HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 30, 1966 M U N I C I ~L BUILDING BROUGHAM A meeting of Pickering Township Council was held on MONDAY, the 30th day of MAY, 1966, at the Municipal Building, Brougham, at 8 o'clock p.m. PRESENT: Reeve C.J. Laycox Deputy Reeve Mrs. J.L. McPherson Councillors: Donald Beer John Campbell Ronald Chatten Harvey Spang John livilliams Douglas J. PIitz, Clerk. The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: 1. MOVED by Councillor ~illiams, seconded by Councillor Chatten, that ~~. J. Cairns be heard. CARRIED ~~. J. Cairns, President of the Bay Ridges Ratepayers Association, read from a prepared brief a protest to the ~5,000.OO cash donation made by Council in Resolution J226/66 to the Picker~ng Township Museum Board. He also indicated the need for many services such as a Public Library and Arena where the Centennial grant money should be directed. 2. MOVED by Councillor Beer, seconded by Councillor Spang, that I~. G.H. Armstrong of McKibbon and Bastedo be heard. CARRIED. Mr. Armstrong, Solicitor for Messrs. Gerasimow and Butinko wish further clarification on what was required of his clients with respect to road construction on part of Lots 7 and 8, Concession 2. It was explained that in order to build two houses on this property it would be necessary to construct a road to meet with township standards from the easterly end of the existing road easterly for 500 feet. The matter was subsequently referred back to the Planning Board. BUSINESS ~ 1. (a) OpeneQ TendeISfor Gravel Crushing - There were three tenqers received one of " which was received twenty-five minutes after the hour set for receiving tenders and which was refused by Council and not opened. C. Smith - approximately 60,000 tons 7/81ì gravel 0.45¢ per ton Miller Paving ¡I It Ii H ,I O. 60¢ p~r ton (b) Opened Tenders for Office Furniture for New Municipal Building - Clerk to total and summarize each tender and submit to Council for recommendation. See Sheet ff~ The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. Reeve Laycox read a letter from the Minister of Highways, Mr. C.S. MacNaughton which he received and opened May 30th, 19~6. The letter informed the Reeve of the turning of the first sod to launch the construction of the first Government of Ontario Transit Station at Port Union. Reeve Laycox informed Council that he was not aware of this occasion until the day be£ore the event was to take place, thus unable to make other Council members aware of the event. 2. A letter from the Minister of E~ucat1on , I~. William Davis, Q.C., inviting members of Council to attend the Minister's Conference on Recreation to be held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, November 10th to 12th, 1966. -2- 3. Planning Director Submits: (a) (b) ~ Draft by-law to govern fences in residential areas. Council wishes to have more time to study this by-law. Copies are to be distributed to members of Council. Application for the construction of a road by Gerasimow and Butenko, Pt. Lots 7, and 8, Concession 2, east side Harwood Road North. Messrs. Gerasimow and Butenko were represented at the meeting by Solicitor, Mr. G. Armstrong. ~1.1..m, .r~llr¡d L~k ~e 1 ':!- '~1n& ~.4. (c) Development Policy - deletion of Section 6.10 of By-law 2511. Tabled. MOVED by Councillor Beer, seconded by Councillor Campbell that the resolution on Development Policy be referred to the Committee of the vfuole Council for further discussion with the Planning Director and Township Engineer attending. Date of Meeting to be determined at a later date. Recommendation to refuse application of H. Katz, north side Rodd Ave. east of Rosebank Road South, to permit town house development. See Resolution #248/66. (d) (e) Recommendation that By-law 3044 and 3045 be repealed and further by-laws prepared to include change in designation of, existing 03 areas to H for a holding zone. See Resolution t)238/66. Recommendation that By-law )053 be repealed and new By-law prepared. See Resolution #239/66 4. Clerk advises Resolution Number 17/60, provides iithat on all purchases exceeding $200.00, a minimum of three quotations be obtained whenever possible ¡, . (f) 5. Allotment ,for Pickering Township Parks and Pickering Township Recreation are he+d for clarification on legality of Township Council grant of $1,000.00 to the ~Jest Shore Recreation Committee. 6. Further study of the old Purdy property drainage problem' as !ecomm~ded by the Road Committee on May 4th, 196ó. No Action. 7. Review of budget for new police building. Refer to Committee of the vJhole. 8. Review salary of Mr. J. Faulkner, Planning Administrator. Refer to Finance Committee. Mr. Faulkner should be present, date of meeting to be set. See Resolution #249/66. 9. It was suggested and generally agreed that delegations be heard on the second and fourth meeting of every month. 10. Road Committee - all members of Council together with the Township EngineEll: will meet on J~une 19th. 1966 at·~30 p.m. for purpose of a road tour. 9 -tAf 110 Buildin~ Inspector's Report - ~. Building Permits issued to date, 1966, estimat~d value Building Permits issued to date, 1965, estimated value f2,3~7,73$.00 0/2,506,200.00 Building Permits issued in April, 1966, estimated value,$765,288.00 ( 52 Permits). 12. Tax Collectors Report: Amount collected, first installment - ~1,689,212.3$ - 53.6% For same period in 1965 ~1,4l5,158.65 - 53.7% For same period in 1964 $1,173,520.41 - 50.9% Total Tax Roll: 1966, *3,151,733.02 - 1965, $2,632,393.66 1964, ~2,302,900.60. -3- E!.SOL trrlO~_N..ill!..iBER 2). 7 /6§ MOVED by Deputy Reeve McPherson, seconded by Councillor Chat ten , that the tender of C. Smith for Gravel Crushing be accepted : subject to the Engineer's approval at .45¢ per ton. CARRIED. ~ RESOLtrrION NUMBEll. 23$/66 MOVED by Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Campbell, ~hat this Council does hereby endorse the recommendation of the Pickéring Township Planning Board of May 19, 1966 and hereby directs that By-law #3044 and #3045 be repealed and that a further by-law be prepared as recommended by the Solicitor, and to include a change in designation of the existing '03' areas to 'H' for a holding zone, which would allow the existing uses to remain, but require a further amendment for any new use or the extension to an existing use. I CARRIED. RESOLUTION NUMBER 239/66 MOVED by Councillor (filliams, seconded by Councillor Chatten, that this Council does hereby endorse the recommendation of the Pickering Township Planning Board of ~~y 19, 1966 and hereby directs that By-law Number 3053 be repealed as recommended by the Solicitor and a new by-law be prepared incorporating only Section A-I of By-law 3053, being the revision to Section 7.1.1 of By-law Number 3036. CARRIED. R~SOLUT.I0N NUMBER 240/66 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, seconded by Councillor Beer, that Miss Patricia Harden, Parks and Recreation Committee Secretary, þe paid $30.00 for the last three months, l~rch, April and May, ~10.00 per meeting. CARRIED. R~SOLUTION NUlVIBER. 241/66 MOVED by Deputy Reeve McPherson, seconded by Councillor Spang, that Mr. Payne be informed that the Township at present had no means of effectively preventing the use of Sidelines 10/11 or any other road to any member of the public and the provision of an alternative route as suggested would not avoid the use of Sideline 10/11; as recommended by the Road Committee on ì4ay 4, 1966. CARRIED. RESOLUTION NUMBER 242/66 þ MOVED by Councillor Chat ten, seconded by Councillor Williams, that t~ereas representation has been made to Council regarding Recreational and Parks funds disposal. . vfuereas Council has indicated verbally support for a study. Therefore be it resolved that the Reeve appoint a committee of Council to hear representations from interested parties and make recommendations to Council, such committee to meet immediately and report to Council no later than 1st August. CARRIED. Appointed by the Reeve: Councillor Chatten, Chairman CouncilloIS Beer and Campbell Reeve Laycox, exofficio 1. 2. ~ 3. \ . 4. ¡.-..... -4- RESOLUTIO~NUMBER 243L66 MOVED by Councillor Williams, seconded by C04I}cill~ CampbelJ..,. "that the Township Council rescind Resolution J226/66 which donates $ 5,000.00 of taxpayers' money to 'the lv1usewl1 Board. LOST Yea: Councillors Chat ten , Campbell~ 1rllliams Nay: Reeve Laycox, Deputy Reeve McPherson, Councillors Beer, Spang RESOLUTION NUMBER 244/66 MOVED by Councillor Beer, seconded by Councillor Spang, that this Council does hereby accept with gratitude the offer of an historical painting by Robert Cox, 393 Jaybelle, West Rouge, for the new municipal building. CARRIED. RESOLUTION NID·ffißR 245/66 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, seconded by Councillor Williams, that the Clerk be authorized to prepare a by-law increasing the interest on delinquent taxes from one half of one percen~ to two thirds of one percent as recommended by the To~~ship Treasurer and explained in his report. CARRIED. RESOLUTION NUMBER 246}66 MOVED by Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Campbell, that the following recommendations and authorization be made to the Parks and Recreation Committee that this Council recognizes the advantages of centralized organization, however, due to the fact that the softball season has commenced the following actions be taken without delay. That the allotment from the Township to softball be increased from $2100.00 to $3600.00. T~at the $3600.00 be dispensed to the sixty (60) teams registered (~60.00 per team) through their sponsoring body. That full accounting of all expenditures be kept by the sponsoring body, and that unspent funds and all equipment which is township property be returned to the Parks Administrator at the close of the season. That preparations start as soon as is practical for the centralization of purchasing and operation for 1967. 5. That all sponsoring bodies be notified of the Township's intention in this regard. CARRIED RE~Q.LUTIO~ NillfillER 247/66 MOVED by Councillor Chat ten , seconded by Councillor Campbell, that ~fuereas residents of Rougedale acres have continuously been subjected to deplorable site and road conditions for several years. ~Vhereas the existing home occupiers are being forced to keep doors and windows closed to keep out the clouds of dust that are raised by any slight air movement. Whereas after any rainfall the roads are turned into inches deep in mud. Therefore be it resolved that the Township of Pickering request the cooperation of Rockport Holdings in immediately removing the mud and dust and wash down the residential streets in Rougedale Acres using street cleaning equipment as was verbally promised by lvIr. ~inberg to the residents of this area. The Township Clerk shall notify Mr. Winberg immediately of Council's request impressing on -5- him the need for urgency and that this Council endorse the agreement made with Del Brocco Limited that calls for final completion of road work and other commitments contained therein, 'said work to be completed by October 1st, 1966. , CARRIED. RESOLUTION Nill~ER 248/66 MOVED by Councillor Chat ten, seconded by Councillor Williams, that this Council does hereby endorse the recommendation of the Pickering Township Planning Board of May5, 1966 and hereby directs that: vlliereas Pickering Township's Official Plan sets out as a prime purpose to ensure a balance between Residential and Commercial/ Industrial development, and that it is necessary to limit Residenti~l growth in order to assure the financial stability of the MunicipalifY, and wbereas the 1966 Residential Mill Rate does indicate that this Commercial/Industrial and Residential ratio has not improved in any significant manner, and further that the proposed Town House or Maisonette type of Residential development is generally recog- nized as being the least desirable from an Assessment point of view. Be It Therefore Resolved that this application (A 7/65) for the re-zoning of part of Lot #30, Range 2 from Single Family R4 to Multiple Family ID42 zoning, be declared premature and not in the best interests of, or benefit to the present or future residents of the Planning Area, and is therefore refused. CARRIED. Yea: Councillors Beer, Spang, Chatten, Campbell and Williams, Deputy Reeve McPherson and Reeve Laycox. RESOLUTION NUMBER 249/66 MOVED by Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Beer, that the question of the salary of the Planning Director be referred back to the Finance Committee and that the Planning Director be present. CARRIED. BY LAW NUMBER 3150 (3rd Reading) The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read Councillor ~illiams, seconded by Councillor Campbeil, moves that the report of the Committee of the Who~e on By-law Number 3150 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third time and P AS~D j that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same~ and the Seal of the Corporation be.a£fixed thereto. BY LAW NUMBER 3153 CARRIED. Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Williams moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of $98,597.89 upon debentures to pay part of the cost of construction of certain works as set forth in Schedule liBU attached hereto and that same now be read a first time. Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Beer, moves that By-law Number 3153 to authorize the borrowing of ~98,597.89 upon debentures to pay part of the cost of construction of certain works as set forth in Schedule aBu attached hereto, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the villole thereon. The Committee of the ¡fuole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Spang, moves that the report of the Committee of the vJhole on By-law Number 3153 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED. -~------. - -6- BY-LAW· NUMBER 3154 Councillor Beer, seconded by Councillor Spang, moves for leave to introduce a Br-law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of ~29,105.25 upon debentures to pay part of the cost of construction of certain watermains as set forth in Schedule viBn attached hereto, and that same now be read a first time. Councillor Beer, seconded by Deputy Reeve McPherson, moves that By-law Number 3154 to authorize the borrowing of $29,105.25 upon debentures to pay part of the cost of construction of certain watermains as set forth in Schedule liB" attached hereto, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the vfuole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor Beer, seconded by Councillor Spang, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number 3154 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED. By-law to dedicate part of Lots 15 to 20, Plan 233, as public property. TABLED. MOVED by Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Campbell, that this meeting adjourn at 11:35 p.m. CARRIED. ?~ 1.3 t{ pproved. Ir¡tt Quotations on Tenders re Office Furniture - *Cook's Office Equipment $6,150.68 plus Pro v . Sales Tax Eaton's Contract Sales 6,848.35- " " " It Maple Leaf Press 7,020.75 II n rô Ii General Printers Limited 7,450.00 Ii \I ,¡ It Kent-McClain of Canada Limited 8,059.00 Provo Sales Tax Included. Markham Office Eguipment 8,050.26 plus Prov. Sa! es Tax Imperial School esks 8,217.95 ¡, Ii II Ii T.J. Parsons Limited 8,376.42 Ii íi I¡ Ii Grand & Toy 8,468.37 Ii ft Ii if walmsley & Magill 8,584.25 II íi Ii "" II Office Specialty 8,737.00 ,ì ¡r í, ¡i *(Desk in Treasurer's Office not included - price approximately $250.00)