tomlinson that a full Council was not present and that no actien was taken in regard to salary increase. MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson that meeting adjourn. ~.rk CARRIED APPROVED ~~ 1956 /11~~ fl ~~ Reeve