HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 20, 1959
A '1eet,irg of Cowci 1 was helrl on HO~mAY, the 1'lvE'J'TIETH day of APRIL, 1959,
at EIr;HT 0' clock Ü the e vel irg.
PRESENT: J. Sherrnal' Scott, ir; the Chair
'frs. J ear 'fcPherson
Harvey Spalg
Eilgar .Talr.es
Harry Ashtor:
H. Ross TTa\vthorLe
'ass Violet Swar
T,. 1'. ,Tohl'stor, Clerk
'1'OVED by ~fr. Jan:es, secorr'terl ~y ''fr. Hawthorre, that 'fiLutes of n:eetirg held
February 23, be a10pte1. CARRIED
'{OVED ~y 'fro Hawthorre, secor/fe1 b~T Hr. Jar.]es, that 'fie utes of rleetir:g held
'{arch 2, 1959, be a10pteil. CARRIED
MOVED by Hiss Swal', secor'1e~ by :-'fr. AshtOll, that 'finutes of meetirg helr'l.
~farc11 9, 1!159, he a'loptec1. CARRIED
HOVEn by Mrs. McPherson, secondeà b;y Hr. Sparg, that 'finutes of meeting
l'1el-1 '1arch 16, 1959, be arlopte1. CARnIED
HOVEn by 'Irs. McPhers01', secondefl by 'fiss Swan, that Minutes of meetirg
1'",1,1 'farch '21, 1959, be arlopter!. CARRIED
'fOVED by Mr. Hawthorr:e, seconded by 'fiss Swar, that ~fir:.utes of meetirg held
April 5, 19f>9, be a10ptec1. CARRIED
MOVED by P~. Hawthorre, seconr1ed by Mr. James, that Minutes of meetirg held
April ry 19~9, be a~opte1. CARRIED
'1'OVED by Mrs. McPhelrS01:, secoJ:r1eil by 'fr. Spal'g, that Hinutes of meetil:g held
April 13, 1959, be ailopteil. CARRIED
1're followirg CORRESPONDENCE was read:
no~ Catcher - 'larch l~ to April If¡, 1959.
Dogs Pic'l{e1 tJp ........ #> . ~ _ . . f' . . . . . . . . . . .
Do ,g s CIa i P1 e it .................... '" " . . . . . .
Dogs De s tro~' eti ...........................
Dogs Destroye1 - fro~ prior morth .......
Lj_ c ere e s Sol it ...........................
Paid $34.00
To Be Turre(l Over to Towf'ship
. . . . . . . . . . .
Bv-Law Enforcement Officer's Report
Dog By-Law Fined
Garba,ge Dumpin g Fined
Untifly Premises FÌ!leà
- Jar.
2 to }far. 31, 1959.
$10.00 and costs
25.00 and costs
10.00 and costs
Dog situation is almost hopeless at present.
Pi ve pupils take) to Court for ron-at tel1ilance at school.
1'hree ~.york Permits grarted.
,. 'fer>1bers of Pic'kerirg 1'owrship Courcil invited to attend School Area '?
Puhlic Speakirz Cortest, Pic~_Œrirg Village Hall, Friday, April 24, at
q p. )r..
" R. H. Riildh g, Play 2R4, Lots If'2-1f'3, 01) j ects to raw sewa.ge overflowing
o,to 'his property frorJ properties iT' Plan G12. Copies of letter sent
nepart:'!ent Pu1)lic Heal V1 an1 Edi tor Tororto Daily Star.
G. Pickerinz Villa~e Courci1 request Towrship to re-open si~eline between
Highwa~- 2 a! ~ a poirt approximately 750 feet southerly to south limit of
TJircolr Street. They will agree to loo1{ after such boul~an' ~vi th Township
assumil''; r:-reel"voo~ Roaif froP1 Highway 2 to 70 roil s northerly.
p. Dr. HacBear. anrt nor Hall, Ontario Courty Health Unit, object to I:ews
ite~ ir Oshawa Times Gazette statirg that:
(1) An officer er.:ploye(] by Towr; ship òlame'i flooil water rurril'g over
septic ta~ks for three cases of yellow jaundice.
(<") Sarle officer staterl existir,g; By-Laws i11adequate to cover local
salitatio11 problems.
(3) That Council is corsiileri]'g r~-~vorllif1g ny-Laws clealing with
public health. (See Resolutior. ~o. ll~).
7. DeDartrJent of Plarnin,g: aì'~ Develomr:er.t urge all CowlCils to re-enact all
a!'1eJHUr'; ZOI Ìlg By-Laws passerl prior to ~farch 27, 1958, al r1 have them
approverl by Or tario 'funicipal Boarrl. (See 5 By-Laws)
<::;. fh:tario 'fmJicipal 13oar'l approval for wa terr.mil' extensior up East A venue,
fhtario Court" IT ea I th Uri t - 1'0t5CB f)f a !"1~eting re "Herta 1 Heal th" ,
Oc::¡bawa PU.hlic Li1ìrary, 'fonlay, April ~7, P p. ]". COUJcil invited.
In, Clare":ol't Park 110arr'J subn'Ji t rames of T3oar~ meP.1bers for 1959. (See
~"-La~\T ~o. <")3!)!j)
11.T. M. Moore aske~ for a Letter of Tolerarce for Lot 28, Plan 102, as
1¡ouse 10catel1 irches too close to lot lÌl.e. (See Resolutio]l 'Io. 115).
The follo'YÌLg PERSO'1S, 011 MOTrnv, ~vere hear'-1:
1. 'fro "'3rar;.-lt ar,r1 r1elegation asked about:
(a) Se'vers, ~¡7est Rouge. Ileeve stated r;ego tiatioEs under way with
O.~~.R.C.; our Er:gir:eers' estir.mte, system ir. by Jm.e, laSO.
(b) Roarts iT: PIal' G12. '-Viii get calcium \vhel1 frost out.
(c) Culverts - ~vater flo~YÌf'g outside a r:umber on Jaybelle and driveways /
cavir.g ir.. h'ïll be rectified wher roa.is improved.
2. 'fr. Jones urgeri speed or: ívest Rouge Sewer Plant.
1. 'fro Holter stateri bui1íler 11a"1 r;ot fixei septic tanks in Hest Rouge
accorriirg to Er.gireer' s recoriil:;eLrlatiors.
Hr. Harry '3roc1-:, Harwool'l Drive, saift "No Parking" signs or. Harwood would
ruÜ his BowU¡;g busil'ess.
r: 'fr. 1)oLalil Mclptosh stat.ed if he got his subrti vision approve(} SOOl; in
West Rouge, he woulri pay $500.nO per lot to Township. All proposed lots
are spoker for.
f). Mr. CamDbell as1<e1 Council to pass a resolution askÜ~g Federal Government
to set up a Royal CO!t1wissiol: to stwIy ecor.orlic a~pect of area around
propose1 C. N. R. freight By-Pass. (See'Resolution No. 113).
""! 'fro Rex Herritt felt Tow!'ship should take actior. agairst proposed C.N .R.
freight b:'-pac;s 1-)ecause o.f the loss of assessmert art'!. road incor,venience.
C1 'fro Erlmu!JI1, Cor'cessioI' 1, Lot 32, ard ~1r. Theall, of Plan 434, asked
Council to support resicler:ts ~vith a resolutiol' for a Royal Commission.
9. "fessrs. Hunt, Heid amI ~fil1s, of School 30ard Area 2, objected to refIucir;g
size of propose·i West Rouge School arldi tiOl! from 10 to E: rooms, but
suh!!'itted a request of ~196,OOO.OO for an 8 room school to replace
ori,gira1 ~'~70, 000.00 requisi tior for 10 room school. Breakdowr; as
1 storey Builr1irg
Grarii11g, etc.
Loss or School Debenture
$ 166,000.00
~ 196,000.00
(See Resolution No. 110)
- 3 ...
10. Mr t James H. Mo__re ASKED permission to build a oatering service to
boats on east side ot Frenohaan's Bay. As area zoned -R 2" he was
reterred to the Planning Board.
MOVED by Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the Fire Chiet be paid ."
mileage when attending meetings pertaining to Township business. CABR~D
MOVED by HI-. Ashton, seconded by Kr. Hawthorne, that we
to be debentured tor the school addition or eight rooms
accept the amount
at a tigure ot
MOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Kr. Hawthorne, that Counoil obtain
opinion it it has the pover to pass a valid by-law under the Municipal
Aot, Section 388 (1), Para .82, without the permission ot the MOH.
YEA: Messrs. James, Spang, Soott, Hawthorne, Ashton, Miss Swan
NAY: Mrs. McPherson.
~OVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the representative
ot the Township to the Health Unit obtain a su..ary or servioes rendered
and apportionment ot approximate oosts tor the intormation ot Council.
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seoonded by Mr. Ashton, that it be requested ot
Mr. Donald Gordon, that the s,eoitic alternate routes or the C. N. R.
by-pass through Piokering Township be presented along with complete
reasons tor their disoard. CARRIED
MOVED by Miss Swan, seoonded by Hr. Ashton, that prior to construction
the Prime Minister take immediate action to appoint a Royal Commission
to study the eoonomic impaot ot the proposed route or C. H. R. Toronto
B,y-pass on Piokering Township and its residents and oopie8 ot this
resolution be rorwarded to Minister ot Transport and V.nOlrable Miohael
Starr, and the other munioipalities oonoerned. CARRIBD
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seoonded by Miss Swan, that a letter ot Tolerance
be granted to owner ot Lot 28, Plan 521, and that this Council will not
take any aotion against suoh owner due to the north vest oomer house ./
being ereote. 0 teet 2J inohes trom lot line and north east oorner 9 teet
l' inoh.. t~om such lot line in oontravention ot clause 4 section (b) ot
By-Law... 1787. CARRIED
HOVE1l11~Pberscm, seoonded by Miss Swan, that the Road
be author1..ct to oa11 tor Tenders tor a Motor Grader 115 H.P.
equipped with Snow Plow and Wing.
and up,
RES0IiC1t%ON nMBElJ 117
HOVED by Mrs. KoPke"son, seoonded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the Township Road
Superintendent purchase the tollowing material subjeot to the approval
ot the Distriot M1U1ioipal Engineer, Department ot Highways: Allied
Chendoa1s Canada Limited- 54 to.. Bagged Caloium Chloride 0 t50.34 per ton
- $2,718.36. CARRIED
MOVED by Mrs. Me erson, seoonded by Mr. James, that the Township Road
Superintendent purohase, sUbjeot to the appro.al ot the Distriot
Municipal Engineer, Department .r HigbwaY8~' the to11.wing materials:
From Westeel ProduotsLtd: 36' or 12" (16 gauge) steel 0 t1.81, t65.16
24' et 18" (16 gauge) steel. 2.50, 60.00
4 -
MOVED by Mrs. MCPherson, seconded by Hr. Spang, that a stand-by pay of'
Five Dollars (15.00) per week be allotted to the Road Department crews
that are on duty as per duty roster, as of the date of' this resolution.
M VBD by Mrs. MCPherson, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that the Road Superinten-
dent be authorized to negotiate an Agreement with Barclay Transport
Limited re exchanging gravel on our Road Allowance f'or processed gravel
in Barclay's pit. CARRIED
BY-:{.W NUMBER 2391
Miss Swan, seconded by Hr. Hawthorne, moves f'or leaye to introduce a
By-Law of' the Township of Pickering to amend By-Law N_ber 1978 and to
re-enact ßr-Law Mumber 1984 and that same now be read a first time.
Miss Swan, seeonded by Hrs. MOPherson, moves that By-:r.w Number 2391 to
amend ßr-:r.w Number 1978 and to re-enact ßr-Law Number 1984, be now read
a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. v
The Committee of' the Whole arises and reports the ßr-Law as printed.
Miss Swan, seoonded by Mr. James, ..yes that the report of the Committee
of the Whole on By-Law Number 2391 be adopted, and that the said B,y-Law
be _new read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeye and Clerk sign the
same, and the Seal of' the Copporation be af'f'ixed thereto. CARRIED
¥r~ Rawtli,rme, seo,ade. bJl ¥r~ ð..es, IJIPves tpr 1-eaft t, '.trpd*oe a B,y-law
of the Township of Piokering to aIIend By-Law Number 2073 of' the Corporation
of the Township of Pickering and to re-enact By-Law N'lllDber 2088, and that
same now be read a f'irst time.
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Miss Swan, moves that B,r-:r.w Number 2392 to
amend B,y-Law Number 2073 of' The Corporation of the Township of' Piokering,
a~d to re-enact B,y-Law Number 2088, be now read a seoond time, and that
Cou~cil go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the ßr-Law as read.
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Ashton, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2392 be adopted, and that the said
By-Law be now read a Third time and PA.SSED; that the Reeye and Clerk
sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
1fY-IAW llUMBER 2393
Hr. Spang, seconded by Hr. James, moyes f'or leave to introduce a B,y-Law
of' the Township of Pickering to amend B,y-Law Number 2077 of' The Corporation
of the Township of Pickering and to re-enact Qy-Law Nu.ber 2090, and that
same now be read a first time.
Mr. Spang, seoonded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that B,y-Law N'lllDber 2393 to
amend Qy-Law Number 2077 of The Corporation of the Township of Pickering
and to re-enact By-Law Number 2090, be now read a second time, and that
Couneil go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Spang, seconded by Miss Swan, moves that the report .f the Committee
of the Whole on By-Law No. 2393 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now
read a Third time and PA.SSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the SaDIe, and
the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduce a B,y-Law
of the Township of Pickering to amend By-Law Number 2073 "To Regulate the
Use of land and the character location, and use of' buildings and structures ~
in Plans 489, 492 and 521, and to re-enact By-Law Number 2268, and that
aame now be read a first ti_e.
- 5 -
Bv-Law Number 2394 (Con\inued)
Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-Law Number 2394 to
amend B.y-Law Number 2073 "To Regulate the use or land and the character,
location, and use of buildings and structures in Plans 489, 492 and 521,
and to re-enaot By-Law Number 2268, be now read a second time, and that
Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Hr. James, seconded by Miss Swan, moves that the report or the Committee
or the Whole on By-Law No. 2394 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now
read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and
the Seal or the Corporation be arrixed thereto. CARRIED
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mrs. MCPherson, moves ror leave to introduce a
By-Law or the Township or Pickering to amend B.y-Law Number 1978 as amended
by By-Law Number 1984 and to re-enact By-Law Number 2010, and that same now
be read a rirst time.
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Miss V. Swan, moves that By-Law Number 2395 to
amend By-Law Number 1978 as amended by By-Law Number 1984 and to re-enaot
By-Law Number 2010 be now read a second time, and that Ceuncil go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee or the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the Committee
of the Whole on By-Law No. 2395 be adopted, and that the said B.y-Law be now
read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and
the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
BY -LAW N'm(BER 2;J96
Hr. Spang, seconde4 by Mr. James, moves for leave to introduce a B,y-Law ot
the Township ot Piokering to appoint a Board or Manacement for the Claremont
Community Memorial Athletic Field and Park and the Claremont Community Hall,
and that same now be read a rirst ti.e.
Mr. Spang, seoonded by Mr. Ashton, moves that By-Law Number 2396 to appoint
a Board of Management ror the Claremont Community Memorial Athletic Field
and Park and the Claremont Community Hall, be now read a second time, and
that Council go into Committee or the Whole thereon.
The Committee ot the Whole ari... and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Spang, se.onded by Miss Swan, move. that the report of
the Whole on By-Law No. 2396 be adopted, and that the said
a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the
Seal of the Corporation be arfixed thereto.
the Committee ot
By-Law be now reael
same, and the
Mi.s Swan, seconded by Mr. Ashton, moves ror leave to introduce a B,y-Law or
the Townshi, .r Pickering to regulate the setting out .f tires within the
limits of the Township of Pickering and to prohibit the making or fires on
any of the public highways in the said Township, and that same now be read
a first time.
Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-Lav Number 2397 to
regulate the setting out or tires within the limits or the Township or
Pickering and to prohibit the making of rires on any or the public bighways
in the said Township, be now read a second time, and that Council go inte
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and report. the By-Lavas amended.
- 6 -
By-Law Number 2397 (Continued~
Miss Swan, seconded by Mr. James, moves that the report of the Committee of
the Whole on B,y-Law No. 2397 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now
read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sien the same, and
the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to the Rouge Hill
Community Park Board, and that same now be read a first time. ./
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Miss V. Swan, moves that B,y-Law Number 2398 to
appoint members to the Rouge Hill Community Park Board, be now read a second
time. and that Council go into Committee of the Whole ther~.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the B,y-Law as read.
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that the report or the Committee
or the Whole on By-Law No. 2398 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now
read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk si~ the same, and the
Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. C~IED
AG~ED C01D1oil-' tour Johns-Manville Plant Wednesday, Mar 6th. Engineer report ......
on Jos. Amos sideline location. In hands of Solicitors.
AGREED Council meet Saturday, April 25th, at 9 A. M., Brougham, for Road
On MOTION of Mr. Hawthorne, the meeting adjourned.
~ :;,tÆ/ 1959