HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 5, 1956 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY the FIFTH day of MARCH, 1956, at TEN o'clock in the torenoon. PRESENT: Mr. Wm. G. Newman, in the Chair Wm. G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney I. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson Lloyd T. Johnston, Clerk MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Minutes of meeti~g held February 6, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by MrIJ. McPherson, that Minutes of meeting held February 13, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Minutes of meeting held February 14, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Minutes of meeting held February 21, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Minutes of meeting held February 27, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Minutes of meeting held March 1, 1956, be adopted. CARRIED The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. Project Construction Limited - Droposal re subdivision, Broken Front, Range 2, Lot 35. 2. Taxes: 1955 - February Collected' 13,518.02. Prier, February Collected 3,238.15. Balance, . 87,978.45 Balance, 27.825.29 tl15,803.74 3. Ajax Hospital - Patients admitted, 1955: Ajax - 713 - 33% Pickering Township - 812 - 37% Pickering Village - 67 - 3% Others - 571 - 27% Total - 2163 - 100% t)Ñ 4. Oliver E. Crockterd - Proposal for his suggested appointment før Consultant. 5. Objections to Garba2e Area: (a> William Heron - claims farm. (b) John Cody - summer cottage. (c> C. H. Snelson - collector owes up to July 1st. 6. H. L. Fair, Depart.ent ot Agriculture. Thanks tor use of building for their vote by cucumber growers. 7. Frank Barclay applied for permission to open a Gravel Pit in Concession 5, Lot 5. 8. The Glidden Com.any, in reply to a letter asking that they consider Pickering Township as an industrial site, stated their thanks and placed our letter on file. 9. - four. Value,' 41,000.00. Two Dwellings ... 2 - 10. Town of New Toronto requesting Council to endorse their resolution to increase Old Age Pension from $40.00 to 365.00. 11. County Clerk requi8ition, 1956 - $ 118,352.55 12. Burrou£h's Addin£ Machine Service yearly, $ 21.60. NO ACTION 13. Canadian Natio~al Railway advising cost of sidings to Township or firm approximately , 6.50 per foot and grading, plus 6% on non-perishable materials. rhe following PERSONS on MOTION were heard: 1. w. H. Westney - representing R. D. H. P., advised Council that there was now before the Legislature Bill 58, ~ich proposes to amalgamate all authorities in the Toronto Area, under one Board; also the cost of a survey of creeks in our Authority would be a minimum of $ 8,750.00, of which Township would pay 25%. William Ellicott asked for more equi~ment to clean the Municipal Building and a salary increase of $100.00 to '1200.00 per year. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT. 2. Project Construction COmDany discussed agreement for subdivision at Broken Front, Range 2, Lot 35: (1) Agreed they build cement sidewalk on East Avenue entire length including in front of three private properties. (2) Agreed a limit of 19 street lights be installed. (3) Disagreed on locatien of 5~ land donation, but agreed to meet on property at 6:30 Wednesday, March 7th. 4. A. J. TbomDson reported Garage Licenses all cleaned up but one, and recommended Wrecking Licenses for Allison and Puckrin. 3. 5. F. J. Allison re Wrecking License. 6. Richard Puckrin re Wr.~ng License. 7. John Skidmore objected to Mr. Shingler being used to collect taxes on their plant. Referred to Tax Collector. 8. E. G~ Baker - re Tax ~llection, and use of Mr. Shingler as Bailiff, and asked that he collect~arrears. 9. Robert Balsdon claimed poultry damage and asked that By-Law under Livestock Protection Act include "fowl". lO. Mr.Archibªlß~ Solicitor for Highland Creek Sand and Gravel, objecting to Council trying to block their license because of possible erosion. .1. Lorn~_ White claimed Canadian Pacific Railway bridge approaches over railway one-quarter mile east of Brock Road unsafe and rough. Mr. Ruddy to approach owners to see if right-of-way could be purchased to Brock Road south of C. P. R. tracks. [OVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Chairman of Finance look .nto equipment for janitor and increased salary. CARRIED [OVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that a donation or . 2~!!..00 be ;ranted Pickering Township Red Croes Society. CARRIED [OVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded bl' Mr. Pugh, that Township Council endorse 'esolution of New Toronto that Federal Government increase the Old Age Pension 'rom. 40.00 to '65.00. . CARRIED ~ by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. LawSD n , that F. J. Allison and R. Puckrin Ie granted Wrecking Yards for 1956. CARRIED - 3 - MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Roy Ward be paid $ 64.10 for work January 1st to 5th, 1956, but his account for 13 days in February, amounting to t 166.00 be not paid. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson that "in case the tax collector fails or omits to collect the taxes or any portion thereof by the day appointed or to be appointed for the return of the Collector's Roll, the tax collector is hereby authorized to continue the levy and collection of the unpaid taxes in the manner and with the powers provided by law for the general levy and collection of taxes." CARRIED MOVED by Jlrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Kennel Fee for 1956 and succeeding years be . 10.00. CARRIED FINÀNCE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FINANCE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. - Audit of School Accounts South Ontario Plowmen's Association - 1956 Grant.......... H. E. P. C. - Office ..................................... H. E. P. ë. - Township Hall.............................. Imperial O~l Limited - Office Fuel....................... Registrar of needs - Transfers, January.................. Gestetner (Canada> Limited - Supplies .................... The Stouffville Tribune - Advertising RBployaent, Tax Arrears Forms, and Scratch Pads ..................... D. L. Mairs - Bulbs ...................................... United Stationery Co. - Conveyancing Paper ............... Ontario Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Investigation skinned dogs, foxes, raccoons ......... The Municipal World Limited, Tags and Licenses, etc. ..... The Pickering News - Advertising & Supplies .............. Grand & Toy - Furniture .................................. T. Eaton Co. - Venetian Blinds, Gavel ..~................. Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - Pickering 108 ............. Beare's Limited - Stationery Supplies .................... Ivan Beare - Electrical Work in Office ................... Kayes Plumbing - Work on Furnace and Materials ........... County of Ontario - Training School...................... H. ~. P. C. - Final Bill for North Wing .................. Times-Gazette Publishers Ltd. - Applications for Employment Burroughs Adding Machine of Canada Ltd. - Machine......... Millers Mendit Shop - Materials for North Wing ........... Claremont Co-Operative - Shingles for Claremont Fire Ball. Charles Cooper - Cleaning Space Heater and pipes in Claremont Fire Hall ...............~................. Trinidad Leaseholds - 108.6 gals stove Oil, Claremont ..... Simpson's Wood Products - Wall Panel & shelf Rack (See Public Utilities Report) .................. W. David Lappin - Plan of Roads ........................... W. Walker - Laundry, Jan. and Feb. $ 9.80 Expenses, Regional Conference 10.00 810 Miles @ 8¢ . 64.80 ........ D. F. Goslin - 362 Miles- ~ 8¢ ............................. Maurice F. Binsted - 382 Miles @ 8¢ ....................... D. J. PIitz - 66 Miles @ 8¢ ............................... William Gliddon - 660 Miles @ 8¢ .......................... A. J. Thompson - 731 Miles @ 8¢ ........................... K. C. Pascoe - Materials & Labour, North Wing ............. Earl Pascoe - Spray Brush Painting Supplies ............... P. R. Wilson Limited - Materials for North Wing ........... Clifford Schwalm - Dog Catcher Expenses ................... Rosebank Hardware - Dog Chains and Rope ................... Amount Cheaue 732.25-.-.. 225 l50.0~ 157 32 .4&. 51 4 . 05-.... 51 68.78, 226 12.40.... 227 36.82, 228 28.95' 229 2.12, 230 .71, 231 11.88" 232 l5.4~ 233 l46.2~ 213 619.35-..., 234 66.75-.... 150 79. 3~ 149 32 . 66-.. 235 33. 9~ 236 899.76.... 152 13.95, 237 5.8~ 159 2 .48\.. 238 332.00'-. 239 16 . 00..... 240 21.,",- 241 4 . 56-.. 242 23.4~ 243 28. O~ "1 l3.8&-. 244 84.60--.. 245 28.96, 247 30.5&.... 248 5.28... 249 52 .80.-. 250 58 .48-..... 246 270.77'--. 251 347 . 87'--.. 252 9.9~ 253 86.5~ 254 28 . 35... 255 , All of which is respectfully submitted. t 4,439.52 "S. S. Pugh" Chairman - 4 - MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that the Report of the Standing Committee on FINANCE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED FIRE REPORT Your Standing Committee on FIRE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Amount Cheque 4 . 67--.... 201 3.00-..... 202 2.5~ 203 35.00, 204 4 .00'-. 205 38 .92-... 206 3.75.- 207 83.64, 208 3.06-... 209 6 . OS\.... 154 53.24' 210 225.00, 211 . 460.86 Orchard Crown Inn - Gas and Oil......................... Safety Supply Co. - Cylinder Recharged .................. Bell Telephone Co. - Signal Channel..................... McCrone's Box Lunch - Catering .......................... The General Fireguard Corp. Ltd. - Cartridges for fire extinguishers recharged ............................ Wilson & Cousins Co. Ltd. - Hose, etc. .................. St. John Ambulance - Bandages ........................... Vigor Oil Co. - Fuel Oil................................ Rent-A-Tool Co. - Repairs ............................... H. E. P. C. - ~ire Area 1 ............................... Cyril E. Morley - Insurance Premiums .................... Town of Ajax - Fire Calls (Fire Area 2) ................. All of which is respectfully submitted. "J. S. Scott" Chairman MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the report of your Standing Committee on ~IRE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED POLl CE REPORT Your Standing Committee on POLICE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Hudson's Bay Co. - Police Clothing ..................... Pickering News - En~elopes ............................. Lander-Stark Oil - Fuel Oil............................ Forrest's Auto Electric - Checking Speedometer ......... ·John S. Balsdon and Sons - 38 She1ls ................... Wood's Transport - Cartage ............................. Sainthill - Levine - 1 set Handcuffs ................... DeFoe Motors - R. V. Mirror (Meteor) ................... Disney Motors ~ Tire, Service, Repairs ................. Kayes Plumbing - Pump Repair ........................... Bell Telephone Co. - Ajax 1131, Pickering 365, At. 2-2881 John Mills - Evidence Photos (Newell) .................. P.C. R.T. Parker - Use of own car ...................... P.C. D.F. Matheson - Use of own car .................... All of which is respectfully submitted. "J. S. Scott" Chairman Amount 448.4&.. 9 . 7 6.... 37.2&-. 4.00.-.. 4.6~ 1.25'- 27.50--. 6.95,- 88.l~ 3.l~ 94 .8n... 10 .O~ 8.2~ 9.60-... . 753.71 Ch~ 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 156 222 223 224 MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the report of the Standing Committee on POLICE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED PUBLIC UTILITIES Your Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Pickering Drilling Contractors - Water Service Repair..... H. C. Sewell - Surveying Chester Bill Road ............... Neptune Meters Ltd. - Water System Supplies .............. All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount 28 . 3&.... 100.00.-... 20.63.. 149.01 - "J. S. Scott" Chairman CheQue - 5 - MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the Report of the Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORT Your Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: J. D. Adams Co. - Maintainer ~arts and Repairing ....... Fred Hicks -235 miles @ 8¢, $18.80; Parts, $3.15........ The Pickering News - Road Signs ........................ D. L. Mairs - Hardware ................................. Miller Paving Co. - Sanding ............................ Watson Springs - Springs for trucks .................... White Motor Co. - Truck Parts .......................... Dominion Road Machinery Co. - Plow Parts ............... Eastern Steel Products - truck parts ................... B. F. Goodrich Tire Co. - 2 tires and tubes ............ Robert Miller - Repairs ................................ Gasaccumulator Company - Reflectors .................... Simpson's Wood Products - Filing Cabinet Base .......... Construction Equipment Co. - Shovel'No. 3, Parts ....... F. S. Barclay - Cartace, salt .......................... The Canadian Salt Company - 12 tons salt ............... Herb. Robinson - Oil Filters and Parts ................. Canadian Tire Company - Tools .......................... Shell Oil Company - Gas, Oil and Diesel Oil............. Department of Highways - Fe~_ 4, 357 gal Diesel Oil, Invoice No. 209071; Feb. 16, 500 gal. Diesel Oil, Invoice No. 219279 ................................... Jack Ward - Repair Trucks and Plows .................... Brian Ruddy - 1102 Miles @ 8¢ .......................... Burrow's Garage - Truck Parts and Repairs .............. Burrow's Garage - 1956 International S-120 Truck ....... Blasting Experts of Ontario - Dynamite, fuse and Caps... L. T. Johnston - Unemployment Insurance ................ Receiver General of Canada - Pension Fund .............. Pay Roll, February . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All of which is respectfully submitted. "W. G. Lawson" Chairman Amount 1,335.38--.. 21.95'- 10.32--.. 22.52-. 295 .l~ l2.l&. 8.2~ 77 .28'- 61.75--. 320.0&..., 73.3~ 26 .07'-. 23.00-.- 2.3~ 76 .8~ 192.00..-. 64 .1 &-... 68 .44-.-. 622.23, 94.2~ 144. 3~ 88.10\. 667.43--. 2,260.00.-.. 61.00--... 2.40 108.15 . 6,969.73 2.650.39 $ 9,620.12 Cheoue 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1004 1020 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1018 1019 MOVED by Mr. IAwson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED WELFARE REPORT Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Cheoue Amount Total PROVINCIAL Local Mrs. E. Headland.~.~.................. 162 40 .00'-- Local Mrs. E. Äobinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 35 .00-... Local Mrs. E. Liªon ....................... 164 35 .82-... Local Mrs. L. Sny er ....................... 165 56.32--... Local Mrs. A. Gr .~ n ........................ 166 15.00.... Local Mrs. M. SII th ........................ 167 81.62-.. Local Mr. F. Bilton · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 92.13--. Local Mr. Earl Boyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 35 .00.... Local Mr. Mac Elety 170 25.0~ "I · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto Mrs. M. Mulligan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 100.65--.. Toronto Mrs. L. Snell · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 33 .32"--. Toronto Twp. Mrs. Ida Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 36 .32-.. Darlington H. Richardson - Re: St. Pierre . . . . . . 174 109.51, Local B. Sl&lptholme - Re: Carvalho . . . . . . 175 48 .O~ 743.69 - 6 - Welfare ReDort (Continued) MUNICIPAL D. Brundle - Re: Colley........................... A. W. Mitchell - Re: St. Arsenault, Colley, Stokes, Warner, St. Pierre ............ Township of Scarborough - Re: Collins, Jan., 1956... Township of Korah - Re: Savolainen, Jan. & Feb,/56.. City of Oshawa - Re: Dzumek, Jan. 1956.............. Town of Ajax - Re: Smith, Jan. 1956................. Township of Osnabruck, Re: Raycraft, Jan./56........ ü E. . Baker, Mileage, Feb, 1956 ..................... HOSPITALIZATION County of Ontario ................................... Provincial Treasurer Re: Insulin ................... Cairn's Bros. Ambulance - Be: Chapman ............. Toronto Hospital, Ambulance - Re: Wilson ........... W. ~. McEachnie, Burial - Re: Hammond .............. POST SAN CARE Alex Dai«le - March, 1956 ........................... Ian Snyder - March, 1956 ............................ All of which is respectfully submitted. Cheque Amount Total 176 20 . O~ 177 106.2~ 178 29.7~ 179 134.52, 180 10 .l~ 181 52.10, 182 60.13-. 183 35.52, 448 .39 184 185 186 187 188 181.28--. 3.77, l4.0~ 16. O~ 75.0~ 290.05 189 190 40.00.. 40 . O~ 80.00 "Jean McPherson" Chairman MOVED bY Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of your Standing Committee on WELFARE. as just read, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the acannts as submitted by the various committees this day. CARRIED CLERK t S INS_TRtJ.CTIONS 1. Write Department of Planning and Development that Council satisfied with present set-up under R. D. H. P. Authority and feel that the proposed ( amalgamation of all Authorities in Toronto Area might be uneconomical to this Township. In any case, Council would like more information on the proposed set-up of new Board. 2. Ask R. ~. H. P. Authority to investigate possible polution of Duffin's ( Creek by Bremen Lake ducks and two piggeries. 3. Write Christofferson, O'Connor, Brown and Wilcox, if they would object to F. S. Barclay opening a Gravel Pit on the south half of Lot 5, Concession 5. 4. Recommend to Assessor that all Gravel Pits carry a business assessment. 5. Prepare By-Law to include fowl in Livestock Protection Act. 6. Ask Mr. Ruddy to inspect Robert Balsdon's street preparatory Township assuming. 7. Advise D. Spang Warding By-Law to be passed March 12, 1956. 8. Advise L. A. Boucher of first Council meeting in June. 9. Agreed Council meet March 12, 13, 19 and 26. MOVED by' 'Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Council do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, the 3rd day of April, 1956, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon. APPROVED ~2.~ 1956 ( ~ to ( \ , , /7 //Æ ~ .>~Æ~__/...ø. /~. r Reeve