HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 4, 1963
A meeting of Pickering Township Council was held on MONDAY, the
FOU~TH day of NOVEMBER, 1963, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
W. J. Greening
Ross Deakin
Hubert Wank
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
The following CORRESPONDENCE was considered:
~ Department of Transport asks that "Yield" By-Law for Krosno
By-Law 2894.
2. Police Chief reports favourably on two taxi licences fo~
Harold Bentley as to insurance, vehicles, and character.
See Resolution No. 297/63.
3. W. G. Lawson asks that Zoning By-Law No. 2790 be amended to
permit a snack bar or Dairy Queen on south west corner
Lot 18. Con. 4, as travelled. Referred to Planning Board.
4. Mr. Poulsson would like direction on the shallow sewer
connections on Friendship Avenue. See Res~lution No.
s. District Municipal Engineer again asks:
(1) Will Mr. Poulsson be carrying out other duties than
Road Superintendent?
(2) What percentage of his salary shall be chargeable to
(3) Has previous Road Superintendent been discharged or
given other duties?
As Mr. Poulsson is meeting the District Engineer
November 5, no action was taken.
6. Board of Transport Commissioners advise that a Coroner's
Jury recommended that a study be made of Audley C.P.R.
Crossing. They ask that the C.P.R. and Township of
Pickering submit reports on this recommendation.
Messrs. Poulsson and Johnston prepare report.
7. Metro Planninl Board asks Council's policies on tree planting
on newly subdivided lands. Planning Board and Planning Dir-
ector report.
8. Our Fiscal A ents Bell Gouinlock & Co. advise by telephone
at our sa e to them of 839,300. 2 debentures on July 15,
has been cancelled, as the High School has changed its plans.
They will write and suggest a new coupon for our $151.694.32
water debenture.
9. Order for Fire Truck not signed. In 1960 American Marsh
Pumps {CanadaS Ltd. went into receivership, and paid 30¢
on the dollar. They are now meeting all payments and
claim to be operating at a profit. Township of Scarborough
investigated and pleced an order with them. See aes. 300/63.
AGREED order be signed.
- 2 -
10. Mr. R. G. Roy is not satisfied with Treasurer's report on
his taxes.
Treasurer and Clerk further explain situation to Mr. Roy.
ll~ Department of Highways of Ontario approves all road transfers
for 1963 work.
12. Pickering Township Softball League will present trophies and
crests to winning teams Friday, November 8, at 7:30, in
Brougham, Township Hall. Council invited.
13. Building Inspector's Report for October, 1963:
165 permits - estimated value, $1,517,500.00, including
135 dwellings.
14~ Dr. A. E. Berrr asks all municipalities with municipal water
to co-operate with the Department of Agriculture re supplying
water to farmers.
15. Department of Public Welfare will subsidize employers who give
new jobs to men over 45 years of age under certain conditions.
16. Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Association invites all members of
Council to their general meeting on Wednesday, November 13, so
all can get acquainted. Place of meeting is School of Holy
17. Clerk reports that Township registered a By-Law against Mr.
Joseph Garland and took one-fifth acre from him for road
widening at Altona Road and Concession 3 in 1952. Township
offered $300.00 for this land and Mr. Garland wanted $500.00.
See Resolution 296/63.
The following PERSONS, on MOTION. were heard:
1. MOVED by Mr. Greening, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Mr.
Doak be heard. CARRIED
Mr. Doak said Spruce Hill Road was torn up by contractors for
Canadian National Railway By-Pass, and that complaining to Mr.
Lomas was told that nothing would be done to fix it unless the
Township pushed for it.
Mr. Terry Ryan stated that Fairport Road was in terrible shape and
that the holes got deeper week after week and never fixed.
Reeve Scott stated that Mr. Poulsson was meeting the C. N. R.
officials today and that he himself would call Mr. Cann about tbe '
condition of such roads.
2. MOVED by Mr. Greening, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that Mrs.
Choquette be heard. CARRIED
Mrs. Choquette and her Architect, Peter Rasins presented a
model of their 22 room motel, wh1ch they proposed to erect
on Highway 7 at Audley Road. As the Planning Board had given
tentative approval subject to certain conditions, Mrs.
Choquette was referred to the Planning Board.
MOVED by Mrs. MCPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, that this Council
approves the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) be paid to Mr.
Joe Garland in settlement of one-fifth acre of land used for road
widening of Altona Road in 1952. CARRIED
- 3 -
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that two Township
licences be granted to Mr. H. Bentley, of Ajax, to operate taxis
in Pickering Township provided that all the requirements of the
Pickering Township By-Law are met. CARRIED
HOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the Department of
Highways of Ontario be advised that the condition of Highway No. 2
in the area of the railway construction constitutes a very serious
hazard and something should be done to alleviate the situation.
MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the Ontario Water
Resources Commission be authorized to relay shallow and/or wrongly
located sewer house services in the West Rouge at an estimated cost
of $1,500.00, and the necessary steps be taken to collect costs from
consulting engineers. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Wank, that the motion to purchase
a Fire Truck from American Marsh Ltd. be rescinded and that the
tender of Thibeault Ltd. be accepted. MOTION LOST
Mr. Deakin
Mr. Spang, Mrs. McPherson, Messrs. Scott, Greening & Wanko
MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Deakin,
by-law for a plebiscite, namely: "Are you
Township debenture for a Township Arena?"
that the Clerk prepare a
in favour of a $150,000.00
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Wank, THAT WHEREAS the Parks
and Recreation Committee made the following grants to Clare~ont
Bowling Club, $54,86. Claremont Legion, $80.92; and Dunbarton
Legion, $301.17, in 1963;
THEREFORE the Treasurer be directed to transfer $436.95 from the
general account to the recreation account under the Parks and
Recreation Committee. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Greening, seconded by Mrs. McPherson. that this Council
confirm that the levy on the 1963 tax roll of $27,218,882.00. as
revised, for the Township Parks Board shall be one-quarter mill
amounting to $6,804,72, and for the Township Recreation Committee
one-quarter mill, amounting to $6,804.72. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the Tender of Aprile
Construction Company Ltd. to rough grade the industrial road in
Concession Broken Front. Range 3, Lot 20, for $3,050.00, be
accepted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the
Marino Construction Company Limited to lay 711'8" water
mains in our industrial area of $2,485.00 and $3,557.25
. be accepted.
Tenders of
and sewer
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Deakin,
THAT WHEREAS the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
has established the Greenwood Conservation Area consisting of some
581.57 acres, and the Claremsont Conservation area of some 398.82
acres in Pickering Township; ~'''ë J f 1
- 4 -
AND WHEREAS the same Authority is in the process of establishing the
Glen Major Conservation area in Uxbridge Township immediately
adjacent to Pickering Township;
AND WHEREAS these Conservation Areas are operated mainly for
recreational uses and attract large numbers of patrons from outside
the local municipality;
AND WHEREAS the traffic to and from these conservation areas origin-
ating outside the local municipality and travelling over rural township
roads not originally required or designed to accommodate traffic of
this volume, creates an undue burden to the local municipality out
of all proportion to the benefits derived by the local municipality by
the establishment of conservation areas within the municipality.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that this Council respectfully request the
Department of Hignways of Ontario to establish a development road
from Highway No. 2 to Ontario County Road 1 A to serve these three
Conservation Areas¡
AND THAT copies of this resolution be sent to the following~
requesting their endorsation and support:
The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
The Provincial Department of Travel and Publicity.
The Provincial Department of Lands and Forests
The County of Ontario
The Township of Uxbridge
Hon. Dr. Dymond, M.P.P.
Mr. A. Walker, M.P.P. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin. seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the report
of the Standing Committee on FIRE recommending payment of accounts
in the amount of $2,334.52, ~dopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Greening, that the report
of the Standing Committee on ENGINEERING. recommending payment of
accounts in the amount of $3.072.08, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Greening, seconded by Mr. Wank, that the report of
the Standing Committee on WELFARE recommending payment of accounts
in the amount of $5,~81.60. be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the report of the
Standing Committee on SANITATION recommending payment of accounts
in the amount of $3.080.25, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Wanke seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the report of the
Standing Committee on SEWAGE, recommending payment of accounts
in the amount of $2.273,49. be adopted. CARRIED
KOjED by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the report of
the Standing Committee on BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT. recommending payment
of accounts in the amount of $1.503.47, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr, Wank, seconded by Mr. Greening, that the report of the
Standing Committee on PUBLIC UTILITIES, recommending payment of
accounts in the amount of $1.935.18, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson. seconded by Mr. Spang. that the report of
the Standing Committee on PARKS AND RECREATION, recommending payment
of accounts in the amount of $2,667.79, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Greening, that the report of
the Standing Committee on PROPERT~ recommending payment of accounts
in the amount of $1,165.22, be adopted. CARRIED
- ~ -
MOVED b Y Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. ·t\"'~k that th f
. . ,e rep ort 0 the
Stand1ng Comm1ttee on POLICE, recommendin~ ~avm t f .
$ OJ oJ e-n 0 accounts 1n
the amount of 9,622.85, be adopted. CAR
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, th~~ thð
~ report of
the Standing Committee on ROADS, recommending payme~~ of $ 9
1 ,718.97,
be adopted. ~ARRIED
.......... ..-..... - - ...
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the :I:·~~ort
of the Standing Committee on FINANCE. recommending paYmQn~ of
accounts in the amount of $196,640.20, be adopted. ~RRIE~
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduce
a By-Law of the Township of Pickering providing for the erection of
Yield right-of-way signs, and that same now be read a first time.
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves that By-Law No. 2824
providing for the erection of Yield right-of-way signs be now read a
second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2824 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves for leave to introduce
a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to name an assistant to the
Clerk (Noel Marshall). and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that By-Law Number 2825 to
name an assistant to the Clerk, be now read a second time, and that
Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Greening,
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No.
said By-Law be now read a Third time
Clerk sign the same. and the Seal of
moves that the report of the
2825 be adopted, and that the
and PASSED; that the Reeve and
the Corporation be affixed
Mr. Wank, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to provide for a vote being taken
of the electors on the question, "Are you in favour of the Establish-
ment of a Township of Pickering Arena?" and that same now be read a
first time.
Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves that By-Law Number 2826 to
provide for a vote being taken of the electors on the question.
"Are you in favour of the establishment of a Township of Pickering
Arena?", be now read a second time, and that Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Greening, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2826 be adopted, and that the
said by-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
- 6 -
AGREED Planning Director. T~easurer and Clerk prepare an
Educational report. to be submitted to the Goldenbert Commission.
Clerk: (1) Push solicitors on Subdivision Agreements.
(2) Get report on C. N. R. crossing at Rosebank.
(3) In January. 1964, get tire prices for all Departments.
(4) Have all Museum accounts charged to General Account.
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Greening, that this meeting
do now adjourn to meet again on MONDAY. the SECOND day of
DECEMBER, 1963, at EIGHT o'clock p. m. CARRIED
t:?' eeve