HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 26, 1959 M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G B R 0 U G II A M A Meet.ir~ of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH day of JANUARY, 1959, at EIf;.HT 0' clock in the ever:in ~. PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, iT1 the Chair Hrs. Jean HcPherson Harvey Spal~g Eilgar James Harry Ashtor H. Ross Hawthorne Miss Violet SwaT1 L. T. Johnston, Clerk MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Miss Swan, that Minutes of meeting held January 15th, be adopted. CARRIED MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. HawthorT1e, that MiT1utes of meeting held January 19th, be arlopted. CARRIED The followirg CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. Notice from Metro Tororto advising that on January 30th next they propose to appoirt Mr. W. Grant Messer to represent the "East District" on their Plarr>irg- Board. ? TOt.¡rship of Markham invite Pickering TOWJ1ship representatives to a meeting ir Buttorville on Wedresday, February 4th, at ~ P. M. to discuss represen- tation of frirge municipalities on Metro Planring Board. " 3. The Rou~e Hills Liors Club request the pleasure of the company of Council to attend their "Civic Night" banquet to be held in south of Stroud's store, Wednesday, February 4th, at 7:15 P. M. also pleased to invite the heads of the various departments. of members United Church They are y ~. Mr. Robson, Sanitary Inspector, requests a letter from Council setting out a r1ate when Cour>cil helieve there will be saritary sewers in West Row~e so that they car reply to a request of Mr. McBride for a subdivision. AGREED to wait for sewage report. " 5. The School Board of S. S. No. 13 (Mourt Zion) request a meetir>g of all the Chairmen and Secretaries of School Boards porth of Concession 3 to discuss a general revision of school boundaries. y ry. City of St. Thomas ask Council to endorse a resolution to ask Department of Muricipal Affairs to study ways and means of holding nomination meetings open 10n~er rather than call new nomination meeting when insufficient persons qualify for all positions. .." Department of Hi2:hwavs propose to turn back to the Township of Pickering Roait Department the extension of Hillview Avenue through entire Lot 28, Brocken Front, Range 3. .. The followirg PERSONS, on ;lotion, were heard: 1. Mr. Shanley, for garbage mer', asked that they be permitted to work a 48 hour week instea.d of !)B hour week, ard have all Saturdays off with the same take-home pay. He stated they needed a new truck to replace No~ 1 truck, a 1945 International, and that such new truck should have a partial low rack for better loading. They have too much work for four men and not eY'ou~h for six or three mer' for each truck. J ~. Mr. Harvev Fertile, of Frenchman's Bay, submitted a petitior of 109 names of ratepayers (not checked) in the area, requestipg that before an agreement is sto;red with Crusader Development Corporation Limited, the Recreation Commtttee ard if't.eresteQcitizers be permittefl to study the plaJls so as to il'sure that. proper larrls are set aside for recreation use. 3. Messrs. Rispolie and Catchpole, of Martin's Subdivision, complained about icy-conditions of the roads with little sand. Asked that a barrel of sand ne placed every 200 yards Of1 roads in the Subdivision, and that a street light - 2 - ~e placed at subdivisior entrance or that a flUMber of reflector lights on ila1,,;erous curves be erected. 4. Our Solicitor, Hr. SteveJ1s, submitted a le~al opinion that the '\lording on the TOWT'ship tax bill which refers to per'al ties is legally correct. providing all enabling By-Laws are ir' order. (b) that he had given much consideration to the Township request for opir'J.OJ" whether Mr. Robertson would be ~~king the Township Zordn,g Bv-La\v if he operated his business it' rM:IM Rouge in new build.ing ,just erected., rather thaT' ir the basement of his house, and swall garage. He recommer'rle(l t.hat the Towrship take PO actiop because (1) Mr. Ro~ertson had a 1)uildir'<!; perrd,t. for a two car garage and told Buildil1g; Irspector in October, 19fi7, when he took it out, that he contemplated Movin,?; his machipery Ü,to it.. (~) He had used the oper ,grolH1d for assembling his " cobalt hom"hs" ~vhe~he had built his "garage" so that t.he laml Hse had beer established. (3) if the case were hearrl by a .Tuil ,;e he mi,ght consir1er the line of il1frin~ef11er't. so narrow that he would give Mr. Rohertsor the benefit of a decision. II' C': . . Mr. Webster, of East Rou~e, expressed disappointment at recommendation of onr Solicitor re Robertson case. " f). Mr. \'¡. G. Lawsor , Solicitor for East Houge group who opposed action of 'fro Robertson, thought Council should let a Judge decide t.he case and if C01H'cil wouIrf. !lot la," a charge, hi sgroup would.. ~ "! 'fessrs. ~forris ani Guest supported i\fr. Hobertsor. II' ~ ~r. Jack ChaDrlar stated he hail a tentative approval from Mr. Boucher of the Department of High,¥ays to advertise for a rew truck ard special type of sa~;-1er which could "he operated l)y t.he d.rtver anò spread more eveJ'ly so t.hat ore truck load woulrt do about. !) !"Jiles rather thap It P1iles whefl spread by mefl. He stateò new barrels for sand cost about $10.00 each, ard so far he had not been able to locate seconds. About 25 barrels are lost each year. " RESOLUTION NU}IBER 19 7\mVED ~y Hrs. HcPherson, seconded by Mr. JaP.'es, that the Township Road Super- irterrleY't proceed with the following, subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engil1eer, Department of High~vays: That Hr. Chapman purchase up to RO tor of Salt @ ~?11.00 per tor - ~~ 660.00. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 20 'fOVED by Mr. James, secOflded for aT' option for 30 òays to ~ords at 96t be accepted. , t/ by Mr. Ashton, that the offer of Bell, Gouinlock Market ~~15,OOO.OO of Township of Pickering 51% CARfiIED ~ RESOI~~ION ~~fBER 01 Ì'fOVED by Mr. James, secorñerl by Niss S'var, that the officers of the Corporation of the To~vrship of Pickerirg who will sigr: cheques on behalf of the Township be: and J. Sherman Scott [Irs. Jear~ NcPherson Lloyrt T. Johrston Dou,glas .J. Piitz Harry Pearce. ~ Reeve: Deputy Reeve: Clerk: Treasurer: CARRIED RESOLtnroN NIDfBER 20 MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seCOllded by J'.fiss Ran'še 3, from the Department of High~vays ra!"es, i. e., from "Fairport Beach Road" Crescert" to "Hillview Crescent." Swan, that Plan Type R, Lot 28, B.F., "he returned for correctior of road to "Hillview Road", and from "Hill CAHRIED " RESOLUTION NUMBER 23 MOVED hy Hr. Ashton ,- seconded. b~r Mr. James, that the Reeve be authorized to set up the terms of a tertati ve agreeplel1t, reeded to negotiate with Crusader nevelopment, and that he confer with tne Towflship El1gineer, Solicitors, and Mr. Little, of Project Plar:nin~ Associates for this purpose, alid such a!.~reement to be presented to Coul1cil for consid.eration. CARRIED ~ YEAS: "fessrs. Ashton, Hawthorre, Scott, Spang, James, Mrs. McPherson, Hiss Swan. - 3 - RESOLUTION NUMBER 24 MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the Road Superintendent ~e authorized to call ter~ers for one new cab anil chassis, 25,000 lbs. and up, f;.. V. ~v. rating truck complete with two way hotst dump body, worm driven sand spreader, uriversal type, that car: be used for spreading gravel ill summer and g~"~ ard salt ir wirter. CARRIED ... RESOUITION NUMBER 25 MOVED bv Mr. James, seconded by Mrs. McPhersor, that Resolutions Numbers 189 at'r1 214 be rescil"ded. !&âT ... RESOLUTION NUMBER 2ô MOVED by Mrs. }fcPherson, seconded by ~œ. Hawthorne, that Council support the St. Thomas Resolution re nomirations. CARRIED .. CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS 1. Clerk arrange a meetil1g of School Board Chairmen and Secretaries north of Corcession 3 re school bourdaries or a Thursday three or four weeks distant in the Township Hall, Brougham. ., 2. Ergineer and Road Superintendent investigate use of reflector lights on flangerous corrers in Hartin's Subdivision. " 3. Clerk ask Mr. Care to check residences of irdigeTIts listed on Oshawa Hospital account. On MOTION of Mrs. MCPherson, the meeting adjourned. ", \PPROVED ~4¡ f r 1959