HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 19, 1959
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A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the NINETEENTH day of OCTOBER,
1q~9, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
Ertgar James
Harry Ashton
Miss Violet Swan
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, secondeil by Mr. James, that the Minutes of
Meeting held Septem'ber 18, 1959, be adopted. CARRIED
MO'~D by Mr. James, seconded by ~~ss Swan, that the Minutes of Meeting
""elrl September 21. 1959, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconrted by Miss Swan, that the Minutes of Meeting
held September 25, 1!1f)9, be adopteit. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the Minutes of Meeting
l'e11 September 28, 1959, be adopted,. CARRIED
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, secondeil by Mr. Spang, that the Minutes of Meeting
peld October 5, 1959, be adopted. CARRIED
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
Canadian Le~ion. Dunbarton, would like a member of Council to lay a
wreath at Pic'l{ering Village r-femo"'ial, Sunday, November 15th, at 1 P.~f.
The Legion will supply wreath - cost $17.fiO plus $1.95 for lettering.
See Resolution No. 301. Reeve Scott agreed to lay wreath.
Townshin of Crowland request enrtorsement of their resolution requesting
Provincial Government to take over all Welfare costs including admin-
i~~ration. See Resolutions Nos. 296, 297.
Board of Transnort say that since the Brock Road will be closed at
Hi,ghway 401 the Township might permit the Brock Road to be closed on
south side of C.N.R. tracks as no person is served between Highway 401
and tracks. Messrs. R. E. Sims and T. O. Jefferson think this in order
if Township ilo not release any claims, should a cloverleaf or overhead
bridge be requirer1. See Resolution' No. 299.
Resolution No. 247 approved purchase of Mutual Aid radio for Fire Area
No.2. It was unrterstood that Area would pay 25% of cost, now Civil
Defence will only pay 5010 with Area paying 50%. Total cost is $1,478.90.
Referreif to Fire Committee.
Mr. Prouse reports 1'hos. Linton took out building and septic tank permits
to value of $G3.00 for 3 houses on July 14th last. Houses were not
huil t. Mr. TAnton asked for a re funrl from CotU1Cil last August. Cotmcil
asked Mr. Prouse for a report. As Mr. Prouse had some expense re a
foundation he recommen1s the return of '30.00. See Resolution No. 298.
Ontario'MuniciD&l Board approval for ~7fiO,000.00 for new High School.
Hon. Michael Starr requests Cotmcil'in a circular letter tO'retain
employees to pension age if possible anrt not let them out at age 40
as many employers are now doing.
Minister of P1annin, anQ Develonment arlvises Councils grants of 75%
from Federal an'1 IB.o from Provincial GoverJ1ments are available to
Hunicipalit.ies re Civil Defence.
.. :2
T~e following PERSONS, on MOTION, were hear1:
1. Mr. ålbert S~m~rilþ), North half' Lot 'Z2, Concession 9, stat.ed the
Uxryridge Town Line is maintained QY Uxòrid~e Township opposite his
farm; that the road is poorly mai11taJne-t a11'1 three or four -lays late
on snow plowing; as~e1 that this con1ition beimprove1 or that North
5/8 mile of sitteU.11e l1etween Lots 22 and ~3 1:)e opene,l so ¡he coulr1 get
his chilffre11 to school.
(?-) If the sirleline were opened he conlcl :;et to another f'iel,l 'vithout?"*'1J
four miles around.
Mr. Chapman give estimated cost of placing sideline in usable condition.
Mrs. Corry stated that the Planning ßoard had given a consent ~Mri~,
Kowalow to sell easterly 2.73 acres from an 18 acre parcel,~ãln~~e '
remainrler has no outlet if the ßf) feet strip ·of land to south o,vned
'JY Mr. ,!,illil1gs an,t use1 as his roach1ay is not made available to this
lani. ~rs. Corry was under impression }frs. Kmvalow ha~l t~e right to
use this strip as 311 outlet.
Clerk cl'1eck con-li tions u..nder which conse'1t for 66 feet was granted and
also consent for 2.73 acres.
MO''ED by Mr. Ashton, secon:1erl by }fr. Span~, that the Resolution of the
Township of Crowl and be not endorsed. MOTION LOST
MOVED by Mr. .James, seconrle1 by Mrs. McPherson, th~t the resolution of
Township of Crowlan1 1)e eniorsed. CARRIED
YEA: Miss Swan, ~r~ Scott, Mrs. McPherson, }!r. James
NAY: Mr. Ashton, !<fr. Spang
!-fOVED by ~·fr. Ashton, secon1ed .by Mr. Spang, that a refu.nil on builflin,g
permits that are volu11tary relinquisheft by the holder shall he marte amoill1t-
in,; tothebalEt,uce left af'ter the inspection Dept.' s expense re permit or
pêrrni t~has been derlucteft. CARRIED
;,~~;::i·::1t1JSÖI;{T'I'ION N~rnER 299
Mn'~D by Mr. Ashton, seconied by Mrs. McPherson, that the D. O. H. be
approachei regar~ing the closing of the Brock Road and that they now
consider the necessity of òuilding a f'ly over or cloverleaf at this point.
(To be presented in person)
MOVED by Mr. .James, secérr1'left by ~fr. SpanO", that COill1cil give
an1 Company a 30 day option to purchase ~100,500.00 Township
~~nentures to yield ô.95~ in Canadian Funds.
Bell Gouinlock
of Pickering
.0 _ _ FlESOLUTION NmfBER 301
:"-:MOVED by Mr. .James, seconie1 by i'fissSwan,
from Du..nbarton Canadian r.~;;ion for ~19 .45
Memorial Sunday, November 15th.
that Council purchase a wreath
to be laid on Pickering Village
BY..IAWNUMBER 2435 ... (Third Reai.ling)
The Committee of' the Whole arises and. reports the By-Law as.real1.
Mr. .Tames, seconfte11)y Mr. Spang, moves that t.he report of the Committee
of the ~{hole on By-T.Jaw NR. .2435 "he aiopterl, anti that the said By-Law be
no~~ rea·r1 a Third time ani PASSED; that the Reeve and Cler1{ sign the same ,
an-t theSeal of' tIle Corporation be affixefl thereto. CARRIED
Mp. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introàuce a By-Law
of the Township orP1ckering to require yarlis to be put in a safe condition
a~~ that same now be rea~ a first time.
Mr. Ashton, seconde~ by Mr. James, moves that By-Law Number 2444 to require
yards to be put in a safe condition be now read a second time, and that
Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises an1 reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Ashton, seeondeit by Miss Swan, moves that the report of the Committee
of the Whp¡e on By-Law NA. 2444 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be
now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same,
and the Seal of the Corporation "be affixe·1 thereto. CARRIED
Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. James, moves for leave to introduce a Dy-
IJatv of the Township of Pickering to regulate obstruction of water courses,
creeks, streams an~ open ~rains and that same now be read a first time.
Mrs. McPherson, secon1ed by Miss Swan, moves that By-Law Number 2445 to
re~u1at.e obstruction of water courses, creeks, streams anti open drains be
now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the ~101e
tbereon. '
The Committee of the Whole arises anti reports the By-Law as read.
Mrs. McPherson, secðnded by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the Committee
" of the Whole on By-J-Jaw No. 2445 be adopted, and that the sai:1 By-Law be now
rearl a Third time anfl PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and
t.he Seal of theCorporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
BY-LA.'v NUMBEn~446
Two Readings
Miss Swan, seconde~ by Mrs. McPherson, moves for leave to introduce a By-
Law of the. Township of Pickering to authorize the construction of an e1ev-
atedwàter storage tank and to borrow upon debemtures therefor the sum of
. One Hundred Thousan'i Five Hundre!Ï Dollars ($100,500.00) and that same now
~e read a first t tme . .
Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. A~hton, moves that By-Law Number 2446 to authorize
t.1'e construction of an elevated water storage tank and to norrow upon deb-
ent,nres therefor the sum of One Hundred Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
(~100,500.00) be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee
of the Whole thereon.
T~e Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
A~REED no meeting October 26th unless callA1 by Reeve.
On MOTTO'\T of Hrs. McPherson, the meettng· adj oHrne·i.