HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 23, 1956 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-THIRD day of APRIL, 1956, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: Wm. G. Newman, in the Chair Wm. G. Lawson J. Sþerman Scott Sidney S. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson Douglas PIitz L. T. Johnston, Clerk The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. TownshiD or Whitby contemplate no change in Public Health methods. 2. Town of WhitbY await action of County Council re Health Unit. 3. Costs Health PrQgramme, 1955, per capita: Pickering Township Pickering Village Ajax Town 78¢ 90¢ 1.10 Whitby Town.· Whitby Township Markham Township 85¢ 25¢ 90¢ Unit, 1956 6. Markham Fair request 1956 Grant. Fines - March, $ 261.28. McGibbon and Bastedo - request deed for sideline between Lots 12-13, Concession 1. All sideline closed in 1901. No record or a sale or deed. Pickering Village Boundary Road. Clerk get advice if Township can be forced open road unless sold. En£~neer's estimate cost of paving Valley Farm Road, Highway 2 to Concession 3, 38,711.30 Pickerin2 Villa2e request that Pickering Township pay 5~ priming Station Road, Highway 2 to Highway 401. Cost, Township Share, $ 375.00. B. W. Lotton request that he be excluded rrom Garbage Area. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. R. W. Hillier, Liverpool Road North, objected to his arrears being collected ¡by a Bailifr, claimed no notice of arrears from Township and complained about a watercourse. Collector reported lot transferred from Baker to Falatman to Hillier, and Mr. Hillier had knowledge of arrears. 11. Notice of Metro Conference of RateDayerS - War Amputations Building, Wellesley Street, April 28, 9:30 to 4 P. M. Ted Bennett be notified. 12. Maurice Binsted and William Gliddon asked for membership in Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario. 13. Six owners of lands in Plan 330. Lot 9, fronting Highway 2, asked direction about a road. Clerk advise. 14. Notice of Canadian Bank of Commerce increase interest rates, 41% to 4t%. 15. LYle Jones of Township of Pickering, asked that his 16 acres be considered a farm and that he be not charged Garbage Rates. NO ACTION The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Maurice Binsted asked for a further increase in salary. 2. Mr. Pid2eon, Woodview Avenue, stated he paid $341.90 taxes and objected to the shacks permitted in the area, and three dangerous pools of water, one an abandoned cellar and two gravel pits. 3. Mr. Layzelle confirmed remarks or Mr. Pidgeon. - 2 - 4. Mr. Donaldson, of Whitevale, complained about the seepage from Mr. K. Donnelly's barnyard onto his lot, the material and manner of construction of his house and weeds in farmer's fields 'and roads. ·5. Arthur Carlton stated the Garbage Dump was always open until dark, many trucks from Toronto dumping in our dump, and asked that his salary be increased from $40.00 per month to $80.00 per month. 6. Mr. Richards, of Curran and Bri~~s, stated his firm was not prepared to assist in the upkeep of Valley Farm Road, as they are drawing from the Highway Pit and expected only about ten days more drawing. 7. Mr. Xline, of Miller Pavin£, stated they only expected to draw from Highway pit about three more weeks in 1956, but would assist in maintenance of Valley Farm Road and would lay calcium on it. Their own pit would not be operating this year and recommended Council contacting the Department of Highways for assistance. 8. Mr. KruDDa, of Pickering Beach, asked that the Powell Road receive a quantity of coarse gravel to fill holes. Council recommended that holes be filled. 9. C. E. Morley discussed insurance and asked Council to pay 50% of cost of priming Station Road. 10. Clifford Schwalm stated he had purchased a panel truck to transport dogs and asked Council to letter it with Township of Pickering Dog Pound. He asked for gravel for his lane, blinker lights for his truck, and an increase in salary. 11. Robert Watson stated he had collected one month's garbage the first week out and he asked that he might draw his May 15th cheque on April 30th. MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Mr. Morley have inserted into our Public Liability Insurance Policy a clause which would include protection on all no' licensed vehicles working for the Township at extra premium of $ 100.00 CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Township pay 5~ cost or priming the Station Road from Highway 401 to Highway 2. CARRIED MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the salary of Maurice Binsted be increased from $2,800.00 to .3,000.00,~s of January 1, 1956. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McP~erson, that Township place one load of gravel on lane leading to the Township of Pickering Dog Pound. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that a grant of $50.00 be given the Markham Fair Board for 1956. ' CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that a Kennel License be granted to Herb. Burrows of Spruce Hill Road for year 1956. CAß][ED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Mr. B. W. Lotton be excluded from Garbage Area as he can be considered an active farmer on 40 acres of land. CARRIED MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that salary of Arthur Carlton be f75..00 per month commencing May 1, 1956. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Messrs. Gliddon and Binsted be members of the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario for the year 1956. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that a grant of $5,285!-,.11 be paid to the Ajax Pickering District Hospital Board and that the said Board be paid $1,676,50, representing the claimed loss to Pickering Township indigent residents for years 1954 and 1955. CARRIED AGREED no increase of salary for Clifford Schwalm. - 3 - LERK'S INSTRUCTIONS · Have Messrs. Prouse, Thompson and Loos see Mr. Pidgeon and Mr. Donaldson, re shacks, water holes, drainage, and buildings claimed not built to standard. · Prepare By-Law zoning all subdivisions to residential use or present use. Have Arthur Carlton ref~se use of Dump to non-residents. Write Central Mortgage and Housing re filling ditch so Pickering Beach residents can use Ajax Road. !sk Engineer to put pit run gravel in holes on Powell Road. Get legal opinion if a closed road by By-Law can be forced open if road allowance not sold. · · · · · Get legal opinion it Township can have name on a private vehicle used as a dog pound pick-up truck, and if in order) have said work done at price not to exceed Ten Dollars. Find out if blinker lights can be used on Dog Pound Truck and what colour. ø...,f-·· I · · Ask Engineer to contact Department of Highways re improving Valley Farm Road and leaving Bailey bridge at Valley Farm bridge where it crosses Duffin's Creek. · Get list of occurrences of Police Department for April. · Ask Collector for full report on taxes for May 7th. · Advise Mrs. Parsons, Fairport, that Council will supply crushed gravel at rate of $7.50 per load of five yards after half load season ends. · T. M. Moore Polanyi agreement. One week. · Have plywood table made for Council Chambers. Advise Assessor re business operating in C. Robinson Barn, Concession 2, Lot 21. · · Have A. J. Thompson see Wilcox and advise Department ot Highways re wrecks in Concession 1, Lot 17. Advise Pickering Village Township extending one-half loads to May 15th. Get full report of mileage, etc., C. Schwalm for 1955. Advise E. Bennett re Metro Ratepayers Meeting, April 28th. Get Binders for Council and Planning Board for Minutes and Literature. · · · · MOTION of Mr. Lawson, the meeting adjourned. mOVED ~\ 1956 Clerk 4-< ~. ? p-- . -- Reeve