HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 7, 1956 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the SEVENTH day of M!!, 1956, at ELEVEN o'clock in the forenoon. PRESENT: Wm. G. Newman, in the Chair Wm. G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott S. S. J. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson LL .T~ .Johnston, Clerk MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Minutes of meeting held April 3, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr, Lawson, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Minutes of meeting held April 9, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Minutes of meeting held April 23rd, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of meeting held April 30th, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. Stanley Mann, owner, and Ed~ar W. Kaiser, his tenant, agreed that if Mr. Kaiser were permitted to sleep in his Refreshment Booth at Pickering Beach they w9uld agree that it would not be lived in except for summer. (For protection Buildin~ InsDector reported Permits for April, 1956, 51, for value of $ 517,350.00. 36 dwellings, average, $12,200.00. Year to date, $731,350.00. Up, $200,000.00.over 1955. Tax Collector reported collections, April, Shingler, $11,033.38; Self, t69~7.29, for total of $18,000.67. Outstanding, $81,163.04. ~. 3, - Ontario MuniciDal Association, requesting membership, $15.00. Villa~e of Lon~ Branch - Resolution "to take immediate steps to have senior governments re-divide the field of taxation". 6. Ajax and Pickerin~ General HosDital. Thanks for grant, $6,961.61. . 4. 5. 7. Association of Assessin£ Officers of Ontario - Conference North Bay, May 21, 22 and 23. 8. DeDartment of Hi~hwaYs approval $ 2;1'7.2';00 of the '$2,260.00, ! ton truck. 9. DeDartment of Hizhways approval Front End Loader, net, $8,571.00 o. Ontario HosDital Or£an Fund - request for grant. NO ACTION 1. Mrs. Harry Porter, Claremont, request for a grant of $50.00 from the Township for 1956 upkeep of Bethel Cemetery. ne following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Lorne Puckrin and William Heron stated they were farmers in Concession 1, Lots 7 and 8, on 60 and 55 acres respectively, and asked for exemption from Garbage Area ptck-up and rates. 2. Mrs. Levine, owner of 91 acres in north half of Lot 7, Con. B.F. R. 3, objected to Crusader Construction Company, who are building houses in Ajax to the immediate west of her property increasing the amount of water which will flow through her property. She claims it is not a natural watercourse ·and refuses to sign an agreement prepared by the Company. Council directed Mr. Ruddy to view the lands in question and report to Council. Mr. Hare, of Whitby, appeared for Mrs. Levine. - 2 - 3. E. G. Baker discussed taxes and welfare. 4. Robert Miller stated that, the Community Club of Brougham had $400.00 on hand and expected another .600.~.shortly and asked if Council would pay an electric bíllof approximately $1,000.00 for them and they would repay when their grant came in. 5. Kenneth Madill objected to the use of the Bailiff to collect his taxes. 6. The En~ineer reported that he had in stock pile 11,000 cubic yards crushed gravel. Had crushed 7,000 cubic yards this year, and had placed 2,700 loads pit run gravel on roads this year to date. > MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that farm house barns and land used for farming purposes assessed to William Heron, Concession 1, part of the north half of Lot 8 and Lorne Puckrin, Concession 1, part of the north half of Lot 7, be excluded from Garbage Area and rates. CARRIED I , MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Council endorse resolution of Village of Long Branch, as submitted. CARRIED ì MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the Munici~ality become a member of Ontario Municipal Association for 1956 at fee of '15.00. CARRIED .... ) MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Council loan the Township of Pickering Recreation Committee sufficient money up to $1,000.00 to pay for wiring until grant from Department is received. CARRIED ) MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that fence bonus paid farmers for removing old fences and cleaning up fence bottoms, abuttin~ a Township road, on which no bonus has been paid, be increased from 75¢ to $1.00 per rod. CARRIED ) AGREED that all private roads on subdivisions be graded at $1.00 fee, as needed. FINANCE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FINANCE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. - 1955 Audit............. S. R. Hart & Co. Ltd. - Office Stationery............... Beare's Limited - Office Stationery..................... Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - 108, Service, etc......... The Ontario Municipal Board - Fee, Section 13............ W. D. Lappin - Maps ...................................... Burnett Jamieson - Court, $8.00 (Pay Roll) The Enterprise - Advertising ............................ The Toronto Star Limited - Advertising .................. D. L. Mairs - Warble Fly Supplies........................ Spramotor Limited - Warble Fly Supplies.................. Cyril E. Morley - Premium, Liability - 817.50 Non Owned Automobile 42.60............ County of Ontario - Training School - 54.90 Jail 16.00............ Toronto Humane Society - 37 dogs destroyed............... Registrar of Deeds - Transfers .......................... W. E. McEachnie - Flowers late Mr. Willard............... Miller's Mendit Shop - Plywood 7.25 Repair Valve on Sprayer 2.00... P. R. Wi 1 son - Doors .................................... Globe & Mail - Advertising, Nurse........................ James A. Cook & Son Ltd. - Stationery, Board of Health... J. F. Hartz Co. Ltd. - Board of Health Supplies........... Miss W. Walker - 490 Miles @ 8¢ - 71.20 Laundry 4.80................... F. J. Prouse - 2664 Miles @ 8¢ ........................... D. J. PIitz - 36 Miles @ 8¢ .............................. A. J. Thompson - 867 Miles @ 8¢ .......................... D. F. Goslin - 359 Miles @ 8¢ ............................ Amount Cheaue 1,070.7~ 456 7 .92.... 457 10.1~ 458 99.0~ 400 10.00-... 449 67.7~ 459 11.0~ 460 2.4~ 461 7.5~ 462 49 .90.... 463 860.l~ 464 70.90\. 466 l8.5~ 467 20.05...... 468 10.00--. 469 9 . 250- 470 54 . 35.-.. 471 15.00..... 472 28.80-... 473 27 . 17" 474 76.00...... 475 213.12-... 476 2.88-,. 477 69.3&... 478 28.72, 479 . - 3 - Finance ReDort - Continued William Gliddon - 474 Miles @ 8¢ ....................... Maurice F. Binsted - 563 Miles @ 8¢..................... Clifford Schwalm - Dog Catcher Expenses ................ N. Irish - Collecting Garbage .......................... Mrs. C. S. Bryant - School Guards, April............... The Pickering News - Printing and Stationery............ Rosebank Hardware - Supplies for Dog Pound ............. Charles McTaggart, 1251 Miles @ 10¢..................... All of Which is respectfully submitted. "S. S. Pugh" Chairman Amount 37.92\., 45.04-.,. 167.2&". 11 .50.... 2l.0~ 58.l~ 43.43-.. 125.10-... $ 3,350.00 Cheaue 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 498 M9VED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawsn, that the report of the Standing Committee on FINANCE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED FIRE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FIRE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Hydro-Electric Power Commission - Hydro,Fire Area No.1 E. H. Orchard, Tiverton Tire Service, Tire............. Vigor Oil Co. Ltd. - Fuel Oil......................... Shell Oil Co. of Canada Ltd. - Gasoline ............... Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - Telephone Service ...... East York Electric - Repairs to Fire Siren ............ All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount 6.07, 40.0Û' 92.64.-.. 28.80..... 2.5~ 8 . 9 6-.... $ 178.97 "J. S. Scott" Chairman Cheaue ., 399 491 492 493 494 495 .' MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee on EIBm, as just read, be adopted. C RRIED LIVESTOCK REPORT T~ur Standing Committee on LIVESTOCK begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: F. N. Postill - 2 Sheep Killed ...................... """ Killed 1 Dog ........................ W. C. Willson, Inspection of above .................. All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount 45 . O~ 5 . 0 0-.... 5.0Û\. '- 55.00 "Jean McPherson" Chairman Cheaue 496 496 497 MOVED by Mrs. McPþerson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee on LIVESTOCK, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED POLICE REPORT Your Standing Committee on POLICE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Forrest's Auto Electric - Speedometer Repairs ......... Disney Motors ... Repairs, Towing, etc. ............... Law Motors - Repairs .................................. Will Motors - Wheel bearing grease .................... Amount 21.07....... 59.65...... 44.63--. ,7~ Cheaue 501 502 503 504 - 4 - Police ReDort - Continued Elmo Disney - Repairs ................................... Rex Tailoring Company Limited - Clothing ................ Allison Motor Service - Towing .......................... Lander-Stark Oil Limited - Fuel Oil..................... Forrest Lumber Company Limited - Map Board Materials .... Stokes Cap & Regalia - Badge and Cap .................... John Mills - Photograph, Clarke Fire .................... Barry Murkar - Photograph, Clarke Fire ................... Bell Telephone Company - Pickering 365 .................. Bell Telephone Company - At. 2-2881 ..................... Hydro-Electric Power Commission - Station ............... Cpl. A. O. Allen - Meals, Duty outside Township ......... C. C. A. L. Laking, Expenses, March and April............ H. M. Dandie - Mileage .................................. Sun Oil Company - Gas and Oil........................... Dunbarton Radio and Television - Radio Service,Cars 1 & 2 All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount Cheque 2.25--. 505 45.10-... 506 3 . 0 0..... 507 33 .5h~ 508 7.47, 509 9 .90-.. 510 27 . O~ 511 9.0Û\ 512 35 .8~ 409 60.90.... 409 44.2~ 393 3.6~ 513 12.29-.. 514 6 .24, 499 194.6h, 515 20.7º,- 516 $ 641.80 "J. S. Scott" Chairman MOVED by ~r. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the report of the Standing Committee on POLICE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED PUBLIC UTILITIES REPORT Your Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Hydro-Electric Power Commission - Pumping Plant .......... Grand & Toy Limited - Water Bill Forms, etc. ............. Russell Ferguson - Long Distance Calls - 1.75 65 miles @ 8¢ ....... 5.20 ............ Rosebank Hardware - Material............................. W. D. Lappin - Steel Tape ................................ Neptune Meters Ltd. - Meters, Sealing Wire ............... Wallace & Tiernan Ltd. - Meter Repair .................... D. L. Mairs - Pick and Shovel............................ R. Ferguson - Fee for Connection and Inspection .......... All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount Cheque l71.7~ 1f:399 319 . 3~ ~ :1,87 6.95, 4e8 6.60.... 486 14.85-... 459 31l.1~ 489 18.9~ 490 6 .75, 462 128 .00-... 488 $ 984.38 "J. S. Scott" Chairman MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the report of the Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORT Your Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Fred Hicks - Paid for Parts ............................. Bert Carey - Compressor Work ............................ Robert Miller - Repair Truck and Signs .................. Shell Oil Company - Oil and Grease ...................... C. H. Johnston & Co. - Road Sig~s ....................... Herb Robinson ~Vholesa1e Ltd. - Tools and Parts .......... B. F. Goodrich - Tires & Tubes, Balance from April...... D. L. Mairs - Hardware .................................. Canadian Johns-Manville Ltd. - cuI vert pipe ....... ... . . . . Miller Paving - Asphalt and Sanding ..................... Samuel Trees - Truck Parts .............................. Amount Cheque 5.93, 15.75, 33.25, 82.58, 24.75, 93.95, 75 .04·" 35.00.... 216.00, 310.32... 6.09, 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 - 5 - Road and Brid~e Renort - Continued Amount Cheaue Lee Bishop - Repair Radiator .............................. 5.50, 1058 ~. D. Adams Co. - Maintainer Parts ........................ 53.90, 1059 Harry Lade - Signs ........................................ 13.20, 1060 The Pedlar People - culvert pipe .......................... 702.52, 1061 Auto Electric Service Co. - Magneto ....................... 33.34' 1062 Construction Equipment Co. - Repair Motor ................. 268.51, 1063 Ivan Beare - Repair Lights in Garage ...................... 8.40, 1064 Panther Oil and Grease Limited - Panco Super up lube....... 168.30, 1065 Supertest Gasoline - Gas and diesel oil .................. 1,013.5~ 1066 Department of Highways - March 7, 250 gal. Invoice 156770 March 20,400 gal. Invoice 156800 March 27,250 gal. Invoice 156835 99.0~ 1067 Ward Machine and Welding - Welding and Repairing ......... 22.2~ 1068 ~oe Burrows - Repair Trucks .............................. 179.9~ 1069 Robert Malcolm - Hired Tractor, Dragging ................. 180.25, 1070 ~. S. Chapman - Road Barricades .......................... 102.00' 1071 Brian Ruddy - Car Mileage ................................ 78.5~ 1072 L. T. Johnston - Unemployment Insurance ,................. 6.72~ Receiver General - Pension Fund .......................... 101.27 $ 3,935.83 2.939.40 $ 6,875.23 Pay Roll, April ........................................ All of which is respectfully submitted. "We G. Lawson" Chairman MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED WELFARE REPORT Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Cheaue PROVINCIAL Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Toronto Toronto Toron to Twp. Darlington Twp. Mrs. E. Headland ................... 420 Mrs. E. Robinson ................... 421 Mrs. L. Snyder ..................... 423 Mrs. A. Green ....................... 424 Mrs. M. Smith ...................... 425 Mr. F. Bilton ...................... 452 Mrs. F. Hilton - D. BrWldle ........ 457 Mrs. Martin - H. Richardson ........ 458 Mrs. D. Carvalho - B. Sleightholme ... 459 Mrs. M. Mulligan ................... 430 Mrs. L. Snell...................... 431 Mrs. Ida Williams .................. 432 Mrs. Y. St. Pierre - H. Richardson.. 428 MUNICIPAL Township of Scarboro~ Re: Hibbitt, Collins, March. Township of Korah Re: Savolainen, April, 1956....... Town of Ajax, Re: C. Smith, Feb.1.56................. City of Oshawa, Re: Dzumek, Mar./56 ................ Township of Osnabruck Re: Raycraft ................. E. G. Baker, Mileage April/56, March/56.............. A. W. Mitchell Ltd. Re: Forsythe. .................. 433 434 435 436 437 439 451 HOSPITALIZATION County of Ontario ................................... W. E. McEachnie, Re: Deakin & Douglas .............. 439 440 Amount Total 40. O~ 25.00.... 36.32--.. 15 00.... 66. 62.... 92.l~ 100.21, fi 39.9~ "- 60.00-... 92.65-.. 33.32 36.32, 107.14, 744.70 46.24, 67.26'- 52.10, 35.06'- 60.13, 34.96, 13.75, 309.50 269.85-... 27.00, 296.85 - 6 - Welfare -ReDort - Continued Cheaue Amount Total T.B.AFTERCARE Ian Spyder - May, 1956 ........................... Alex Daigle - May, 1956 .......................... 441 442 40.00" 40.00... 80.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. "Jean McPherson" Chairman MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Report of the Standing Committee on WELFARE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the Reeve grant his order on the Treasurer to pay the several accounts as presented and passed in the various reports as passed this day. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS 11. Arrange for Deputy-Reeve Lawson and another Council memœr to meet three Whitby Councils. 2. Get Miller Paving to spray Valley Farm Road after Township maintains. 3. Prepare By-raw for half loads May 1 to 15 for next year. 4. Mr. Andrus, Dominion Press, on Danforth, is a ratepayer in West Rouge. Future printing. 5. Get information re Cemetery Act re Bethel Cemetery. 6. See Mr. Thompson and arrange for culverts in Usaty Plan. 7. Advise Mrs. Shade that Judge Horner is giving her brush off with Miss Hancock re Fairport Beach family. MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Lawsn, that this meeting do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, the Fifth day of June, 1956, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. CARRIED APPROVED .. ß'¡1A/nk $' 1956 ~ Clerk ?7 /J. 9~v~- Reeve