HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 3, 1956 M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G BROUGHAM l Meeting of Council was held on TUESDAY, the THIRD day or APRIL, 1956, at ~LEVEN o'clock in the forenoon. PRESENT: Wm. G. Newman, in the Chair Wm. G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. Pugh Mrs. Jean McpUerson Lloyd T. Johnston, Clerk 10VED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Minutes of meeting held 1arch 5, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED 10VED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Minutes or meeting held March l2, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED 10VED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes or meeting held 1arch 13, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED 10VED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Minutes of meeting held March 19, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED 10VE~ by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Minutes of meeting held 1arch 26, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED rhe following CORRESPONDENCE was read: l. Taxes. March Collections, $ 17,104.99. Outstanding, $ 99,163.71. ~. -Township or Whitby, request that Pickering Township pay 50%, or $2,700.00, toward paving Town Line between Highways 2 and 401 - 5/8 miles. Council agreed to consider ror 1957, as Township obligated for all budget in 1956, ). Township of East Whitby, advising they are interested in a Public Health Unit. 1. Board School Area No.2, asking that Council set aside 50% or cash donations by subdividers ror capital school purposes. Council agreed that in general this would be done, but each year's Council would determine its own policy. 5. Buildin£ Permits - March, 1956 - 12. 10 dwellings, average $ 11,900.00 each. 3. A. J. Thompson reported on By-Law enforcement ror March. r. W. Fair£rieve and others requested that road culvert across Spruce Hill Road be enlarged and that certain ditching be done on Mr. Fairgrieve's lot. 3. All members had copies or proposed subdivision agreement between Lewan Gonstruction Company and Township rhe rollowing PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: l . Robert Malcolm, who had been billed ror $ 159.00 by Ed. Steinreld Cartage ror damage to his truck tire sustained when he collided with Mr. Malcolm's tractor while in Township employ. Mr. Morley was hopeful that his Company would pay. ) - . J. Reid, 54 Guild Road, Pickering, had assigned his interest in house in Rouge West to one Ryan, now claimed the return of his building deposit, Which ~ad been paid Mr. Ryan. Clerk rorward correspondence. ) . W. Fair,2:rieve discussed his drainage problem on Spruce Hill Road. t. C. E. Morley was heard re Insurance. Fleet, and 2 fire trucks, $ 935.44. ) . D. Goslin asked for salary of $ 4,000.00 and $ 3,000.00 for Mr. Binsted. - 2 - 6. Mr. Lewan and Solicitor re agreement for subdivision, Lewan Constrruction Company and Township. MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Lots 47, 48 and 49, Plan 205, Village of Pickering, be sold to the Rotary Club of Pickering for the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), confirming an agreement made in 1943 for said sale. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the official time of the Township of Pickering shall be Daylight Saving Time during the summer of 1956 and shall commence and end in êonformity with the City of Toronto. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the following taxes be written off the 1955 Tax Roll: Roll No. 605 662 890 1531'1 16fH 2444 3534 755-2 2511 1921 611 805-7 1198 1230 1241-3 1476-1 1620 1641 1646 1654 3539-1 3539-2 4319 Name D. Farquharson H. Johnston R. Coppe C. Skene W. Clark C. McCullough A. Hamlin C. Browning T. McMillan A Synge Est. F. Beckstead H. Newell Dunbartnn Kiwanis Morley Black G. M. Bryant C. Denney R. Crosier Peter Lima S. Burnett H. Langstaff J. Donaldson K. Donnelly E. Lewis Prior to 1955 Roll No. Name 274B 285-2 2362S 2372B 2575 2962B 758 248 2361 Gordon Woods Jerry Coady A. Skidmore E. Maxwell Location Blk. D, Lot 14 Mans.P, Pt. L. 9 Con. 2, Lot 22 Plan 311, Lot 2 Plan 270, L.45-46 Con. 1, Lot 32 Con. 4, Lot 31 Plan 316, L. 51 Plan 276, L. 19 P. 189, L.68,69,70 Blk. E, Lot 2 Plan 432, Lot 8 B.F.3, Lot 26 Con. 1, Lot 23 Plan 489, Lot 24 Plan 331, Lot 71 Plan 270, Lot 8 Plan 270, L.26, 27 P. 270, Lot 32,33 P. 270, Lot 39 Whitevale Whitevale Claremont Address 95 Exeter St.,Ajax 38 Glynn Ave.,Ajax R.R.3, Pickering R.R.2, Pickering G. Davi.dson J. H. McLellan Est. Milliken, Onto Fairview JJodge M. Hawkins C. Clark ?~65B W. IJaundrie Willis Blair 87-2 1198 Dunbarton Kiwanis 1986, Ace Taxi l834B l24?-16A H. Mason Pickering, Onto 31 Wolfrey Ave., Toroflt.o Deceased DescriDtion Amount Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Fire Weed Cutting Dunbarton Kiwanis Fire Business Weed Cutting Weed Cutting Weed Cutting Weed Cutting Deeded to Twp. Street Lights Street Lights Church Property 31.17 <:>7.67 26.40 34.59 22.05 f>2.74 33.97 30.48 19.26 46.06 47.27 1.25 20.77 29.97 15.45 1.50 3.00 4.40 3.30 14.38 1.35 6.76 33.88 $ 507.67 ... Reason Year Business Failure 1953 Business Failure 1953 Business Failure 1952 Total Business Failure 1953 Deeded to Twp. 1953 Business Failure 1953 Culvert Charged 1953 in error School Property 1954 Business Tax 1951 Business Failure 1954 19!13 S. S. 1 1954 1954 Assessed Twice 1954 Fire Rebate 1954 CARRIED 26.41 3.16 28.20 8.48 3.65 12.43 27.24 42.73 5.75 29.46 36 (iß 27.28 22.30 14.19 13.62 $ 301 [8L .." - 3 - ~ENDERS were opened for a Loader and resulted as follows: Price Allowance 10,830.00 Nil 11,360.00 4,000.00 13,705.00 4,000.00 13,500.00 4,000.00 10,996.00 2,000.00 11,071.00 2,500.00 :nnes Equipment Co. 1. L. Ballentine f" " Front End Type Oliver International " ;heridan Equipment Co. Allis Chalmers ~ruck & Tractor Equipment Terratrac ~. W. Crothers Catterpillar Net 10,830.00 7,360.00 9,705.00 9,500.00 8,996.00 8,571.00 .11 met specifications except light International. rOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Council purchase a Front End Loader 'rom George W. Crothers at tendered price of $ 8,571.00 - delivery, 30 days or less, lubject to approval of the Department of Highways. ' CARRIED [OVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that if Mr. Fairgrieve and others will givt L drainage easement to the Township the Road Department will do certain work to 'aci1itate the drainage of their lots and will replace culvert across Spruce Hill toad with larger culvert. CARRIED rOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that a floor polisher be purchased from :lectrolux at price of $ 110.00. CARRIED .... roVED by }~. Pugh, seccndded by Mr. Scott, that insurance on contents of Municipal roilding be increased from $4,000.00 to $ 7,000.00. CARRIED roVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Fleet Insurance and Insurance on :laremont and Brougham Fire Trucks be renewed by }w. C. E. Morley, at price of ; 935.44. CARRIED , rOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that subdivision agreement between ~eorge Juralewicz, Lewan Construction Comp~m~r, and the Township, as agreed, be ligned by Reeve and Clerk. CARRIED rOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Stanley Fairbairn in Concession 2~ ~t 21, be exempt from Garbage Area. CARRIED .GREED Council pay 50% cost four culverts, Plan 509. I ...."iÞ .GREED Industrial delegation meet Council April 5th, at , P. M. .GREED Council members and Claremont Park Board attend meeting of Board of Trustees n Claremont April 12th at 8 P. M. 'INANCE REPORT 'our Standing Committee on FINANCE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the ollowing: van Beare - Office Lights ..................................... '. Walker - Laundry 5.20 Drugs 1.00 835 miles @ 8¢ 66.80 ............................ oronto Humane Society - 20 dogs destroyed ..................... oseph McDowell Sales Ltd. - Calculator ........................ estetner (Canada) Ltd. - Supplies ............................. eneral Printers Ltd. - Stationery Supplies .................... he Municipal World Ltd. - End Lock Binders .................... ounty of Ontario - Training School............................ mperia1 Oil Ltd. - Office Fuel................................ '. L. Mairs - Cleaning Supplies ................................ egistrar of Deeds - Transfers ................................. . E. P. C. - Street Lights, Harwood Drive ..................... . E. P. C. - Street Lights, Greenwood ......................... ell Telephone Co. of Canada - Service & Equipment for Office, and Pickering 108 .................................... eare's Ltd. - Office Stationery............................... nderwood Limited - Inspection & Ribbons ....................... ity of Oshawa - Destroying one Dog ............................ Amount Cheaue 5.32, 33~ 73.00.-. 334 10 .00.... 335 945.00.. 336 49.5ß-... 337 5 . 30.-. 338 56.38'--. 339 13 . O~ 340 123 . O~ 341 3.6~ 342 19.50-.. 343 24.7.&... 290 43.88, 290 l14.44r---.. 288 36 . 87, 344 21.0Ch. 345 2.0~ 346 - 4 - ~inance ReDort - Continued rhe Telegram - Advertising, Help Wanted ...................... Pickering News - Stationery Supplies ......................... }lobe and Mail - Advertising ................................. rhe Ontario Gazette - Advertising, Treasurer's Sale .......... \jax Advertiser - Advertising, Help Wanted ................... Stouffville Tribune - Office Supplies ........................ ~. 6. Pascoe - Labour and Material, Office ................... ~iller's Mendit Shop - Masonite, etc. ........................ Sprott Service Shop - metal dog pens ......................... ~rs. C. S. Bryant, School Area 1, Guards ..................... D. J. PIitz - 64 Miles @ 8¢ .................................. D. F. Goslin - 375 Miles @ 8¢ ................................ T \. J. hompson - 768 Miles © 8¢ .............................. Nilliam Gliddon, 397 Miles @ 8¢ .............................. ~. F. Binsted - 431 Miles @ 8¢ ............................... rhomas Gregg - Court - $ 8.0~(Pay Roll) ... Burnett Jamieson - Court - $ ~.~~(Pay Roll) Jlifford Schwalm - Dog Catcher Expenses ...................... Nard Machine & Welding - Repairs to Sprayer .................. ¿'red Bland & Co. - Sweeping Compound ......................... ~ing Bros. - Lumber cat boxes ................................ ~ll of which is respectfully submitted. "S. S. J. Pugh" Chairman Amount Cheque 1.80-..... 347 100.3~ 349 2.0~ 350 8.7~ 351 1.4(}.., 352 82.50\.. 353 65 . O~ 354 13.19-.. 355 143.00... 356 42.00..., 357 5.12\.. 358 30.00-... 359 61.44'-.. 360 31.7~ 361 34 .4~ 362 363 364 124.11, 365 17.09'-.. 366 5.5~ 367 24.32"... 368 $ 2,340.67 10VED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee ,n FINANCE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ~IRE REPORT (our Standing Cornnlittee on FIRE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the ~ollowing: I. E. P. C. - Fire Area 1 .................................... J. E. Morley - Premium, Outboard Floater Policy.............. Pickering News - Stationery.................................. ~osebank Hardware - Repair and Equipment ..................... Bell Telephone Co. - Signal Channel.......................... ;afety Supply Compan~' - Fire Equipment Supplies .............. figor Oi 1 Co. - F\te 1 Oi 1 ..................................... ¥. R. Lynde & Son - Supplies & Truck License ................. ~ll of whi~h is respectfully submitted. Amount Cheque 6.0~ 285 44 . 60.... 369 17 . 7~ 379 23.51, 370 2.5~ 371 39.50--.. 372 82 .97, 373 32.41, 374 $ 249.32 "J. S. Scott" Chairman 10YED by Mr. Scott, seconded by ~w. Lawson, that the Report of the Standing Committee )n FIRE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED >OLICE REPORT loUr Standing Committee on POLICE begs leave to report and recommends payment )f the following: ~eddy's Service Station - Gas, Oil, Repairs, etc. ........... )isney Motors - Repairs, etc. ............................... )efoe Motors - Repairs, etc. ................................ ~aw Motor Sales - Gas and Oil............................... ;heather Hardware - Bulbs ................................... ~orrest Lumber Co. Ltd. - Summons Holder Cabinet ............ t. Faulkner - Lettering? doors, Car 1 ...................... ~ander-Stark Oil Ltd. - Fuel Oil............................ mnbarton Radio - Car 1 Radio conversion .................... AmoW1t Cheque 247.6~ 40.70..., 35 . 39-.. 11. 6~ 10.80... 40, O~ l3.0Q.",. 95.56" 178.75-... 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 - 5 - olice Renort - Continued ell Telephone Co. - Pickering 365, At. 2-2881, Ajax 1131..... almsle~r & Magill - Typewriter, Stationery, etc. ............. .11 of which is respectfully submitted. Amount Cheaue 87.20.-.., 389 269 .4~ 390 $ 1,030.13 "J. S. Scott" Chairman [OVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee In POLICE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED VBLIC UTILITIES REPORT ·our Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES begs leave to report and recommends layment of the following: Amount Cheaue 2.58" 375 l40.l~ 283 119.44--.. 376 15 .4~ ~ 377 12.56, 378 - $ 290.13 losebank Hardware - Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. E. P. C. _ Pumping Plant .............................. :mperial Oil Limited - Oil, Drums, etc. .................. :anadian Tire Corporation - Tools, etc. .................. ~ssell Ferguson - 157 Miles @ 8¢ ........................ III of which is respectfully submitted. "J. S. Scott" Chairman lOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. UcPherson, that the report of the Standing Commi1 )n PUBLIC UTILITIES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED t lOAD AND BRIDGE REPORT rour Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES begs leave to report and recommends )ayrnent of the following: r. D. Adams Co. Ltd. - Maintainer Repairs .................. r. Balsdon and Sons- - Tools ................................ ~he Bell Telephone Co. - Rearranging Plant at Lot 32-33, Con.3 ~ee Bishop Radiator Repairs - Repair Radiator .............. !urrow's Garage - Parts and Repairs ........................ ~anadian Tire Corporation - Tools .......................... ~onstruction Equipment Co. - Parts Shovel 3 ................ ~lson Bros. Garage - Grader No.3, Towing .................. 3. F. Goodrich Can ad. a Ltd. - Tires & Tubes ................. i. D. Lappin - Surveying & Draughting Equipment ............ ). L. Mairs - Tools ........................................ lobert Miller - Repairing~,.................................. rille: Pav~ng Limited - C~ushing, Patching, Sanding ........ rhe Picker1ng News - Signs ................................. [erb Robinson Wholesale - Oil Filters ...................... 3rian Ruddy - 995 Miles @ 8¢, Car Allowance ................ ~hell Oil Co. of Canada - Gas and Oil...................... ~upertest Petroleum Ltd. - Gas and Oil..................... iard's Machine and Welding - Repairing ..................... fueel and Rim Co. of Canada Ltd. - Truck Parts ............. rhe White Motor Co. of Canada - Parts ...................... :¡tred Hicks - Tools ......................................... ~. T. Johnston - Unemployment Insurance .................... leceiver General - Pension Fund ............................ ~yril E. Morley - Insurance, Truck # 12 .................... )epartment of Highways - Tax on 400 gal. Diesel Fuel....... )aily Commercial News - Tender, Front End Loader, Adv....... Amount 1,013.68, 7.8(}..... 42.81, 9.5Û'-. 731.3&-.. 21.83--.. 49.65-.... 7 .50-., 1,48l.2&,. 700.20.... 12.91, 9.7~ 4,502.01\.. 7 . 65--... 47 . 42.... 79.6Û\,. 158.40, 328.80'-. 26.9}.... 31.72--. 28.93-... 6.3~ 4.92 107.82 4.52--.. 44 . 00-... 6 . 3&-. , Roll, March $ 9,474.68 . . . . . . . . _, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.065.02 $12,539.70 ray tll of which is respectfully submitted. "W. G. Lawsonft Chairman Cheaue 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1021 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 - 6 - MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED WELFARE REPORT Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: PROVINCIAL Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Toronto Toronto Toronto Twp. Darlington Twp. Local MUNICIPAL Mrs. E. Headland ..................... Mrs. E. Robinson ..................... Mrs. E. Linton ....................... Mrs. L. Snyder ....................... Mrs. A. Green ........................ Mrs. M. 8m! th ........................ Mr. F. Bi 1 ton ........................ Mrs. M. Wilkinson .................... Mrs, M. Scattergood .................. Mrs. D. Carvalho - B. Sleightholm .... Mrs. M. Mulligan ..................... Mrs. L. Snell........................ Mrs. I. Williams ..................... Mrs. Y. St. Pierre - H. Richardson ... Mrs. K. Parkinson .................... Mr. D. Brundle - Re: Colley and Hilton ............... A. Mitchell Ltd. - Re: Colley, St. Pierre, Headland City of Toronto - Re: Mascomb & Thompson ............. Township of Scarborough - Re: Collins ................ Township of Osnabruck - Re: Raycraft ................. City of Oshawa - Re: Dzumek .......................... E. G. Baker - Mileage, March, 1956 .................... Township of Korah ..................................... HOSPITALIZATION County of Ontario ..................................... Rouge Hills Nursing Home - Re: Richards .............. POST SAN. CARE Alex Daigle, April, 1956 .............................. Ian Snyder, April, 1956 ............................... All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount 40.00-.... 35.00..... 35.82, 56.32-... 15.00.-... 81.62.......... 92.13-.,. 68.0Q-... 35 .00-... 4R .00.-.. 100.6~ 33.32-... 36.32, 114.99..... 54 . 11>-. 20.00--... 54.7 s..... 182.80... 29.74' 60.13' 55.24'- 34.40-.... 67 .2~ - 134.25, 10.00.... 40.00--.. 40.0~ "Jean McPherson" Chairman Total Cheaue 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 323 846.28 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 331 504.32 31R 319 144.25 320 321 80.00 MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Report of the Standing Committee on WELFARE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the Reeve grant his order on the Treasurer to pay the several accounts as presented and passed in the various ,... reports as passed this day. CARRIED BY-rAW NU}fBER 2160 Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson., moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to divide the Township into Wards, provide for a seven man Council and repeal By-Law Number 2152, and that same now he read a first time. Mr. Scott, seconded hy Mr. Pugh, moves that By-Law Number 2160 to divide the Township into Wards, provide for a seven man Council and repeal By-Law Number 2152 be now read a second tjme, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. - 7 - By-Law Number 2160 - Continued Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2160 be adopted and that the said By-Law be now read a t.hi.rd time and PASSED; t.hat the Reeve and ClerJ< sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED YEAs: Messrs. Scott, Lawson, Newman, Pugh, and Mrs. McPherson. NAYS: Nil BY-LAW NUMBER 2161 Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to accept an agreement relative to the Township doing certain work on Chesterton Shores Road, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-Law Number 2161 to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to accept an agreement relatjve to the Township doing certain work on Chesterton Shores Road, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2161 be adopted and that the said By-Law be now read a third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED BY-LAW NU}fBER 216~ Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to close part of an unused sideline in the Township of Pickering, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, moves that By-Law Number to close part of an unused sideline in the Township of Pickering, be now read a second time and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mrs. J. McPherson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2162 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS 1. Send J. Reid, 54 Guild Road, Pickering, copy of Ryan letter re Building Deposit ) 2. Write letter of condolence to Mrs. V. Willard. > 3. Get Health Unit information for April 9th. ? 4. Call Industrial Committee meeting for April 25th at 8 P. M. > 5. Mr. Ruddy advise Council operating cost of each truck and grader. ~ 6. Mr. Scott arrange meeting between Council and DesBrisay and Livesay re their paying $ 1,700.00 toward paving East Avenue in front of théir subdivision. ì 7. Ask Mr. Moore who takes expropriation proceedings for land in Claremont Village - Township, or Village Trustees. MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by to meet again on Monday, the 7th day APPROVED ~~/\ 1956