HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 3, 1963
A meeting of Pickering Township Council was held on TUESDAY, the THIRD
day of SEPTEMBER, 1963, at EIGHT o'clock p. m.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
Milton J. Mowbray
Wm. J. Greening
Ross Deakin
Hubert Wank
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Wank, that the minutes of the
meeti~g held August 6, 1963. be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the minutes of
the meeting held August 19. 1963, be adopted. CARRIED
The following CORRESPONDENCE was considered:
1. Township of Scarborough submitted a Town Line road agreement for
Council's consideration. Clerk forward co?ies to all Councillors.
2. Our Solicitors advise that Mr. Justice Grant has dismissed the
application of Mr. Kay for a storage yard with costs to Mr. Kay.
O~r solicitors ask if Council want all costs charged to the Kays.
Council agreed to let costs stand as awarded by Judge Grant.
3. Department of Hi~hways of Ontario advises that after discussions
with Reeve Scott, they are prepared to recommend that they will
deed to the Township several acres of land ~ast and west of
Police Station if Tbwn.bip will assume old No. 2 Highway through
4. Nine tenders for Fire Truck and equipment. Fire Chief was giYen
tenders for listing and comparison after they were opened by
5. Three applications for Clerk's assistant. No action.
Canadian National Railway advises Township August 2, 1963, they
will construct pedestrian bridge over C. N, R. By-Pass at Spruce
Hill and turn over to Township for maintenanee. Board of Transport
Commissioners asks Council to confirm acceptance. See Resolution
No. 242/e3.
requests debenture of
Rouge Sewer project.
Bids to extend water and sewer mains to Robert Balsdon property
~ .
Marino Constructibb Company Ltd.
Water & Sanitation Structures Ltd.
Metro Utility Services
Reso~ution No~ 241/63.
$ 1,810.55
Al¡an Hart. of West Rouge, has taken out a Mandamus to force the
Planning Board to divide his 100' frontage into two building lots.
Requirements - 60 feet each lot.
Department of HithWayS of Ontario has approved Supplementary
Road By-Law for 107,850.00, making a total for 1963 of
11. Department of Agriculture advises Council may make settlement on
their own behalf, of goats. horses and swine molested by dogs,
but are not compelled to do so.
12. Municipality of Metro Toronto. Traffic Department, advises that
they have made a traffic study at No. 2 Highway and Sheppard
Avenue, and cannot recommend traffic signals.
13. August, 1963 - 38 building permits. estimated value, $178,700.00.
. Nine dwellings averaging $13,500.00 each.
14. Board of Transport Commissioners advises they have no statistics
dn Railway Crossing accidents and sight lines, but submit 1962
r,eport. showing motor vehicles struck by trains:
T'ime Accidents Killed Injured
~aylight Hours 183 82 237
Hight Hours 77 29 102
Vehicles Hit Side of Train
Day light Hours 58 18 74
Night Hours 83 12 106
15. r. John Robson reports on Rouge Hills Golf and Country Club
ewage problem. . He states that a new addition is being added
and at that time Mr. Dand claims he will connect to our sewer.
Clerk advise Mr. Robson that Council not satisfied with report.
Mr. Dand should be tied down to dates of completion.
16. Canadian National Railways meeting contractors re Altona Road
September 4th. Township will be advised when they expect
Altona Road to be opened.
17. Health Unit again asks about sanitary conditions in Township
MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Greening. that Mr. Louis Michaud
be heard. CARRIED
1. Mr. Michaud asked that Council rezone the north east corner of
Kinsale from 'A' to 'Commercial' to permit his erection of a
~250,600.00 22 room hotel with restaurant and cocktail bar on
five acres or more. He stated he had a tentative liquor licens~,
that Planning Board had agreed to his proposal subject to plans'
which were not as yet available.
Council felt they could give no indication of their thinking
until plans were completed.
2. Mrs. Daniell-Jenkins, Mrs. Hertzberg and Mr. John Lay presented
a plaque from the Canadian Red Cross Society on their 100 years
of service to Canadians and good will with the Municipality.
Reeve Scott accepted the plaque on behalf of the Township.
3. Mrs. Anna Galla&her of 48 Lakeview Avenue, Fairport Beach,
stated she had submitted a copy of agreement with Township for
fill on her lot as requested and asked that the Road Department
honour the agreement. She had put in 26 loads of fill and the
Township was to put in 20 to 25 loads, and only one load had
been drawn by the Township. '
Mrs. McPherson and Mr. Duck both stated that Mr. Hicks had told
them that the Township had drawn at least 20 loads of fill and
put it on the lot. It was AGREED Council and Mr. Poulsson should
view the lot September 7th.
4. Mrs. Mary B. Tremblay owns Lot 8. Plan 250 - 50' X 200' - at
Pickering Beach. has had it 15 years and cost about $3.000.00
~nd has been refused a building permit.
~eeve Scott stated that this seemed to be an injustice and that
Qur Planning Engineers were making a report on it.
5. Mr. T. Van Houten. Trustee of School Area No.2. submitted a
Brief which his Board had prepared for submission to the Goldenberg
Commission on unequal Provincial school grants and asked that
Council also submit such a brief. See Resolution No. 244/63.
6. MOVED by Mr. Deakin. seconded by Mr. Greening. that Mr. Maurice
Skorochid be heard. CARRIED
Mr. Skorochid stated his east side of Spruce Hill Road was zoned
R3 and opposite side for some four houses zoned R4. He asked
~hat the west side be also zoned R3. Council agreed to ask
Planning Consultants to consider.
Mr. Skorochid also stated that Spruce Hill Road was high and
water drained both ways onto the houses. Mr. Duck felt he could
help drainage problem with maintainer.
MOVED' by Mr. Wank. seconded by Mr. Greening. that Township Clerk obtain
tenders for repainting of Industrial signs by advertising in local
press. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin. seconded by Mr. Wank. that the terms of agreement
of the letter of Department of Highways dated August 16. 1963. be
accepted by this Council. CARRIED
MOVED iby Mr. Deakin. seconded by Mr. Greening. that the bid of
Marino Construction Co. Ltd. of $1,810.55 to install sewer and water
mains to R. A. Balsdon property be accepted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin. seconded by Mrs. McPherson. that Council confirm
to the. Board of Transport Commissioners that Pickering Township agrees
to ma£htain a pedestrian bridge OVer the C. N. R. By-Pass at Spruce
Hill Road. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Wank. seconded by Mrs. McPherson. that the Township
SOlicitors be requested to contact Rouge Highlands Developers and
require them to live up to and complete the subdivision agreement.
MOVED 'by Mr. Greening. seconded by Mr. Wank. that this Council give
a Notice of Intent to file a brief to the Goldenberg Commission.
BY-LAW NUMBER 2816 (Two Readings)
Mr. Mowbray. seconded by Mr. Wank. moves for leave to introduce a By-
Law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of
$130,050.09 upon debentures for the installation of sewers in West
Rouge from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, and that same
now be read a first time.
M'r. Mowbray. seconded by Mr. Greening. moves that By-Law Number 2816
to authorize the borrowing of $130.050.09 upon debentures for the
installation of sewers in West Rouge from Central Mortgage and Housing
Corporation be now read a second time. and that Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
- 4 -
M~VEf by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Mowbray. that the report of
t e tanding Committee on PARKS AND RECREATION. recommending payment
of aþcounts in the amount of $672.60, be adopted. CARRIED
M~VE~ by Mrs. McPherson. seconded by Mr. Spang, that the report of
t e tanding Committee on ROADS AND BRIDGES. recommending payment
of accounts in the amount of $31.805.23, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Greening. that the report of
the ßtanding Committee on SANITATION. recommending payment of accounts
in the amount of $2,986.69, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVE~ by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, that the report of the
Standing Committee on FIRE. recommending payment of accounts in the
amou~t of $3,085.83, be-ådopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Wank. that the report of the
Stan~ing Committee on ENGINEERING. recommending payment of accounts
in t~e amount of $2,690.94, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Greening, that the report of the
Stanaing Committee on SEWAGE, recommending payment of accounts in the
amount of $2,344.74, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Spang. seconded by Mr. Mowbray, that the report of the
Standing Committee on PROPERTY. recommending payment of accounts in
the amount of $261.86, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mrs. McPherson. that the report of the
Standing Committee on POLICE, recommending payment of accoun~ ~
in the amount of $15,533.89. be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the report of the
Standing Committee on WATER, recommending payment of accounts in the
amount of $3,021.12, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Mowbray. seconded by Mr. Wank, that the report of the
Standing Committee on FINANCE. recommending payment of accounts in the
amount of $137,743.06, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mrs. McPherson. that the report of
the Standing Committee on BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT. recommending payment
of accounts in the amount of $2.280.45, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Greening, seconded by Mr. Wank. that the report of the
Standing Committee on WELFARE, necommending payment of accounts in
the amount of $4,385.00, be adopted. CARRIED
AGREfD next meeting of Council September 23, 1963.
Clerk check on new voting qualifications and time limit for change.
MOVED by Mr. Deakin. seconded by Mr. Greening, that this Council do now
adjourn to meet again on MONDAY, the 7th day of October, 1963.