HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 28, 1956 ,- M U N I C I PAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of MAX, 1956 at the MUNICIPAL BUILDING, Brougham, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: Mr. Wm. G. Newman, in the Chair Wm. G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson Douglas PIitz Brian Ruddy L. T. Johnston, Clerk The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. Fines, April, 1956 - $ 627.22 2. Miss M. Florence Stewart, Public Health Nurse, Hamilton, applying for position of Nurse in Pickering Township. 3. Canadian Johns-Manville Limited, replying to letter of complaint about smoke nuisance, stated they had in error "blown the tubes" during the day and the soot had been damaging while they had tried to rectify, and assured the Township this would not occur again during the day. 4. TownshiD of Reach - copy of By-Law Number 1777 raising minimum size of dwelling to 750 square feet. 5. Association of Mayors and Reeves, Notice 1956 Conference at Peterborough, June 6, 7 and 8. ' 6. Notice WhitbY Council will meet May 28th and June 4th at 8 P. M., and will hear a delegation re Health Unit. 7. Application for Gasoline License from E. Tomlinson and Sons, Concession 5, Lot 29. 8. Police Report, April, 1956, of occurrences. 9. Approval of DeDartment of Hi£hways for 1 7,619.00 calcium. 10. Mi9hael Starr, M. P., re endorsation of resolution recommending Dominion and Provincial Governments assuming a greater cost of Municipal services. 11. Town of Ajax, advising that they will not renew agreement. for fire service east of Pickering Beach Road and that tor the protection of Harwood Drive they will require $1,500.00 yearly stand-by time for 10 fires, with addit~. calls at $ 125.00 each. 12. Town of Ajax, advising that they will charge $50.00 for use of their inhalator tor each call, if Pickering Village and Township inhalators are in use. Council agreed. l~. Town of Ajax, advising that if the Township wish, they will cancel Fire Agreement before September 1, 1956. 14. Mr. Miles Cook, of Fairport Beach, aske~ for arrangements with Council for Street Lights in their area, approximately 15 lights. Estimated cost Capital 15 X '175.00 . 2,625.00 " " Operating 15 X 15.00 225.00 15. Mr. L. Bach asked for a Kennel License on his 10! acres in south half of Lot 32, Concession 1. Mr. Thompson report. 16. It was reported that the DeDartment of Hi£hways had approved $21,000.00 to fix Valley Farm Road. -: 2 - 17.. Mr. Duncan thanked Council for their interest in his project to acquire land and stated they were making progress. 18. Arthur Carlton stated the Garbage Dump was open every day from 8 A. M. to 8 or 9 P. M. and asked that dump be closed Sundays and Tuesdays, with other days open between 8 A. M. and 8 P. M. Council AGREED and Clerk requested to advise Public. 19. Robert Watson submitted a By-Law for regulations of garbage and asked that he be not required to take out a Salvage License. IT WAS AGREED that a By-Law be prepared and that Mr. Watson would not require a Salvage License if he would fence an area in dump for his salvage and keep none at home. MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that where the price offered for any land at the Tax Sale on June 8th 1956 is less than the amount due for taxes, charges and costs, this Council instruot the To~ship Clerk to purchase the property for the total amount due. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Treasurer pay the 1 30.00 fee as membership in Ontario Association of Mayors and Reeves. 'cARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Road Superintendent rent a Gradall immediately to do ditching, as required. CARRIED YEAS: Messrs. Scott, Lawson, Newman and Pugh NAYS: Mrs. McPherson AGREED that Mrs. Shade (Miss Walker), who had agreed to continue as Public Health Nurse until December 31st if necessary, carry on in this capacity until December 31, 1956. MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that a license be granted TomlinsDn and Sons to operate a Service Station at Concession 5, Lot 29. CARRIED AGREED that Township pay 50% cost of paving, preparing for pavement south of Highway 7, and 50% cost of re-building road north of Highway 7. AGREED charge for calcium be $2.50 per bag for private use, and 1 1.25 ßer bag for extra for Township roads. CLERK!'S INSTRUCTIONS 1. Call Proctor, Redrern and Laughlin and get their opinion about extending: (1) Service 175' east of corner West Point Crescent and Taylor Road for four houses. Mr. Butler recommended applicants connect to main wihh l~" pipe at their expense. (2) Service for four ratepayers on Rivercourt Drive. Mr. Butler recommended 2" pipe from main at corner of Island Road and Rouge Hills Drive at applicant's expense. 2. Get cost of preparing Markham Town Line road for paving from Mr. Ward. 3. Ask Mr. Thompson to cheek upon Hoare. and Jordan dogs that bit Davies child. Get witnesses and prosecute, if there is a ease. 4. Get copy of Scarborough Dog By-Law, 5. Prepare Garbage By-Law regulations. 6. Give letter to Mr. Robert Watson, stating he has permission to erect an enclosure at Dump for his salvage. 7. .Get prices on 500 to 1000 Township or Pickering Brochures, ten to twelve page, black and white. 8. Cheek on Department of Highways re 30 mile Sp~ed Limit in Dunbarton ) n MOTION of Mr. Pugh, the meeting adjourned. ~PPROVED -*~ S- 1956 V _ --"~ C LERK 4/- fl ~..-- - REEVE