HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 12, 1959
A "feeti'-.<!: of Courcil was' held orl MONDAY, the TWELFl'Hday of JANUARY, 1959,
at EIGJIT o'clock in the evenir~.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
Hrs. JeaJ'l McPhersor
Erl~ar R. James
H. RQSS Hawthorre
IIaroilrl Ashtor
Miss Violet Swar.
Lloyd T. Johnstot', Cler1{
MOVED by '1r. James, secOt'deil by Hrs. :t>fcPhersor, that Minutes of meetj.p~ held
December 99, 1958, he adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by 'Irs. T'fcPherson, seconded by Mr. James, that Minutes of meetir1g held
Januar" 5, 1959, be adopted. CARRIED
1. l'ax Collector's Reuort;to December 31, 195P
December. 1958
December. 1957
'rorr AL .......................................
$ 31,285.49
$ 24,824.04
Current taxes col1ecterl ...................
Arrears of taxes collected ................
Arrears of taxes outstal'itir~ ..............
Currert taxes outstardirÅ’ .................
$ 22,263.10
$ 24,325.65
TOTA TJ ..................................... $ 181',309.51
Outstardillg 1958 taxes by Wards -
Ward 1 ---------------$ 12,262.65
Ward ~ --------------- 16,452.62
Ward 3 --------------- 35,154.56
Waril 4 --------------- 39,159.88
Ward 5 --------------- 56.016.70
TOTAL ----------------$159,046.41
We would draw your attention to the marked decrease of $3,253.48
it' the December, 1958, collection of arrears as compared with collections
of December, 1957.
This decrease is evidently tre result of unwarrarted publicity
arit curtailment of the method of tax collection as set out in the Assessment
It is recommended that Resolutior Numbers 189 and 214 be rescinded
a 'it the Collector collect taxes accoriliJlg to the Act.
N'otiôe Ortario Count" Assessors' Meetinp,:, Rrooklin Hall, January 14th, at
10 A. M. Council members welcome.
~~ of Ajax are applying for a~ extension of time on their Zor.in~ By-Law.
Expect rpw one in sixtv davs.
Report - A.. W. Cane - ~e M~. .~~~ East Rouge.
Report. - Hirutes, Recreation Committee, December 30, 1958.
Report - En~ineer - re West Rouge Water Supply.
7. Report
McIntosh - proposed suhdivision of 40 acres - 200 lots - in West
- 2 -
IP followi.r~ PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
Mr. T. R. YOUl1~. Mr. Ted Belt, and some ten others askeil Council to take action
ao:airst ~1r. A. Robertson, who, they claim is breakipg the Township Zoning
Bv-Law Number 2320 by building a building 30' X 50' in which Mr. Robertson
proposes to move his machinery from his house and small garage. They
prpser·ted a petition of 41 t'ames of persors who objected to increasing
Uti s hus;·'ess.
Hr. McBride submitted for each member of Courcil a proposal that would
perMit, hi'''' t.o lievelop approximately ten acres betweer Highway 401, East
A veY'ue a"£1 Islanli Roail, into 44 lots. He would pre sewer, donate $450.00
ppr lot of 60 foot frorta~e houses, brick, anrl at least 1050 square feet,
of a value of approximately $16,000.00 to $18,000.00. The Sanitary
Irspector has reported that area is rot good for septic tanks. Mr.
McBrilie asked to see Sanitary Inspector for a report on temporary
sewa~e. arñ to consult wi thç, our Er'gineer.
Mr. Gorilon Smith, of West Rouge, inquired ahOlt what action is beir.g taken
reo:ardirg sewers in West Rouge.
Mr. John Funston, who operates a elearing Plar.t at East Rouge, aSKed for
licerses for Cleaners. He was told one is t'OW prepared with others and
woulrl he realiy ir several T"lorths.
Mr. S. Osterhout objecteli t.o wor£1ing of peralty clause Of! the Tax Bill and
claiT'1prl that as it row rea~s he is rot requireli to pay penalty until
.Ttpuary 1st, which he has rot dore on 195R taxes.
Hessrs. Tim8~ and Ì'facDonalò, of Crusader Development Corporation, submitted a
new a~ree~e-t. hased or latest a~reement prepared by Township Solicitors.
Mr. RprIfer', of Proctor at)rl Redferfl, discussed sewer afld water for south west
part of Township. He stated that there should be two sewer systems now, four
later. a'£1 evefltually one in the interests of economics.
Ftrstly Frenchman's Bay, with a plart at foot of Sandy Beach Road, which
'~oul~ drain 5,620 acres almost up to Third Concession Line; this would take
care of RO,OOO people at 100 ~allol1s per person, would require a plant to
ha~dle R,OOO,OOO gallons per day. 20 acres woulli be required for a plant of
this sizf',
Secorlilv the West Ro~ge Area would require a sewage area of five acres and
reC0"1f'1ert'led that it be placerl or southerr: limits of the Golf Course. Later
plarts would be require1 at Petticoat Creek at the Lake and later one or
Duffir 's Creek:.
RegarrUrg a Water Plart ,Mr. Redfern proposefl a plant at end of Brock Road
with a feefler maif' of 16" ard 16" water mair to Concession 1, 2! million
capacity per flay to serve 20,000 people. It would take one year to complete
Hr. .Teffersor said he a.greed wi. th most of Hr. Redfern's proposal, but thought
West ROl1~e sewage system shoulfl be in Rouge Flats. He asked for a clearer
rlefiritior of his duties and the Reeve stated Ì'fr. Jefferson would be in charge
of all i.nterral specificatiors of mains and sewers with right to ask our
Consul ti1')g Engineers advice or any problem anli that water and sewage plants
ard trunks should be the responsibility of Consulting Engineers with Hr.
Jerrerson assisting.
Hr. Alan Robertsof!, of East Rou~e, again spoke about the erection of a
1)uililir~ 30' X 50' and his proposal to Move his busiT!ess into it. The Reeve
su~qested he cortact a solicitor.
~ b~r Mr. James, secorded by Mrs. MCPherson, that Township employ our Solicitor
· give a le~al rUlir'g whether or rot the penalty clause on the Towrship Tax Bill
11 permit the collection of the peralties as printed in the year ir which unpaid
.xes become due. CARRIED
- 3 -
MOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that we ask for le~al advice
as to now the case as stated by Mr. Robertson is governed by By-Law No.
2320 of the Township of Pickering. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded b~' Mrs. HcPherson, that Resolutiofls Numbers 189
ar~ 214 be rescinded and that Mr. Baker be allowed to use the Bailiff of his
YEAS: Miss Swan, Mrs. McPhersofl, Hr. James
NAYS: Messrs. Ashton, Hawthorne and Scott.
AGREED Courcil meet Thursday, Jaruary 15th, at 8 P. ~f.
AGREED Garbage Committee meet Thursday, January 15th, at 8 P. M.
1. Advise Mr. Robertson on the legal advice received from our Solicitors. __
':' Instruct Proctor ar1d Redferr to give an estimatef} cost of the proposed I
Water Plant as soon as possible.
Or MOTION of Mrs. McPherson, the meeting adjourned.
APPROVED ~ /.141959