HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 6, 1959
A Meeting of Counoil vas held on MONDAY, the SIXTH d., 01' JULY, 1959
at BIGB! o'.look in the e"ening.
PRBSBlT: J. Shel"llan Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean MoPberson
Bar"ey Spang
Edgar JUle.
Barry Ashton
H. R08. Hawthorne
Mi.s Violet Swan
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
~!JD by Mr. J_e8, s.oond.d by Mrs. MoPherson, that Minut.s 01' Heetine
beld Jun. 15, 1959, be adopted. CARRIBD
MOVED by ilrs. MoPberson, seoonded by Miss _., that IUnutes 01' Meetine
held June 22, 1959, be adopted. ÇA.R!ŒBD
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr.. McPherson, tlaat Hinute. 01' Meetine
held June 29, 1959, be adopted. CARRIBD
The tolloving COBBBSPBNJaCB ..s read:
1. 1Ir. C. C. Cl,.,..r, near Towship dœtp, objects t. the dUllpinC otsepti.
tank eftluent in garbage dUllp because 01' saell.
.&UJD that Mr. Cha,.an be contacted about a trench in a part 01' gra"el
pit that i8 worked out where such ettluent oould be daaped.
Xetro Pl..nin2 Board 8ubait a copy 01' proposed Ofticial Plan of Ajax
.o"ering 'own 01' Aj ax . and east to Carruthers Cre.k and north to Hip..y
No.2. Metro Board obje.t to Ajax planning out.ide their l1lli ts.
Clerk ha"e copies made tor Councillors.
IliJd1D2 Insvector 'June re,ort - 49 pel"llits ter estt.ated "alue 01'
'352,700.00, including 19 dvellings a"eraging $15,000.00 each.
1Ir. S. 'l. C9~.e~ own. west part IA»t 64, Plan 283, aDd would like to
purohas. east 30 teet Let 65, Plan 283, trom To.aIlip to be used as a
..ptio t.ak bed, and vould pay $100.00 tor s....
Our Selicitors advise they ba"e asked Wellineten Ûh.ster'. lawy.r tor
an easement through Mr. Chester's property in B.F.R. 2, IA»t 34.
De.a~eR~ 01' Hi~hwa7s .1' Ontario appro"al tor Ch..,ion grader, subject
to Suppl...ntary By-l.ew tor roads.
7. ~~.ter and Redtern advise Chesterhill subdivi8ion completed except:
<a) Bri....y oul"erts into unbùilt on lots - e.ttaated cost '1,474.88.
(b) W..,ing tile on Lot 223 broken, not repairecl.
(0) aequ1re drawings tor Township 01' looation or all severs and wat.r-
(d) (not aentioned) deed to wat.rworks lots.
s. 8ntar1' W~er Resource, C~4ssion appro"al tor ele"at.d vater st.rag.
tank ana water.ains to suoh tank and to coaplet. le.p.
9. Canadian Paoiti~ Railways request Township paratssion to ol.se Atha aD4 /
Glen Major stops.
The rollowing PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
1. Mr. HenrY lCerr a.ked COUDoil to pel'llit hill to .ove a five year old
rrue hou.e·of 1,248 .quare reet fro. Stoutrvill. to hi. fa..., Lot 26,
Conoes.ion 9.
COUDoil did not object providing hou.e erected under direction of
ÖU1l4ing Inspector.
Mr. Kerr asked Town.hip to cut large bruah on sideline b.twe.n
Lots 26/27, Concession 9, so he could ..v. hou.e. R..ve stated
that Road Depart.ent did not bru.h in su..er but Road Superint.nd-
ent would be contact.d.
2. W.llin.ton Cbe,t.r .aid h. weuld not be forced into giving an ease.ent
t. Township for drainac. in B. F. R. 2, Lot 34, but would .eet eounoil.
AG~D Council ..et hi. Wedn.sday, July 8th, at 7:30
3. Prer....r Th.al of South West Pickerinc Ratepq.r. .tated the C. N. R.
had acr.ed to change their right-of-way fro. R...bank Road .asterly to
cut through new High Scho.l property. This rout. would affect 30 per
.ent le.s rat.pay.rs but vas not satisfactory toth. Association who
r.colIIIHn4 that by-pass join old lin. at Ajax or O.hava. Th.y are
holding a public ...ting July 7th to inrol'll all iat.re.ted parti.s.
4. ",". c;e.11n, As.e...ent Co.-1ssioner, was ask.d about bi.asse..ing the
Anglioan Cburch Hall in Cono..sion Broken P'réNIt, Range 2, Lot 35.
Be .tated he did not'know that it was u..d for r.ligious purpos.s, that
ir an application were .ade to bave the 1959 taxes writt.n off under
S..tio. 124 of the Ass..s..nt Act, he woul4 not opp....
Mr. Go.lin stated he had only lost about 18,400.00 a..es...nt at J1II1p'.
Coart on A..e....nt app.als; tbe exp.n.es of a valuator was '662.00 and
a.k.d Council that he b. p.~tted to .ngag. Tewa.hip Solicitor when he
f.lt he ne.ded one.
5. ",".. Fred :Beok.te.d clai.ea that she was discrill1Dat.d against beca...
after one warning .he was .~nsed to C.~ ror pe...itting her dog to
run at large which cost 115.50, while her n.ighbeurls dog vas picked
up twio. at a total cost or 14.00.
Council AGRBBD that dog Co.-1tte. furth.r .tudt dog by-law.
6. W. G. Lawson appeared for Bopevale Constructi.. ...,any Lt.ited and aak"
that Council ent.r into a .ubdivi.ion agr....nt reI' .u.e 60 lot. on
ei thel" side of .L.land Road in Lot 35. Mr. r.anoD 8aid hi8 client would.
agree to our Engineer'. spe.ifications; would _utld house. of three .t..s -
1050, 1100 and 1200 .quar. f.et; pre-.ewer; pay"50.00 to 1500.00 per lot
aDI instal t..,orary .eptic tanks. .
7. ~e.v. S.ott reported that the Polioe Chief wants a bett.r boat than the
en. owned by Fire Area N.. 1 for patrolling but the Police Co-.d..i08
turn.d it .own.
8. De.utJ' Beev. Mrs. McPherson report.d that County Read Departllent vaat
to purohase 17 feet on either side of Fourth Ce.oession diversion road,
and that fences on pre.ent 66 feet road would be a va.te of aoney reI'
on. y.ar.
Cl.rk oall a ...ting of COUllty Road Depart_nt, COUllcil and Bad.gerows
a. 80en a. possible, pr.ferabJtThur.day, July 9th.
.~RBBD that .eptic tank effluent au.t be du.ped at garbage du.p where
Mr. Carl ton direct..
ROVED by Hrs. McPbersön, seoonded by Miss Swan, that the Road·Superin~endent
purohase the following, sUbjeot to the approval of the Depart.ent of @igbways:
Fro.: !f&l)er PavinJf Liai ted
5500 cal. A.þhal t PriIIe 0 .25.5¢
. 1,427.25
lli)vtm by Hrs. McPherson. seoonded by Hr. Hawthorne, that the Road Superintend-
ent '8rOhase the folloVing, sUbjeot to the approval of the Depart.ent of
Pr..: The .r-eellar PeoDle ~"e4
31' of 36" Culvert l1,e, 14 gauge, @ 5.88 - . 22'.32
RESO~ION ~ 199
MOVED by Hrs. MoPherson, seooneled by Hr. J..es, that the Road Superintendent
purebase tbe following, subjeot to the approval of tbe Depart.ent of Hi¡hways:
Fro.: Hiller PavinJf Idai ted
Colel Mix Asphalt for Patehinc - 100 ton 0 . 8.45
'645 .00
MOVED by Mrs. HoPherson, seoonded by Hiss Swan, that tbe Road Superintendent
purchase the following, subjeot to the approval of tbe Depart.ent of Highwaf.:
Fr.. Willi.. Saunders:
7,500 ton of sand for repairing boles due to Spring break-up
o 10¢ per ton ..............750.00
RESO~IO'. ItJMJ8m 201
MOVED by Hr. Hawthorne, seoonded by Mr. Ashton, that the Clerk write Hr. J.
Burrows and request a definite deli ve.., date of the 1.8. cllasiis to Korcl1o
Bqui,.ent Ltd. Cj.RJ¡IJD
MOVED by Hr. lIawthorne, seoonded by Mr. Ashton, that we peNit no further
develop.ent of subdivisions in tbe West Rouee area until approval on a
sewerage sfstea by the O. W. R. C. and the Ontario Hun1eipal Board be
reeeiyed. CARRIED
"'¡,1{t:{0Ir~ 203
. by . Spang, se.onded by Mr. Hawthorne,
THAT WllBRBAS the Canadian Paoific Railways have and ..tntain two so oalled
"whistle stops", one at Atha on sideline between Lots 28 and 29 in the nerth
half of Concession 7, and tbe other at Glen Major, beiD& sideline between
Lots 4 and 5 in the south half of Concession 9, and aeeording to offioials
ot the C. P. R. no passengers have used either stop during the past seven
AND WII~S the C. P .11. prop.se to apply to the Railway Board to reaove ./'
buildings at suoh stops;
BE· IT THBRBFORE RESOLVED by the Counoil ot the Township of Pickerinc that
this C011Doil aake no objeotion to the reaoyal of the C. P. R. buildiß&8
and "Whistle Stop" at Atha and Glen Major.
::~~O~~h:::e, .eoond.d ~y Mr. Spang, that Hr. H. Kerr be alleved
to .ov. in rro. StourrY111. a ho.e or 1241 .quare te.t to b. placed on a
full c.llar roundatioD on Lot 28, Concession 9. CARRIBD
MOVED by 1Ir. A..hton,...onded by Mr. !iawthom., that the A.s..s..nt Co..t..1oner
r.pre.ent the Municip.lity .t the MUnicip.l Board Bearing of the PuckriD
.s......nt appeal. CARRIBD
HOVED by Hr. A.hton, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the Town.hip .rr.r to
S. T. C....y the 30 reet in Lot 6ð adj.cent to Lot 64, Plan 283,.t the
apprai... v.lue or our A......eut Co..tssioner. ~
BY-JAt{ UPBR 2426
Hr. Hawthorne, .e.onded by Ki.. Swan, .oves for leave to introduo. a B7-Lav
or the Township of Pickering te increase the wat.r rates in Wat.r Ar.a
NDab.r 1, and th.t s..e nov b. read a first ti...
Mr. Hawthem., seconded by Hr. Ashton, .ove. that ~-Iew N_b.r 2426 to
increase the water r.te. in W.ter Are. luab.r 1 be DOV read a seoond tia.,
and that Council go into co..tttee er the Whole thereon.
The Co..t ttee or (the Whole ari,.. and reports the IT-~w as read.
Mr. ø.wt1a...., .econd.d by Hrs. McPherson, IIOve. that the report of the
Co..ttt.e .r the Whole on Dr-Iew No. 2426 be adopt.d, and th.t the said
~X.v be now read a Third ti.e and PASSED; that the Re.ve and Cl.rk sign
the ...., and the Seal or the Corporation be a1"fixed thereto.
HOVBD by Mr. J..es, second.d b7 Mrs. McPherson, that the account., in the
...unt or . 18,836.88, a. report.d by th. FINANCB COMNITI'P, b. adopted.
MOVED by Jfi.s Swan, s.conded by ~.. McPher.on, th.tthe .ccount., in the .
..out or '836.50~ as reported by the FIRE ARB! NO.1 COMHITTEE, be
adopted. CARRIED
HOVBD by iii.. Swab, s.conded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the accounts, in the
oount .r '17.05", .s reported by the FIRB ARB! NO.2 COMMITTEE, be
.dopted. CARRIBD
MOVED by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. J...., that the aocounts, in the
aIIount or '35.00, .s reported by the LIVESTOCK COMNI~D I be adopted.
'^' eA.RR~
~OyBD by Hr.. HoPhers.n, ..00111 ed by Mr. Spang, that the acoo8t., in the
.....t or $45,438.71, .. r.port.d by the ROAD ~D JRIJDGB COIØŒJ!.BE, be
adopt.d. CARRIBD
MOYKD by Hr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Sp.ng, that the ...ount., in the
..ount of '1,766.69, as reported by the WEIPARB CO~rrBB, be adopted.
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, second.d by iii.. Swan, that th. R.ev. grant hi.
ord.r on the Treasurer to p.y the sever.l account. a. pre.ented and pa...d
in the various report. as p....d this day. CARRIBD
Clerk .hoek with Solicitor re Grifrin.
MOV'BD by Mr. Hawthorne, se..nd.ed by Miss Swan, th.t this .e.ting do now /
ad i.urn to .-eat. again on Tu..daT, the Fourth day er Å.qust, 1959, at the
hour fII Bight' -. · clock in the ovening. CARRIBD