HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 23, 1959
A Meetir~ of Council was helil on MONDAY, the TWENTY-THIRD day of FEBRUARY,
19B9, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, ir the Chair
HI's. Jean NcPhersol'
Harvey Sparg
Eilp;ar .James
Harr~T Ashton
H. Ross Hawthorne
Miss Violet Swat'
Lloyd T. Johrston, Clerk
MOVED by Mrs. McPhersor, secorderl by Mr. Spar~, that Minutes of meeting held
February 16th, be approveil. CARRIED
1. \farkham Villaf!."e aske'l that the;,' be permttted to use the Pickerir,g Township 0/
dump for 19f.9 at same rates as for 195R. (See Resolution No. 5'2)
Clerk submit.ted a report or 1958 TOWTlshiv Hall operatiors. Turned over
to Finance Cornwittee.
1. A. W. Care suhmi tted a report or Axhorn...··Fairgrieves complaint.
Recomrneriled 1'0 actior.
4. H. A. Habcoc~ and CornJ>al~v - services available as Consulting Engineers.
f: Derek J. Little, of Muricipal Plal'ning Consultants - services available.
'ì .
F. J. Cornish submitted two news letters or Planning.
two weeks. Cost of service - $10.00 for six months.
as Towl'ship Solicttor.
Will issue each
Would be available
Claremort Archers wish to be a part of TowI'ship Recreation Association
a~d solicit Township grant. They have 23 patil up members at $2.00 each.
Rert of Claremont Hali, $75.00 yearly. Referred to Recreation Committee.
R Mrs. Willian' Newman - thanks for $100.00 grar't towards Handicapped Children. .
Ç). Resolutioy' recommerrlirg flaming of Scarhorouf!."h Pickerin,g: Townline "Port
lJ1~ior Road" from Highway 2 to Lake anil Townline from Steele's Avenue South,
"Scarpick" or "Smallville". This request is from Scarborough TOWJ1ship.
(See Resolutior Number 47) ,
10. Annual report, Courty Uri t, Public Health Nursin,q:. Cler1c ,get copies for
each Councillor .
] ]
Oshawa General Hosvital acknowledge receipt of $1,000.00 grant with thanks,
a'rl state they expect ~alance of 19~F claimed irdigency accounts shortly.
Clerk advise there will "he r'o further grarts to this for 1958.
Copy of Minutes of meetilg of Council members of frin..!!:e Municivalities held
iM Richmond Hill, February 18th, to discuss representation 01' Metro
Plannirg Board.
Reeve Scott stated our solicitors recommended that an agreemert be worked
('mt wtth A & M Realt~· Compary Limiteil re 1957 Assessment Appeal. (See ResolutioJ
No. 46)
following PERSONS, or MOTION, were heard:
1. Mr. Stocker, of Bradma, addressirg machines, stated he could sell the
Township a machine that would list three columns at once for $4,100.00,
~ess traile-jr, $250.00. Net, $3,P50.?0. Embosser, $~H)O.OOl le,~ss trade-
1,", $250.00. Net, $1,100.00. Net prlce for two machlnes, 15,250.00
Mr. Goslin said he reeded such a machire, that the present embosser was
, OiS~T, had given some trou.ble, but was row repaired. Much time would be
saved with a three columr lister rather than the preser't ore column lister.
Wher asked by the Reeve if he felt ar agreemert could be worked out with ,/
A. anil M. Realty & Co. Ltd., 1957 assessmert appeal, Mr. Goslin stated he
fel t that sl1ch ar agreemert couli1 not bp worl{ed out. (Resolutior: No. 46)
- 2 -
~. Silin~v Pugh, for Greenwooli 6onservatto1' Area, asked Council to apply to the
Boar~ of Trarsport Commissioners to have sight lines im~oved on C. P. H.,
where it crosses sidelire hetween Lots 11 ar~ 12. Agreed Mr. Jefferson
ma~e applfcatior.
A \fro Geor.!!e Hor.!!ap askerl wh~' he was the onl,r person on the Voluntary Fire
Bri~a(fe who received a T.4 Form for his $255.00 received ir 195~. Clerk
stater1 1'.4 Forms were serf, to all persors whose earl~ings from t.he TOWliship
werp ~2~0.00 or More orl~. Treasurer checkeli anli founil this proceilure correct.
r: Hr. W. Faire:rieve subJ'>1itteñ a letter askirg Cour:cil to permit homes to be
huilt. for our Ser'i..or Cit.izens of a lesser size thaI that called for in our
'qui Idir~ By-Laws. The Reeve stated this t10t row possible, but asked that
lptter be referrerl to Plal'ning Board.
G. Art.hur Carltor: stated t.hat Harkham Village <lumped eight loans of garbage a
wppk a--fJ Mr. Spailema! usually four, arò that there was still lot.s of room for
~ore ~arba!!e. . Recommerlied Spademar pay $50.00 per month rather that $2.50
per load. (See ResolutioJ. No. 53)
\fro ßawthorne submitted a report or "Garbage":
f;.arba~e Committee Recommendations:
At Presert:
4 men at 1.40/hr x 55 hrs.
1 p:ar at 1.45/hr.x 55 hrs.
, 77.00
~art>a!;e Her Request: (1) 48 hr. week at same take home pay.
This means an ir;crease ir hourly rate from $1.40
to $1.60 (17.B¢ hr. or 12.5:10). ..
(2) All Saturdays off ircludirg before Monday holidays.
(3) A rew Sani-Ma1 truck.
(4) Or 1 ailditional mar.
Recommer~atton: (I) One rew Sani-Mar Truck
(2) 3% increase'
From $1.40 to 1.45
1.45 to 1.50
Their choice of a 50 hour week ($74.50)
or a 55 hour week ( 81.95)
(3) Saturdays hefore holidays to be decided once
worlÜn~ hours agreed upon.
(4) No ailditional men.
Cler~ ~irected t.o wri. te for Tr,..i ces of "naclŒr" trucks and arrange for a
(femo"s+ ration or a Monday.
Mr. SÐar~ submitteò a report from the Dog Committee:
1. I~crease pound fees from Ore Dollar ($1.00) to Five Dollars ($5.00) for
everv offerce. Ailvertise, startirg March 1st, in every Post Office and
Pfc.kering News, Stouffville Tribune, and Ajax Advertiser.
TAce'-se fees of Five Dollars ($5.00) ghall become due Ja'TIuay 1st of each
year and must be purchased by April 1st of that same year. After that date
a penalty of Ten Dollars shall be imposed.
Advertised Licenses can he hought at t.he Pour1ò, outline of new by-Law on
back of li.cerse: CAUTION ~ Read details of B~r-Law on back.
- 3 -
Do~ Committee Recommendatiors: Continued
t. ~he By-Law shall read:
"Ir Pickering Township all dogs shall be confined on a leash with the
exceptior of farm dogs and hunting dogs providerl that both are working
aY~ under control."
Af;.REED pound fees be $1.00 for first offence, $3.00 for second, and $5.00
for all others; that all licenses must be purchased by May 1st for 1959, that
far"" rlo'šs nll.lst be kept on a leash if not working and under cortrol, and that
lice"sf>s be availahle frorl Towrship Office; that Dog Catcher and By-Law
Er'forceMent Officer erforce aT! amended Dog Cortrol By-Law after Hay 1st.
Clerk serd copy of rew By-Law to Mr. Sparg wher prepared.
(See Resolutions Nutrbers 48, 49 & 50)
MOVED bv Hr. HawthO" re, seconded
~oW'ship of Pickering arlvise its
A & M. Realty Compary Limited.
by Mr. Ashtor, that the Council of the
solicitors to continue the action against
YEAS: Messrs. Ashton, Hawthorne, Scott, Spar,g, .TameS'. Mrs. McPherson ard
Miss Swan.
MOVED hy Mr. Ashton, secorderl "hy Mr. Hawthorne, that the Township of Scarborough
put forward the followir~ street name for the Scarborough - Pickering Town
Lire fro"'! Highway No. ~ to Lake Ontario, "Port Ur1Ìor Road". CARRIED
MOVED ny Hr. Hawthorr!e, secoT'rleil by Hr. Ashtor', that Mr. Gerig make a mor;thly
repor+ to the Dog Control Committee, sairl report to contain:
(1) Number of dOf!;s pickerl up.
(2) Number of dogs destroyed
(3) Number licerses purchaserl.
(4) Number pound fees patd.
un NUM er penalties paid ard type of peral ties paiil.
MOVED "hv Mr. Sparg', secOJ'ded by Mr. James, that the Dog Catcher be authorized
to purchase two addi ti.oral caf!;es for the dog pourr1. CARRIED
MOVED "by Mr. Hawthorre, secorded by Mr. Ashton, that the License Fee for unspayed
fe~a1e rlogs be Five Dollars per year. CARRIED
Messrs. Ashton, Hawthorne, Spang, James
~fiss Swar, Mr. Scott, Hrs. McPhersoT'.
MOVED hv Mr. Hawthorre, secordei{ by Hr. Ashtor,
THA1' WHEREAS Messrs. Bergmar'rand Graham appeareil before the Huricipal Board Hearing
at. Rrou~ham or February 4, 19R9, and objectei{ to the proposed location of the water
"'81"s jr West Rouge "hetweel' Highways 401 ar·j 2, aDd as said ratepayers are now
satisfie~ with such location;
THEREFORE the Courct1 of t.he Township of P:i c1{erirg ag'rees to proceed wtth such
water ""ai ,- as plar fer} "by our Ergireers, Proctor anr} Redfern. CARRIED
MOVED by rUss Swan, secoJ'deil by Hr. Spang,
co~'tj 'He to use Pickering Towrship Durnp at
vear 19f;9.
that Harkham T8~w«rll' be allowed. to
the rat.e of $1,200.00 per year, for the
MOVED by Mr. Ashtor, seconiJeò b~' Hr. HawthorT'e, that Hr. Spademafl be allowed to
use the P1.ckerir'g Township Dump under the supervisior: of Mr. Carlton at ar annual
rate of $600.00 per year, paranle $50.00 a month; this agreement be for the year
19f>9 cO"'lmerc1.ng March 1st, 19B9. CARRIED
- 4 -
'fOVED 1)y Hrs. HcPhersor, secorded by Hr. Sparg, that the Township Hoarl Superinten-
terrle'-t proceed with the followir~ work sUbject to the approval of the District
Muti oi pal Engineer, Departmer't. of Highways:
1'JTA'i' ~ír. Chapmar purchase the followirg ffia terials from Sifto Salt Limited:
?() to' hirr,hway coarse salt, itelivered, ({j $19.00---.)3RO.OO. CARRIED
AfiREED that t.here be a Fir1ance ar'il Roa1 COl'1mi t tee meeting Tuesday, }larch 3,
at 0 P. H.
AGREED Mr. Prouse meet Courcil Harch 2 at 9 P. H.
\.frs. HcPherson, secondeit by Hr. James, moves for leave to ir'troduce a By-Law of
the Township of Pickerirg to restrict the weight of loads to be carried on
vehicles, aril that same now he read a first time.
Hrs. HcPhersor, secoJ1ded by Mr. Ashtor!, moves that By-Law Number 2377 to restrict
the weight of loads to he carried on vehicles, be now read a second time, and
that Council go irto ComT'1ittee of the \fuole thereol'.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mrs. MCPhersor, secondeil by Miss Swar, moves that the report of the Committee
of the Whole on B~T-Law Number 2377 be adopter}, and that the said By-Law be now
reail a Third time ard PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sigJ1 the same, and the
Seal of the Corporation he affixed thereto. CARRIED
Or HOT ION of Hrs. McPhers0l1, the meetin~ ad jour}ed.
tfd :Jð/l. 1959