HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 19, 1959
A Meet.ing of COUT'cil was held on MONDAY, the NINETEENTH.day of JANUARY, 1959,
at. the MUNICIPAL BUILDING, Brougham, at EIGHT o'clock in the everirg.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
Edgar James
Harry Ashtor
H. Ross Hawthorre
i'fiss Violet Swan
L. T. Johrston, Clerk
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. James, that Mirutes of meeting held
January 12, 1959, be adopted. CARRIED
The following CORRE$PONDENCE was read:
1. Wells Ritchie approached Council last summer asking that the road through
Whitevale be paved. As the cost of the work was not provided for in the
budget, he was asked to bring to attention of Council early in 1959, which
}'e pow wishes to do. Referred to Road Chairman.
2. The Town of Whitby asked Council for the use of the Township Dog Catcher
ard equipme~t for a short time, as there is a rabies æare there. Council
agreed that Mr. Gerigs had enough work if' Village of Pickering, Town of
Aiax, and TowT1ship of Pickering.
3. School Board of School Area No.2 request Council to give consideration
t.o their capital costs wheJ1 writirg an a~reement for large scale sub-
rtivisior agreements. Clerk advise Mr. Tyas that Mr. Little, of Project
Planning, has neen instructed to discuss better located sites in the
proposed Crusader development.
1. Clarerce McCullou!!h and W. Crawford Limited, who have proposed a subdivision
ir Pickering Village abutting unopened sideline between Lots 13 and 14 for
12;¡0 feet ask to purchase 1.8 acres. Referred to Road Chairman.
5. West Rou~e Canoe Club~solicit a grant for 1959. 1958 grant was $50.00.
Turned over to Fir1ance Chairman.
The followir,g PERSONS, Drl MOTION, were heard:
Messrs. Guest. Knolt. Roberts and elevef1 others supported Mr. Robertson
ir East Rouge ir his business erterprise.
'fr. Carter asked Courci1 t.o erforce Zoning By-Law in East Rouge.
Mrs. Thomas Wheeler asked the TownSh.. ip for a ¡rant for their work with
hardicapped children.; In 1958 the ~rart was ,50.00.
Mrs. Wheeler reported 195B receipts, $1,157.00. Expenditures, $1,004.33.
Cost per chi1~ $25.00 for 41 childrer. Pickering Township, 23; Pickering
Village, 3; Ajax~8, Whitby, 5; Uxbridge, 1; Blackwater, 1.
4. Messrs. McIntosh ard Scott stated they had made a writter submission to
Council for 200 lots if' West Rouge ar:cl they were anxious to proceed. The
Reeve advised that Proctor and Redfern were making a report on West
Rouge sewage ard as S0011 as it came ir Clerk would advise.them.
5. Professor LaBrie and Mr. Reed, of Brock Road, stated that a public meeting
was recently held ir Brock Road School when the Tillings industry was
rtiscussed. Of the 32 ratepayers present a vote was taken on a request
that all the lands north of Concession 3 be zoned "R A" and resulted
14 to 9 in favour, with most of large owners of lands objecting. A
second vote was takell and passed, asking Council to investigate the
possibility of the Township reviewing industry before it came in to
protect the local inhabitants." Professor LaBrie expressed confidence
ir the Planning Board but felt that they nor the Council had no control
over large blocks of lard. Council agreed that the Township Planning
Consultant should be asked for his opinion as to how it could be regulated
with or without zoring.
- ,2 -
R. Mr. Jefferson recommended that the Crusader Corporatiof1 should provide
storm sewers, curbs ard gutters for the subdivision at Frenchman's Bay.
7. Mr. McDonald, of Crusader, asked that resolution be passed authorizing
their Engineers to proceed with sewage disposal plant plans.
R. Mr. Stevens, our Solicitor, reporteil that any recorded vote determines
the result of a questio~, so if it is tied, the motion is defeated,
according to Parliamentary procedure. lIe also advised that he would
have advice on legality of Tax Bill Penalties by Thursday, January 22nd.
9. Mr. Fair,q;rieve asked that comparative tax collection figures of the
Bailiff of Second Division Court and Murray and Company be secured
from the Tax Collector and that greater discounts be giver to induce
tax paymert. Council asked Mr. Fairgrieve to submit a proposal to
Clerk so that it could be used by Finance Committee next Friday night.
AGREED Council hear Garbage men next Monday night.
Mr. SDan~ will arrange a meeting of his committee and discuss the dog
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that Mr. Baker be asked
to Meet wtth Firar'ce Committee to discuss the use of any Bailiff of his
choice Friday, January 23rd, at 8:30 P. M. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. James, that:
WHEREAS the Township row has a duly qualified professional engineer or the
AND WHEREAS in the Motion to employ an engineer some of his duties were to
be as follows: (Resolution No. 187, October 6, 1958)
(a) supervision of installation of services in present and future
(b) checking the engi.neering specifications of future subdivisions.
(f) supervision of extensions to the present water system.
(g) to familiarize himself with the requirements for water and sewerage
facilities in the Township and the different proposals to supply same.
(h) other engineering problems, as from time to time arise, when requested
by Council.
AND WHEREAS previous to obtaining the services of said engineer it was the
practice of the ~lrictpality to engage consultirg engineers to serve the
BE Ir flESOLVED that the firm of consulting engineers of Proctor and Redfern
he requested to submit a progress report on all engineering projects on
which they are present 1y elgaged on behalf of the Township of Pickeri ng¡
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that until further irstructions are received from the
Courcil that Proctor and Redfern:
(1) Do not pursue the question of a sewerage system for the Frenchman's
Bay area.
(2) Do not prepare specifications anrl requirements for the roads, services,
etc., in the Crusader Development proposed development.
WHEREAS it is urilerstood that the design of the extensions to the West Rouge
water system is complete be it resolved that the supervision of the construction
..., be the responsi bili ty of the Township en.gireer.
WHEREASluch of the design and eng'ireering of a water system to serve the
southern portior of the mUJ1icipality has beer. done by Proctor al1d Redfern
he i.t resolved that Procter and Redfern be instructed to proceed forthwith
to complete the desi~n for a water systeM to serve the proposed development,
- 3 -
the irdustrial zore ard eventually the southern portion of the Township.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in the future, Proctor and Redfern do not proceed
wit.h a}'y eng;iY'eerin~ work or behalf of the Township unless instructed to do
so 1]V a resolutior of Council. CARRIED
YEAS: Messrs. Ashton, Hawthorne, Scott, Spang, James, Mrs. McPherson
anrl Miss SwaJ1.
MDVED b3r Mr. HawthorJ1e, secoJ1ded by Mrs. MCPherson, that a rneetin~ of the
~]blic Utilities COMmissior, all memhers of Council and the Towrship Engineer,
bp held as qu~ckly as possihle to discuss the Crusader Development project,
t.he "1eet-Lr~ t.o be Thursday, January 22nd. CARRIED
MOVED by Mrs. McPhersor, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the Township Road
Superintendent proceed with the followir~ subject to the approval of the
District Huricipal En,gineer, Department of Highways: Purchase from
SIFTO SALT LIMITED, 320 hags of Salt at 55í - ;~17Ô.OO. CARRIED
Or MOTION of Mr. Hawthorne, the meeting adjourned.