HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 4, 1965 " M U N I C I PAL BUILDING BROUGHAM The First Meeting of Pickering Township Council for 1965 was held in .. the Council Chambers on MONDAY. the FOURTH day of January, at EIGHT ,'clock in the evening. ~, PRESENT: C. W. Laycox, in the Chair Mrs. J. L. McPherson Harvey Spang William G. Newman Donald ''¡aring John Campbell Hubert Wank L. T. Johnston, Clerk MINUTES " MOVED by Mr. Waring, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the Minutes of meeting held December 7, 1964, be adopted. CARRIED ., MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Waring, that the Minutes of meeting held December 14, 1964. be adopted. CARRIEp MOVED by Mr. Waring, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that the Minutes of ~eeting held December 21, 1964, be adopted. CARRIED , MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Newman, that the Minutes of meeti~g held December 30, 196.4, be adopted. CARRIEp ! Rev.A. E. Cresswell of Claremont read passages from the Sermon on tne . .ount followed by a prayer. ¡ouncillor Newman expressed the appreciation of Council for Mr. Cres¡;;well's ,essage. !eeve Laycox reported on the work done by Council in 1964 and gave Council pon i~dication of what could be expected in 1965,Þ ~eeve Laycox stated that the Hydro Electric Power Commission had fin~l- ~zed all approvals for a nuclear energy power station east of Fairport, ~r. Satok had built a large aluminum plant for Dominion Alcrome and ~here is reason to believe that this plant will be greatly increased in ,ize during 1965 and another plant has been started in Concession I, ~ot 18. and in 1965 he expected work would proceed on several large ~otels. a large home for the aged, the Municipal Building, the Museu~ would be enlarged and a park would be created with industrial sites in çoncession I, Lot 24. þ. The Oliver Lloyd water and sewer study would be available in several reeks. ~O$t of the built up areas are now street numbered and Mr. Laycox þoped that Council would re-name many streets now using the same Dame. ~e felt that County Assessment could not be judged until the whole çounty is under the County Assessor and felt that the Goldenberg Report would divide the urban portion of the Township from the rural. He stated that the two Township school areas and one fire area would ea~e the work of the tax billing in the office and that 1965 should ßee the shopping centre at Bay Ridges greatly increased while the L. C. B. O. and Brewers' Retail at Liverpool is a splendid start for a large commercial area. Mr. Laycox thought 1964 had been a good year for the Township and a number of outstanding problems had been satisfactorily solved and again asked for full co-operation of Council. Other members of Council expressed their views and a¡l expected a good year in 1965 and felt with good co-operation much could be achieved. It was felt that much- could be done on parks and a "roads need stu~:y" " should now be undertaken. ~ - 10, 11. 2 The fOllowing CORRESPONDENCE was considered. 1. Mr. P~ilip Noel of the Bay Ridges Legion asked permission for them to erect a Cenotaph 4' x 4' x 3' on the corner of Krosno Boulevard and Liverpool Road. See Resolution No~ 6/65. 2. D:p~r\m:nt of Highwats of On~~rio asked COU~cil to approve speed l~m~t s~gns on ,IServ~ce Road". See Resolut~on No. 1¡./65. 3. ¡, A~Newman submits claims for damages for Thomas C. Mitchell ··nd himself for alleged damages to cars on December 26, 1964, on Fairport Road. Mr. Newman has been advised his letters referred to Road Committee. 4. Fire Marshal advises all Emergency Measures Organization money taken up to March 31, 1965. None for Brougham Brigade. Can make new application for next year. Clerk ask Department why this Township not included for 1964 year when application in early. 5. Municipal Affairs - keep snow off roofs of public buildings. 6. Department of Highways of Ontario - Minimum Wage Act applies in Pickering Township. 7. Ontario Water Resources Commission - report on Algae. Extends from Brighton to Bay Ridges. Clerk get copies for all Council. a, Department of Highways of Ontario approves 1964 transfers within the budget. , g~ Building Inspector's Report: Estimated value building permits Estimated value building permits Fees Fees Inspe cti ons Inspections Dwelling Permits Dwelling Permits $ 5,532,350.00 6,1081 315 .00 11,231.00 11,819.25 4,590 5,657 425 453 for 1963 for 1964 for 1963 for 1964 1963 1964 1963 1964 County Assessor explains fixed Assessment for Golf Courses. Recommends that if given, only for 50% regular assessment plus business tax. Fire Department - quotation, Wells Sales Centre - Steam Tanker - Eric's Auto Body - prepare for Fire use - Chief Lynde recommends accepting above quotations. See Resolution No. 9/65 Oil $ 85.00 tanker 575.00 " RESOLUTION NUMBER 1/65 MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Waring, that the Standing Committees of this Council for the year 1965 shall be as fOllows, with the first named as Chairman: ROADS AND BRIDGES ( Street Naming) First Wednesday Mrs. J. McPherson Mr. Harvey Spang Mr. D. Waring FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Office Management Municipal Building Brougham Community Public Relations Fourth Wednesday or at call of (Treas.) Chair. Hall Mr. W. G. Newman Mr. Harvey Spang Mrs. J. McPherson . Mr. D. Waring continued. ... 3 Resolution No. 1/65 - cont'd. 'OLICE, FIRE . Second Wednesday þ fUBLIC UTILITIES , Sanitation Engineering Dump Sewerage Third Wednesday SY-LAW ENFORCEMENT ¡ , Dog Control Weed Control Cemeteries Park Bui Idings & Parks Administration Second Thursday WELFARE ;. Mr. E. Waring Mr. W. N ewm an :1r. H. Wank Mr. H. Wank' Mr. W. Newman Mr. J. Campbell Mr. J. Campbe 11 Mr. D. Waring Mrs. J. McPherson Mr. H. Span g Mr. John Campbell Mr. H. Wank CARRIE I) . RESOLUTION NUMBER 2/65 lOVED by Mr~ Campbell, seconded by Mr. Waring, that the following ~amed members of Council sit on the various Boards, viz: ~. Brougham Community Centre Board ~. Claremont Community Hall Board 3. Claremont Community Centre and Athletic Field ~. Rouge Hills Community Hall Board ~. Rouge Hills Community Centre and Athletic Field Board 6. Bay Ridges Community Centre and Athletic Field Board 7. Bay Ridges Communi ty Centre and Athletic Field Board 8. Fairport Beach Recreation Committee 9. West Rouge Community Park Board 10. Pickering Beach Community Park Board 11. North-East Pickering Community Centre Board 12. Greenwood Community Centre Board Mr. W. N ewm an Mr. H. Spang Mr. W.. Newman Mr. H. Spang Mr. W. Newman l1r. H. Spang Mr. H. Wank Mrs. J. McPbers on Mrs. McPhers on Mr. H. Wank Mr. D. Waring Mr. J. Campbell Mr. D. Waring Hr. J. Campbell Mr. D. Waring Mr. J. Campbell Mr. H. Wank Mr. C. Laycox Mr. D. Waring Mr. W. Newman Mr. H. Span g Mr. W. N ewm an Mr. \.¡ . Newman Mrs. J. McPherson continued.. . 4 Resolution No. 2/65 ~ cont'd 1,3. Pickering Township Museum Board Mr. C. Laycox Mrs. J. McPherson ¡4. } Planning Board Mr. C. Lay cox Mr. H. Wank 15. Pickering Township Crown Game Preserve Committee Mr. W. Newman Mr. H . Span g ],6. Pickering Township Parks and Recreation Committee Mr. D. Waring Mr. J. Campbe II CARRIED ~SOLUTION NUM~ER 3/65 VED by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Waring, that the following named m~mbers of Council sit on the various Committees or Boards. viz~ l. Metro Toronto & Region Conservation Authority Mr. C. Laycox Mr. W. Westney Mr. E. J ame s Mr. J. Campbell Mr. W. Newman Mr. H. Boyes Mrs. J. McPhersQn CARRIED ~. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority .~~ Township of Pickering Industrial Committee 4, Ajax-Pickering General Hospital Board ~. South Ontario County Health Unit ~ESOLUTION NUMBER 4/65 ~V~.Dc by Mrs. McP~erson, sec?nded by Mr. Ca~pbell, ~þp~ove the erect~on of 35 M~les Per Hour s~gns on ~rected by the Department of Highways of Ontario. that this Council "Service Road", a$ CARRIEP RESOLUTION NUMBER 5/65 MOVED by Mr. Wank. seconded by Mrs. McPherson. that Mr. J. Mitchell be' p·ermitted a water connection to the Sandy Beach Road watermain upon paym~nt of $4.50 per foot frontage charges for 200 feet fr~ntage in casb in addition to the cost of the connections to the street line an~ that the Engineer record with the T~easurer that Mr. J. Mitchell's property be exempted for 200 feet frontage in any further local improve- ment against his property; as recommended by the Public Utilities . Commi ttee on December 16, 1964. CARRIEp RESOLUTION NUMBER 6/65 $OVED by Mr. Wank. seconded by Mr. Campbell, that this Council permi~ the Canadian Legion to erect a Cenotaph at the corner of Liverpool Rpad fnd Krosno Blvd.. or a size approximately 4' X 4' X 3', subject to tþe approval of the Township Engineer. CARRIE~ . RESOLUTION NUMBER 7/65 MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Waring, that in view of the deficits 'in the Sewage Budget, no reduction in sewer rates for commercial prop- erties can yet be considered, as recommended by the Public Utilities Committee on December 16.. 1964. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 8/65 MOVED by Mr. Waring, seconded by Mr. Campbell. that the Corporation of the Township of Pickering accepts the conditions as laid down by the Emergency Measures Organization and does hereby apply for the grant of 45% of cost of the Dew proposed fire truck for Brougham in the 1965 fiscal year, and further that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to E.M.O. CARRIED 5 ~ ~SOLUTION NUMBER 9/65 ~VED by Mr. Waring, s'econded by Mr. Newman, that the Tender submi tt~d ~~ Welles Sales Centre of Agincourt. Ontario. for the steam cleaning çf ail compartments of tank. rear and side compartments, chassis and motor for the price of $85.00, and that the tender submitted by Eric's Auto Bòdy, of R.R. #3. Pickering, for the repair and replacement of certaip body panels. and complete painting as per specifications for the pric~ of $575.00 be accepted as recommended by the Fire Chief. and further' t~at the Fire Chief be instructed to expedite this work. CARRIED RtSOLUTION NUMBER 10/65 J1VED by Mr. Campbell. seconded by Mrs. McPherson, ~'ereas the Brock Road location for the New Municipal Building is b~unded by three highways that are likely to be enlarged and re-routed And whereas the previous statement is in accord with the spirit of the p~eamble of resolution No. 1 .57/64 A~d whereas such re-routing and enlarging may well cut and disect thi~ p,rcel of land A~p whereas nothing is definitely known about this location as to its f,ture regarding services ~d whereas no satisfactory conclusion has been reached by Council as t9 how the Wilcox Wrecking Yard, which is to the rear of the afore- mtntioned property, will be dealt with !-' ~'d whereas certain lands exist at this time that are owned by the ftwnship of Pickering that are more suitable from the point of view PI accessibility, cost, services. acreage and location ~ .~ f· And whereas the option written into resolution No. 457/64 makes the m.rket value of the Brock Road property questionnable B~ IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that Resolution No. 457/64 be rescinded. MOTION LOST Yf=At N/'.Y: Messrs. Spang and Campbell, Mrs. McPherson Messrs. Newman, Laycox, Wank and Waring B1-LAW NUMBER 2953 Mt. Wank, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to deed c~rtain Township lands in West Rouge to the Metro Toronto and Region CQnservation Authority, and that same now be read a first time. Mr· Wank, seconded by Mr. Campbell, mOVes that By-Law Number 2953 to aµthorize the Reeve and Clerk to deed certain Township lands in West Rpuge to the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority be now r'.'.ad a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole ~Jereon . Tbe Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. M~. Wank, seconded by Mr. Waring, moves that the report of the C~mmittee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2953 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same. and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED 6 BY-LAW NUMBER 2954 Mr. Wank. seconded by M~s. McPherson, moves for leave to introduce a B~-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a Committee of Adjustment, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that By-Law Number 2954 to appoint a Committee of Adjustment be now read a second time, and that CÞuncil go into Committee of the Whole thereon. Tþe Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Wank. seconded by Mr. Campbell, moves that the report of the Cþmmittee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2954 be adopted, and~at the sai4 B~·Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk s~gn the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED Committee: Messrs. Donald J. Carter, 'Dennis Horsfield, D. McPherson, ¡ Melvin Johnson and E. R. James. BY-LAW NUMBER 2955 ¡ 1 M~. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a member to the Central L~ke Ontario Conservation Authority for the yea~ 1965, and that same nçw be read a first time. M~. Campbell. seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-Law Number 29~5 tQ appoint a member to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for the year 1965 be now read a second time, and that Council go into CQmmittee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. M~. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the Cqmmittee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2955 be adopted. and that the sa~d By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk . sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed ~hereto. CARRIED Member: Mr. Edgar James BY-LAW NUMBER 2956 F ..,. M~s. McPherson. seconded by Mr, Campbell, moves for leave to introduce aBy~Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint two members to the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the year 1965, and that same now be read a first time. Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that By-Law Number 2956 to appoint two members to the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conserv~tion Authority for the year 1965 be now read a second time, and that Counctl go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2956 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same. and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED Members: Messrs. C. W. Laycox and W. H. Westney 7 ~Y-LAW NUMBER 2957 ~r. Waring, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduce a By- 4aw of the Township of Pickering to appoint a Weed Inspector to car~y out the provisions of The Weed Cóntrol Act in the Township of Pickering quÞing the year 1965, and that Såme now be read a first time. f ~ Mr. Waring, seconded by Mr. Camþbell, moVes that By-Law Numbe~ 2957 to appoint a Weed Inspector to carry out the provisions of The Weed Control Act in the Township of Pickering during the year 1965 be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Waring, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2957 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign tþe same. and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED Weed Inspector: Mr. Harry Ashton BY-LAW NUMBER 2958 ! M~. Spang. seconded by Mr. Waring, moves for leave to introduce a By- Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint Valuers of Sheep and Other Llvestock worried by dogs in the Township of Pickering in the year 19p5~ and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that By-Law Number 2958 to appoint Valuers of Sheep and Other Livestock worried by dogs in the Township of Pickering in the year 1965 be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2958 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be npw read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, a~d the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED V~luers: Messrs. W. C. Willson and Robert Malcolm BY-LAW NUMBER 2959 í Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Waring, moves for leave to introduce a Bt-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a Parks Administrator, a~d that same now be read a first time. Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves that By-Law Number 2959 tþ appoint a Parks Administrator be now read a second time, and that Cpuncil go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. , Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Campbell, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2959 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the CQrporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED ~ Parks Administrator: Mr. Harry Ashton BY-LAW NUMBER 2960 Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to the Township of Pickering Planning Board, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Campbell, moves that By-Law Number 2960 to appoint members to the Township of Pickering Planning Board be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. continued... t e ~y-Law No. 2960 - cont'd The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By~Law as read. Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2960 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED ~embers of Planning Board: Messrs. David Lennox, Rex Merritt, Ross Deakin, J. W. Irwin, Lorne F. Milne, Lindsay Death, Norman Lehman. C. W. Laycox, H. Wanke $Y-LAW NUMBER 296l . ~r. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Waring, movas for leave to introduce a iy-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to the Township of Pickering Crown Game Preserve, and that same now be read a First time. Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that By-Law Number 2961 to 'ppoint members to the Township of Pickering Crown Game Preserve be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole 'fhe re on. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report of tqe Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2961 be adopted, and that the said :By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk $ign the same. and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CA RRIE I) , ~embers: Messrs. Keaneth Reesor, Lorne Jones, Clare Balsdon. Howard Plaxton, Henry Westney, Sidney Pugh, Wm. Michell, Wm. Newman. Harvey Spang. ~Y-LAW NUMBER 2962 -¡ Mr. Newman. seconded by Mrs. McPherson. moves for leave to introduce a ~y-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to the Pickering Township Industrial Committee for the year 1965. and that same now be ~ead a first time. ~r. Newman, seconded by Mr. Waring, moves that By-Law Number 2962 to ~ppoint members to the Pickering Township Industrial Committee for the year 1965 be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Newman, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2962 be adopted, and that the , IJaid By-Law be now read a· Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and ¢lerk sign the same. and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIE D ~ndustrial Committee: Messrs. P. Pemberton Pigott, J. G. Spragge. K.H. J. Clarke, Robert Byron, Donald Gibson. David Lewington, W. G. Newman, John Campbell, C. W. Laycox. Mrs. Gladys Beckstead. Norman Millen - Consultant. BY-LAW NUMBER 2963 Mr. Wank. seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for le.ve to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a member from Council to the South Ontario County Health Unit for the year 1965, and that same now be read a first time. c on tin u e d. . . 9 By-Law No. 2963 - cont'd Mr· Wank, seconded by Mr. Campbell, moves that By-Law Number 2963 to ' appoint a member from Council to the South Ontario County Health Unit fòr the year 1965 be now read a second time, and that Council go into CQmmittee of the Whole thereon. Tbe Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2963 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the s~me, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED, ",mber: Mrs. J. McPherson :~ §Y-LAW NUMBER 2964 (Two Readings) " f M~. Spang, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law tf the Township of Pickering to appoint Poundkeepers and F.enceviewers f~r the said Municipality for the year 1965, and that same now be rea4 q firs t time. Mr. Spang, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-Law Number 2964 to appoint Poundkeepers and renceviewers for the said Municipality for the y~ar 1965 be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee o~ the Whole thereon. r, ~1-LAW NUMBER 2965 (Two Readings) M~. Newman, seconded by Mrs. MCPherson, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a member to the Board o~ Directors of the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital for the year 1~65, and that same now be Z'ead a first time. M~. Newman. seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that By-Law Number 2965 to appoint a member to the Board of Directors of the Ajax and Pickering G~neral Hospital for the year 1965 be now read a second time, and that Ceuncil go into Committee of the Whole thereon. , £&re ct ions to Clerk " ~i Find out if George Todd would act as representative to Ajax Hospital. .... ~ ¡ 2. Check lawyers re application to O.M.B. of Dunbarton High School watermain and West Rouge sewer and water mains to Industrial Area. f, Get Mr. Ashton's report re Consolidated Sand and Gravel working nights. 1 .t Copies of Algae report for Council. 5, Copies of MZ'. Hepditch's report re fixed assessments, for Council, ft. Hydro - Z'e Fairport and Highway No. 2 street light. h AG~ED Council meet January 11, 1965, at 8 p. m. MOVED by Mr. Wank. seconded by Mr. Campbell, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, the d!! day of February, 1965. CARRIED APPROVED .~ "Ý 1965