HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 16, 1961
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A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY. the SIXTEENTH day of
JANUARY, 1961. at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott. in the Chair
Edgar R. James
Harvey Spang
Milton J. Mowbray
Harry W. Boyes
Ross W. Deakin
Clifford W. Laycox
Harry W. Pearce Assistant Clerk
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
Meeting or Ontario County Mutual Aid Fire Services Association
at Ajax Fipé Hall Friday. Jan. 20th 1961 at 8:00 o'clock
p. m. Dr. John McIntyre, Ukbridge will speak on Resuscitation.
Refreshments. Council meBbers invited.
Letter from Department of Ener~y Resources. on subject of gas
installations. with respect to resolution passed by Sudöury
City Council and endorsed by this Council.
Judge A. R. Willmott has submitted his mileage account in
amount of .11.80 in connection with the vote recount for
orfice of Deputy Reeve held January 4, 1961. See Resolution
No. 8/61.
Ontario Water Resources Commission, under date of Dec. 30
1960, approves constMtction of Sewage Treatment Plant R.L.C.C..
at cost of $570,00G.00.
Canadian National Railways:
acknowledges Township's objection to closing of Bayview
Road and request for an overpass there. The railway
cannot agree to an overpass at this point.
C. N. R. would like Council's answer to their letter or
Dec. 7. 1960 outlining their proposals regarding crossings
of Township roads af~ected by their access line.
AGREED that Council should have a report from the
Planning Board on the access line crossings before discussing
the matter further.
6. Acknowledgment of cheque for $150.00 for use of Parkette by
West Rou~e Community Association.
7. Approval by Department of Health of By-Law Number 2553 to take
over abandoned cemetery (Yake) as Township property received.
8. Arthur Carlton has submitted his resignation as caretaker of
Township Garbage Dump as of end of January. 1961. See Resolution
No. 9/61.
9. Letter from N. E. Fallon. Secretary. Ajax Pickering & Whitby
Association for Retarded Children asking that Chairman of
Education Committee, Mr. A. H. Bird of Ajax. appear before
Council at a regular meeting before budgets are struck.
Association will ask Council:
(a) To contimle monthly grants made on behalr of the children
from MUnicipality attending the Aldon School for Retarded
(b) To present a submission relative to the capital cost of
aforementioned school.
(c) To request Council to forward a resolution to the Provincial
Government on behalf of all retarded children.
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9. Continued
Clerk instructed to advise Mr. Bird he may appear before Council
at F.b~ry 6th meeting.
10. Ontar~o Association of Rural Municipalities C~nvention to be
held in Crystal Ballroomþ King Edward Hotel orontoþ on
Monday, February l3 and Tuesday Feb. 14, 1961, commencing
each. daf. at 9:45 with registration at 8:45. Membership
fee -- $15.00.
II. Request from Department of ~riculture for $25.00 grant to
the Ontario County Soil and rop Improvement Association.
12. Request from Ontario Municipal Association for 1961 membership,
$ 50.00.
13. Request from St. John Ambulance for &rant. Last year $25.00.
14. Ontario Good Road Association, Membership Fee - $20.00.
The following PERSONSþ on MOTIONþ were heard:
1. Mr. F. Beckstead was concerned about the danger of cars breaking
through the ice of Frenchman's Bay, one car at least having
gone through already this winter and asked what the Townsþip
could do to keep cars off the Bay. See Resolution No., 10/61.
2. Mr. G. Staley was spokesman for a Greenwood Community group
interested in establishing a community part at Greenwood. He
stated that their Community Association had obtained an
option of a 7.12 acre parcel of land at $700. per acre from
the Lawson property. He wished to find how and to what extent
the Township could help.
Mr. Scott explained that it was the 1960 Council's policy
to match dollar for dollar the amount which the local
community had raised (1961 Council signified agreement to
continue this policy), that title to the property would be
vested in the Township, and the park would be administered by
a Park Board.
A Committee from Council was appointed to study and discuss
with the Greenwood Community representatives the establishment
of the proposed park. ;Ø
Committee: Messrs. Jamesþ Mowbray and S~",. .
3. Mr. Fraser asked if the Township could assist in establishing
an outdoor rink for the Glengrove area, to be located on the
grounds of Glengrove School.
It was explained that because it was proposed that the
rink be located on school property limited the Recreation
Committee's ability to help, but Mr. Fraser was invited to
sit in on the next meeting of the Recreation Committee to
discuss the matter.
Mr. T. O. Jefferson Township Engineer, pointed out the
urgency of sewer services and reviewed the engineering studies
of the three different proposals for providing sanitary sewer
services for the West Rouge area.
He asked that the Townshi~ request the O. W. R. C. to
construct the necessary sanitary sewers to service the West
Rouge area with trunk sewers leading to the Frenchman's Bay
Treatment Plant and to ask the o. W. R. C. to negotiate with
Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation for financing the
trunk sewers. See Resolution No. 11/61.
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4. (b) Mr. T. O. Jefferson explained that in view of Mr. Arthur
Carltonts resignation as Caretaker of the Township Garbage
Dump, be recommended that Mr. AllanCarlton be transferred
to take his place at garba e handlers' rate; Mr. Jas.
Shanley be moved up to foreman of the Garbage Pick Up crew
and one new pick-up man be hired.
5. Mr. Don McIntosh appeared regarding the subdivision bond for the
Rouge Highlands Subdivision. He blaiĆèd bhe Bond lodged with the
Township was costing them about $1100.00 per year when work
amounting to only about $6,000.00 in all remained to be done to
complete their obligations.
These works were construction of sidewalks and obtaining
and doing construction on the Chester Easement.
AGREED that reports be requested from Township Engineer T. O.
Jefferson and from the Township Solicitors regarding the status
of Rouge Highlands Subdivision in respect to work yet to be
done monies paid, and monies yet to be paid.
6. Mr. Ken Butt~ representing the Pickering-Ajax Barbers' Assoc-
iation, asked Council to pass a By-Law regulating the open
hours of the barber shops in the Township south of the 5th
Concession. He claimed all present operato~ are agreeable
to the hours presently observed but felt his proposed by-law
would be a protection if new barber businesses came into the
area. He hoped to get a similar by-law passed by all three
municipalities viz., Ajax Pickering Village, and Pickering
Council suggested that Mr. Butt go to Ajax and Pickering
Village first and when successful in getting the proposed by-
law passed by them, come back to the Township.
7. Councillor Laycox reported he had had many inquiries recently
regarding water for the East Rouge Area. The Reeve advised
that Mr. Jefferson would shortly be discussing with Mr. Ufnal
the 1958 proposal for the supply of water to this area.
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang that the account of
¡11.80 for mileage of Judge A. R. Willmott for Recount be paid.
YEA: Messrs. Scott, James, Spang Mowbray.
NAY: Messrs. Laycox, Deakin, Boyes.
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Laycox that Pickering Township
Council accept Mr. Arthur Carlton's resignation this 16th day of
January, 1961, effective as, of January 3lst, 1961. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Laycox, that
flah'ele '0' FrelÙÙll:;'M' 8 Bay' eYer Tovnøbijì roå4s ~be
Road Department during the winter months.
àec..s by .ato!-··¡ 11
blocked by the
MaYED by Mr. Boyes, seconded by Mr. Laycox that:
WHEREAS there is a very urgent need for sanitary sewers to serve
-that area of the ~ownship West of the Rouge River and South of
Highway #401; .
AND WHEREAS engineering studies have been undertaken of different
proposals of serving the area including:
1. A sewage treatment in the area to serve only this area.
2. Pumping stations and forcemains capable of pumping the sewage
to the Metropolitan Toronto Sewage Treatment Plant at High-
land Creek.
..~ -.
3. Pumping stations, trunk sewers and forcemains to take the
sewage to the Sewage Treatment Plant at Frenchman's Bay.
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AND WHEREAS the alternative (No.3) of taking the sewage to the
Frenchman's Bay Plant appears to be the most economical and satis-
factory as well as providing a trunk sewer through other lands within
the sewer area;
The Township of Pickering request the Ontario Water Resources
Commission to construct the necessary Sanitary Sewers to service
that area of the Township West of the Rouge River south of Highway
#401 and to include all necessary lateral sewers service sewers
from these laterals to the street line, pumping stations and trunk
sewers to take this sewage to the Frenchman's Bay Sewage Treatment
Plant as described in the reports from Messrs. Oliver Lloyd &
Associates, Messrs. Proctor & Redfern, and the Township Engineer.
AND FURTHERMORE that the Township of Pickering request the
Ontario Water Resources Commission to act as their agents for the
purpose of negotiating with the Central Mortgage and Housing
Corporation to obtain the necessary financing for the trunk sewers
under Part VI B of the National Housing Act, 1954. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Deakin that the Road Super-
intendent be authorized to negotiate with the Board of Transport
Commissioners and the Canadian National Railways for the install~
ation and erection of safety devices necessary and required at th~
crossing on the Rosebank Road in East Rouge and that these nego-
tiations be pursued on the financial basis as discussed and out-
lined by Mr. Chapman. i.e. Board of Transport Commissioners, 80%,
Railway 7.5% and Township share7 12.5%, and at a total cost of
approximately $30,000.00, to be charged to Ward 5 Road Budget.
MOVED by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Mowbray" that Pickering Township
Council approve the installation of flasher signals on the Eighth
Concession and on the Altona Road between Lots 28 and 29 to be paid
for by the allotted road budget for Ward I at the approximate cost
of $1500.00. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the Assessment
Commissioner be authorized to negotiate the purchase of a new
Bradma Embossing Machine for use in the Township Offices and at
an estimated cost of $3000.00. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that this Council agree
to consider the following roads as arterial roads of the Township
and that they be considered as overall Township problems and not as
individual Ward problems and that work commence as soon as possible
on the widening, grading and paving of same; The Altona Road
to the 5th Concession the 2nd çoncession from Altona Road to Brock
Road; the Audley Road from #2 Highway to #7 Highway. CARRIED
YEA: Messrs. Boyes" Deakin, Laycox, Scott, James Mowbray
NAY: Mr. Spang
MOVED by Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Deakin that the Road Super-
intendent be authorized to negotiate with the Board of Transport
Commissioners and the Canadian National Railways for the grading
of the Chesterton Shores Crossing and that the final cost arrived
at be submitted to this Council. CARRIED
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Mr. James seconded by Mr. Laycox moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to the
Township of Pickering Planning Board, and that same now be read a
first time.
Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Boyes, moves that By-Law Number 2568 to
appoint members to the Township of Pickering Planning Board be now
read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on B '-Law No. 2568 be adopted and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign'the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
Planning Board Members, 1961: George T. Todd
We1:ls Ritchie
John Mansell
David Lennox
K. H. J. Clarke
W. Hardy Craig
James Davidson
J. S. Scott - Council
Ross W. Deakin - Council
YIA~ . Md.er.~ Boyes, Deakin, ScottI James, Spang, Mowbray
NAY: Mr. C. Laycox.
Mr. Boyes, seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a Board of Manage-
ment for the Claremont Community Memorial Athletic Field and Park,
and the Claremont Community Hall (Messrs. Vizely, Robert Madill,
E. Ortiz, A. Roszell-and Jack Rennie and from Council Messrs.
Harvey Spang and Harry Boyes), and that same now be read a first
Mr. Boyes, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, moves that By-Law Number 2569
to appoint a Board of Management for the Claremont Community
Memorial Athletic Field and Park, and the Claremont Community Hall,
be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee
of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Boyes seconded by Mr. James, moves that the report of the
Cømmittee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2569 be adopted and that the
, said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the saMe and the Seal of the Corporatiøn be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Boyes, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to the
Rouge Hill Athletic Field and Community Hall for the year 1961,
(Messrs. John Rawbon, William Lang, George Botton, Robert Smith
Chester Ufnal, and from Council Messrs. James and Laycox), and
that same now be read a first time.
Deakin, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, moves that By-Law Number 2570
',,' I nt members to the Rouge Hill Athletic Field and COlIDDunity
the year 1961 be now read a ,second time, and that Council
Committee of the Whole thereÐn~'
i·' î.1
- 6 -
By-Law Number 2570 (Continued).
The Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2570 arises and reports
the By-Law as read.
Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Spang moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 2570 be adopted, and that
the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
On MOTION of Mr. Deakin, the meeting adjourned.
APPRO~' . t~