HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 21, 1966
A meeting of Pickering Township Council was held on Monday, the
Twenty-~~ day of March, 19ó6, at the Municipal Building,
Brougham,J at Eight o9clock p.m.
PRESENT: C.W. Laycox, in the Chair
Mrs. J. McPherson
Donald Beer
Harvey Spang
Ronald Chatten
John Campbell
John Williams
Douglas J. Plitz, Clerk
MOVED by J. Campbell, seconded by R. Chatten, that Mr. Roy Addie
of the West Shore Ratepayers Association be heard. Mr. Addie
read from a prepared brief which outlined the deplorable state
of the streets and services in general in the Consolidated
Building Corporation9s West Shore Development. Some of the
problems which he pointed out are as follows:
1. Driveway curb entrances sunk below normal level.
2. Manholes in centre of roads at elevations of up to eight
3. Drain opentng~. clogged with mud.
4. Paved streets covered with mud.
Mr. Addie asks Council to take immediate action to correct the
current problems as below listed:
1. That the Council of the Township of Pickering adopt a
resolution to take immediate action to force the developer
to put roads, sewers et cetera into approved conditions by
a determined date. (See Resolution #116/66)
2. That Council suspend construction until roads are in good
3. That Council suspend the issuance of building permits.
4. That Council take action to place 3/4 inch rock fill on
roads and char.ge. the cost against the bond.
5. That Council acquaint itself with the promotional advertising
used by the developer.
Mr. Addie asks if he could be informed of the result of the
resolution passed this evening and that Consolidated Building
Corporation be notifed of the resolution.
Reeve Laycox commented on the brief and indicated that the matters
brought before Council are common in a subdivision under
development, especially in spring of the year, however he,assured
the ratepayers that Council would act on the problems.
MOVED BY Mrs. McPherson, seconded by D. Chatten, that Mr. B.
Winberg of Rockport Holdings Limited be heard. Mr. Winberg
appeared before Council on the matter of stop work orders imposed
on 33 of his buildings under construction in Plans M-36 and M-37.
He asked Council to lift these orders permitting him to proceed
with construction in order that he might take full advantage
of the excellent building weather and also that he had only until
April 15th, 1966 to complete his homes in order to take advantage
of the winter works program.
Council were of the opinion since the matter of Zoning By-laws
was infracted, and was pending a hearing before the Committee of
Adjustment, March 24th, 1966, that a decision should be made
after the committee had dealt with the problems.
To prevent further hardship to the developer, Council will deal
with the matter again at their Friday night meeting, March 25th,
The following CORRESPONDENCE was considered:
1. Planning Board and Committee of Adjustment submit:
( a)
Requestsaction Council requires of the Board in the
matter of 1966 work priorities. See Resolutions No.126-127.
Recommendation for Letter of Tolerance for temporary
removal of gravel from part of Lot 12, Con. 6, Highland
Creek Sand and Gravel, C. Sakeris. See Resolution No. 128.
Three draft resolutions re amendments to zoning by-laws
with respect to waterfront development.
Planning Board recommendation that two push-button
telephones be installed in Planning Department at no
cost to the Township. No action.
2. Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Association bring to attention certain
infringement of local by-laws, including a real estate office
in a professional zone, and commercial vehicles on residentially
~o~ed IDtS.. They ask that Council look into these matters. Refer to
.tjy-.iaw t;omml.ttee.
3. By-law Enforcement Officer requests authority by resolution
or by-law to issue permits for signs and sign boards, to
initiate action for non-compliance of By-law No. 3071. He
also recommends advertising for new car and half-ton truck
before the new sales tax becomes effective. Refer to By-law
( c )
4. Clerk seeks direction on what course to follow with respect
to the Centennial Program, 1967. Should all the available
grant money be put into one project - Pioneer Village - or
does Council intend to proceed with the Park Project?
Council to locate property for a park to commemorate the
Centennial year 1907.
5. Clerk asks that Council set suitable date for meeting re
proposed Local Improvement on the west side of Liverpool
Road (east side of Frenchman's Bay).
Meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 19th, 1966, at 8:00 p.m.
in the John A. Macdona1d Public Sèhoo'l.· All persons attec'ted
élre to .' notified by mai~ or the lDe~ting. ,'-.. :
6. Mr. D.O. White, Department of Highways of Ontario, will be
available to discuss O.B.C.C. 40 rate system on March 28th,
30th, 31st and April 1st. Clerk requests Council to set a
Meeting with Mr. D. White of Department of Highways of
Ontario re O.B.C.C. rates is scheduled for March 30ttb/
at $:00 p.m., Council Chambers, Brougham.
7. Port Colborne Council asks for endorsement of their
resolution to urge the Provincial and Federal Government to
take immediate action on Pollution and Lake Level crises.
See Resolution No. 121.
8.. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada recommends that
approaches to Greenwood C.P.R. crossing be widened and
estimates be obtained from railway re cost, etc. Upon receipt
of estimates Township requested to confirm that it is prepared
to assume 12~% of cost of installation and 50% of annual
maintenance; also if prepared to widen crossing and planking
at its own expense. No Action.
9.. Jaguar Rod and Gun Club, who have been using property of
L. Gates on Altona Road, for target shooting and now find it
illegal to discharge firearms in this area, request permission
for continued use of the property under inspection and juris-
diction of Police Department. No action.
10, Engineer submits:
(a) That a replacement be found for Mr. J. Finnegan as aoon
as possible.
Engineer and Council to interview applicants for Plumbing
Inspector on Friday, March 25th, 1966, at 8:00 p.m.
(b) That Mrs. C. Blake9s resignation was tendered on March 18th,
and a replacement secretary and utility accountant was
required immediately.
Engineer to employ a replacement for Mrs. C. Blake and to
pay $3600.00 per year depending on experience and qualifica-
(c) That Brian Shannon has requested leave of absence from
March 15th to March 29th to be tested for Royal Canadian
Airforce. If Mr. Shannon is accepted by the Airforce, it
is expected he will leave Township9s employ in June, 1966.
No Action.
The matter of pay for personnel will be determined
on outcome of Union Agreement.
11. Four additional applications for Plumbing Inspector received.
12. Mr. D.J. Carter tendered his resignation from the Committee
of Adjustment which the Council accepted with regret. It
was suggested that the Clerk contact the following persons
as possible replacements to fill the vacancy.
Mr. Eri c Hull
Mr. Alex Dear
Mr. Ronald Sproule
Mr. J. Alderdice
East Rouge
West Rouge
East Rouge
East Rouge
Have Mr. J. Faulkner confirm that there will be a quorum
for a Committee Meeting on Thursday, March 24th, 1966.
1). A discussion on the increased mill rate was aired at considerable
length and in particular with reference to the .65 mill rate
for water expansion program. Mr. Harvey Spang, Mrs. J.L.
McPherson and Mr. D. Beer all objected most strongly to this
mill rate being imposed on people whom they felt will derive
no benefit.
Mr. Spang asked Mr. Laycox if an industry were to locate in the
Village of Claremont would the Township supply it with water.
Mr. Laycox agreed this would be done providing the whole
Township were to app~ove of a schem$ to p~ov1de this S.rvice.
14. Council decided to meet in Committee of the Whole on
March 25th, 1966 to interview Plumbing Inspector applicants
and also to convene later into Council to act on certain
matters of urgency, e.g. Rockport Holdings etc.
15. Mr. J.J. Koning to be retained to prepare a legal survey
of the 8.5 acres owned by the Township of Pickering in
Part of Lot 34, Broken Front of Range 2.
RESOLUTION NUMBER 116/66 _ ).0.< 1'/
MOVED by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Chatten, that the Township
Engineer be instructed to meet with officials of Consolidated
Building Corporation as to a specific date when the sewers will be
put into an acceptable state - acceptable to the Township Engineer
and a date when roads will be completed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the road level around the top of the
manhole covers be brought up to the top of the manhole cover, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Consolidated Building Corporation be
instructed that heavy vehicular Construction Traffic be contained
to the back streets and not use the streets that are constantly
being used by residents.
MOVED by Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that Mr. Fred
Edwards be appointed acting plumbing inspector until such time
as a permanent Plumbing Inspector is hired by the Township of
Pickering, and that the rate per hour be $4.40. Car provided by
the Township.
MOVED by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Campbell, THAT WHEREAS it
is expedient that a recreation area be provided for the residents
of Bay Ridges, west side of Frenchman's Bay;
AND WHEREAS the land allocated for said recreational development,
Block P.A., Plan 18, has topsoil stock piled on it, preventing
such development;
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that the Council of the Township of
Pickering direct Consolidated Building Corporation to remove
said top soil and grade said Block P.A. to Township requirements,
and that said work commence immediately;
AND THAT if said work is not commenced immediately, the Township
will tender to have this soil removed and grading completed, top
soil to be sold to cover expenses.
MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by H. Spang, that a . tree on
Township property in front of the home of J.J. Wright, 320 West
Point Crescent, be removed due to its' detrimental affect on the
s~ptic tank beds and house foundation, as recommended by the
Road Committee on March 2, 1966.
MOVE by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Williams, that this
Council endorse the resolution of the City of Port Colborne
that further financial assistance be sought from surpluses
unclaimed in Centennial budgets to reduce the cost of projects
planned for the Centennial.
MOVED by Mrs. ~Pherson, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that this
Council .doeshereby endorse the resolution of the City of Port
Colborne tuat immediate action be taken about pollution and lake
level crises.
~OVED by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Township
of Pickering proceed immediately to deed to the abutting owners
of Old Highway No.2, that section of the old highway that is
contiguous to their property - this is in accordance with
Resolution No. 300/65.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any agreement or negotiation for
right-of-way be negotiated between those parties receiving the
land and that the Township not become involved and that a
nominal sum of $1.00 be paid by each party concerned.
AND THAT legal and survey fees be paid by the benefiting
MOVED by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that this
Council does hereby endorse the recommendation of the Township
of Pickering Planning Board of March 10, 1966, item 4, and
directs that By-law No. 3036 be amended in Sections 15.2.2,
16.2.3 and 17.2.4 by the deletion of the words ita marina" and
that an amending by-law be prepared accordingly by the Planning
MOVED by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that this
Council does hereby endorse the recommendation of the Township
of Pickering Planning Board of March 10, 1966, item 4, and
directs that By-law 2520 be amended in Section 15.1.1 by the
deletion of the words !tyact clubsii and that an amending by-law
be prepared accordingly by the Planning Director.
MOVED by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Chatten, that this Council
does hereby endorse the recommendation of the Township of
Pickering Planning Board of March 10, 1966 and directs that
By-law No. 2511 be amended in Section 20.1.1 by the deletion of
the words 'fyactL clubsfi and that an amending by-law be prepared
accordingly by th~ Planning Director.
MOVED by Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Planning
Board be respectfully instructed to complete a Township Subdivision
agreement also a maintainance and occupancy by-law as a work
priority for the year 1966. These are vital projects and must
be completed as soon as possible.
MOVED by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Chatten, that Planning
Board review and possibly reword report #8(Work Priorities) by
removing the suggested transfer of work load from Planning
Department and Board to the Clerk's Department and Council.
MOVED by Mr. Beer, seconded by Mr. Spang, that this Council does
hereby endorse the recommendation of the Township.- of Pickering
Committee of Adjustment of March 3rd, 1966 and hereby authorizes
the issuance of a Letter of Tolerance, (for LT 1/66) that no
action will be taken by the Township of Pickering for reasons of
variance from Zoning By-law Number 3037 on property known as
Part Lot 12, Concession 6 (a 3.4 acre parcel located approximately
2,000 feet north of Highway No.7 on the east side of Paddock
Road) to permit the temporary removal of gravel subject to an
agreement being entered into jointly between the Township,
Highland Creek Sand and Gravel and Mr. Sakeris, to contain the
following provisions:
1. No gravel operations by the Company shall commence prior to
May 1st, 1966, or such later date as the Township half load
restrictions are lifted.
2. All commercial operations shall cease by September 15th, 1966,
or 4~ months from the date of commencement of operations.
3. The rehabilitation, leveling and tidying up of operations
shall be completed by the Company, on or beofre September
30th, 1966, or 5 months from commencement of operations.
4. No operations shall be conducted by the Company on Sundays,
public holidays or after 12:00 noon on Saturdays.
5. All operations of the Company shall be confined between the
hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. local time.
6. The Company will comply with the appropriate contents of
the draft Official Plan amendment dated April 8th, 1965,
pertaining to gravel pits, and with all amended legislation
related thereto.
7. All traffic from this site will travel Southwards only along
the Paddock Road to Highway No. 7 and no trucks employed by
the Company shall travel that portion of the Paddock Road
running northwards from the site.
8. The Company will take all reasonable measures for the control
of dust that could be genera~ed by vehicles in its employ
along the appropriate portion of the Paddock Road during the
period of its operations at the above site.(i.e. sparying of
calcium chloride).
9. The Company will ensure that damage, if any, to the road
su~face of Paddock Road resulting from the trucks employed
by this company will be immediately repaired by the Company
to a grade that will permit the safe travel of passenger
vehicles at all times.
10. That all conditions or requirements of the Township Engineer
be satis£ied.with respect to the use and maintenance of the
road and the site of operations.
MOVED by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Chat ten, that Council of
the Township of Pickering charge a .65 mill rate over the whole
township to pay for the water study and purchase of the reservoir
Yea: C. Laycox, R. Chatten, J. Campbell,
J. Williams.
Nay: D. Beer, H. Spang and Mrs. McPherson.
MOVED by D. Beer and seconded by J. Williams, that the Fire Chief
contact all fire halls in the Township and direct each hall to
control the number of fire fighters attending fires, the maximum
to be six men, (the first six men to arrive at the fire) with
the exception of Fire Area #3 where two regular and four volunteers
should attend each fire, with additional men to be called in by the
Fire Chief when he feels they are required; as recommended by the
Finance Committee on March 11, 1966.
Council will meet with the Fire Committee on March 29th, 1966 at
8:00 p.m., to discuss the above resolution. All volunteer fire
fighters and chiefs are welcome.
Mr. Chat ten, seconded by Mr. Campbell, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to execute an
agreement between the Corporation of The Township of Pickering
and Frank T. Ross and B.F.J. Ross, dated the 14th day of March,
1966, and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mr. Williams, moves that By-law Number
3123 to execute an agreement betwen the Corporation of the
Township of Pickering and Frank T. Ross and B.F.J. Ross, dated
the 14th day of March, 1966, be now read a second time, and that
Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report of
the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 3123 be adopted, and that
the said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the
Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto.
Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mr. Williams, moves for leave to
introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the
purchase of 21.57 acres from Charles Risk and Nellie Risk being
part of Lot 24, Concession 1, Township of Pickering, and that
same now be read a first time.
Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mr. Campbell, moves that By-law Number
3124 to authorize the purchase of 21.57 acres from Charles Risk
and Nellie Risk being part of Lot 24, Concession 1, Township of
Pickering, be now read a second time, and that Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mr. Beer, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 3124 be adopted, and that
the said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the
Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation
be affixed thereto.
Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduce
a By-law of the Township of Pickering to adopt the 1966 Budgets
and to provide for the Levy of all NON-EDUCATIONAL Rates required
to raise the various sums of money in such Budgets, save and except
Local Improvements, and that same now be read a first t~me.
Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Campbell, moves that By-law Number
3125 to adopt the 1966 Budgets and to provide for the Levy of
all NON-EDUCATIONAL Rates required to raise the various sums of
money in such Budgets, save and except Local Improvements, be
nawreadA~~ t1me~ and t~t Council &0 into Committee of the
Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Chatten, moves that the report of
the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 3125 be adopted, and
that the said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that
the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the
Corporation be affixed thereto.
Recorded Vote:
Yea: Messrs. Laycox, Chatten, Campbell and Williams
Nay: Messrs. Beer and Spang and Mrs. McPherson.
Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduce
a By-law of the Township of Pickering to levy such rates against
all the assessed properties in the Township of Pickering as will
be required to operate the various Public, Separate and High
School Boards, and to pay the Debentures and interest falling
due for Schools in the year 1966, and that same now be read a
first time.
Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mr. Beer, moves that By-law Number 3126
to levy such rates against all the assessed properties in the
Township of Pickering as will be required to operate the various
Public, Separate and High School Boards, and to pay the various
Public, Separate and High School Boards, and to pay the Debentures
and Interest falling due for Schools in the year 1966, be now
read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the
Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. Chatten, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report
of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 3126 be adopted,
and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED;
that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the
Corporation be affixed thereto.
Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Beer, moves
a By-law of the Township of Pickering
Inspector for the year 1966, and that
for leave to introduce
to appoint a Warble Fly
same now be read a first
Mr. Spang, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-law Number
3127 to appoint a Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1966, be now
read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the
Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Campbell, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 3127 be adopted, and that the
said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto.
MOVED by J. Campbell, seconded by Mrs..McPherson that this
meeting do now adjourn at 1:15 a.m., March 22nd, 1966.