HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 6, 1956 M U N.I C I PAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meetin~ of Council was held on MONDAY the SIXTH day of FEBRUARY, 1956, at TEN o'clock in the forenoon. PRESENT: William G. Newman, in the Chair William G. Lawson J. Sherman Scott Sidney S. Pu~h Mrs. Jean McPherson Lloyd T. Johnston, Clerk The ~ollowing CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. G. S. Cayley, Concession 5, Lot 2, loi acres. Application for Kennel License. Mr. Lawson to inquire. 2. Kathleen Stork - request 1956 Library Grant, Pickering Library. 3. H. E. Turner. - request 1956 Library Grant, Whitevale Library. 4. Buildin~ InsDector - January, 2 dwellings, Value, . 24,100.00. 5. De artment of P a nin a d Develo ment, Civil Defense Branch, request that Township organize. Grants, 5 ,paid by Federal and 25~ paid by Provincial. Clerk write Toronto for proposed set-up and cost, and write J. Daniel- Jenkins to see if he would assist. 6. Fire Chief. OshaW8 -Fire Co_ordinator, County of Ontario - advising of meeting for organizing Friday, February 24, 1956, at 8 P. M. Mr. Scott agreed to attend. 7. R. D. H. P. requesting name of person who should receive notice of flood warning, so that he should advise all agencies. AGREED Police Chief's name be gI. yen . 8. DeDartment of MunioiDal Affairs - approval Pedlar License fees. ,9. Resignation of Lloyd Johnston as Treasurer, Pickering Township lO. DeDartment of Hi£hway!. - approval Brian Ruddy as Road Superintendent. Brunner-Mond (Canada) Limited - Calciua bag I 45.00 per ton net, delivered. Bulk 38.40 per ton net, delivered. w. S. Saunders agreed to sit on Industrial Committee. C. A. Sterritt asked payment of salary for January, 1956, Truant Officer. ll. l2. l3. l4. Tax Arrears - 1955, Collected January, 18,114.05. Balance,. 101,484.71 1954 and Prior, Janua~r; . 2,782.68. ~lance,. 30,163.75. L5. The fpllowing Tenders for Gasoline and Oil were opened and considered: Bri tish American Oil Co.. Ltd. J. W. Perkin Co. Ltd. Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd. Imperial Oil Limited Supertest Petroleum Corp. Ltd. Reliance PetroleUII Limited Reliance Petroleum Limited Shell Oil Co. Ltd. Petrofina Canadian Oil Companies Ltd. Regent Refining {Canada) Ltd. ReJn1lar Diesel Oil 19.2 19. 18.8 19.8 17.8 18.3 18.9 19.8 19.2 19.8 19.2 22.20 22.1 21.2 22.2 21.2 19.4 20. 21.2 21.2 23.2 22.6 Prelliua 25.20 25.1 24.2 25.2 24.2 X Zone 1 X Zone 2 24.2 X 26.2 X - 2 .. l6. The following Tenders for Garbage Collection were opened and considered: Norman Irish William Jackson John Culetta Frank Culetta R. J. MacFarlane D. C. Rennie Fallon & Sons A. J. Giroux & P. Dunne 8.00 per year per house 5.00 per year per house 7.50 per year per house 8.00 per year per house 5.00 to . 6.00 per year per house 26.00 per year per house 5.06 per year per house - . 13,000.00 per year. 7.54 per year per house. l7. Roy Ward - resignation as Road Superintendent. .8. Project Construction Limited - request for subdivision agreement on approximately 100 houses in Concession Broken Front, Range 2, Lot 35, 26 acres, J. S. Scott. Would agree to: (1) pay. 300.00 per lot. (2) well laid out subdivision (3) Lay water mains (4) Proper drainage (5) 5% donation for park (6) Roads equal to Chesterhill subdivision. (7) Proper Driveways It was pointed out that roads would be required to be hard surfaced and our Engineer was required to obtain Proctor, Redfern and Laughlin report as to how many houses could be served with ample supply of water rrom the present pumping plant. It was agreed that one sidewalk was necessary on the main east-west street, and that there should be street ligb~~ng and necessary storm sewers. Mr. Scott .R~ ~i. aAli l~vr4 Mr. LawsonYleft the room for this discussion, with permission of the Reeve. f--¡- ~ æ,~ <....., ..c-o. he following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. A member from firm or Project Construction Limited discussed the proposed subdivision or 100 lots, Broken Front, Range 2, Lot 35. 2. Jean O'Sullivan. of firm of Jack Hurlbert and Company, Real Estate, discussed bringing industry to Pickering Township. 3. John O'Sullivan discussed gravel trucks overloading on Station Road. 4. Mr. Park, Concession 1, Lot 31, had built his house according to a present fence, and when survey was made his house was 5.97 feet from sideline. Mr. Park asked for a letter stating Council would not objeot. 5. Mr. Prouse, Building Inspector, reported: (1) , Compass Construction Company expected to build 29 houses in Chesterhill subdiTision in . 13,000.00 to . 14,000.00 price range. (2) Unfinished house, corner Glendale and Glen Allen, has been sold, so he expects it will be finished shortly. 6. Jack Bri£Dall discussed his assessment. Council agreed that Mr. Goslin would assess Mr. Brignall's buildings. 7. Mr..Blain, of Roote's Limited, demonstrated a garbage truck which was priced at 6,515.00 plus heater and paint. Mr. Ted Bennett asked about house in Number 5. C. A. Balsdon and W. B. Milne solicited a grant for South Ontario Plowmen's A.ssociation. 9. ~. ). Mr. Bell, West Rouge, objected to the McGregor, French. äá. Clark dogs up- setting his garbage every week. Clerk write. L. Mr. A. Kayes discussed heating of Municipal Building. - 3 - ~. Mr. D. Goslin stated his vault not satisfacto~. Clerk write firm advising it must be properly fixed or removed. ~.. rK fOVED by Mr. NeVlllan, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Clerk advertise for Clerk ~1Pist and Switchboard Operator with salary of $ 1,600.00 to $ 1,800.00, iepending on qualifications. (Committee of Whole, S. Pugh ChairmaðCARRIED lOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, that Clerk advertise for a young œan to assist Mr. Ruddy as bookkeeper and general helper in Road Department, Lt One Dollar per hour. CARRIED lOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that resignation of Roy Ward, as ioad Superintendent, of the Township of Pickering, effective December 31, 1955, )e accepted. CARRIED lOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Roy Ward be :eeper for the Road Department on a monthly basis at $ 85.00 "' ~ebruary 1st, 1958. YEAS; NAYS: employed as Book- per month commencing CARRIED Messrs. Scott, Lawson, Newman, Pugh Mrs. McPherson. lOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the following Libraries receive ~he stated grants for 1956: Kinsale Library Brougham Library Claremont Library Whitevale Library Pickering Library [OVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. wddy, Whitby, stating that Council will ~rk, Concession 1, Lot 31, as his house 'a ther than ten feet. $ 50.00 50 ~OO 50~00 50 ~OO 25~00 " CARRIED Pugh, that Clerk give letter to Mr. take no legal action against Mr. in error is 5.97 feet from sideline CARRIED .GREED maximum Building Deposit for one builder - 5 X $ 300.00. .GREED Car Ports be considered as garages for licensing and location. rOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that a Garbage Area be set up on louthern urban area of Township. CARRIED ~VED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that a grant of $ l50~00 be lade to the South Ontario Plowmen's Association for 1956. This increased :rant is made because of the International Plowing Match being held this year ,t Brooklin. CARRIED ~ by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that Tender of Supertest for Gasoline, liesel Oils, etc., be accepted and that Shell Oil Company be notified of the end If our contract, that any cost in change of tanks, pumps, etc., shall be borne ,y Supertest Company.' CARRIED ~ by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Mr. Sterritt be paid ruant Officer salary for January, 1956. CARRIED ØVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that resignation of Lloyd ohnston as Treasurer of the Township be accepted. CARRIED OVEn by Mr. Pugh!, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Mr. Kayes have valves nstalled on all radiators in Municipal Building, to regulate heat.CARRIED INANCE REPORT our Standing Committee on FINANCE begs leave to report and recommends payment f the following: ommercial Photoprints Ltd. - White Prints .............. . D. Lappin - Maps ..................................... . M. Moore - Pedlars By-Law............................ illage of Pickering - High School Light Service ........ ounty of Ontario - Training School - 55.35 Jail 6.00 ............. AIIount Cheque 1.10, 82 45.77, 83 6l.2~ 84 26.52, 85 61.35, 86 - 4 - 'inance Report (Continued) 'oronto Humane Society - Dogs Destroyed ................ ~partment of Lands and Forest - Prints ................ fray Electric - Brougham Street Light Bulbs ............ Seare's Limited ..........Supplies ..................... ~he Stouffville Tribune - Dog Licenses ................. ~rand and Toy Ltd. - Payroll Cheques ................... :mperial Oil Limited - Office Fuel..................... Srougham W. A. - Roy Ward Banquet ...................... Sell Telephone Co. - Pickering 108 ..................... :van Beare - Office Lighting ........................... ~oronto Stamp & Stencil Works Ltd. - Licenses .......... mderwood Limited - Typewriter Inspection .............. ~rkham Economist and Sun - Adv. Voters' List .......... tegistrar of Deeds - Transfers, December ............... ~he Municipal World Ltd. - Minute, 'Book Paper ........... ~eneral Printers Ltd. - Cheques ........................ ~red Bland & Co. - Office Towels ....................... lorman Irish - Picking' :tfp Garbage on Road ............... i. D. H. P. Conservation Authority - Balance ........... Irs. Jean Berry - School Guard, Area 1 ................. Irs. Thelma Crawford - School Guard, Area 1 ............ ~rclay Transport - Cartage ............................ ). J. PIitz - 64 Miles C 8t ............................ ~. J. Thompson 645 Miles C 8¢ ........................ liss W. Walker - 776 Miles C 8¢ - . 62.08 Health Supplies .64 .............. )ouglas Neal - Name Plates for Council Members ......... ~lock & Anderson (Canada) Ltd. - 3 Ribbons ............. (. F. Binsted - 484 Miles @ 8t ......................... ). F. . Goslin - 397 Miles @ 8¢ .......................... iilliam Gliddon - 335 Miles @ 8¢ ....................... rudge F. Denton - Court of Revision Hearing ............ (en Pascoe - Work on North Wing ........................ filler's Mendit Shop - Supplies for North Wing ......... ). L. Mairs - Supplies for North Wing .................. ? R.. Wilson Ltd. - Supplies for North Wing ............ ~lifford Sohwalm - Dog Catcher Expenses ................ ~. A. Sterritt - School Attendance Duties .............. ¡ynott Servioes Shop - Dog Kennels ..................... III of which is respectfully submitted. "S. S. Pugh" Chairman Amount Cheque 26 . 5~ 87 l8.0~ 89 19.60-... 90 l4.3~ 91 11.2~ 92 84.0~ 93 113.12, 94 202 . 5~ 95 72 .l~ 4 371 .44... 96 126.23, 97 9.0~ 98 3.6~ 99 12 .4~ 100 1.48, 101 59 .40'-- 102 6.6~ 103 3.0~ 104 125 .2~ 105 9.00' 106 12 . O~ 107 1.5~ 108 5.12, 109 51.60,,- 110 62.72, 111 5.00, 112 10.70.... 113 38.72-.... 114 31.76" 115 26 . So-... 116 41.40, 117 290.75... 118 436.88,,- 119 11.56, 120 39.~ 121 181.27'-. 122 8.32..... 123 60.0~ 124 - . 2,799.92 fOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Report of the Standing ~ommittee on FINANCE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ~IRE ACCOUNT four Standing Committee on ~ begs leave to report and recommends payment of ~he following: iational Fire Equipment Co. - Cylinder Recharge ......... ~ell Telephone Co. Signal Channel....................... fhe Enterprise - Advertising for Fire Meeting ........... }rehard's Crown Inn - Gas, Oil and Searcher ............. rigor Oil Co. Ltd. - Fuel Oil........................... ¡. R. Lynde & Son - Supplies ............................ ~. E. P. C. - Fire Hall................................. III of which is respectfully sub.itted. yount Cheaue 3.5~ 5.00, 10.80, 21.60,,- 77 .51' 18. I&--. 6 . O&... 129 130 131 132 133 134 3990 . 142.65 "J. S. Scott" Chairman ~OVED by ~r. Scott, seoonded by Mr. Pugh, that the Report of the Standing Committee Dn FIRE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED - 5 - :aÐLICE REPORT [our Standing Committee on POLICE begs leave to report and recommends payment )f the following: lrthur Mitohell Ltd. - Weighting 17 trucks ................ i. J. Chillman - 8 Loads Gravel C $ 5.00 .................. ~anadian National Telegraphs - Chief Police Montreal...... ~olice Equipment Co. Ltd. - Siren & Beacon, Meteor ........ ~odern Gun Shop - Repairs, Winchester Riot Gun ............ i. R. Lynde & Son - 12 Fuses .............................. John S. Balsdon - BB Shells & Rifle Slugs ................. ~barton Radio Service Car # 2, Tubes, etc. .............. 9pence's Stationery - 12 Pocket Notebooks ................. 9heather Hardware - Bulbs ................................. [ndustrial Supply House - Caretaking supplies ............. ~oods Transport - Cartage on Caretaking supplies .......... Law Motor Sales - 1956 Ford Mainline Tudor, less trade-in.. ff. E. P. C. - Police Station .............................. Bell Telephone - AT.2-288l, Pickering 365, Ajax 1131 ...... Lander Stark - Fuel Oil, Station .......................... Defoe Motors - Fuel Oil, accessories, inspection .......... Disney Motors - Repairs, Oil and Grease, etc. ............. British American Oil - Gas ................................ reddy's Service S..tion - Gas and Oil, Nov. and Dee. ....... Rouge Sales & Service - Gas and Oil....................... Rouge Motors - Gas ........................................ Sun Oil Company - Gas and Oil............................. Rudson's Bay Co. - Parkas, etc. ........................... Imperial Oil Ltd. - Gas and Oil........................... Allor which is respectfully submitted. "J. S. Scott" Chairman pount 5 .95-.. 40. 00'--- 1.12, l80.0~ 6.95,- .9~ 4.4&... 10.40"\ 1. so... 12. O~ 29.75-.. 1.25\.. 1,095.0~ 24. 7~ 96.2~ l19.03\,. 32. O~ 24.35, 4.S~ 208.64, 51.02, 4.9~ 203.67, 443.08, 8.55, . 2,610.70 Cheaue 55 56 57 58 59 134 61 62 63 64 66 81 67 3990 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ~OVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that the Report of the Standing Committee on POLICE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED PUBLIC UTILITIES REPORT Your Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Devine's Welding - Cleaning, Thawing Water Service ........ Russell Ferguson - Equipment, Supplies .................... Canadian National Railwayss- Permit ....................... Brian Ruddy - 241 Miles @'8¢ .............................. All of which is respectfully submitted. Amount 12.00-.... 6.24, 15.00..... 19.28" , . 52.52 "J. S. Scott" Chairman Cheaue 125·;;' 126 127 128 MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr.. McPherson, that the report of the Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ROADS AND BRIDGES REPORT Your Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES beg. leave to report and recommends payment of the following: Barclay Transport - Cartage ............................. Eastern Steel Products Ltd. - Sheave 807-A .............. Monarch Engineering Ltd -Engineering ................... Lee Bishop Radiator Repairs - Truck Radiator ............ Township of Scarborough - Sanding ....................... Amount 6.0~ 57 . 7~ 412 .50-.,. 8.00-.,. 7l.4~ Cheaue 974 975 976 977 f:978 - 6 ioads and Bridees ReDort (Continued) Amount [nternational Harvester Co. - Axle Shaft ..................~ 75.8~ ~hell Oil Co. of Canada, Ltd. - Gas & Oil .................. 1,15l.0~ rreasurer of Ontario - Jan. 4, 1956, 430 Gal., Invoice 188270 47.3~ ~erb Robinson Wholesale, Ltd. - Fan ........................ 8.9~ rhe Hughes-Owens Co. Ltd. - File Unit, Ruddy ............... 148.5~ Brian Ruddy - 1581 ~les @'="8¢ .............................. 126.48..... ~. E. P. C. - Garage ....................................... l5.2~ Panther Oil & Grease Mfg. Co. of Canada, Ltd., Hydraulic Oil l26.2~ ~red Hicks - 1174 Miles ~ 8t - . 93.92 Expenses 7.35 ..................... ~iller Paving Ltd. - Crushing .............................. Unemployment Insurance ..................................... Receiver General - Pension ................................. Roy Ward - Telephone Calls ................................. B. F. Goodrich Canada Ltd. - Tire, Tube .................... J. D. Adams Ltd. - Repairs to Grader ....................... Watson Spring Co. Ltd. - Spring ............................ Ward Machine & Welding - Welding ........................... Burrows Garage - Repairs ................................... lOl.2~ 5, 000 . 00.... 2 .40.." 109.28 7.8~ 323.98---. 532.8&..., 52 .4~ 124.95, 510.25, PAY ROLL - January .......................................~ 2.495.60 $ 11,518.25 All of which is respectfully submitted. "We G. Lawson" Chairman Ch,oue 979 980 981 982 983 0984 986 987 988 U989 Pay Roll Pay Roll 990 991 992 993 994 995 MOVED by Mr. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the report of the Standing Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED WELFARE REPORT Your Standing Committee on WELFARE begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following: PROVINCIAL Local Lo ca 1 Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Toronto Toronto Toronto Twp. Mrs. E. Headland .................... Mrs. E. Robinson .................... Mrs. E. Linton ...................... Mrs. L. Snyder ...................... Mrs. A. Green ....................... Mrs. M. Smith ....................... Mrs. F. Bilton ...................... Mr. Earl Boyes ...................... Mr. Mac. Elety ...................... Mrs. Myra Shaw...................... Mrs. M. Mulligan .................... Mrs. L. Snell....................... Mrs. Ida Williams ................... Mr. L. l)umoulin ..................... A. W. Mitchell, Re: St. Pierre ..... H. Richardson, Re: St. Pierre ...... Pilla's Grocery - Re: Swain, Dec./55, $70.00; Jan./56, $108.00 B. Sleightholm, Re: Morrow & Carvalho MUNICIPAL A. W. Mitchell - Re: Colley, Scattergood, Germaine H. Richardson - Re: Warner·· . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . · D. Brundle, Re: Colley, Gibbard, Hilton ........... E. Orchard, Re: King .............................. Twp. of Osnabruck - Re: Raycraft, Dee., 1955 ...... Twp. of Korah, Re: Savolainen, Dee., 1955 ......... Town of Ajax - Re: C. Smith, Dec. 1955 ............ Twp. of Scarborough, Re: Collins .................. City of Toronto, Re: Mascomb, Shepherd, Thompson Nov. & Dec. 1955 ....... E. Baker, Mileage - January, 1956 .................. Cheoue 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 44 Amount 40.0~ 35.00... 35 . 82--.. 56.32--.. 15.00--.. ii,8l . 62--... 92.13-... 35 .00.... 25 . O~ 104.61, 100.65, 33.32, 36.32, 55 . O~ 26 . O~ 121.98..... 178.00-.... 97 . O~... 55.00--... 19.90, 30.00--... 10 . 00.... 60 .l~ 67.26, 42.43, 29 . 7~ 205.24, 32 .72\. '- Total 1,168.77 552.42 - 7 - ~lfare ReDort (Continued) IOSPITALIZA TION 'ounty of Ontario .................................... f. W. Dixon - Re: S. Rolling ......................... 'laremont Rest Home - Re: Hammond, Feb. 1956 ......... Chegue Amount Total 37 324.82--... 38 100.00... 45 60.0~ 484.82 39 40. O~ 40 40.0º, 80.00 rB AFTERCARE llex Daigle ........................................... [an Snyder ............................................ III of which is re.pectfully submitted. "J. McPherson':' Chairman ~OVED by Mr.. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the Report of the Standing ~ommittee on WELFARE, as just read, be adopted. CARRIED ~OVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the Reeve grant his order on ~he Treasurer to pay the several accounts as presented and passed in the various reports as passed this day. CARRIED BY-LAW NUMBER 2139 ~. Pugh, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to prohibit the making of pits and quarries in the said fownship and regulating the location thereof, and that same now be read a first time. ~. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves that By-Law Number 2139 to prohibit the making of pits and quarries in the said Township and regulating the location thereof, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. fhe Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves that the Report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2139 to prohibit the making of pits and quarries in the Township of Pickering and regulating the location thereof be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED BY-LAW NUMBER 2121 Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lawson, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering for the liBnsing, regulating and governing owners and drivers of Taxi-Cabs and other motor vehicles for hire and establishing the rates or fares to be charged by the owners or drivers of such vehicles for the conveyance of pa~sengers within the Township of Pickering, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-Law Number 2121 for the licensing, regulating and governing owners and drivers of Taxi-Cabs and other motor vehicles for hire and establishing the rates or fares to be charged by the owners or drivers of such vehicles for the conveyance of passengers withiD';the Township of Pickering, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee or the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pugh, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2121 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED: THAT THE REEVE and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS . v 1. Prepare Schedule of Salaries. Engineer prepare costs of sidewalks on Fairport Road North, Frenchman's Bay Road and Altona Road, and Clerk prepare draft petition. 3. Have Mr. Kerr, of H. E. P. C., meet Council on February 13th to discuss power for industrial areas. o 2. - 8 - Clerk's-Instructions (Continued) 4. Ask Mr. O. Crockford to meet Council re Industry. 5. Write all Real Estate firms of concessions which will be granted industry and their commission. 6. When amount of possible water in West Rouge area is determined by Proctor Redfern and Laughlin, give Project Construction Company a proposal. v tJ v 7. Get Reeve a Gavel. 8. Send copy of proposed Ward By-Law to each Ratepayers' Association. 9. Write McGregor, French and Clark in West Rouse to keep dogs tied up on complaint that their dogs upset garbage cans regularly. O. Advise owners of Assessment Vault to make useable or remove. V ~/ .; 1. Advise Mr. Kraupa, Ajax 17 W 13, that Engineer is bringing in a report on drainage at Pickering Beach. .2. Get policy of Assessment Department on business tax tor gravel pits. .3. Give copy of Agenda to Press. " v ..; " .4. Have Mr. Ward at next lIeetL ng. .5. Send Minutes of meetings to Rosebank Ratepayers' Association Secretary. .GREED Counèil meet February 13, 14, 21 and 27th. !OVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the meeting now adjourn to meet ,gain on Monday, the 5th day of March, 1956, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. CARRIED 'N\ I .PPROVED . . · \ " ~ ~ \ 1956 :ø:h ?¡~ Reeve