HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 16, 2017 Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, May 16, 2017 7:00 pm City Hall Main Committee Room Attendees: Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services Joan De Gennaro, Clerk – Typist, (Recording Secretary) Aline L.M. Revoy, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Charlene Hunt, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Sunjay Mathuria, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Cathy Schnippering, Cultural Stakeholder, Pine Ridge Arts Council John Sabean, Cultural Stakeholder, Pickering Historical Society Sumaira Munir, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Absent: Jesse St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services Shashi Bhatia, Cultural Stakeholder, Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham Guest: PC Martin Wind Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome T. Ryce welcomed PC Martin Wind who will be presenting this evening on Body Worn Cameras. bwc@drps.ca is the email address should you have any questions regarding body worn cameras. www.drps.ca/bwcsurvey is the website 2. Approval of Minutes and Agenda Motion: to approve the agenda as written. Moved: C. Seconded: J. Sabean Carried Motion: to approve the Minutes of the March 21, 2017 as written. Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Moved: A. Revoy Seconded: C. Hunt Carried 3. Business Arising from the Minutes T. Ryce to send the Creative Cities Network eNews T. Ryce to follow up with S. Bhatia to send a representative in her place. – have not heard back to date T. Ryce to have advisory committee members added to the networking meeting invitation list – has added to the networking list - complete Committee members to submit email to T Ryce regarding interest in being on the artwork selection committee for the Ontario 150 program. – C. Hunt and S. Mathuria are on the selection committee.  Staff will be go through and jury art pieces as well  Top 3 will be available at Artfest for public vote  Top piece will work towards installation from July – October Cultural Advisory Committee members to review festival and events community package and provide any comments to T. Ryce prior to April meeting. J. St Amant to meet with J. Brooks regarding the City’s new mapping program to determine applications for the Cultural Directory, and prepare a recommendation. – J. St. Amant has not had a chance – T. Ryce will be taking on this role. T. Ryce to distribute the newsletter as received. Committee to provide comments. Will report back in September 4. City proposal for heritage signage program Heritage Banner Program - General Discussion  Village of Claremont want to have signage  Organize by Lions Club T. Ryce will provide banner program for comment to Heritage Pickering, Integrated Marketing team, and the Lions Club. Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Impact of such a program – needs to be sustainable – who will be responsible for upkeep and replacement of banners  Images to be vetted  City responsible for hanging twice per year  To use corporate colour palette  Max of 2 colours on banners  Need to have continuity for other communities  Brand Guidelines to be followed  Needs to be a true reflection of the community  Name of village/hamlet will have on the banner along with the City logo  Whitevale has a dove symbol – should be considered as a criteria for or against – needs to considered origin of the symbol  Should consider each community that wants part of the banner program having a symbol that represents the community – TRyce advised this goes against current brand guidelines  Stakeholder consultation on the banners to be raised at community association meetings 5. Community Arts Celebration – Tom Thomson Moving ahead with a celebration for Tom Thomson – will happen on Culture Days on either September 30th or October 1st. General Discussion/Recommendations  Community wide celebration for Canada 150  To include all of our cultural groups  Helen Young – grandniece of Tom Thomson – can be reached through Angie – J. Sabean would like to see her invited to the event  To invite owner of home to stakeholders meeting T. Ryce reviewed the Draft Project Outline. Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Cultural Background Document – Tom Thomson Community Piece T. Ryce reviewed the Public Art Project Development document. Committee members to comment on the Public Art Project Development document and return to T. Ryce prior to next meeting. 7. New Business C. Schnippering – successful photography show at McLean Centre , Artfest is coming up on May 27th. T. Ryce - Solstice Suppers on the 10th of June for Cultural Advisory Committee. Tickets can be purchased on the eStore. J. Sabean – 2nd Tuesday of the month the Historical Society meets – all are welcome to attend. The upcoming topics are:  June – Charles Fothergill  September – Topic is Tom Thompson  October – 150th Anniversary of Canada  November – 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation The announcement has come out regarding the City Centre – to include arts centre, seniors centre. S. Mathuria – Jane’s Walk – after Jane Jacobs – Pickering Environmental Stewardship held one in Pickering this year. C. Hunt – collecting denim for the teen art project at Artfest, drop-off locations at various locations throughout Pickering. Has been working with the youth committee as an artist mentor. Please add to the agenda Community call for artists – re SC Parade. 8. Adjournment and next meeting Next meeting: Tuesday, June 20th, 2017 at 7:00 pm City Hall – Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 8:55 pm Copy: Director, Community Services Clerks