HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 14, 1956 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meeting ot Council was held on MONDAY, the Fourteenth d., ot ~, 1956, at .BIGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: WID. G. Newman, in the Chair Will. G. Lawson J. Sherllan Scott Sidney S. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson L. T. Johnston, Clerk ne following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 8. P. p..berton Pi~ott, advising he will accept seat on Industrial Co..ittee. F. L. Sherry, advising he will accept seat on Industrial Co..ittee. K. H. J. Clarke, advising he will accept seat on Industrial Committee. Frank Roatley, advising that he is unable to accept seat on Industrial Co..ittee, due to business and Planning Board. D. B. Redfern, advising that they are endeavouring to get waterlllain crossing under Canadian National Railway i..ediately. P1ckeri~ Beach RateDayer'S Association, thanking Council tor co-operation. Mrs. Cb,rles Coo.er, Red Cross, thanks tor use of Township room for storage. W,men's Auxiliary, Ajax Hospital, asking permission to hold ~ag Day June 2 in. Pickering Townsbip. John Beattie, owuer of Lot 18, Plan 530, who had built a house foundation 6 inches to 8 inches too near road and 3! feet too near side boundary lot line, asked that Council approve said location tor house. Andy Bant:fø~in, owner ot 12 acres garden lands in Concession 1, north halt of t 22, asked that he be excluded troll garbage collection and rates. NO ACTION DeÐartm~nt of Hi£hways, requesting Township agree to taking over By-Pass road through Lots 26-27 in Broken Front, Range 3, and ofter no objections to clo~ing sideline between lots 25 and 26 in Broken Front, Range 3, at Highway 401. AGREED Highway Engineers and Mr. Ruddy lIIeet and discuss erosion problems. 1. 2. 3. 4.' 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. R. D. H. P. Minutes, April 18, 1956. Pickerin£ Villa~e notice Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, change house size from 840 to 1000 square r.e~ .tni.um. TownSbi. ot Markballl, advising they ~ll pay 5~ cost ot Townline work. DeDartment or Himways - approval 11,000.00 worth of Weed and Brush Spray. Dr. F. S. Hertzber~ at Dunbarton, asked Council to support his application tor the telephone service from West Hill on Atlantic exchange. AGREED Daniel Rumph, objecting to garbage fro. passing garbage trucks falling ott and messing up his front lawn. Lawyers tor Finl.y W. McLachlan Li.ited asking for permit to operate Hess Gravel Pit, Concossion 5, Lot 9. AGREED that Engineers of Proctor, Redfern and Lau¡hlin, Ellins Construction Co.. Marino Construction Company meet Mr. Ruddy and have balance of work done on West Rouge Watera8bs tm.e4iately, or the Township will do work at their expense. Mr. Lawson to phone Mr. Butler. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. - 2 - MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that By-Law Number 1787 relating to side yards and set-back be set aside insofar as the dwelling on Lot 18, Plan 530, is concerned, tor present house foundation. CARßIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. PUgh that the Wo.en's Auxiliary of the Ajax Pickering General Hospital be permitted to hold a Tag Day in Pickering Township on Saturday, June 2, 1956. CARRIED l MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that a grant of . 50,00 be made to the upkeep of the Bethel Cemetery, as it is almost abandoned. CARRIED Mr. Lawson stated he had met the East Whitby Council and find that they are quite interested in Health Unit and will give a decision by June 30th next. CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS 1. Arrange meeting Depart_nt of Highway Engineers and Mr. Ruddy to discuss erosion on By-Pass road in Lot 26-27, BrOken 'rent, Range 3. 2. Write Daniel Rumph and Robert Watson re.garbage taIling off garbage trucks. ~3. Support Dr. Hertzberg in his application tor Atlantic telephone service. ) 4. Check recerds to see if Markh.. '.wnship paid any part ot cost ot preparin~ Townline tor paving. ì 5. Advise Cliftord Wells that it he does not fix plaster in Police Office Township will do it and deduct trom balance owing. ) 6. Ask Mr. Ferguson to dig up water turn off at street line ot Mr. Mayhew and fix. ') 7. Advise Johns-Manville Company that the smoke nuisance is causing our ratepayers considerable discomfort. '8. Check on McCrome Pedlar License and haye Mr. Thompson report. ) 9. Advise Mr. Fairgrieves that he should get in touch with Road Department for his fill when ditching is done in his area. 10. Advise Mrs. Gregg ot White Subdivision she should get in teuch with Road Department tor till vben ditChing is done in her area. 11. Have Assessment C-:løø1a:.-gi ve report on assessment of Gravel Pits. On MOTION of Mr. Lawson the meeting adjeurned, to ...t again May 22nd at 8 P. M. APPROVED ~ Æ-~' Clerk - 1956 í J V -ø-. /7. ~ . -/ R~ev;-