HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 1, 1956 ........... -......."~,.... . ,",'- 'f'*""'4it'" M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G ~. R 0 UGH A M An Emergent Meeting of Council was held on THURSDAY, the FIRST day of MARCH, 1956, at EIGHT o'clock in the Evening. PRESENT: Mr. WID. G. Newman, in the Chair Wm. G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. Pugh Mrs. Jean McPherson Clerks and Council Members of Town of Ajax and Village of Pickering Mr. F. Routley, Administrator. of Ajax The Councils of the Municipalities of Pickering Township, Town of Ajax, and Village of Pickering, had each received notice that the Ajax-Pickering Hospital was overdrawn $30,000.00 at the Bank and required financial assist- ance. - and - - anf1. - Mr. Routley stated that in the past two years of operation the indigency accounts by Municipalities were: Ajax - 19 for about $ 2,000.00 Pickering Township - 22 for about $ 1,676.50 Pickering Village - 3 for about $ 100.00 The Debenture issue in 1954 of $ 100,000.00 for Capital Expense of the Hospital was paid: Ajax, 50%, Pickering Township, 45%; Pickering Village, 5%. Mayor Smith, of Ajax, stated his Municipality was agreeable to pay $5,400.00 now but would not commit the Town on the $2,000.00 indigency accounts. He thought that the basis for the various Municipalities should be same as equalized assessment: Township, 59%; Town, 36%, Village, 5%. The Township members verbally agreed to pay $5,285.00 (to bring debenture and grant to 1 Mill) plus the indigency for 1954 and 1955 of $ 1,676.50, providing the grant was in same ratio in Municipalities as paid in 1954. The Village agreed to pay 5% up to $ 500.00 and their $ 100.00 indigency. l i I I I I I. :: I I I It was agreed that Mr. Routley should submit number and cost of in and out patients and smallest amount of grant necessary to keep in business in 1956. Then the Councils would again meet and decide total grant and percentage. A general discussion took place about re-dividing Township Fire Areas between Ajax and Pickering Village Fire Departments. Ajax agreed that they could service subdivisions which were served by paved roads, which seemed hardly fair to the Pickering Village Fire Brigade. Ajax give pulmotor service. It was agreed that Mr. Johnston, Clerk, send maps to both Councils and ask the Ajax Brigade if they would (1) serve Heron and Pickering Beach areas. (2) all east or Ajax and south of Highway 2, and quote price per call. Agreed garbage be picked up from commercial establishments free twice per week. Clerk get agreement with Mr. Watson. CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS 1. Have a member of Fire Area 1 attend next meeting on changes in Fire Areas. Send N. Irish copy of Garbage Area By-Law. Get Mr. RUddy's opinion of asphalt sidewalks. APPROVED ~ "'" ~ " 1956 On MOTION of Mr. Lawson, the meeting adjourned.