HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 13, 1956 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM An Emergent Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY the THIRTEENTH day øf FEBRUARY, 1956, at ~IGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: Wm. G. Newman Wm. G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sillney S. Pugh Mrs. J. McPherson L. T. Johnston, Clerk Brian Ruddy Douglas PIitz The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 7. Mrs. Soden, Concession 5, Lot 15, applied for Dog Kennel License. E. G. Anstey tendered $ 11,650.00 for 2200 houses, or $5,30 per house for Municipal Garbage pick up. Association Ontario Mayors and Reeves, 1956, advising membership fee, pO.OO. Meet in Peterborough in Mayor June. Minister Public Works,zadvising they are investigating a renewal of license for Highland Creek Sand and Gravel Company. R. D. H. P. - Minutes Meeting January 25, 1956. Nia~ara Brand SDray COmDany - Warbicide, $ 6.65, 15 lbs. DeDartment of Plannin£ and DevelODment, soliciting subscriptions to their Information - One Dollar per copy. ~. AI. Bannock (telephone. Clerk) thai he could not act on Industrial Committee due to a change in his position, but would use his influence as much as possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. Arthur Carlton, Dump Caretaker, asked that a gate be put on dump and that signs be posted that no person could remove salvage. The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Mr. Kerr, Manager H. E. P. C., Markham, discussed 3-phase power service in the Township. He stated this service was available anywhere in Town- ship, that there was' now a considerable amount of 3-phase service in the Township, and that the cost of bringing it to the individual to be a rough cost of $2,000.00 per~mile, plus, say, 25 HP times 8, or 12,200.00 for this service one mile from such power line. A Bond is necessary for all industrial connections and user purchawes all large transformers. However, all applicants should be referred to the H. E. P. C. for true estimates. ¡ i I I I I I I 2. Garba£e Collector ADulicants 1. William Jackson - $ 5.00 per house: 3 trucks, 8 men. 2. R. J. MacFarlane - $5.50 per house: 2 trucks, 6 men. 3. Fallon & Sons - 5.00 per house: 1 truck, 3 men (bulldozer) 4. R. J. Watson - 5.00 per house: 1 pack truck, 4 men. 5. E. G. Anstey - 5.10 per house: 1 truck, 3 men. , All agreed they could start March 1, 1956. 3. Mr. Brown _ Photocraphic Survey, would supply survey of Township, 200 feet to inch for $3,500.00, set up, plus: 5000 acres - ¡ 1.12 per acre 10000 acres - 1.05 per acre 15000 acres - .97 per acre 20000 acres - .92 per acre 25000 " and up .87 per acre These could be .blown up to 100 feet to inch for Assessment Department. = I - MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that 1956 supply of Warbicide be purchased from C. I. L. at $ 6.50 per 15 lb. package. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that 14 issues of Ontario Planning be secured for Planning Board members and Council. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that farms be excluded from Garbage Area. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Robert Watson to Council on February 21st how he would recommend the garbage area and what provision would be made for the collection of garbage from businesses. present set up Commercial CARRIED [ l I I I I I I I I MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that all roads leading onto the Frenchman's Bay, be barricaded as a safety measure. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that an electric Burrows Adding Machine be purchased at price of $ 332,00. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Mrs. Soden be granted a Kennel License for 1956, in Concession 5, Lot 15. CARRIED AGREED Clerk try and arrange a meeting of Ajax and Pickering Village Councils at Pickering Village on February 20th at 8 P. M. to discuss Ajax Hospital and Fire Areas. Pickering Village could not arrange. AGREED Township Dump shall be open from 8 A. M. to dusk each day and that Arthur Carlton fix the gate up and put a lock on it, and be responsible for its opening and closing. MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Treasurer make application to the Department or Highways ror grant on $ 143,828.36 spent by the Township of Pickering Road Depart~nt in the year 1955. CARRIED MOVE~ by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that there be established for Road Employees of the Township of Pickering a Sick Leave System whereby all Township permanent road employees may receive regular pay up to I! days per month cumu- lative over three year period, subject to a doctor's certificate, commencing January 1, 1956. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the rollowing Resolution for the signatures and transaction of business at the Canadian Bank of Commerce be adopted: RESOLUTION passed at a meeting of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering duly called and held on the 13th day of February, 1956. ON MOTION IT WAS RESOLVED that any two of the following officers; The Reeve, The Clerk, The Collector, The Treasurer, are hereby authorized for and in the name of The Corporation of the Township of Pickering from time to time and until further notice to The Canadian Bank of Commerce: 1. (a) To draw, accept, sign, make, endorse, negotiate and dispose of all or'any bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques and orders for the payment of money, and (b) To pay and receive all moneys and give acquittances for the same, and (e) To borrow money (whether by way of overdraft or otherwise, howso- ever) from The Canadian Bank of Commerce and deposit with, convey, transfer, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, assign, deliver, ...i,r, !.1iv.r, and/or give to the said Bank as security for any moneys borrowed or to be borrowed all or any of the present or future property and assets of the said Corporation of every kind and whether real or personal, moveable or immoveable, and - 3 - (d) To receive from the said Bank any negotiable instruments or other property and assets of the said Corporation of every kind and give receipts therefor) and (e) To transact generally with the said Bank any business they may see fit: Also that any two of the following Officers; The Reeve, the Clerk, the Collector, the Treasurer are hereby authorized for and in the name of the said Corporation, from time to time and until further notice to the said Bank: 2. To rent safety deposit boxes and have access thereto and to surrender the same: Also that any two of the following officers; The Reeve, The Clerk, the Collector, The Treasurer are hereby authorized for adLin the name of the said Corporation, from time to time and until further notice to the said Bank: 3. (a) T.o discount, negotiate, deposit with or transfer to the said Bank (but for credit of the account of the said Ccrporation only) all or any bills of exchange, promissory note8\ cheques or orders for the payment of money and other negotiable instruments and for the said purpose to endorse the same or any of them, and (b) To execute from time to time the said Bank's form of agreement as to the settlement, balance and verification of all books and accounts between the said Corporation and the said Bank, to receivè all paid cheques and other debit vouchers charged to any such account and give receipts therefor, and to arrange, settle and balance such books and accounts." CERTIFIED a true copy of the said resolution passed as above set forth~and recorded in the Minute Book of the proceedings of the said Corporation DATED at BrongJwn Ontario the 13th day of February, 1956.':' CARRIED On MOTION of Mr. Lawson, the meeting adjourned. l ~ I I I I I I I I I - /?~~ , ~- 'r Clerk I I \ APPROVED ""'~ . ~ \ 1956 ?y p, ?¡~~ Reeve