HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 29, 1959
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M Jf U C I P ~. L . 11 I L I I I G
A Me.tiDg or CoUnoil vas held on MON~Y, the 7W~~-.~~ da, ot lUll,
1959. at BIIBI .'cle.k in the ...ning.
PRBSBIft': 1. Shel'lWl Soott, in tbe Chair
Jlrs. J'ean McPh.r.on
Har.., Spang
Bc1gar 1....
Ha...., Ashton
R. Ro.s Havthom.
Miss Violet Swan ,
L. T. 10hnston, Cl.rk
The tollowing COR~POJlDØa was r.ad:
Ronald D. Horri., owner ot Lot 74, Plan 284
1\.,. I. .,non, own.r ot Let 71, Plan 284 , _
obj..t to ruaour that Hr. A. Dand proposes to ....ct a skating rink on
~t 76, Plan 284, vbioh i. now zened "Rl". Clerk ad.ise ratepa,.r.
that this Council vould not oonsid.r cbanging ..~ zoning.
Hr.. HoPherson. . De~ut1 a...e, thanked Oouncil tor roses s.nt her whil.
she was in hospital.
Jlrs. St,..ns requ.sts that "Wharf Street" in Fairport be changed t.
-A.is A..nu.".
8Dt~o MUnio~Dal Boari gives tinal appro.al to z.Þ1Dg B,-Lav 2320 -
Ba.t Roage.
BeDuty ~nist.r ot-"u..tio. will not approve B7-Law 2414 to cbanC.
o.rtain sohòol beaddari.. be.....'no Boards ot Arbitrators appoiDt"
on three Unioll School Seotions, .....ii though we ha.. appro.al ot Whitb,
Tewnship Couneil. No t'11rtI1.r aotion oan be tak.. this ,ear.
0011D~1 Cl.rk adrl... Count7 viII pa, ~ on pre-,a,..nt ot Ie.,.
8~11.Jto~ tlr own.r òt Let J~l. Plan 612, asks tor a l.tt.r ot tol.rane.
h..a... dw.lling erect.. 3 to 4{ inches too 010.. to street lin..
8. De.inioB Road "e'dn.rY. oan d.li .er new .a1ntat..r lu11 2nd. Counoil
bas not Depart.ent et H1p1l&7. appro.al.
9. Bell 'rel.Dbon. eo..any s.'-1 ts agree..nt tor an .a...ent on clos.d
s1el.line b.t..en Lot. 12 and 13, Conoe.sion 1.
10. ¥II. Fdrnt.... req...t. Co1lDcil con.ider a n.v JlÎmicipal Building 'bet....
"'e..hi, de..lopaent outerov. pr...nt prelli.e..
11. Oar SOli,itor. .ubm.t a du.t nui.ance B7-lav ter ,ri.at. road. l.adinC
to quarries.
The tolloving PBRSONS, on MOTIO., .ere beard:
1. "'. O. J.tter.en
(a) su~tt.d a report on the Dec...it, ot ...urtDg an ea.e..nt ter
drainage throuch Wellington CIa..ter propert7. As Ifr. Che.t.r i.
Dot .o-op.rati.e he r.ee...nded that soli.itors ..cure .....
R.e.e Soot t .tat.d Be... Highlands were prepared to p., tor .uoh
ea....nt. .
(b) .u~tted oosts of" oa,ital aDd operatioD .o.t. ot We.t aonce Water-
wrk. with re~Dd.. "ditions and sqge.te4t.bat vat.r rate. be
inereased rro. 14.00 te '6.52 tor .tnt.u. bill fer quarter -
~ Clerk prepa... a .7-lawf"or increa...
- 2 -
1. T. O. ¡.tt.r.o. (Continueel)
(c) .u~tted apeetttoati... tor Æen.ral ..rTie.. t. n.v aubai.iaion. -
~GR-D Clerk pr.pare a BT-lav and r.p.al BT-I.v No. 2012.
2. .,.,n.. U.ar. St..en. aDcl 1tI1! ot the Bell T.1.phone Co.pany eliaous.eel
an ......at on elo..a ai..1in. b.tv..n Lots 12 - 13, Cono..aion 1.
3. Pre,. lfaokl;LJI ot Kar.hall, Kaoklin and MenapaD .11bm.tt.da .ever r.port
en South Piokering Town.hi, and .xplain.d ..... 8e reo_nfl.d one
.T.te. in W.st Rouge with Ba.t Rouge p'--pinÆ t.o i"..t a lat.r date.
One initial plant ot ODe Ki11ton «a1lons at .a.t. .iele ot Fr.nollllan'.
BaT with a s.oond .tag. ot 2! Million gallons tor iner.a..d d...l....nt
.outh ot Hi¡hvaT . 401 . 'rhe third .tage to be a plant. on Buttin Cre.k te
..... .tt .eva«e eyer 2! II1llion. ot gallon. tr_ the Prenellllan·. BaT
". B.... Soott r.portecl that h. bad .at in on a Hetro Planning Board ...tiDC
wh.n Ajax Ottioial Plan 4i.o....4 and va. i.pre...d wit.h our repre..nt-
ati .., JIr. H....r, who point..4 o.t that such ,Ian wa. tor Town ot Ajax
anel should not inolude lan4. in Piok.ring Town.hi, to Carruth.r. Cre.k
and Hipvay Ifo. 2.
MO~ by.... Havthome, ..0084.el bT Hr. ¡...., that.. acc.pt d.1i.e..,. .r
the Dev eraa.r tro. no.inioD Roa4 Machin...,. OD Th....cla7, JulT 2. ÇARRIBV
tpIstIiITIOW ~ 188 .'-
.lm!II bT lIP. Ashton, .eoond.4 bT Miss Svan,that lIar.hall, .Oklin and
lïõñaihan and Hr. ¡ .tt.r.on ...t vi th Dr ~ Berry an4 ,re..nt the plan .r .urYeT
a. ....rø.. b7 Co...il a. ...n a. po..ible. Mr. J'.tter.on to arranÆe tor
...ting. I611III
NOVBD by x¡;:-- lIavthem., ...._. bT ti..Svan,tbat . Lett.r ot Tol.r.... ..
grant.a own.r ot Lot 131, Plan 812, as the ave1ling .ø.t.a th.reon i. r....
29'7!" to 21'0" tro. .t....t lin. wh.n BT-X.v lI78nl¡.'tor 30 teet, aDd tbat
COuB6.,1lvlll take no aotion aaaill.t _id own.r be_a"'f.'.t .ach iIItrin.....tc
.t BJ.'-~. __b.r 1178. .. .g"nnD
!!!!II 'bT 1Ir. .T_., ..._4.. bT Mr. Spang, that 1Ir. 0... JIorl.y'. tend.r
orp,748.l4 tor T.wn.hip in.urano. nov aa. be a...,,,,, by this 0011lleil.
RBSÐ~ION~ 1~1 ; -
ïiiII bT 1Ir. ¡_., s.oondecl b7 1Ir.. McPh.r.on, that Çe.cil approy. th.
~O""Da.~t.. ot t.be orti_ "'.c...nl Oo_t tt.. .......iDe or .Tun. 22 to
.D.... an .ttie. ...a....nt O....ltaDt .xp.ri.ne.a in MUnieipal ~nistrati.D.
~,/)~~1.£L. t:'l ({pI - ·v·~"" DBQB~
.. wan; ....deel 'bT 1Ir. Havtbom., that tN TO..hip BRCia..r M
aatla.ria" to oontaet th. T....IIip Solicitor in recard. to g.tting a dra1Dace
.a....nt tllNUC..tb. W.llyato. Chest.r propertT. 'file total co.t, inol1llliDe
soli.i tor.' t..., .t t'bt. e....at to b. bem. bT th. a.ace Biehlan4s ..b-
diYi.ien. ~
'b7 ..vt....., ........ by Hi.. Swan, that th. Townsbip Cl.rk point
. St;aD4..... Pann~ that it is fIIp.rati.. vb.n trattic is 011_.11" iat.
two Ian.. en Highway '101, .tp. be .rected i_ediat.1T on all 1...1 ore..-
ro_ ätt..t.. -T" Wa, Tratfte fb1. Lèn.- .ThiiJ i. ..t be1á& .... at thi.
. Spang, s.cond.a bT 1Ir. A.hton, that ". in....... th. grant tr_
1'15.00. B.OIIJI...1IU
- 3
~~~~.~9!.eondeclbY Hi.. Swan, that. .. iJut.ruet the Road
~Ma.nt to 1..,..1 the tillo. the ti",. lot. in the Bo.. Highland Sub-
di ft.iOD tUI'Decl ."'.1" to t.h. T...hip. CAlQUD
uaO~IOJf JIUJ!ØR 196 ~
!m!II by Jfr. A.hton, ..eond.d by ¡Xr.. KaPb.rson, tlaat the ultillat. ea,a.ity
.t th. ..wac- plant .t Pr.n..aD. Bay be 2.5 lfilli.. ..lIon. p.r day.
J!:àP..!f1DJJIP 2421
Xi.. V. Swan, ....nd.d by Kr.. 3. HoPb.r.on, .0"'.. ter I..",. t. introd.uce
a B,.-law .t the To..hi, .t Piek.rin« to authorize the B.e.. and Cl.rk .t Th.
C.....rati.. ot the To...hi, ot Piokering t. .x..ut. .. .ption t.r .a.....t
and. crant .t .a......t to Th. -.11 Tel.pbon. Co.pany or Canada .0ne.miDe tit.
.t......-up ro.d .llowan.e between Lot. 12 and 13, C.D....ion 1, lyinC D.rth
ot R1p_y Ifo. 401, and th.t s... now b. r.ad . tir.t u...
Hi.. V. Swan, ...onded by Xr. .;...., .."'.. that .,,..Law _.b.r 2421 to
authori.. the R..",. and Cl.rk ot Th. Corporation or tþe.. T.wnship ot P1ok.r1n&
to,x.eut. an option tor ......nt, and crant ot eas....t.to,The Bell T.l.ph...
Co.,any ot Can.da .ono.ming the .topped-up rod .110"_.. betwe.n Lot. 12
- and,13, O.n....ion 1, lying n.rth ot Highw.y No. 481 hno" read. .....4
ti.., and th.t Counoil go into c-1tt.. ot the Wh.l. t.h.",OD.
The Oo.-ttt.. ot tbe Whol. ari.e. .nd reports the _-Law as read.
. iii.. V. Swan, ..o_deel by Mr. H.vthom., .."'.. tbat the ....'ort ot tbe Co.-ttt..
.t~. Whol. on By-law No. 2421 be adepted, aDd tlaat the' .aid BT-Law be ...
1"." a 'fh1Ñ t!lle and PASSU; th.t the R..",e and C1.~ .ign the ...., ..4 the
S..l .t the O.rporation b. attix.d th.reto. CAl!BJ&
DI-IAW (QpBR 2422
Hi.. V. Swan, ...ond.d by Kr. llavth.m., ..... tor 1..v. to intromao.a
By-Law ot, the Town.hip ot Piok.ring to ...nd By-Iew ._'be~ 1909 by ad41D&
tb....to ..rtain .tre.t. on whioh parking i. prohibit.d, and tb.t .... ...
be read a ' tir. t tiJle. ~.
t "- ..
iii.. .,.. Swan,' He..d.d by .... lIePb....on, .."'.. that .,-la. _.b.r 2422 to
..... By-law S.ber 1909 by d41ng thereto ..rtaiD .tre.t. on whtoh ,arkiDa
i. ,...ldbit.d b. ao. read a ..eond tille, and th.t Oo.oil C. int.o Oo..ttt...
ot the Wh.1. th.reon.
'lb. C...ttt.. ot the Whol. .ri... and report. the By-la. a. r.ad.
IIi.. V. Swan, .eoond.d by Xr. 3...., .0"'.. th.t. the "p.r~, ot tb. Ce..ttt..
ot ~o ...1. .n By-lav 1'0. 2422 be adopt.d, and t_at t.he ·'.iel By-Mav be D..
r."a 'fIIi'" ti. and PA.SSBD; that tb. Ree",e anel Clerk .ip the ...., aDel
theJ,.,hal ot the Cerporati_ b. attix.d tbereto. ....' !fMIDI
BY-Ÿ.W ...,.. 2423
JIrs. lIel'h.r.aon, .eoonelod b1' 1Ir. A.hton~ .o",.s tor 1.... t.o int.roduo. a By-la.
ot . the "o.'.hip ot Piok.rtnc a...ipatinc Throqh H1PR7. in the To..m1, or
PleJørinC and to _.nd p.rt ot By-.. N.b.r 1904, an4 tb.t. ..... no. be re"
. tirst ti...·
..;., " .
HrtI.. ..Ph.rson, ..ooneled b1' Kr. .1...., .0... that By-la. 1'18'ber 2423 de.ig-
.. n.~j.Dg Threugh Hipway. in the Town.hip ot PiebriDe ..d to _n4 part ot
.. ,y-tcV If.ber 1904 be no. reM a ..00D4 till., an4 that Council go tat.o
O~tt.. et the Wbel. tbereea.
Th. O~ tt.. ot t.be Whole ari... aDd reports the By-La. a. r.ad.
Mrs. XePh.r.on, .eoonded by 111.. S_, .0"'.. that th.report ot the C..m.t.to.
ot the Wko1e on By-raw So.' 2423 be adopt.d, aDd that t.h. .aid By-l4- be
no. ..... a Third till. and PASSBD; th.t t.he R..",e an4 CI.rk .ip the ._,
and tho Se.l ot t.he Oorporation be atl'1sed t.bereto. QAIIIœ
- 4 -
BY,,:,UW lfÐMBBR 2421
M... Hawtborne, aeconded by Hr. Spang, lIOye. 1"0.. leaye to int..oduce a By-Lav or
the Townahip 01' Pickering te take ever C~erce Street "at in Plan 407 aa a
Te~ship Read, .nd th.t a..e ne. be read .,1'irat ti.e.
M... Rawthom., seoonded by Mr, .1...a, lIOye. th.t By-Lav __ber 2424 to take oy.r
Co_ere. St....t Baat in Plan 407 a. a Townahip Read, be no. ...ad a a.cond tille,
and that Coanoil go into Co..itt.. 01" the Whole tbe....n.
The Co..itt.. or the Whol. a..i..s and ...po..t. the By-Law aa ...ad.
Mr. Ha.the..., s.cend.d by Mr.. MoPb....on, .oyes tbat the report 01' the Co..ttt..
or the Whol. on By-Law __be.. 2424 be adopt.d, and th.t t.he .aid By-Law be now ...ad
Third t.iM and PASSBD; th.t the Reeye and Clerk .ign the ...e, and the Seal or th.
Corpo...ti.n b. a1'1'ixed th....to. OABRI~
BY-UW lf1lJØBR 2425
x... Hawthorne, seeonded by Mr. Ashton, .eye. 1"0.. leay. to in traduce a By-Lav or
the Township 01' Picke..ing to control du.t in qua..ries a.d ..oads l.ading th.reto,
and that s.ae now be ..ead a 1'ir.t tt.e.
M... Hawthorn., s.cond" by Mtss Swan, aoye. that By-Lav __be.. 2425 to contrel
dust in .u.....i.. and road. leading thereto, be nov r.ad a ..eond ti.., and t.hat.
Council go into C...ittee 01" the Whole th.reon.
Th. Coaait.tee or the Whole a..iaea and reports th. By-~w a. read.
M... Hawthorn.,seoond.. by Mi.a Swan, aoyes that the
the Whol. on By-Lav __b... 2425 be adopt.d, and that
Third ti.e and PASSBD; that the a...... and Cle..k sign
Co..po..ation be a1'l"ixed th....to.
r.port. 01" the Co_itt... or
t.b,. aaid By-Law be n.. read a ,
the a..., and the S.al or th.
It vas AGRBBD t.hat Mr. Cbap..n should bulldoze pond in Whit.vale I"or ehildren t.o
..i. in when prope.. .achinery in t.he ar.a.
Council~or s,~~ atated Reoreation C...tttee had approy.d '50.00. grant to
Cla......t Bo.ling Club and Clare_nt Arch..., Club. (R..olut.ion next w.ek).
On HOTI'_ or 1Ir. Ha.tborne, the ..ting adjoumed.
APftOYlB ~ t;¡t/