HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 10, 1961
A meeting of Couricil was held on MONDAY, the TENTH dqr of JULY, 1961, at EIGHT
o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman ScottI in the Chair
Edgar James
Harvey Spang
Milton Mowbray
Harry Boyes
Ros s Deakin
Clifford Laycox
Lloyd Johns ton, Cle r k
The following CŒRESPONDENŒ was considered:
1. The Departmet of Highwqys of Ontario offer $2,546.00 for 7345 square feet
for road widening from the Rouge HilLs Community eentre, Con. B.F. R.3
Lot 31. See Resolution;
2. The Town of Burlington note that! Central Mortgage and Housing Corpor..ation
regulations for financing sewage projects require men employed on sewage
Projects not to 'We rk longer than an ei ght hour day or a 44 hour week. They
ask the Township to endorse their resolution that the clause be deleted in
the contract.
3. Our " Solicitors submit two expropriation by-laws in Pm 65, Lot 3, and Plan
407, Lot 22, for passing, as requested by Consolidated Building Corporation.
4. Mr. Thomas Austin appeared and asked far' a Taxi License. He submitted
the approval of Chief Parker md a letter from Robert Ravey, stating that
Mr. Austin ispurchasing his business.
5. Tax Collector's Report for June 3oth 1961 :
Year Total Roll Payments Percentage
1961 $ 1,467,745.19 $ 721,762.81 49.17%
1960 1,238,106.80 606 ,995.32: 49.02%
1959 1,091059.49 491,003.19 45.00%
Total Arrears Outs tan ding - as of this date:
1961 $ 117,.198.08
1960 8.3 ,617.44
6. Fire Chief D. Lynde recommended the engaging of Mr. E.Fraser and Mr. H.
Morgan as firemen, to commence on August 1st, 1961, full time. See
Tœ following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
On Motion of Mr. Ross Deakin, seconded by Mr. C. W. L~cox, Mr. Tom Austin
Was heard re securing a Taxi License. See Resolution.
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. La.vcox that Mr. Thomas Austin be granted
-:eiõTaxi Licenses in Pickering Township. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mt-. Deakin, that the Reeve and C1erk be
authorized on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering to accept
an Offer of Purchase from the Department of Highways of Ontario for 7 345 square
feet of land from the Rouge Hills CoDØIIW11t¡ Centre in Lot 31, B.F. R. 3 for
road widening purposes for the sum of $2,,46.00. CARRIED
MOVED by Edgar James, seconded by Harvey Spang, that this Council make application
to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a consent for Maria Culettæ, to
convey to the fVdro-Electric Power Conunission of Ontario a rectangular piece of
0.091 acres in Lot 33, Concesåion 1, required for fVdro transmissi. on line right-
of-way, as recormnended by the Township of Pickering Plarming Board on July 7, 1961.
MOVED by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, that this Council Iœke ~plication
to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a consent for Edward Jones and
Annie B. Jones to convey to Kenneth Lon OJdfield and Doris Marie Oldfield æ
parcel of 5t acres, more or 1ßss, with existing house, from th3 south-east
corner of their farm of 106 acres in Lot 33, Concession 7, this parcel being
separated from the balance of the farm by the Canadian Pacific Railway line,
md with the condition that no further division of this 5i acre parcel be
considered; as recommended by the Township of Pickering Planning Board on
July 7, 1961. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. Spang, that this Council make application
to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a consent for John and Jellsie
Cromie to convey to the Canadian National Railways Compal\Y" a parcel of 1.254
acres in Lot )2, Concess.ion 1, required for the C. N. R. 's By-Pass line right-
of-way in th3 widening of Me Altona Road to accommodate required Overpass;
as recommended by the Township of Pickering Planning Board on July 7 1961.
MOVED by Mr. Boyes, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that this Council nake application
to t he Ontario Municipal Bœrd for approval of a consent for Colonial Homes
Limited to convey to the Hydro-Electric Power Conunission of Ontarl 0 a parcel
50' X 110' in Lot 22, Concession 1, for transformer s,tation; as recommended
by the Towns,hip of Pickering Pléll ning Board on July 7, 1961. CARRIED
)(oVED by Mr. De ., seconded by Mr. Spang, that this Council make application
to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of a consent for Thomas Sidney
Griffiths and ~rE¡llerite Griffiths to convey to Alexander Leslie md Laura;
Mærgaret Leslie~ Lot 26 Plan 538~ a lot wth a frontage of 99 feet, and a
depth of J5 4 feet; as recommeJ'ldc.d by the Townsh ip of Pickering Planning Board
on July 7, 1961. CARRIED
by . cox, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that this Council make êPplication
to the Ontario Municipal öoard for approval of a consent for Northview Con-
struction CoL:an~ Limited to convey to the Qn adim National 1rãì'IwàyS Q:m¡p;n;y-
æ. parcel of .73 acres from the fOuth end of their 100 æcre farm in Lot ~
Concession 1, such parcel being rea¡å.red by the C. N. R. for its By-Pass right-
of-way; as recommended by th3 TO'\'llship of Pickering Plmning Board on July 7,
MOVED by Mr. MowbI'qr, seconded by Mr. Spang, that no action be taken regarding
the request of the To'Wll of Burlington that we endorse their resolution regard-
ing deletion from the contract form required by the Central Mortgage a:Iid Housing
Corporation of the clause respecting hours of 'WOrk of employees. CARRIED
MOlED by Mr-. Laycox, s.econded by Mr,.. James"
required to prepare æ report estina ting the
the Township in the year 1966.
that the Township auditors be
debenture debt and the mill rate of
MOVED by Mr. Deàd.n, seconded by Mr. Spéll g, that Mr. E. Fraser and Mr. H.
Morgan be hired for the position of probationary firemen in Firé Area No.1
if they are abJe to pass the ned1cal examination, aß recommended by Fire Chief
D. Lynde, to start August 1, 1961. CARRIED
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" I,
, "
- 3 -
MOVED by Mr-. :s-~.., secOJ)ded by Mr. Ja:rne.s" that this Council approve payment of
honoraria in total amount of $1 060.00, . and T,raTelling allowance in" the' total
amount of $225.00 to the Plmning Boærd, covering the- period Jauary ]a t, 1961 to
June 30th 1961 and as detaiJæd in the attached statement. CARRIED
Member Meetings Honoraria Mileage Total
Géorge T. Todd 16 $ 160.00 $ 34.00 $ 19'4..00
w. Hardy Craig 13 130.00 23 .00 153 ~OO
J. Sherman Scott 13 130.00 38.60 168.60
Well3 Ritchie 10 100.00 20.00 120.00
Dávid Lèrmox 14 140.00 2;5.40 165.40
K. H. J. CJarke 6 60.00 11.00 71.00
John M. Mansell 12:' 12D.00 24.40 144.40
Ross W. Deakin 11 110.00 26.50 1.36.50
James R. Davidson 11 110.00 22 .10 '132 ~10
$ 1,2B5.00
Mr. Jæœs; seconded by Mr. Lavcox, moves for 1emve to :introduce a by-law of the
Townà1 ip of Pickering to provide for the 1961 expenditures:; on roads ~ the
Township of Pickering in the County of Ontario" in total $1.3'6,000.00, and that
sarœ be now read a first tine.
Mr. James, seoonded by Mt'. Harvey Spang, moves; that By-Law No, 2619 to provide
for the 1961 expenditures on roads in the Township of Pickering in the County
of Ontario be now read a second time and that Council go :into Committee of the
Whole thereon. '
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Janes, seconded by Mr. Boyes, moves that the report of the Committee of
the Whole on By-Law No. ~619 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read J'
a third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and CJerk sign the same, and that the
seà. of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED
Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. Spang, movesfor leave to introduce a By-Lawof
the Towns'hip ofPiclœring to acquire an easerœnt across certain Jands in the
Township of Pickering for storm drD.inage purposes (Lot 3 Plan 65, Gardiner's
Plan), æ d that sæne be now read a first tirœ.
Mr. Mo\\brqy, secomed by Mr. Boyes, moves that By-Law Number 2620 to acquire an
easerœnt across certain landsin the Township of Pickering for storm dra·inage
{purposes be now read a second tirœ and that the Council go into Oommittee of
the Who:le thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. Ross Deakin moves that the report of the Committee
of the Whole on By-Law Number 2620 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be
i now read a Third ti1œ and passed and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same
\ and that the seal of the Corporation be æffixed thereto. CARRIED
Mr. Boyes, ssconded by Mr. Deakin, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law.of the
Town:mp of Pickering to acquire an easement across certain lands in the Town-
ship of Picker:ing for sanitary sewage drad.nage purposes :in part of Lot 22,
Plan 407 ænd that the same be now read a first time.
Mr. Boyes, seconcled by Mr,. Laycox, moves that By-Law Number 2621 to acquire an
easement across certain lands in the Townà1 ip of Pickering for sanitary. sewage
drainage purposes in part of Lot 22 Plm 407, be now read a second time and
that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
- 4 -
By-Law Number 2:621 (Continued)
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr-. Boyes, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, moves that the report of the Committee of
tœ Whole on By-Law No. 2621 be adopted, and that tœ said By-Lawbe now read
a third t iIœ and PASSED, and tha t the Reeve and CJ.B rk sign the same and the
semL of the CORPœ.ATION be affixed thereto. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Boyes seconded by Mr. James, that the accounts:, in the amount
õf""'t3828.46, as submitted by tœ WATER OOMMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. . Mowbr~, seconded by Mr. Spang that the accounts, in the amount
of $1080.19, as submitted by the BY-LAW OOMMITTEE, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Boyes, seconded by Mr. Spang, tha t· the accounts, of the' WATER- .
W'õRKS'DEPARTMI!:NT, as submitted by the Committee, in the amount of $5,969.78,
be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. James, that the accounts of the WELFARE
COMMITTEE, in the amount of $3,211. 48, be adopted. CARRIED
ACCOUNTS omitted from July hth Minutes :
, '
MOVED by Mr. Laycox seconded by' Mr. . Spang, that the accounts of the RECREATION
COMMITTEE ,in tœ amount of $650. 05 be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Boyes, that the FlRE COMMITTEE REPORT
amounting to $1,550.84, be adopted. CARRUED
~ by Mr. Léijrcox, seconded by Mr. James, that the FINANCE COMMITTEE REPŒT
amounting to $203,844.89, be ado¡t ed. CARRIED
MOlED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, that the POLICE REPæT, anounting
to J8389.7æ, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang, that this Council express its ,
grateful appreciation to "all those" who helped to make the celebrations mar~-
ing the 150th Anniversary of the Township on outstanding success. CARRIED
On MOTION of Mr. James, the Council adjourned.
APPROVED ~ ~.d 1961
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