HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 4, 1959
A Meeting of Council was held on muESDAY, the FOURTH day of AUGUST, 1959,
at EIGHT o'olock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
Edgar James
Harry Ashton
H. Ross Hawthorne
Miss Violet Swan
Harry S. Pearce, Assistant Clerk
The tollowing CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Mr. G. Co 1m of Ajax requests sidewalks on Base Line Road and Pickering
ßeaoh Road, álso Traffic Lights at the corner as a protection to Ajax
pedestrians. He claims the new store in Lot 6, Concession 1, Pickering,
has been responsible for a tremendous increase in number of pedestrians,
especially children, using these roads.
2. J. Fair~rieve asked for a renewal of a Kennel License which had been
allowed to lapse since 1953.
AGREED that this be treated as a new application and that the By-Law ~
Enforcement Officer check in usual manner and report.
R. A. Daley Investment Dealers could not handle our forthcoming
debenture issues on the Canadian Market but will submit a report for
August 10th as to whether or not they can sell $1,086,000.00 on the
American Market.
made application for
The Ontario De»artment ot Transport has approved By-Law No. 2428
designating Stop Streets in the Township.
Mr. Chapman has a copy for signs.
Tbe Township now has an a~reement with Mr. Geri~s re ownership of
Dog Pound and contents and that Pickering Township residents have
right to visit .uoh Dog Pound at all reasonable hours.
"'.' Tax Colleotor's ReBort:
Arrears collected during JulY, 1959,
Arrears outstanding as of end or July, 1959
1959 Taxes collected during July ,
1959 Tax. a, outstanding as of end of July
t 12,154.87
- 571,042.68
~. RerlaedSouth Pio'ç_rintr ZODintr By-Law recolIIID8nded to Council by
Pl-"ning Board.
AG~ED consideration of the Zoning By-Law be postponed until
the August 10th meeting.
The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
1. Mr. ~os. Linton took out Building Permits for three houses on
July¡4, 1959. These were for Lots Nos. 1 and 69, Plan 320, and
Lot :%; 13, Plan 284. He now has cancelled the.. three permits.
His. ..it'oheque for $900.00 has been returned. Mr. Linton now
asked for the return of his Building Permit and Septic Tank fees.
A9REED Council to contact Building Inspector Prouse before making
. dec1.1_.
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- 2 -
2. ~o~essor Theall discussed with Council the contents of the Brief
on the proposed C. N .R. By-pass Line.
AGREED DO action be taken by Council.at the present time, as Ratepayers
now would not be presenting their brief until early in September.
a. ~r. c1Q.e~ Don,lf Lfnde explained how a Mutual Aid Radio Warning S,at..
W«tuld work and discussed purchase of same by the Township.
The Township would be required to pay 100% of cost at the time of
purchase, but 75~ of this would be recoverable from Senior Governments,
the County acting as agent.
C.U@cillor Ashton reported on the progress achieved at the meeting of the
By-LAw Study ànd Revis.lon eo_ittee.
Co~ciller Swan brought up for discussion the matter of the purchase of a
.. Patrol Boat for the Police Department.
Counoillor Swan reported that an incorrect Police Department Telephone
Number was listed in the TEmple exchange phone book, which was creating
delay and confusion in emergencies.
MOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that a copy ()f the survey
already .ade of the Boundary line south of the C. N. R. between the Eastern
Bo~dary of Ajax and this municipality be procured by the Engineer from
(;rat"'èn T. Horton & Associates. . CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Spang, that approval
the by-law Committee to proceed with the drawing up of by-laws
procedure as outlined in their report dated July 29th, 1959.
be given to
stated under
MOVED by Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne ,that a boat be purchased for
use of Police as a Patrol boat.
YEA: Messrs. Hawthorne, Scott, Spang and James, Miss Swan
NAY: Mr. Ashton, Mrs. McPherson.
;<C"?C,_.~;0~~:n~2:econded by Mr. James, that the Bell Telephone Company
be requested to include a oard or sticker to the next bill of all TEmple
nuabers informing all oODeemed of correct Police number - TE 9-2311.
HOV'JD by Mr. Ashton,. seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that our consultants shall
not engage in any o~her clients business which is connected with this Town-
!hip business while engaged by the Township.
This shall apply to Legal, PLanning or Engineering Consultants. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that The Municipalities of
Village of Pickering and the Town of Ajax be asked for any comments ~or
the record before passing of By-Law for $750,000.00 for new High School.
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that the accounts in the aJlount
õFli, 924.20", as presented by the FINANCE COMMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
~ by Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. James, that the accounts in the ..ount
or .851.73, as presented by the FIRE COMMITTEE for Fire Area No.1, be
adopted. '" CARRIED
!f!!!II! by Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. James, that the acoounts in the aJDOunt
of '13.00",as presented by the FIRE COMMITTEE for F~re Area No.2, be
adopted. CARRIED
? ,
- 3 -
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seoonded by Hiss Swan, that the accounts in the
amount or $1,769.56, as presented by the GARBAGE COMMITTEE, be adopted.
MOVED by Mr.. Hawt.home, seconded by Miss Swan, that the accounts in the
amount or $1,077.40, as presented by the PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE, be
adopted. '^ CARRIED
M!\?£I) by ~s. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the accounts in the
..out of' $33,118.76, as presented by the ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE, be
adopted. CARRIED
~."VAA by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the accounts in the
j¡7>....t of' $1,414.84, .s .,resented by the WELFARE COMMITTEE, be adopted.
.. ..... '" CARRIED
HO~ by ~s. McPherson, seconded by Mr. James, that the Reeve grant his
order on the Treasurer to pay the several accounts as presented and passed
in the various reports as passed this day. CARRIED
1. Ask Mr. Chapman to attend August 10th Council meeting to discuss roads. v
~. Clerk to contact a number or Investment Dealers and rind out ir they 1
might he interested in handling the Township's rorthcoming rinancing.
3. Clerk have Gerigs' agreement available for Council next meeting.
4. Clerk acknowledge Mr. Co1m's letter and advise that County Engineer
ha. been sent a copy or that letter.
5. Clerk send copies of Planning Board' sMinutes re Zoning By-Law to
Council members.
AGREED Of rice Management Co.m.ttee together with remainder of Council
meet Wednesday, August 12th.
. MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Miss Swan, that this meeting do now
ad.fourn to meet again on Tuesday, the Eighth day of September, 1959,
at thebour of 8 o'clock in the evening. CARRIED