HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 5, 1959
Pursuar+ to By-Law Number 'Z?711, t'he members-elect of t'he Mur.icipal Council
of' t'hP 1'o'vY'ship of Pickerir~ met in the Cout'cil Chal'1bers or HONDAY the
FIFTH rlav of JANUARY, 1959, at the hour of EIGHT o'clock il1 the everirg.
PRESENT: .J. Shermar Scott - Heeve-Elect
~frs. .Tear NcPhersor - Deputy Reeve-Elect
Harvey Span~ - Councillor-Elect - Ward 1
F,ib:r,ar R. James - Councillor-Elect, \~arrl 2
Harol~ Ashton - Councillor-Elect, Ward 3
H. Hoss Ha~vthorne - Counci llor-Elect, War(l 1:
Miss Violet Swan - Courcillor-Elect, Ward 5
Lloy~ T. Johrston - Clerk
T1~p 'fe"11-jers-Elect, havi r-:o: tal.{er the Oath of AIle '!;iarce to Her Na jesty the
Q11PP~ E1 i za lJeth II ar'r1 the Dec laratiof' of (.~ualificatior' or the fI av of
Vo,.,,; '-ati ()'-, tool~: l)efore the Clerk their respective Declarations of Office
3'-'1 toOl!" their seats at the Courcil Boaril, the Heeve ir the Chair.
Hev. A. E. CresswelJ, of TT1'iten Church, Claremort, COJl~ucted the rlevotioral
a~~ress ar1 Reeve Scott tharked him for his messa~e.
Reeve Scott stated that 1959 proMised to be an importart year j1' the
l'mvrship, ard mertiored a proposal \vhereby Crusader Development CompaJ"Y
propose'1 to erect 'Zf¡OO houses i1' Frerchmar' s Bay area. ~k. Scott as1ced
for the Sa!~le co-operat ion arlOJ1~ rlenbers as ha;] existei] in past year.
A 11 other Cou-nci 1 I:'et'1hers spoke hrieflv. Ex-Reeve Lawson and Hr. Ha 11,
C~airmaY Ward 2 Ratepavers' Association, wished the Council a good year.
Reeve Scott subr'itted a list of proposed Council members to the various
Co,,,,,.,j++epc;¡ a'(l a9 there were ro ohiectio1s:
HssnarrIO'J NT~rmm 1
'TOVED bv 'Ir. Ha'(,¡thorre, secorfle'l l1y ?Ir. As11top, that the Standj.!'.!?; Commi ttees
or +1,i s Comctl for the year 19f¡9 "be as follo\vs:
nnA ns A'JD ßHIDG};~S
'Irs. J eap HcPherson
All :,feJ11bers of Council
}i~d~ar James
All Members of Council
~vF:Lfi'A HE
Harold Ashtor
;'[rs. .Jean :'IcPherson
Harvey Spar,g
Harvey Sparlg
E(lgar James
H. Ross llawthorle
~.fiss Violet SW~H'
Edrçar .Tames
. H. Ross Hawthorre
H. Hoss Hmvthor1'e
~Ti ss Vio let Swar,
Harold Ashton
A \TD THt'\. T the first rane:-] r'e~'her of Coul'cil, whose r ar¡e appears after the
CorrT;.ttee, he Chairrna1' thereof. CARnIED
The followir~ COnRESPONDE~CE was read:
'Tetro ToroT to asked for a1' appointee fror: Villa~e of Pi ckerin~, Town of
Aiax, and 1'0wrshjp of Pickering, to sit or ~~tro Planning Boar~.
Clprk of Tmvr of Ajax advises that they l'ave petitioned the \1i1'1j ster of
Pla1-~liJ 0; ard DeveloplT'ert to per1"lit the TO'(vl of Ajax to have a represer¡-
~ative of their OWl sjt Ol ~etro Planning Board.
- 2 -
1. Our Solicitors requested Council to cor sider some adjustment or A & M
Realty Investmerts Limited Assessment Appeal so that appeal may not be
ta~er to a hi~her court. Council requested proposed legal method.
h \fr. Bo"b;xsor 1 of East Rouge, requesteij he "he permitted to complete and
opprate his new workshop.
q. lq~0 DOg Report. Licerses sold - '4,~?9.00
Uppaid -
Perso1 S
who ro IOl-9;er have (lo~s
who have r:overl
who carrot he loca tell
who have Oshawa 195P licenses
who .g;ave no re spor se
The follmÜr.o; PERSONS, on HOTION, \vere hearlI:
1 .
~Tr. ',íclr·,to~}1, Developer of Houge IIighlards, stated he owned forty acres
i,' IVest Houge or Scarborouo;h TOWJ1 Line, \vhich he would like to survey irto
_. .~
a~ol1t 200 ¡'ots of a size GO' By 100', for \vhich we would pa~' ~þ450. 00 to
H'e Tmvr.shtp for each lot - f)~ for park larris, 1050 square foot hrick
l'onses aid gararr,es and all other requirer:erts, as i'1' Rouge Highlands.
~r. McI'1'tosh agreed to subnit his proposal in writing.
. ill::.'Ì HacDºrald further explaired how they proposed to Ilevelop
Frenchman's Bay Area unrler rame of )USader Cor: st.ructioJ1
"Irs. Crichtoll asked that Courcil appoirt a N~ to temporarily assist
perso"s ir the hOT'1e for short periods or da" calls.
Messrs. Tir;s
rV"f) acres t:
Corrpar'v .
'HWF,J) 11" :--fr. Ashto,r, secorrleti 'hy 'Irs. NcPhersor, that:
h1mnEAS TV. Grant :Hesser of the Villao;e of Pjckering was selecteò 'by the Vilhge
of' Pi c'ceri "n:, Tmvrship of A i ax an(l the Towr ship of Pickering to represent the
tnn~e Huricipali ties of the Metro Planl'in~ 110arti, ard such appoirtment was
co~rtrme~ hy the Metropolitar Courcil or October 22nd, 1957, for the period
e1è!i.r'!. .Jar1uary 1,1959;
AND \VTIEIlEAS the Courcil of }fetropolitar Tororto have requested aY' appoint-
Mer't to sllch posi tior for a further term;
.lliLJ.l.THEREFORE RESOLVED that \.J. f;.rant Hesser, of the Village of Pickering
be appointed a merilier of the Planning Boaril of Metropolitan Toronto for the
vear 19f)9. CARRIED
TW -LAh' NUHBEH 236'"
~fr. FhHvthorre, secorrled 'by \fr. Ashtor, moves for leave to introduce a By-La\v
of t'!'1P 1'owpship of Pickert rg to appoÜ-t a \.Jeed I.,..,spector to carry out the
prnvisio's of the Wee~ Cortrol Act, in the Township of Pickerin~, rluring the
VPHr lq~q. aJ (l that sar1e row .,e read a first tin:e.
"fr. Halvthorre, secor-lIed. 'hv ~fiss Swan, moves that By-Law Nup.Jòer 2362 to appoint
a Wee~ I~gpector to carry out the provisioJs of the Weed Control Act, in the
1mV"' 8ni p of Pickert 10;, rluri r Q." the year 19;¡9, De row read a secorò tirle, and
t"1at COU1cil~o irto Committee of the \Vhole thereon.
T'hp COF1!"'ittee of the \Vhole arises anl reports the By-Law as read.
'fro Halv+11nr1e, secOJ-òed bV ?>Ir. Jar:les, moves that the report
of tnp \vhole 01 BJ:-Law Numner ?3G2 ne adoptee], a rei that the
rear1 a 1'hirrl t.ir'e aJ d PASSED; t'hat the Reeve arrl Clerk Sig'fl
Seal of the Corporation be affixerl thereto.
of the Committee
said By-Law be no\v
the same, and the
'9Y....L'\~,¡ \Tmmrm c~3q3
"Trs. 'fcPhersoJ, seconrled hv ~1r. .Tames, moves for leave to irtroduce a 13y-IJaw
of tne Township of Pi.ckeri r 0; to appoir't an irspector to erforce the Treflch
EX,cavators' Protect; or Act jr Pickerin'!. TowPship, anrl that_. satre r ow l-. r ~
~ !Je eaf¡
a Pirst tt~e. .
- 3 -
TIv-Law Nu~ber 2363 (Continued)
"1Ifrs. "fcPhersor, secorne~l by Hr. Hawthorne, move~ that By-Law Number 2362 to
appoirt. ar I!'spector to erforce 1'he Trerch Excavators t Protection Act in
Pic1{erir'''; 'l'm.¡rship be now rearl a secom1 tirp.e, arf1 that Courcil go if'to
Cnm~ittee of the ~lo1e thereon.
1'11(' Co!"t"it.tee of the \'¡hole arises and reports the By-Law as rean.
',fre;. >·fcPhers01', secor~ed bv 'Ir. Ashton, moves that the report of the Comrni ttee
of t'hp 1-1hole 0' By-Law Number 21G1 be adopter1, arrl that the said By-Law be
'o~.¡ rparl a l'hirrl tir'e and PASSED; that the Reeve anil Clerk sigr the same,
8' rl tl-¡p Seal of the Corporat.i01' he affixe-' t.hereto. CAj-tHIED
nY-LAT,'¡ 'HT'fBEH 2364
'frs. 'fcPhersor, secof'fleri bv 'fr. Spar'!;, n~oves for leave to il'trofluce a ßy-La\v
or t~e 1'owrship of Pickeri] ~ to appoint Pound-Keepers and Fence-Viewers for
t11P "furictpality of the Towlship of Picl<erirg for the year 1959, anr1 that
sa~e row be reaA a first ti~e.
'frs. 'fcPherson, secoJ'iled hv '[i ss S\var, moves that ny-La~v ~hU'Jber 23R4 to
apnoi rt Pouf'd-Keepers anrl Fence-View'ers for the \luricipali tv of the To\vrship
t)f P. ckeri nO' for +,'1e ?ear lQ;-;g, he rQ\v rearl 8. seCOJ r1 tiLe, anrl that. Council
""0 i ,t n SOP1:',i ttee of the \\11101e tnereor.
'T'1,p Co!'~,it.t.ee of the \vhole arises ar,l reports the By-La,.¡ as reafl.
'frs. 'fcPhersor, secQJ(lerl hy 'fr. .J ames, F,oves that the report of' the Commit tee
of the ìV"hole on Bv-Law Numher '2:](-)4, be adopter}, anI that. the sain 11y-Law he
! ow rearl a Third tirJe al"n PASSED; that the Heeve and Clerk sign the same,
a1"1 the Seal of the Corporatior be affixed thereto. CI\.nRIED
l1Y - LA ìv \TTJ\fBEH '23 G 5
'fr. .Tar~es, secomled lJy :'Ir. Spanç, nove s for leave to introduce a By -La,w of
the l'mvrship of Ptc1,p ring to appoint a Valuer of Sheep and Other Li vestocfc
rJorrierl "",v Dor);s in the Towrship of' Pickerirg ill the year 1959, art] that sanJe
LOW ~p reai a first tiFe.
'fro Jar'es, secor:rled by >'frs. .',lcPherson, !'¡oves that By-Law ~Jw"ber ~3R5 to
appoi' t a Valuer of Sheep anI Ot'her Livestock ívorrier} by Dogs ir the Township
nf Pic~eriD~ in the year 19ÔP, he ]'OW reai a secord tine, and that Council
non ;1'to Cor"'lTIittee of the lvhole thereor.
1'np Co>"'rr.ittee of the hThole arises anl reports the ny-La\v as read.
\fr. Jares, seconder] 'hy .'Ir. Hawthorr:e, moves that the report of the Committee
of t11e \V'hole 0)' By-La\.¡ \Tumher ~3R5 be adopted, anl that the said Dy-La\v be
T o~.¡ rea'1 a Thir"i tit'1e al1n PASSED; that the Reeve an~ Clerk sign the same, anI
trp Seal of the Corporation he affixed thereto. CARRIED
nv-La~v "Jur,1)er ?3(3,) (See last T3y-La\v - af'ter 2370)
~ -
"I11'-L1\\J 'HymEr °31)7
'f1 '3S S~va', secorfled 1;y '·fr. Spano:, moves for leave to irtroduce a By-Law of'
the 1'mvrship of PiC1ŒriJ'1!:, to appoÜt a r"e¡¡'her of Council to the Boarrl of
Directors of the A,;ax aJ'n Pic1Œrirn; General Hospital for the year 19f:i9, ar·rl
t1at sane lOW De read a first time.
(fiss Sway', secorded by Hr. Ashtor, moves that By-La\v Number 2367 to appoirt a
>"'e~bpr of Courcil to the Board of Directors of the Ajax and Pickering f;.eneral
J'ospital for the year 195, be row read a secorrl time, anil that Courcil go
iJ'to Co"'p'i ttee of the ífuole thereon.
The Comt"i ttee of the ívhole arises ari! reports the ßy- La\v as read.
'Use; S\.¡an, secordefl hy ""fr. T£a\vthorne, moves that the report
nf the hThole Of' By-La'tv Number °3'17 be adopted, and that the
I'mv rear1 a Thi.rd tiT"e and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk
+hp Seal nf the Corporat10r be affixed thereto.
of the Comm1ttee
said I1y-Law be
sign the same, a1:d
-4 -
BY-LA~v ~TP,mER 03Gf'
'fr. H Rwthorpe, secorded by Ì"Ir. Spap!!" Jroves for lezve to introduce a By-Law
nf t~p 1'mvf\shtp of Piekerir'e>; to authorize the horrowir,<š of '$400,000.00, ard
that ~a~p row be read a first time.
~1r. Hawthorne, secoràer1 hv ~Irs. HcPherson, 1"10VeS that B -Law Ntllnber 23ôf1 to
a_1lthoriz~ t11e lJorrowtro: o.f ~!tOO,OOO.OO, be YO'v rea{! a secor~d_ tir1e, anrl that y'
Cnure; 1 ~o trto Cornmi ttee of the '~hole thereon.
T~p Cn~rnittee of the '~101e arises and reports the ßy-Law as read.
~r. Hawthorre, secorded bV Miss Swan, moves that the report
of tl..,p ',Thole OJ' B:v-La\v NU!"1her '?3ôf1 "he a'lopter1, ar(l that the
rPB,l a "T'~i r1 ti r"e an'! PASSED; that the Reeve ard Clerk sign
Seal of the Corporatior be affixe~ thereto.
of the Committee
said By-Law be row
the same, arrl the
BY - LA lV 'nNBI~n0369
'fr. JaMes, secorded by Nr. HawthorJ~e, n~oves for leave to introduce a By-Law
of the Tmvrship of Pickerin2; to appoirt two mel'1bers to the Hetropoli tan Toronto
CorservatioT' Authority ami that same row he reaf1 a first time.
Hr. James, secorded by Hr. Ashtor, moves that By-Law :'J"umber ~¿369 to appoint t\vO
r1el'1hers to the Netropoli tan Toronto Conservation Authority, be r10W read a second
til"'p, af'iI that Council :'0 irto Cornrdttee of the Whole thereon.
l're COP'!"; ftee of' the ìyThole arises aml reports the By-Law as read.
'fr. .Tames, secorded by Hiss Swa1', noves that the report of the Cor'mi t tee of
the ì¥t101e or BT.-Law Nurrber 231)9 be adopted, apl that the said By-Law he now rrøi
a T'hirr1 t i "~e ard PASSED; that the Reeve and CIerI, si~n the same, ard the Seal
of th" Corporatio" he affixer1 thereto. CAJ\RIED
"91' - T Jt\ 'v 'Ju'fTmn ') 37 0
',fro Spal~. secorde:i b:v :"fr. Ashtor, !'loves for leave to introduce a By-Law of
tne Tm'l1 snip of Pickerirs or the I1Cer:tral Lake Ortario Corservattor Authð'rity"
a1"l that sa"'e rmv he rearl a first time.
~'fr. Spay 0', secorded by T'frs. \fcPherson, moves that ny-La\v Number 2370 to
appo)y't two F1er>11)ers to represert the To\.,rnship of Pickerin~ on the I1Cer'tral
Lakp Ortarj 0 Corservatior Authori t~r" he now read a secord tj_me, a}~d that
Courctl ~o irto Committee of the ~fuole thereor.
l'r,p Committee of t,11e ~vhole ari ses awl reports the ß~'-La\y as reafl.
~r, Spar~, secorded by Mr. Ja~es, moves that the report of the Committee of
+'1(> ~'¡hole 01' By-IJa~v Numher c¿370 he adopted, ani that the said By-Law he row
rea'l a l'hir(l tir~e and PASSED; that the Reeve af'd Clerk sign the same, ard the
Seal of t1,e Corporatior he afftxer1 thereto. CAHRIED
BY-LAH 'JU'mEn ?3R()
Hi ss S'va1' " seconded by Nr. TTa\vthorne, rloves for leave to introduce a By-Law
nf the 1'owrship of Pickering to appoirt T'er'hers to the Towl1ship of Pickering
Planrir~ Hoard, ard that same row he read a first time.
\f; s~ SwaT, seconded b~' ~{r. AshtOl', );'oves that Bv-Law Number 23ßfì to appoirt
~'p~,ll(\rs + 0 the 1'o'tvnslÜ p of Pi ckerir '; Plarflir ~ Board, he rmv read a seconrt ti me,
1'1'-' t11at Conrcil ";0 into Corlr'tttee of the \~hole thereof1.
n,{> Co~""tttee of' the íVhole arises anI reports the Dy-La\v as read.
'-Tiss S~"a". secoJldei 'lY 1'.frs. HcPhersor, !"10ves that the report of the Committee
of t}lp Iv1101 e OJ' By-Law ~ur1her '?lRt1 be adopte~, arrl that the sairl By-La't.,r be
'my rear¡ a Third time ap~ PASSED; t.hat the Reeve anl Clerk Sislî the sar'e, a!'Q
tl,p Sea 1 of the Corporat iOJ' he affixerl thereto. CAnnIED
BY -T1J.H! '~TTT""'1ETI '~Tfl
'fr. SP:::l1i", seC01 (led b:v 'fr. Janes, F'oves for leave to il'trofluce a 11y-TJ2..'J (,f'
'h" T'fHvl'shtp of PiclŒrir~ to appoirt a :'e;.:her fro}' Council to the South Ontario
GOll:-t" Fealth F'-it, ard that S8."le ro~v be read a first tire.
'Ir. Spa' "'". seco' rle(l ;)y \fro UawthorJ'e, '"oves that Dy-Law Nur:berë.'.:371 to appoirt. v
a "1f',-')pr rrn~' Cowcil to the S011t1] OV1tar:i_o COlJrty J'ealth U11it be nOh' real a
SPCo' -1 +; "p 8.' ¡-'tat C01P'ci1 <:,:0 Ü to Cor:p':ittee of the ~Jhole ther8f\1
'T'llP (jo...."lj tt 88 of the \\'ho1e arises aJ'l reports the By-La\v as read.
\fJ~. Spa1.",:, seco:-rJe-ì ')y 'fro AshtOl-, ~~oves ti1at t:le report of tJ1e COJ"littee of the
ì\TJ101p OJ TIy-Lm'¡ 'i¡lr.her 73'71 1)e 8rlopte:1, a::1 that t.1-1e sairl ny-La~v he 101v rearl
a T11ir-l UTe a"l PASSED; that the l~eeve a:ld Clerk sLgn the sa'- e, ald the Seal
of th!" Corporatior :Je affixerl Vlereto. CAHHIElJ
1. \'fr. Care record 'šereral ar10urt of r:achirery anfl riel enployed iJy ¡II".
TIo'Jirsol', r~ast Rouge, òut take 1'0 actim except lJY 'Urection of Council.
'fr. .Tefferso' ascertai]- if preser-t., \vest nou!:';e íva ter Systec Hill su.pply
<")Of) ;"nre 110118es as will "he propose'-1 by :'fr. 'fcIrtosh.
, .
r,ler1{ forwarrl each Courcil ner'her coptes of (I) '\ur Solicitors' Agreerr.ent
,vit.', Crnsarler. (2) Crusarler letter to COUJcil in repl,v to Reeve f s
r0co"::"'e1 r1atiOJ S. (3) \fr. 'fcIrtosh' propose(l suhrli visior .
1. Hoar1 CO'"'11,ittee 1"eet Herlnes'la'.', Jan..tary 7th, at f' P. 'f.
On 'f()'T'IO\~ of "[1". TIa,\vthorre, the T'Jeetin; adiour1 e:1.