HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 23, 1959
A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-mI~D day of NOVE~,
1959, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
Edgar James
Harry Ashton
H. Ross Hawthorne
Miss Violet Swan
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
The following",ORRESPONDENCE wa. read:
R. E. Si.,. County En.e:ineer, advises there has been no discussion
in County Council about changing the name of' "Remmer Bridge",
Concession 3, Sideline 14-15. See Resolution No. 334.
Report re 8ideline between Lots 12-13, Concession 4.
Sideline aever closed nor deeded. Present Greenwood Road never
deeded f'r_ owners to Township. Mrs. Corry proposes to get survey
of' her lands. Conservation Authority now checking their records,
T rson recommends that J. H. Robinson be permitted to lay
a tempora watermain 800 feet to his new f'actory east at Port Union.
See Resol..ion No. 331,
Ontario Myaicinal Board advises Miller Paving Limited assessment
atpeal on 11958 assessment will be heard bef'ore them December 9th
at 9:30 A...M. in their chambers. Assessment Commissioner reqœstø
assistance of solicitor. See Resolution No. 333.
~rs. JåZes & Greer on behalf of' their client, Percy G. Skinner,
SUliiit a.. 'ed and survey of his client's 10416" X 209' east of
Greenwood Church, and ask Council to sign same. In 1943 Council
gave a tasdeed f'or 52' with description copied from deed 100 years
old. In 1955 Township gave another tax deed for 52' abutting.
However~ ðPiginal deed WBS in error and now the solicitors wish to
get a prð,per deed to actual land purchased. Mr. Skinner is' being
held up tePmortgage money on the house he is building on this lot.
See By-I&w No. 2456.
6., Mr~ W.,v~tÐwson again asked Council to sell Road allowance, B.F.R. 2,
opposite bot 21, to his client, William Smith. No action; now third
party involved.
The fo'11owingrERSON~, on MOTION, were heard:
1. ~ and ~ssrs. Mtrks. Quilty and Gray discussed proposed
pl\mtbiitC _....law. They recommended that only residents be granted
licensee am, if' this not possible, non residents be charged a.
higher lio.nse fee than residents~
~. Fa1r~ve~ asked that plumbing by-law include Steamf'itters.
A.W. ea~read a report in Ajax Advertiser which stated Councillor
Swan had _de certain statements in Council regarding the dangerous
condi tion of 9. csr at Concession 1 which he claimed were untrue.
A 1\9t1t-iR of Mrs. Littleford snd four others asked Council to gravel
their pr ate ro~d off'lltena Road for the sum of' $277.00.
See Resol.tion No. 332.
Mr. P. ".Pi SlFinne r asked Counoil to sign dee d for his lot Conce s sion
6, Lot "I, as prepared by his solicitor.
. "
OPOªED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Miss Swan, that Mr. H. Robinson
be permitted to instal a temporary water line at his own expense in
Water Area No. 1 from the existing 6" main in Chester Hill Road to serve
the western lot on his industrial site; provided that
(3 )
The work is done under the supervision of the Township Engineer.
the supply is metered before use.
the temporary water line is disconnected from the main when a
permanent water main is installed to serve his industrial lots.
(4) Mr. H. Robinson agrees that this temporary water line does not abe
sol ve him from his proper share of Local Improvement costs when the
permanent watermain is installed.
(5') the temporary water line shall serve only this one lot.
(6) Mr. Price be a party to this agreement.
=~~~ø~:~:n~3:ecOnded by Mrs. McPherson, that the work on private
ro.d, running west of Altom~ Rd. known as "Littleford's Road", be pro- ~
ce~ded with as soon as possible, at the expense of taxpayers as per
pe~ition signed by said taxpayers at a total cost of $277.00 for work
an4 gravel, and upon agreement being prepared, and the Clerk and Reeve
be authorized to sign same. CAR~D
MOVEBby Mr. Ashton, seconded by Miss Swan, that Mr.
thø municipality at the Miller Paving hearing before
on Deoember 9th. '
Goslin represent
the Municipal Board
~by Mr..Ashton, seconded by Mr_ James, that this Council go on record '"
th__t it 8uppert1lthe choice of the name "Hemmer Bridge" be retained to
the bridge 10~.tedbn sideline between LQts 14-15, Concession 3.
BY-LAW NUMBER 245~ (Third Reading)
A By-law of the Township of' Pickering to regulate and license Plumbers,
Master Plumbers~ Journeyman Plumbers, Drain Contractors, Drain layers,
Septic T.nk Installers, and Persons engaged in the installation of' Hot
Air, Hot Water, or Steam Heating Equipment of any kind (except those
en~aged exclusively in the installation of Gas Heating Equipment) in
th~ Township of Picke ring. '
Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. James, moves that the report of' the Committee
ot(,t.heWhole on By-law No. 2454 be adopted, and that the said By-Iawbe
now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same,
and'the Seal of the Corporation be aff'ixed thereto. CARRIED
BYr14WN:mmER2455 (Third Reading)
A By-Law of the Township of Pickering to regulate and license Electric-
ia,ns, ,Master Electricians and Journeyman Electrioians practicing in the
To,nship of Pickering.
Mr, Ashton, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report of the
Coqmittee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2455 be adopted, and that the said
By.,Law be now' read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clèrk
sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
:pY-LAW NUMRreR 2456
1'fr. Hawthorne, seconded by Miss Swan, moves f'or leave to introduce a
By"·Iaw of' the Township of' Pickering to authorize the Reeve and Clerk
to sign a deed or documents to a certain property in Hamlet of' Greenwood,
and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that By-law Number 2456 to ,...
authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign a deed or documents to a certain
property in Hamlet of Greenwood be now read a second time, and that
Council go into Committee of' the Whole thereon.
The Committee of' the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. James, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 2456 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read Do Third time and PASSED¡ that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be aff'ixed thereto.
OLERK advise Mr. Wood sideline between Lots 12-13, Concession 4, not
tor sale or rent.
On MOTION by Mrs. McPherson, the meeting 9djourned.
ADDENDUM - MOVED by Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the
Report of' the FmE COMMITTEE of' accounts in the amount of'
$602.63, as just presented, be adopted. CA8ßIED