HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 25, 1956
A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-FIFTH da, of JUNE, 1956,
at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: William G. Newman
Siaftér'S<; . J ~ Pugh
J. Sherman Scott
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Douglas J. PIitz
Brian Ruddy
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Øar"~et L. Newman, Secretary Handicapped Children Swi..ing and Therapy,
solicited grant.
2. Police Fines, Ma, - $ 414.28.
3. Police ReDort, May - Occurrences.
4. Chesterhill DeveloDments Limited, adYising they will pay $ 3,500.00 for
crushed stone tor roads in their subdivision, over and above agreement.
5. R.D.H.P. M1øutes, May 16, 1956.
6. Garba2e collection c..plaints
(1) A. Band charged $81.96 - claims he disposes of most of his garbage.
(2) Robert Balsdon, charged $1.80 on three lots, claims he fa~8 lots.
The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
? 1. Mr. Hill, Fairport Beach, asked that the fee for summer operation of pin
ball machines be reduced.
i' 2. The proprietors- of O,en Gate Nursin~ HOlBe asked for Township of Pickering
Municipal water. Were advised that they would be required to bring the
main 80 rods, or they could appl, to Township of Scarborough and get
service from Town Line main, a few feet from their door.
·7 4.
7 3. Mr. KoronYi, of the Hungarian Camp in Concession 2, Lot 17, asked that
their agreement with the TOVDShip to permit the building of cabins for
s~r use, be re-enacted as they at no time had an, cabins occupied
other than in summer months except one for caretaker.
Mr. ~rl.tt. asked that south 150 feet of his father's property be re-
zoned to permit him to erect a Reller Skating Rink, 95 feet by 150 feet.
Clerk get opinions of Mr. Hupes, the owner to the south, and Hr. Lynn,
of Ratepa,ers' Association. .
; 6.
Mr. Peters ,reaented a proposed cop, of Industrial Booklet and submitted
a price of , 756.00 per 5,000 copies, with additional copies at $41.00,
and l~ sales tax per 1000.
Edward Bennett discussed (1) Street signs (2) House at corner of
Glendale and Glenallan, which is abandoned with water in cellar
(3) Well at rear (4) Culyert approach to No. 2 Highway from Glendale
(5) 'Watercourse .asement (8) Dogs at large (7) House beside wind-
mill, not proper obimney (8) Gassing dogs (9) Weeds at lower end
of Glendale (10) Taxes.
) "5.
7 7.
Mr. Emery of Rouge Valley Inn, stated he felt Township Agreement whereby
they agreèd to pay $1,000.00 per ,ear for rive ,ears to pave Concession 1
null and yoid, as work was not done on Ma, 15th, 1955, as agreed. Would
agree to pay, sa" $2,500.00.
- 2 -
7 8. Mr. Goslin stated he would report shortly on assessment of Gravel Pits,
and that he did not know if he could return Assessment Roll on Octob.r 1st
or not, without working overtime, and asked that he be permitted use of
Nurse's r+oom immediately.
? 9. Messrs. McCallum and Martino pres....d a revised plan of proposed Shopping
Centre in Block B, Plan 612, showing 66 foot road south ot stores and
roadway between proposed Gasoline Station and Stores, and would prepare
and deed suCh east-west road to the Township. Clerk directed to endeavour
to get this street extended to East Avenue, and that there should be no
fence between Service Station and Stores, only curb. They agreed to
construct and deed parting lot to Township. Agreed that costs of snow
removed from parking lot, cost street lights, and keeping in repair of
septic tank and parking lot should be a charge on the stores and so deeded.
//.z¿. So
,> MOVED by Mr. Pagh, seoonded by Mrs. MoPherson, that Engineer purchase $960 00
culvert for 1...Ia"iew A."UlI'I lR Piokering Beach. /P~ CARRIBD
) AGREED that Township ,ay ~·cost preparing Whitby Town Line between Highways
2 and 401 for paving up to $2,000.00 total cost.
1 MOVED by Mr. Soott, seconded by Mrs. MoPberson, that a donation of $ 2~~0 be
granted Association for promoting swimming tor crippled children. CARRIED
o MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that license tee for Pin Ball
Machines be changed fo~" First Machine, $50.00 full year, .25.00 for 6 months.
All other machines, $25.00 tor full or half year. CARRIED
71. Have Mr. Thompson investigate:
? (a) House chi...y in Plan 492, near windmi 11 .
/ (b) Condemn abandoned house, corner Glendale and Glen.llen, and well.
~ (c) Barn being used as factory, corner Con. 2, Lot 21, Glenallen.
1 (d) See Donnelly, Whitevale, re water trough and septio tank and manure.
7 2. Mr. Schwalm check dogs in Glendale.
; 3. Mr. Ellicott check weeds in south Glendale.
., 4. Write Mr. Lynn ancl. Mr. Sughes re ohange zoning West Rouge.
/ 5. Get Hungarian C_p Agree.ent.
> 6. County Engineer re Michell Bridge.
7. Ask Mr. Death, East Whitby, to next meeting Health Unit.
> 8. Engineer contact Consumers' Gas Company.
9. Nicholson Taxi, re Insurance.
> 10. Advise Mr. Moore to force payment $5,000.00 Rouge Valley Inn.
~ 11. Ask Mr. FraIM to eo.. to Council meeting.
C)-- º þ- ./~.
( /' Clerk
On MOTION of Mr. Scott, the meeting adjourned.
APPROVE~~-1- j
1. Harwood Ayenue Highway No. 2 to Ajax
2. Rouge Hills Driye and I.l.nd Road
3. Bast Woodl.nel
4. Alton. .... Conce..ion 4
5. Westney Road. Conc...ien 3
8. Markham Town Line Conce..iOft 5
1650 feet
8700 teet
1200 tHt
8880 reet
6600 reet
3200 reet
ROAD COMSTRUC!IOI - First Priority
1. Rouce Htl1s Driye
2. H.rwood Ayen_
3'. Road between Lot. 14-15,
4. Pine Groye It.d
5. Pickerinc Beach ao..
6. Percy Sider..ct
7. A1tona
COllce.sten 6
6700 teet
1650 teet
2580 reet
32ØO te.t
8700 te."
500 reet
Range 3 to Base Line
Conce..ie. 5 .nd 8