HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 30, 1959
A Nlreting ot C01.U1cil was held on WEDNESDAY, the 'l1IIl\Jm'Ø day ot
ÐBcBNBBR, 1959, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
Edgar James
-Harry Ash ton
H. Ross Hawthome
Miss Viole t Swan
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
KO~D by Mr. James, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Minutes ot
,neeting held December 7, 1959, be adopted. CAR[imp
~OVJD by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Miss Swan, that Minutes ot
JDgeting hel4 December 14, 1959, be adopted. CARRIBD
The followinS CORRE~pON~NCE was read:
1. Buil4;1n~ InsDec1;.or's Reuort, December - 11 permits - $48,700.00.
1959 permits - 355, Estimated value - $3,371,280.00
1958 permits - 510, Estimated value - $5,6371900.00
Estimated average va1ua of 1959 dwellings - , 15,100.00.
2. Township office has registered deed for Lots 9. 10. 11. 12. 13,
14. Plan 521.
3. Renort Liability Ins~ance, April 6, 1957 to Oct. 24, 1959:
Total premium paid by Township . 3,,978.68
34 claims - Amount paid, including
adjustment expense 3,,243.23
2 claims outstanding - reserve 135.00
Points in Insurance Agent's Report:
V. Walker, Insurance Adjuster for General Insurance Co.
as wll as approximately 95~ of other Insurance Companies,
and in no way connected with our Insurance Company.
One claimant sued and lost and adjuster's opinion upheld.
Our Insurance Company carry a $200,000.00 liability policy
torUle Township so there must be some reserve for this.
If' all claims were paid the premium would be exceeded.
The claim of Mrs. Ross ßedshaw was investigated at a cost of
117.45 and repudiated because hills had been sanded and she ha.d
knowledge of icy conditions.
Insurance Adju~ has written our Insurance Company re Pentland
claim. Deferred to 1960.
($. Mr.. Gtri,a·s reDort, December:
35 dogs picked up) - $20.00
8 dogs clailll9 d )
2nd off'ences 8.00
6 First Offences 12.00
6 Carried Forward
1 Dog held 14 days
27 Lie~nses sold 87.00
7. Resolution, 1.9"11.91" T!JJ)U!~, requesting endorsation of increasod
grants to building of' Arena.s and Contmuni ty Halls f'rom Z5~ to 50%
on Arenas - maximum increased from '5000.00 to $25,OOOeoo.
From 25% to 50% on Cormmmity Halls - Maximum increased from
$5,000.00 to $15,000.00.
- 2 -
Cþiet Parker reports re crosswalks for Area 2 children over No.
2 Highway, Not practicable. ßecommends sidewalks. Area 2
Board request Council to aot on Chief's recommendation.
Q.onsumers' Gas have agreed to supply Council with tour 4' by 6'
industrial signs.
Toronto Industrial Commission - thanks for $500.00 grant.
Pickerin~ Villaæe Chief - thanks for $50.00 grant tor Band.
Metro Toronto ask for the appointment ot a representative trom
East District to their Planning Board.
Metro Toroµto advise that a member from each of the 13 suburban
municipalities is not practicable at this time. However, the
Council of any of these municipalities may at any time be heard
by the Metro Planning Board on any matter they wish to bring
before them.
W.G. ra,son has given Towship three registered deeds for
proposed roads to Kowalow property in Con. 3, Lot 20,
Planning Board Communications:
1. Resolution re telegram sent by Planning Board to J. P. Maher,
Chairman of Metro Toronto Planning Bo&rd.
2. Telegram to Ml". Maher: He Commissioner Murray Jones t December
11, 1959, letter to your Board, the Pickering Township
Planning Board strongly disagree with the three points re
planning advantages of C. N. R. alternate route through
Pickering Township.
We propose to present an interim brief against accept-
ance of" al temate route, to be supported by prof"essional
planning study, if' Township COWlcil concurs. We strongly
urge against any summary action or vote by your Board
until f"ull views and studies of Pickering TownShip Planning
Board have been heard and discussed.
Copies of" above by letter to: Murray Jones.. Grant Messer,
Pickering To~nship Council, C. N. R. (J. L. Cann).
3. MOVED by Mr, Clarke, seconded by Mr. I.ennox, that Council
be advised of the action taken by the Planning Board per
above-noted telegram to Mr. J. P. Maher, and be respeot-
f"ully requested to give kind consideration to the implem-
entation of the recommendation made by the Planning Board
therein. CARRIED, December 22, 1959.
4. MOV}J:D by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Clarke, that the
Planning Board recommends to Council that a By-law be passe4
to impose gravel pit controls. CARRIED Dec. 4, 1959.
5. MOVEn by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Lennox" that the
Pickering Township Planning Board recoDlllends that Council
give consideration to extra remWleration f"or the Secretary,
in view of the very fine work he is doing for the Planning
Board. CARRIED Dec. 4" 1959.
The following PER~O~.s., on MOTION wre heard:
1. William Fertil~ and delegation of Fairport appeared at Council'~
request and submitted a f'inancial report for years 1947-8-9 of"
their recreation group to th~ satisf"action of Council.
2. L-F..... c,.~ report.ed he hnd not had tiD.'e to investigate the
applicat:ton for a Wrecking Yard in Con. 2" Lot 28 and asked
that his report be received early in January. See ßesolut1o:1
No. 345.
- 3 -
3. B,.dward R. Fleury, solicitor for owners of proposed Wrecking Yard
at Con. 2, lÐt 28, asked that Council approve location subject to
By-law Enforcement Officer's report as his client was in somewat
of a hurry. NO ACTION
Professor Theall and Dr. Edmonds again stated why they thought
the C. N. R. By-Pass should be located north of Con. 2 rather
than north of Concession 1, namely, would not divide an est-
ablished residential area, better planning, and being through
a more rural area with no increase ot new road to be built.
Mr. K. H. J. Clarke felt that the main entrance to the Township
of Pickering was at Brock Road and No. 2 Highway and that a 20'
overhead railway at this intersection would be extremely bad
t-or the Township, that the changing of the Duffin's Creek
watercourse would be very bad and costly. He claimed the
C. N. R. engineers estimated this route would cost $2,000,000.00
more than original route through Dunbarton.
William Fairirieve claimed that the Road Superintendent's
estimate of '1.00 per yard for gravel delivered to Dunbarton
Shores was inaocurate and there should have been a Township
resolution before this work was done.
MOVED by Mr. A~ton# seconded by Mr. James, that the railroad cut-off
follow: (1) pl'ef'erably the C.P.R. Route. (2) the shortest route
through the Township. ' CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. James:, seconded by Mrs. McPherson; that we do not feel that '"
professional services are not required re the proposed alternate
route (2) of C. N. R. By-Pass. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Asht()n~ seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that
Yard license be deférred until the recommendation is
our By-law Enforcement Officer.
the Wrecking
re ce i ve d from
CAIUt~» .
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Scott, that Donald MacPhe.rson be
appointed member of the High School Board for a three year term.
:S~~~~::~on, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that Miss V. Swan
be appointed to the High School Board for a three years term.
MOVED by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. James,
to the High School Board at this time, but
the 1960 Council.
that no appointment be _de
that it be referred to
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the ßeeve and Clerk
be authorized to sign all necessary documents to grant Mr. WID.
carlton 01' Ç>ncession 1, wt 29.. a right of way over the Ten Feet
',¡O"J ot 1~n4:he granted to the Township for road widening.
,OVED by Mis. Swan, seoonded by Mrs. MOPherson, that a letter of
appreciation be sent to Fire Chief ~de and Deputy-Chief Glend-
inning tor th@ir ettorts and servioes beyond call of duty, also to
Mr. and Mrs,. C. Sohwalm, Mr. Hare, Mr. Watchford, Mrs. Black, and
Mr. Wood, oarcltaker Dwtbarton School. CARRIED
rio by Mr. Jåmes, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne,
ot a representative to Metro Planning Board to
District be hald over to 1960.
that the appointment
represent the East
- 4 -
Deputy-Reeve Mrs. J. McPherson submitted are'solution to provide for
an investigation into the delay in obtaining the six Hough lots, ,but
there was no seconder.
~OYEDby Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the accoWlts" in the
alDOWlt of 116,455.92, as presented by the FINANCE COMMITTEE, be
adopted. ~ CARRIED
MOVEI by Mr. Swan, seconded by Mr. James, that the accounts, in the
amount of $;L,335.61~as presented by the FIRE AREA NO. 1 COWT.M"
as just read, be adopted. CARRmD
MOVED by Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the accounts,
in the amoWlt ot . l50.68~ as presented by the FIRE AREA NO.2
CQMMt"T1EE" be adopted. CARRIED
M.0Vlij! by Mr. Hawthome, seconded by Miss Swan, that the accounts,
in the amoWlt of $1,683.68, as presented by the GARBAGE COMMITTEE,
8.S just read, be adopted. ~ CARRIED
fl0VE1~ by Mr. Spang, seconded ïJY Hr. James, that the AcØOWlt., as just
read, 111 the allOwt of $5.00, as presented by the LI.YßSTOCK COMMITT~
~OYFJ! by Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. James, that the accotmts, in th~
amo\U1t of $6,.720.61, as presented by the POLICE COMMITTEE, be
adopted. ~ CARRIED
HOVED by Hr. H.~orne, seconded by Miss Swan, that the aCcoWlts,
in the amount of '3,225.92, as presented by the PUBLIC YTILIT~
COMfi~TTEJ., be adopted. '^.CAJUiIED
tfOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Ashton, t.hat the accotmts,
in the alDOWlt of $22,805.80, as presented by the R9AD AND BRIDGE
CO~ITTEE, be adopted. ~IED
~ by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the a'ccounts, in
tïi88mount of $1,250.83, as presented by the WEIFARECOMMITTEE,
be adopted. '" ' CARRIED
BY-LAW ~R 2458
Mrs. MCPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves tor leave to introduce a
By-law or the Township of Pickering to authorize the issuing ot
Township Permits to persons who propose to use Town~ship roads for
thé purpose ot transporting vehicles, equipment, loads, etc., of a
greater width than 96 inches and regulate the mexillUDl length and
weight ot such vehicles, and that 'sa_ now be read a first time.
Mrs~ McPherson, seconded by Miss Swan, moves that By-Law NUllJter
2458 to authorize the issuing ot Township penaits to perseÞs who
propose to use Township roads for the purpose of transporting
vehicles, equip.nt, loads, etc., ot a greate,r width than 96 inches
.nd regulate tn,' apx1J11UD1 length and weight of such vehicles, be now
read a second t~_, and that COWlcil go into Committee of the Whole
the'reoR. .'
!the Colllllittee of" the Whole arises and repo~t8 tÞe By-law as read.
f4rs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Ash~n, moves that the rep,qrt ot th$
pommittee of the Whole on By-laJl No,. 2458 be adòpted, a.nd that the
"aid By-law be rJowrtl'd a Third time anti PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the 'Same, '.4 the Seal or the C,Qrporation be atfixedthere-
~o. . . ~
BY-lAW ~R ?459~'
Mr. Jame~.,se,conœd ,by Mr. Spang, moves tor ].ea.Vð to introduce a
By-law of the TowhShi.,'pet Picker1ug to def;1gÞate various departments
within the MW1icipalOfTice to na_ heads o'l tmeh departments and. to
set out the duties assigned to each departænt, and tha.t same nOR' be
read a first time.
- 5 -
~Y-LAW NUMBER 2459 (Continued)
. 1'fr. James, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-Law Number 2459
to designate various departments within the MWlicipal Office, to name
heads of such departments and to set out the duties assigned to each
departEnt, be now read a second time, and that COWlcil go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Co...tttee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Ashton, moves that the report of the
:Committee· of the Whole on By-Law No. 2459 be adopted, and that the
',aid By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Qlerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
~ereto. ~Ig
I .
Jl,EEYE ~COT'f thanked the members of the 1959 COWlcil for th'll db-
qperation. He considered 1959 had been a good year for the I!ownship.
~e COWlcil meetings were not dull and he welcomed the healthy
On behalf of the five members of" COWlcil who will be Council
.mbers for 1960, Reeve Scott presented to Deputy-Reeve McPherson
~nd Councillor Swan tokens of their appreciation for their 1959 COWlctl
~Ñ. .
, (/
On MOTION of Mr. James, the meeting adjourned.