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August 24, 1959
MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A Meeting of C01mci1 was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-FOURTH day of AUGUST, 1959, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: J.Sherman Scott, in the Chair Mrs. Jean McPherson, Harvey Spang Eil.gar James Harry Ashton H. Ross Hawthorne Miss Violet Swan L. T. Johnston, Clerk The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. Prime Minister's Office, aclmow1edging receipt of C. N. R. Resolution. 2. Vice-Presi~ent. C. N. R., acJ01ow1edging recéipt of C.N.R. Resolution. ,. Geor~e Hp.es, acknowledging receipt of C. N. R. Resolution. 4. A~ R~ Irwin advises that his High School Board did not allow for any discount on Township Debenture Sale when they askeil for $750,000.00. 5. Clerk of Scarborou~h Township advises their By-Law No. 8926 names the Pickering-Scarborough Town1ine from Highway 401 to Lake Ontario, "Port Union Road". ~. The Road Committee of County of Ontario are assured that the matter of a traffic light at Pickering Beach and ~ase Line is being discussed by Town of Aiax and the Township of Pickering, and no additional action neeil oe takp.n oy them. C1~rk request what assurances County have that local municipalities have matter in hanl't. .., 8. Stevens. Hassard and Elliott advise Township has no liability for golf balls going astray on private property. 9. Dan D'Ant1mò asks for Letter of Tolerance for Lots 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, Plan 612, as houses are placed from 29'5~" to 29'lOi" from street 11ne when By-Law requires 30 feet setback. 10. Mr. La Fontain, who has purchased the Old Cowan home in Rosebank to be used as a Rest Home asks the Street ~aming Committee to name east-west. s street in front of Rodd's Storp. "Lake Road". This is, he claims, ae 'acceptable to Metro Street Naming Committee. 11. Denartment of HiE!'hways of Ontario - Design Engineer states his Depart- ment will not pave Fairport Beach Road from Hillview to their proposed Service Road. 12. Ontario Water Resources Commission ask that our Consulting Engineers submit to them estimated costs of treating west Rouge Sewage in new Metro Sewage Plant at Highland Creek, so that they can compare Dosts with those submitted· for a separate Sewage Plant at West Rouge. The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. Mr. Constable, solicitor for Mr. P. F. Sawden, asked for a letter of tolerance as part of Mr. Sawden's house is located less than 30 feet from street line in Lots 94 and 95, Plan 319. 2 2. Mr. S. Osterhout objected to Planning Board requiring 10 feet road dedication witheacb consent òn grounds that a man with a small lot gives a large percentage of his land; that it is confiscation and dedications here and there are not advantageous when needed. (See Resolution) Mt. Gouinlock of ~ell, Gouinlock asked for a 30 day option to sell our debentures at 99 U.S. funds or better for 5~ U.S. 3. 4. ~, Kenneth Cooner asked Council to pay 1/3 of $5,000.00 cost to pave S~ation Road from Highway No. 2 to a little past Cooper Block gate, wi~h-P1ckering Village and himself paying other 2/3 cost. It<was AGREED the request be considered by Road Committee. I ~. 'David Lowe of' Fire Marshall s Department, complained that Claremont and Brougham had no rights to operate a fire department, and that they should be owned and operated under authority of Council. If they are operating with a $2.00 a year license for operating on the roads, they are ~~etting such permit· under false pretenses. About 30 residents appeared for or against passing of a proposed "No Discharge of Firearms" by-law. (1) Tom Newman Was against By-Law claiming that the person who shot Mrs. McPherson's cow was at the time breaking four by-laws - carrying a gun out of season, without a permit, shooting on Sunday, and trespassing. He felt such persons would pay little attention to another By-law. (2) Mr. Kenneth Curry agreed with By-law because of mu~h indiscriminate shooting. (3) Professor LaBrie agreed with By-Law and stated all game here petty and Metro residents should go north where there is game. (4) Mr. R. C. Reesor agreed with By-Law. (5) Gordon Roberts of Frenchman's Bay against By-Law. (6) Henry Westney, Concession 3, Lot 10, against By-Law - more guns in a smaller area. (7) Lee Morgan - against B,y-Iaw. (8) W. G. Newman --against By-law, wants residents to co-operate more in keeping out undesirable htmters by phoning G_ame Wardens. (9) Mr. O'Brien, Frenchman's Bay - no calls from public about hunters. (10) Earl Taylor asked who game wardens were, how many days in year paid for services. Answer - 8, paid 2 days a year at rate of $8.00 per day. "... (11) Don Mil~e - torBT"!'-Law. 6. Mr. T..O~ ¡,tferso" expla:i.ned Ontario Water Resources Commission request for estima(ed cost of sewage of West Rouge to be treated at Uighland Creek and letter from Ontario Department of Highways re their not agreeing to pave Fairport Beach Road from Hillsdale to new By-pass. AGJlEED Mr. JeffereroJ),arra. nge a meeting with Dep~rtment of ~ighways of" Ontario representatl.e at Brougham re paving Fa1rport Be.ac6 Road. DenutyReeve Mrs.-MaPhersonbrought to attention of Council the fact that a new house was being built in a water course at Concession 4, Lot 13. 3 RESOLUTION NUMBER 239 MOVED by Mr. Ashton, Seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that we state our position that we wish to have a sewerage system completely installed in the Township of Pickering and supported by the Taxpayers or the Township or Pickering. CARRIED YEA: Messrs. Ashton, Hawthorne, Spang, Mrs. McPherson NAY: Miss Swan, Messrs. Scott and James. , . RESOLUTION NUMBER 240 MOVED By Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Mr. T. O. Jerrerson be designated as the eng~neer ror the purposes of By-Law 2119. CARRIED R~OLU'J;ION NUMBER 241 MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Miss Swan, that the installations or all services be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 242 MOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by dispense with the requiring of a a request is made for a consent. Mr. Hawthorne, that the Planning Board deed for ten feet in front of each lot when CARRIED RESOLUTION Nt~BER 243 MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Spang, that we rescind Resolution N' o. 237. YEA: Messrs. Ashton, Hawthòrne, Scott, Spang, James Miss Swan, Mrs. McPherson NAY: None CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 244 HOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Miss Swan, that this Council grant Letter of Tolerance toP. Ford ~awden ror Lot 94, Plan 319, as part of house located thereon is located closer to the lot line than required by the By- Law 1978, and that Council will take no action against Mr. Sawden or those claiming tmder him because of the infraction of the said Township By-Law stating the setback shall be 30 feet. CARRIED . RESOLUTION NUMBER 24~ MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Miss Swan, that the Pickering Township Council request rrom the D.H.O. take immediate steps to improve the entrances of Pickering Township Roads to Highway 401 and the equivalent median strips "hichhave been tlamaø,:ed due to the paving of Highway 401. CARRIED RESOLUTION NtrnBER 246 MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that we ask Campkin Bros. to move and instal the Dog Pound into the cement floor to the satisfaction of t.he Chairman of the Dog Control Committee at a cost of $100.00. CARRIED RESOLUTION Nt~fBER 247 MOVED by Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that we purchase the Mutual Aid Radio system for Fire Area No.2. CARRIED JU£80LtPl'TON NUMBER 248 MOVE1'))})y Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that I,aw to· sell debentures to cover the amount needed by Board and· the Schoo 1 Area #=2. this Council pass a By- the P.D. High School CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 249 MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that we accept the O.M.I.C. ()r~er of debentures in the amounts öf $750,000 and $208,300. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 250 MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Miss Swan, that the By-law Committee bring in recommendation for a No Shooting By-law, either to cover the whole Township or that part of the Township south of No.7 Highway, or that portion of the Township south of. the 3rd Concession, with recommendation regarding exceptions permitted and method or enforcement. CARRIED 4 RESOLUTION NUMBER 251 MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that the Road Superint- entlent purchase thefò11owing, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario: From:· Shell Oil Company Limited: Weed anil Brush Kill - Weed: 45 gal. "" $8.10 $ 364.50 ~ Brush: 5 gal. (!; $11.95 - 59.75 $ 424.25 CARRIED flESOLUTION NUMBER 252 ·1i~VEDDY Mrs. McPherson, seconded 'by Miss Swan, that the Roail Superintendent purdlase the followingt subject to the approval of the Department of High- ways of Ontario:~ From: Miller Paving Limited: 7500 gal. Calcium "'" ~, _.~, .153¢ $ 1,147.50 CARRIED R~SOLUTION NUMBER 25~ MØVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the Road Super- intendent be authorizetl to purchase, subject to the approval of the Depart- ment of Highways of Ontario, the following: From: Westeel Products Ltd. Culvert Pipe - 222' of 15" 222' of 18" © $2.18 @ '2.50 , 483.96 555.00 $ 1,038.96 CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 254 MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. James, that the Road Superintend- ent be authorized to purchase the following, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario: From: Robertsteel Limited: Culvert Pipe - 162' of 15" 162' of 18" 166' of 24" ~. $2.18 æ 2.50 @ 3.29 $ 353.16 405.00 546.14 $ ~,304.30 CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 255 MOVED by Mrs. MCPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the Road Superintendent pHrchase the followin!!;', subject to the approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario: From: Pedlar .People Limited: Culvert Pipe 222' of 18" @ $2.50 $ 555.00 222' of 15" @ $2.18 483.96 24' of 36" @ t5.88 141.21 20' of 48" @ 11.90 238.00 $ 1,418.17 CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 256 MOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mrs McPherson, that this Township wishes to commend Mr. Dan Huntington for the prompt action he took on Sunday, August 9th, in warning the children bathing in Duffin's Creek of the approaching flood, and that Mr. Muntington be forwarded a copy of this resolution. CARRIED - ~.,~ -. ..-.... -'"'~-'.,'_,~:C~_'. -,' 5 RESOLUTION NUMBER 257 ~OVED by Mis~ Swan, seconded by Mr. ftawthorne, that this Council grant Letters of Tolerance to Dan D'Antimo for Lots 131 to 135 inclusive in Plan 612, as the houses located thereon are located up to 6!" too close to street, an~ that Council will take no action against owners of such lots because of the infraction of Township By-Laws stating the setback shall be 30 feet. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 258 MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the issuance of all building permits be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. MOTION LOST BY-LA W NUMBER 2432 Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Ashton, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of' the Township of Pickering authorizing an application to The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation for the purchase by it of certain deb- ~"tures, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. James, seconde~ by Miss Swan, moves that By-taw Number 2432 authorizing an appiication to The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation- for the purchase by it of certain debentures be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of' the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2432 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be-affixed thereto. CARRIED BY-LAW NUMBER 2433 Mr. Spang, secon~ed by Mr. James, moves for leave to introduce a By-~w of th~ ~ownship of Pickering to authorize an application to The Ontario Mun- icipal Improvement Corporation for the purchase by it of certain ~ebentures and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Ashton, moves that By-Law Number 2433 to authorize an application to The Ontario Municipal Improvement torporation for the purchase by it of certain debentures ñe now read a secon~ time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. Tne Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read, Mr. Spang, seconded by Miss Swan, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2433 be adopted, and that the said By-~aw be now r~ai1 a Third t,ime and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and tne Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED »Y~LAW NUMBER 2434 (Two Readings) Mr. HaWthorne, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of $208,300.00 tlpOn debentures for public school purposes, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. James, moves that By-taw Number 2434 to authorize the borrowing of $208,300.00 upon debentures for public school purposes be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. BY-LAW NUMBER 2435 (Two Readings) Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Ashton, moves for leave to introduce a By- Law of' the Township of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of .750,000.00 upon debentures for High School purposes, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Miss Swan, moves that By-Law Number 2435 to authorize t~e borrowing of $750,000.00 upon debentures for High School purposes be now rea~ a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. 6 MOVED by Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the re~ort of the Standing Committee on POLICE of accounts in the amount of '6,132.85, as just presented, be adopted. ~ CARRIED A(;REED Street NaminguColltJllittee meet Wednesday, August 26, 1959. On MOTION of Mr. Hawthorne, the meeting adjourned. APPROVED /~4 f 1959. Clerk ~~~ C . Reeve .,