HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 9, 1959
The Regular M~eti1lg of COUDcil was held on WEDNESDAY, the NINTH day of
SEPTß~lI, 1959, at ~IGHT o'clock in the evening.
PBBSRNT: J. Sher.an Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
Edgar J..e s
Harry Ashton
H. Ross Hawthorne
!fiss Violet Swan
~. T. Johnston, Clerk
HOVBD by IIrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. James, that Minutes of .eeting
held July 27, 1959, b~ adopted. C~BD
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that !finute. 01' meeting
held August 4th, 1959, be adopted. CARRIBD
KOVED by Hrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that !finutes 01'
meeting held August loth, 1959, be adopted. CARRIBD
MlyED by- Hl.ss Swan, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that !finutes 01' meeting
held August 17th, 1959, be adopted. CARRIBD
MO~ED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that Minutes of' meeting
held Aucus4 24th, 1959, be adopted. CARBIBD
MOVED by Hr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mrs. MOPherson, that Minutes 01'
aeeting held August 26th, be adopted. CARRIBD
The following CORRBSPONDENCE was read:
Proctor & Redtern oonti~ the result of recent meeting with represen-
tatives of Council re Water Iatiltration Plant. Cost $683,000.00.
Initial treat.ent, I! millions; Area, 300 teet east of road allow-
anoe between Lots 16-17 - 300 t~et west 01' road allowance between
Lots 28-29 and 300 teet north 01' Concession 2; yearly cost, $70,000.00;
oost tro. Crusadertund to 1967 - t130,000.00 of t150,000.00 gP*Dt.
It COUftcil agree they reco..end that a preliainar,y Hearing with
Ontario Municipal Board. be requested. It they indicate approyal
they understand Ontario Water Resources Co.-ission will prepare
necesaary agree.~t. See ~esolution No. 263.
Proot.ar & RAd.tel"'D reo_eRd that Township purohase 10 aores of land
tr.m Alex Picov ter a water plant site, 647.8 feet on Brook Road. by
665.53 westerly. They reeo..end that an additional 10 acres easterly
be zonpd for water plaDt extension, now owned by W. H. Moore, aDd
that southerly 650 t~et 01' Brook Road be otfioially closed. No Ao~ioD.
Nothing ottioial, but it is expected O.M.I.C. rate will be 6.5~.
Bêll ~~~Il,ok ask it Council will reoon.i4er an option tor Amerioan
tuDds at 5.8 plus disoount. A2r~ed no ehan2e.
Midlan~S~o~ties advise they oannot sAIl our debentures in New York
to advantage ov~r O.M.I.C. rat~.
nehrt.aent 01' Himways 01' Ontario advise they will:¡have entraDces to
Highway 401 i.proved.
R. B. Sw.., County Engineer, ad.vises there has been a uS.derstanding
re crHHDg protection at Piokering Beaoh Road and Ba8'éline . This is
under disoussion with Town 01' Ajax and they will possibly ask Pickering
Township'Council tor their opinions.
7. R. J~~Hassai'cl.I.'.1Ii' S.~~,"tor, will have new By-lew re watercourses
as soon as possible.
8. South Ontario Pl.WlDen'. Assooiation request usual grant 01' $50.00.
- 2 -
M. V. Jon~l, Co~ssioner or Planning, Metro Toronto, advises he
will subai t wi thin the next 1'ew Wf!eks a draft proposal of the Metro ./
Official PlaB COTfÌliring Metro Planning Ar~a. It is proposed that
the plaD for Piokering 'fownship will b~ siBailar to that recently
The present bond and burglarf insurance policy on Municipal employees
is $869~00 for three years, '20,000.00 {Þrotection. If this were ,¡
increased to $50,000.00, cost would b'e '276.88 additional, and if
increased to $100,000.00, extra cost would be $707.18. See Resolution
N_ber 269.
11. Reco_endations by Township of Pickering Planning Board:
(1) MOVED by Mr. Craig, secondèd by "Mr. Newman, that reco_endation
be made to Council that the Zoning By-Law be given two readings
i..ediately as a matter of expediency to maintain some planning ~
control in the Township, as it is th~ opinion of the Planning
Board that some i_ediate action must be taken. CARRISD
(2) MOVED by Mr. Craig, seconded by Mr. Lennox, that the Planning
Beard meet Friday night next, September 11th, to r~view the
Zoning By-Law with the members of C01.U1cil, and that Mr. Little I
be in attendancp.; and that in order to expedite the discussion,
it is suggested the members of C01.U1cil bring a list of items
which are 1.U1dfl!r question so that the Planning Board can review
these points and investigat~ th~possibility of making revisions
to the Zoning By-Law accordingly. CARRISD
See Resolution Number 271.
12. Tenders for 600 tons hot asphalt to pave and patch Island Road.
(1 ) Mill~r Paving Limited - $7.10 per ton
(2) George W. Porter - 7.20 per ton
(3) R. w. Heron Ltd. - 7.25 per ton
(4) K. J. Be_ish Co. Ltd. - 7.70 per ton
(5) Duffin Construction Co. Ltd. - 7.71 per ton
13. S.lle.tor's Report for August:
Arrears Collected - $ 8,859.55
Current - 122,350.76
Arrears Outstanding $ 46,922.01
Current Outstanding 448,691.92
RBS8~ION NIDfB.bJ1 263 '
DVE· by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. HawthorìU~, that as p~r Proctor and
R:,...rem's adnce ...... heöehiìiaå's Bay vater, that a preliBIinary Hearing
be requested with 'the Ø_icipal Board, and that such water area should
iñölude the lands in the Industrial Area to the Western b01.U1daries of
MOVßD by Mrs. MoPherson, ..oonded by Hr. Hawthorne, that Mr. Slater be
given a letter of tolerance to build his house, as requested. CARRISD
Y.iå.: Hr. Hawthorne, Miss Svan, Mrs. McPherson, Mr. Spang, Hr. James
NAY: Mr. Ashton, Hr. Scott.
MOViCDby Hr. HawtluNm., seconded by Mr. .Tames, that Resolution No. 260 be ./
rescinded. CARRISD
HOVßD by Mr. H.vthome, sèoonded by Mrs. "Pherson, that no further laying
of gasmaiDs be carried out in P:lokeriDcTownship without specific approval
of Counoil and that plans of all ..in. presently laid in the Township .., ~
presented to the C.UDC11~ CAR~
,._~,-~ -,- ~_'._:-~-",",~
- 3 -
RESOLtJTION ....,... 267
MOV~D by Hr. Hawthorn., seconded by Miss Swan,
Paving Constraotion, dated August 31, 1959, be
ton for 600 to.s, ..r., or less.
that the Tender of Miller
accepted, at $7.10 per
HOØD by Hrs. McPherson, seconded by Hr. Ashton, that this Council get in
writing the opinion of th~ Township Solicitor on By-Law Nuab~r 2119 and for- y
ward a copy of sam~ to th~ office of th~ ~puty Minister of MUnicipal Affairs
in Toronto (Ricbaond Str~~t). CiRRI.b
Hr. Ashton, Mr. HaWthorn., Miss Swan, Mr. Sco.tt. Hrs. McPherson,
Hr. Spaag, Hr. J...,s.
HOVII."]) by Ifr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mi ss Swan, that
burglary insuranc~ policy on MUnicipal laploy.es be
$20,000.00 to $50,000.00, at an incr~as~d cost over
Total cost now from $869.00 to $1,145.88.
the present bond and
increaspd from
3 years of $276.88.
MOV~D by Mr..T..es, seconded by Hr. Spang, that the South Ontario Plo_en's
Assooiation bp granted thpir usual grant of $50.00. CARRIBD
MOVED by Mr.' Ashton, seconded by Hr. Hawthorne, that Planning Board meet vi th
Council on September 18th, 1959, at 8 p. m. to disouss the proposed Zoning
YEA: Mr. Ashton, Hr. Hawthorne, Miss Swan, Hr. Scott, Mrs. McPherson,
Mr.' Spang, and Hr. .Tues.
NAY: None.
Th~ following Persons, on MOTION, were heard:
1. Mr. I. G. Slater, Box 729, Ajax, asked for a letter of toleranoe to
build a-home on 2.1 acres in Greenwood Greenbelt up to 9 feet from lot
line when By-Law calls for 25 feet, due to a ra'f'ine. See Resolution
Ife. 264.
2. Hr. w. Fair~rieve asked why he was not advised of a special Council
meeting when the gas main on Concession 2 was discussed.
3. Our Solicitor, Mr. Hassa~, said he was not prepared to give a legal
opiniOn on legality of Consuaers' Gas CompaDY Agreement. Get direction
on prepating certaiD by-laws.
HOVED by Mr. .1.... ,.econded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the accounts, in the
amount of $8,031.88, as presented by the FINANCB COMMITT~. be adopted.
JIOYßD by Hiss Swan, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the accounts, in the
_mat .r $933.70, as reported by the FlRB ~ 1 COMHITT.w¡;, be adopted.
MOVBD by Miss Swan. ."conded by Hr. Hawthornp.-, that the accounts, in the
amount of' $17.05, as reported by the FIRB ~ 2 COMHITT~, be adopted.
'" '
MOVllD by Mr. Hawthorne, seoonded by Miss Swan, that the accounts, 111 the
..otmt of $1,916.30, as reported 'by the GARMGB COMMITTEE, be a.d..pt...
'^ . ~&~
MOVBD by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mrs. McPherson. that the accounts, in ·tIIe
amount of' $263.00, as reported by the LIVlSTOCX COMMITTEE, be a4opted.
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Ashton, tba& 'he accounts, in the
. ..ount of' $391.77, as reported by the PUBLIC UT~ COHMITT~, b.
adopted. ",-.. .... CARRISD
MOVED by Mrs. XcPherson, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that the accounts, in the
..ount of' $20,184.86, &s reperted by the ROAD AND JRIDGB COMMITl'.E.E, be
adopted. CARRIBD
- 4 -
MOVlSD by Mr. Ashton, ...ended by Mr. Spang, that the accounts, in the aa01D1t
GFlï, 634 .45 ~ as "portflad by the WBLF'A.RE COMMITT~, be adopted. CARBIBD
1. Advise Mr. Ed Harley to contact Recreation Co..ittee re grant - West ~
aeugfil! Cane.. Club.
2. Prepare By-Law to tak.. over Pine Str....t at Harwood Av...nufiI!.
3. ~t Burgo~s Base.en t .
H9V8"by Mr. Hawthome, secon4ed by Mr. Jamfil!s, that this ......ting do now adjoUrB
to .eet again on MONDAY, the FIFl'H day of' OCTOBER. 1959, at ,U;IGHT
the eV8n1ng.
APPIIOVIID ~.:4/ 1959
~_ uL~
¿:// Reeve