HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 9, 1955
An Emergent Meeting of Council was held on WEDNESDAY, the NINTH day of
FEBRQARY, 1955, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: George T. Todd, in the Chair
William G. Newman
Sidney Pugh
J. Sherman Soott
Lloyd T. Johnston
The f'ollowing CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Judgment - Bell Telephone - increased rates.
2. A, L. S. Nash, Department or Planning and Development, advising that
they expect approval for new Board shortly.
3. Proctor. Redrern and Lau£hlin, advising that test water system at
West Rouge is producing 50 gallons per minute, and they believe it
will be satisfactory.
4. A. E. Calve~t accepted seat on Planning Board.
5. R. W. Larabee, advising he has sold his Taxi business to Allan S.
Ba th .
6. Duncan S~an~, advising that he will not resign.
7', T. M. Moore, advising that Mr. Spang should have one month's notice.
The rollowing PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
.1. T. M. Moor~ submitted Zoning By-Law.
2. W. H. Westney asked f'or grant for County Soil and Crop Improvement.
3. D. Goslin stated that Mr. Spang's assessing work not satisfactory.
4. Jack Bri2:nall wanted to know why Mr. Spang was being asked for
5. Fred Ward stated he had worked with Mr. Spang and did not know he
was hard or hearing.
6. Jack Denny and members of Sohool Section 3 East School Board discussed
site of new proposed school site, in Hough Farm.
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Newman, that Duncan Spang's resignation
be accepted as of' February 1st, 1955, and that a month's salary in lieu of
notice be paid forthwith.
YEA - Messrs. Todd, Newman, Scott, Pugh
MOVED by Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Newman, that Treasurer make application to
the Department or Highways for their grant on Township 1954 Road Expenditures,
amounting to $ 112,337.07. CARRIED
AGREED Mr. Moore try to negotiate a settlement of' Martin Plan bef'ore Municipal
Board Hearing.
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Soott, that Allan Bath be granted a
Taxi Lioense. CARRIED
- 2 -
MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Pugh, that A. J. Thompson be a
member or the Assessing Orricers of Ontario Assooiation. CARRIED
Mr. Newman, seoonded by Mr. Scott, moves f'or leave to introduce a By-Law
of' the Township of Piokering" being a ::ay-Law to regulate the use of
certain lands and the character, location and use of' buildings and
struotures on said lànds in the Township of Piokering.
Mr. Pugh, seconded by Mr. Scott, moves that By-Law Number 2071 to
regulate use or oertain lands and the oharacter looation and use of
buildings and structures on said lands in the Township of Pickering,
be now read a second time. and that Council go into Committee of the
Whole thereon.
The Committee or the Whole then arose and reported.
Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Pugh, moves that the Report of the Committee
or the Whole on By-Law Number 2071 be adopted, and that the said By-Law
be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the
same and the Seal or the Corporation be arfixed thereto. CARRIED
Advertise ror Assessor in Stoufrville Tribune, Pickering News, Enterprise
- Salary, $ 2,600.00 to $ 3,200.00, aocording to qualirications.
On MOTION of' Mr. Newman, the meeting adjourned.
. . . . . . . .
. . . ...~~ 7.O:~.
7-·-·tI' -t Reeve
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