HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 23, 1956 M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G BROUGHAM A ¥eeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-THIRD day of JULY, 1956 at EIGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: Wm. G. Newman, in the Chair Wm. G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson Douglas J. PIitz Lloyd T. Johnston, Clerk The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 2. East Woodlands Community Association stated they had dug a well to supply the swimming pool with water: That the cost had amounted to approximately $ 800.00, much more than anticipated, they were financially embarrassed, Department of Hi~hWaYSt Traffic Department, stating that it will be impossible for t em or us to instal a flashing beacon at entrance to our Area 1 Fire Station. Clerk advise Department Township would like flasher similar to one at Scarborough Fire Station. June fines, $ 511.95; to date, $2,100.00. John A. Melville, price on installation of water services, $1.00 per foot plus Five Dollars for tapping and materials. 1. 3. 4. Mr. Park was heard, and asked that the north side of Concession 1 east of Ältona Road be ditched. He has a Johns-Manville culvert and two others would instal proper culverts. MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Council give a grant ~200.00 to East Woodlands Community Association towards cost of new well to supply pool. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the account of $ 15.00 for a flickering light on the Dog Catcher's truck be paid, that in future all requests for Dog Catcher supplies or expenditures be made on written applications and same be not purchased until he has written approval. CARRIED AGREED that Building Deposit be not required for new homes if (1) The dwelling has been destroyed by fire less than six months prior. (2) The dwelling has been taken down less than six months prior to application. MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the Ajax Dairy be granted a resident Pedlar's License. CARRIED BY-LAW NUMBER 2175 Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to license and regulate persons who carryon the business of teaching persons to operate motor vehicles, and driving instructors employed in such business, and to regulate and govern the equipment used in such business, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves that By-Law Number 2175 to license and regulate persons who carryon the business of teaching persons to operate motor vehicles, and driving instructors employed in such business, and to regulate and govern the equipment used in such business, be now read a second time and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2175 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the corporfti on be affixed thereto. CARRIED - 2 - CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS ;1. List of work for Road Department: (1) Grade ditch north side Concession 1 east of Altona aoad to Creek with maintainer.. Mr. Park has Johns-Manville culvert two others will instal. Mr. Park wants fill. ( 2) (3) (4 ) (5) See P. Piggott in Cherrywood re ditching and water flowing onto his property. (6) Large hole on Old Forest Road opposite Mrs. Ryan. (7) See about culvert Brown - Christoffersen, and C. N. R. (8) Elm Tree in front of Mr. Parks, Concession 1, Lot 32, 300 feet east of Altona Road, north side. Dangerous. See. If dangerous to Hydro, Clerk contact. ~2. August 1st meeting start 9 A. M. >3. Prepare road work forms for use of Engineer, and Councillors. )4. Ridgewood Road and East Avenue. "Stop" street. )5. Phone Engineer Sims re approaches to Valley Farm Bridge and grade south approach, both sides. )6. ~et cost of Township Crusher ($ 14,000.00 - $ 3,000.00 = $ 11,000.00) J 7. Ask Mr. Prouse hold Andrews cheque. ~8. By-Law Swimming Pools this year. )9. Have H. E. P. C. remove Elm Tree, Concession 1, Lot 32. ~10. Get agreement from Mr. Williams, Manager Audeo Studios, 310 Lakeshore Road, Toronto, re temporary buildings and residence of personnel while filming "The Last of the Mohicans,"on Pine Ridge Farms. On MOTION of Mr. Pugh, the meeting adjourned. Put up all road signs now in garage and at D. H. 0., Whitby. See Violet Swan re culvert. Mr. Morris, Old Rosebank Road South, wants culvert. APPROVED ~;, /. 1956 -/;-;; 4';.., .l2 "1 rí:;,,-;;-