HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 1, 1956 M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G B R 0 UGH A M A Meeting of Council was held on WEDNESDAY, the FIRST day of AUGUST, 1956, at NINE o'clock in the forenoon. PRESENT: William G. Newman, in the Chair William G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott, Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson L. T. Johnston, Clerk Scott, that Minutes of Meeting held July 3, CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. 1956, be adopted. MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Minutes of Meeting held July 9, 1950, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of Meeting held July 16, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mrs. McPHerson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of Meeting held July 23, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. Police Report, June, 1956. 2. By-Law Enforcement Officer's Report, July, 1956. 3. Russell Frame, acting for Mrs. Soden, stating conditions for transfer of Grave Pit. 4. Canadian Film Industries, advising that their personnel, while filming the picture on Mr. Gottlieb's property, will not live in trailers, tents or temporary buildings, will be covered for hospitalization services, and they will have no need for Township Police. 5. Building Inspector, July, 37 Permits to value of $306,600.00. Year to date, ~ 1,692,000.00. 21 dwellings, average, $12,600.00. 6. Minutes R. D. H. P., June 20, 1956. "Report of Duffin's Creek Committee on Riverside Drive Ratepayers Association' brief to R.D.H.P. Conservation Authority on May 16th/56. The Duffin's Creek Committee met on the site on June 18th/56, all members present with the exception of the Reeve of Pickering Village, and considered t Riverside Ratepayers Association request that Scheme A of the Kilborn Engineer ing report on Duffins Greek be proceeded with as soon as possible. This scheme involved an expenditure of approximately $88,000. The committee felt that this would not be a permanent solution. (1) Your committee notes in the brief that Hurricane Hazel caused Riverside Drive area only "a fleeting moment of excitement" but believe that had the same amount of water fallen on this area that fell on more westerly areas the Riverside Drive flood problem could be readily solved. (2) Your committee believe that the section in Duffins Creek straightened in 1955 reduced the hazards of floods and ice jams to this area and feel that the expenditure of approximately $3,000 to accomplish this was a generous con- tribution on the part of the Department of Planning and Development and the mu icipality of the Township of Pickering. Danger of damage from extreme floodin housing and property still exist. (3) The committee does not consider that conditions in this area, near Riverside Drive, warrant any further major stream corrections, but that if any work be done through the R.D.H.P. Conservation Authority, that the municipalit share of the cost be based on a Local Improvement scheme and assessed to the b fitting property owners. - 2 - R. D. H. P. Report - Continued (4) As the Village of Pickering is in the process of preparing an application to present to the Municipal Board far the annexation of a portion of the Town- ship of Pickering which would include the Riverside Area, your Committee is not agreed on recommending purchase of, or expropriation of, the properties in- volved at this time. (5) The Cooper Block Company has extended the channel cut opposite their property and south of No. 2 Highway. (Signed) W. H. Westney Chairman, Special Duffin's Creek Commit· 7. Ltd. List of 79 tenants in their Scarborough The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Mr. C. J. Dick, Chairman School Area Board No.2 stated they expected to use the Hough six acres already purchased for site of new school of six rooms, that the cost of school would be approximately $ 120,000.00, site, $ 12,000.00, and other, $3,000.00; that they would not need more than $50,000.00 by December 31, 1956, and recommended debenture be sold in 1957; that an addition would be required on Rouge West in 1957, and possibly an addition to Fairport Beach school in 1957. They had been held up because Mr. Carter, of Carter, Coleman anc Rankin, Architects, died recently. 2. Fred Hicks reported on Road work. 3. Mr. Frank Ogden, Mr. McIntosh, Planning Advisor, and Mr. F. Willson, Real Estate Agent, presented a proposed Industrial and Commercial plan for Charles Risk property in Concession 1, Lot 24 - 34 acres. They presented a memo stating they wished to develop the whole area over a period of three years, with Gasoline Station, Shopping Centre, individual brick stores fronting Highway 2, and rental factories and commercial buildings, mostly 40 feet by 100 feet and 200 feet and 300 feet at rear. Theyasked: (1) (2) That these lands be zoned Commercial and Light Industry. AGREED (3) That they be permitted to build on five or six acres and sell by metes and bounds before plan is registered, but have them included in over-all plan. Council AGREED up to five acres. That Council supply their buildings with well water or give them a grant in lieu thereof. Council AGREED to rebate 1957 Building taxes in lieu of water. 4. Mr. Lorne Campbell, of Consumers' Gas Company, asked for a right-of-way several feet inside Police Building lot at Dunbarton. AGREED in principal, but check with Mr. Ruddy August 7th. 5. Mr. Goslin stated his report on Gravel Pits not ready; $115,000.00 added assess- ment in July, and asked that fees for Queen's University Assessors' Course be paid for by Township for those Assessors wishing to take it. ~OVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that a Kennel License be granted Mr. ~dmund, Concession 1, Lot 32. CARRIED ~OVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that salary of Mrs. Barton be increased 100.00, to $2,000.00~as of August 1, 1956. CARRIED ~OVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Burwin Black be paid directly rhree Dollars per day for four days for service in acting as Dog Catcher while Mr. 3chwalm was on holidays. J CARRIED ~OVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Mr. Goslin be paid Queen's Universit: 3enior Course fees, and also fees of any other Assessor taking Junior Course, when :ompleted. IARRIED - 3 - FINANCE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FINANCE, begs leave to report and the following: The Stouffville Tribune - Printing ......................... Beare's Limited - Stationery............................... Underwood Limited - Inspection for June .................... Ontario (County)Co~~perative Medical Services .............. Registrar of Deeds - Transfers ............................. Commercial Photoprints Ltd. - White Prints ................. A. J. Thompson - Mileage ................................... D. J. PIitz - Mileage ........'.............................. Bell Telephone Co. of Canada ............................... Jounty of Ontario - Training Schools ....................... Block and Anderson (Canada) Ltd. - Die Pins ................ roronto Humane Society - Dogs destroyed for June ........... ~aurice F. Binsted - Mileage ............................... Ñ. Gliddon - Mileage ....................................... D. F. Goslin - Mileage ..................................... [van Beare - 2 tubes ....................................... ~lifford Schwalm - Dog Catcher Expenses .................... r. M. Moore Account ........................................ ~. D. Lappin - Prints ...................................... ill of which is respectfully submitted. recommends payment of Amount Cheque 58.1" 814 27.6~ 815 6.7,^- 816 1,440.00--.. 817 37 . ~<^. 818 1.3<A 819 56.3~ 820 2.56, 821 99 .l~ 763 48.60-.. 822 ,96, 823 22.0Û'. 824 38.72-.. 825 41.12--.. 826 46.8~ ~27 4 . 8Û'. 828 120.00.... 829 387.00,- 813 42.26, 848 $ 2,439.10 "S. S. J. Pugh" Chairman ~OVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee >n FÏ-NANCE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED 'IRE REPORT ~our Standing Committee on FIRE begs leave to report and recommends payment as 'ollows: rilson and CousiIis,-:Co. Ltd. - Repairs to Fire Truck .......... lell Telephone Co. of Canada ................................. 'estern Tire & Auto Supply Ltd. - Battery and Clamp .......... Intario Hydro - Markham - Service ............................ ,hell Oil Co. of Canada - Gas and Oil........................ 'alter Bergmann Service Station - Tire Repair ................ 'ickering News - Printing .................................... ntario Hydro, Markham ....................................... 11 of which is respectfully submitted. "J. S. Scott" Chairman Amount Cheque 326.5~ 804 2.5~ 805 12.1~ 806 ~ 32.3~ 765 40.02'.. 807 5 . 00.,. 808 8.5~ 809 6.07" 769 .... $ 433.12 .. OVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McP~erson, that the report of the Standing Commit n FIRE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED DLICE REPORT our Standing Committee on POLICE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the ollowing: ell Telephone Co. - At. 2-2881, Pickering 365 ............. ltario Hydro - Police Office .............................. ~n's Grill, Pickering - Meal fQr prisoner ................. ~okes Cap & Regalia -- Handcuff Pouch, Pocket Badge ....... )hn S. Balsdon & Sons - Wall switch and bulb .............. ~neral PrirtBrs Ltd. - Envelopes ........................... Amount Cheque 805 832 Petty Cash 830 831 833 88.65\... 60.69--. .20 8 . 0 J:-.." 2 . 75-... 10.73" - 4 - Police Report - Continued Rosebank Drugs - Camera & Flash, Photographis Supplies .... Canadian Oil Cos. Ltd. - Gas and Oil...................... Walmsley & Magill - File Guides, Brief covers ............. Will Motors - Oil and Gas for lawn mower .................. Dean Hodgson - Car repairs and service .................... Disney Motors - Repairs and service ....................... Disnëy Motôrs - Repairs and service ..................... Law Motor Sales -- Repairs and service ,.~ew.C~uise~....... Law Motor Sales -- Repairs and Service .................... British American Oil - Gasoline ........................... G. and D. Will Motors - Oil and Lube Car 2 ................ Bell Telephone - Ajax 1131 (A. L. Laking) ................. A. L. Laking - Expenses ................................... Charles Daniels - Expenses ................................ Less County of Ontario Refund expenses transporting prisoners All of which is respectfully submitted. "J. S. Scott" Chairman Amount Cheque l8.6~ 854 97 .6~ 835 18.75-.. 836 .9~ 837 17 . 00-.. 838 58 .6~ 839 63.71, 939 884.2(}'" 840 24.2Û' 840 4.6(}... 841 3.25'-.. 837 3.6~ 805 6.8~ 843 3 . 70..... 842 28.90 $ 1,352.57 MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee on POLICE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED PUBLIC UTILITIES Your Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Pickering Drilling Contractors - Copper, etc. ............ Ontario Hydro, Markham ................................... Wallace & Tiernan Ltd. - 500 c.c. OrthoTolidin ........... Russell Ferguson's Expense account for July.............. All of which is respectfully submitted. "J. S. Scott" Chairman Amount Cheque 810 769 811 812 5.45---.. 127.5'7'--. 5.38, 46. 8~ $ 185.25 MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORT J. ·D. Adams Co. Ltd. - Repairs .......................... Ajax Lumber Co. Ltd. - Tools ............................ Barclay Transport - Hauling Calcium ..................... Brougham Garase - Parts ................................. Brunner-Mond ICanada) Sales Ltd. - Calcium .............. Canadian Johns-Manville Co. Ltd. - Culverts ............. Canadian National Railways - Demurrage on Calcium ....... Canadian Tire Corporation - Tools ........................ Construction Equipment Co. - Repairs .................... Ellis Nurseries - Sodding ............................... W. D. Lappin - Printing Maps ............................ Miller Paving Ltd. - Patching ........................... Herb Robinson Wholesale - Tools ......................... H. E. P. C. - Signs ..................................... Robert Irwin Ltd. - Culverts ............................ Robot Springs Ltd. - Repairs ............................ Shell Oil Co. of Canada - Brush and Weed Kill........... Supertest Petroleum Ltd. - Gas and oil.................. Department of Highways - Tax on Diesel Fuel Oil......... The General Supply Co. - Parts .......................... Amount Cheque 747.8~ 1127 24.82-.... 1128 241.50.... 1149 18.95--.. 1130 84l.0~ 1132 16 . 70..... 1131 16.00-.... 1133 23.30\ 1134 43 . 8~ 1135 76 .50-... 1136 28 .3~ 1137 44.5~ 1138 7. 8 a-..: 1139 40.4~ 1140 335.52, 1141 18.19-... 1142 1,896.8~ 1143 787.6^,- 1144 88.0Û'- 1145 78.12, 1146 - 5 - Road and Bridge Report - Continued Ward Machine and Welding - Repairs ........................... Receiver General of Canada ................................... L. T. Johnston - Unemployment Insurance ...................... Burrow's Garage - Repairs .................................... Amount Cheque 67.00-.. 1147 103.39 10.64 513 . 7~ 1148 , $ 5,971.07 3,485.60 $ 9,456.67 Pay Roll,.July ........................................... All of which is respectfully submitted. "W. G. Lawson" Chairman MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED WELFARE REPORT Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: PROVINCIAL Local Local Local Local Local Local Local roronto Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. E. Headland .......................... E. robinson .......................... L. ~nyder ............................ A. Green ............................. F. Bilton ............................ R. Giles ............................. V. Oldfield .......................... M. Mulligan .......................... ~NICIPAL rownship of Osnabruck - R: Raycraft ............... rownship of Scarborough - Re: Collins ............. lOSPITALIZATION ~ounty of Ontario................................... ~laremont Rest Home Re: McInnes, Aug., 1956........ Jr. T. A. Sweet - Re: L. Stevens .................. III of which is respectfully submitted. Cheque Amount Total 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 787 40 . OÛ'.. 25.00-.. 36 .3~ 15 . 00-.. 92.1)-.. 96 . 3)-" 25.00.... 92.65'. 422.43 788 789 60 .1)-.. 28.70... 88.83 791 792 793 365.33, 60.00... 10.0º" . 40.dO "J. McPherson" Chairman roVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing :ommittee on WELFARE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ~VED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the Reeve grant his order on thE treasurer to pay the several accounts as presented and passed in the various reports lS passed this day. CARRIED IY -LAW NUMBER 2176 (2 Readings) ~. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the 'ownship of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of $ 135,000.00 upon Debentures or School purposes, and that same now be read a first time. r. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, moves that By-Law Number 2176 to authorize the borro ng of $ 135,000.00 upon Debentures for School purposes, be now read a second time, nd Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. - 6 - CLERKtS INSTRUCTIONS 1. Dr. Loos, report on swimming pools, on Friday. 2. Call Mr. Moore re action against Hole-In-Hill Hotel. ~ 3. Ask Mr. William Thompson if he will do some Township legal work. 4. Get A. J. Thompson opinion best way to handle dogs that are being held 14 days, and A. Dand opening Refreshment Stand on Ridgewood Road. >5. Engineer check paving contracts for additional mulch over his estimate. >6. Have Mr. Thompson warn Pedlar Smith at Liverpool Road and Concession 1 not to permit road blocking by cars or he will be forced to operate elsewhere. ,7. Ask C. Schwalm to cut down on mileage. S. Advise Chesterhill Developments Limited to bore under Kirkdene Drive when installing water services. 9. Advise E. Bennett, Glendale Drive will be scraped after a rain so as not to dist calcium and that condemned house is being removed. 10. Pay all H. E. P. C. bills for Police and Fire Area 1 without approval so as to get discount. 11. Have work orders printed. Get price from Ajax Printers. 12. Ask Town of Ajax to give fire protection to Pickering Beach and Powell Road between C. N. R. and Concession 1 under the $1,500.00 proposal. 13. Get forms for Mutual Aid Fire Protection from Oshawa for East Woodlands. xt Meeting August 13, unless emergent. MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that this meeting do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, the 4th day of September, 1956, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. CARRIED f\PPROVED ~ ~ 1956 ~~ ß~ që:;~~