HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 3, 1960
A meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the THIRD day of OCTOBER,
1960, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
H. Ross Hawthorne
Hårvey Spang
Edgar James
Harry Boyes
Ross Deakin
Clifford Laycox
L. T. Johnston,- Qlerk
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Resolution of the Town of Ajax: "That the Township of Pickering
be requested to inform the Town of Ajax as to what action, if
any has been taken to implement the request of the Town of Ajax
that a Zoning By-Law be enacted pursuant to Section 27A of the
Planning Act and Resolution #a of April 11, 1960."
On April 25th, 1960, Ajax Council asked Pickering Township to
zone those lands from C. N~,R. tracks to Lake Ontario east of
their Town .:';"'"
Clerk directed to inform the Town of Ajax that a Zoning By-Law
for area east of their Municipality is now being prepared by the
Township Planning Consultants and maybe r~ady for the Planning
Board's consideration within a week.
Department of Munici~al Affairs advise that they have passed on
to the Ontario Munic~pal Board-the proposed'plan of Rougeda.lè
Acres and there will be a Hearing'on same at a later date.
This was necessitated because of the Township of Scarborough
objections to the plan. '
Our Auditors submit copies of their report on proposed dissol-
ution of our High School District showing that if the three
municipalities were to dissolve there would be practically no
change in operating costs with the Town of Ajax leaving, but
the Township would benefit to extent of, nearly $25,000.00
yearly with the Village õf Pickering leáving the present Union.
Report. Butlding Inspector, 'September, 1960. 31 Permits.
Estimated value, $97,270.00, iI?-cluding 5 dwellings, 20 private
garages, 4 house additions, 1 repair shop addition, and 1 storage
Mr. T. O. Jefferson would like to attend Canadian Institute of
Sewage and Sanitation Conference at Niagarå Falls part of
Session, October 23 - 26. See Resolution No.324/60.
Mr. Z..'T. Salmers, Soliéitór for W. O. Bennett, refusès to have
obstruction on right-of-way at Frenchman's Bay removed.
See Resolution No.323/60.
Planning Board Resolution:
MOVED by Mr. Craig, seconded by Mr. 'Ritchie, that the Planning
Board recommends to Council that By-Law No. 2511 incorporating
the changes agreed upon by the Planning Board this day, Sept.
30th, 1960, be given third reading, and that the Chairman ,of .
the Planning Board present to Council at Council's convenience,
a statement outlining the reasons for recommending third reading
at this time, even though there yet may be amendments prior to
the Municipal Board Hearing. CARRIED.
.;" "-". ..
2 --
8. Planning Board Resolution:
MOVED by Mr. Davidson, seconded by Mr. Ritchie, that the
Planning Board recommends to Council that Project Planning
Associates be engaged to prepare an Offical Plan for the whole
of the Township of Pickering, and that this be done the ear~iest
possible. CARRIED See Resolution No. 326/60.
Our Solicitors submit two copies of Union Agreement for sig-
bature. ~ee By-Law No. 2542. .
The Assessment Commissioner has returned the 1960 Assessment
t?oll and shows:
1960 ~
Assessment Increase s' Population Increase
Ward 1 $ 2; 996; 488.. 00 $ 186;098.00 4/1.>" I J
2,302 -3
Ward 2 2;944,645.00 150; 280. OOn v.,..J,) 1 ; 983 Plus 21 I .-
Ward 3 3;ll2;626.00 272;342~00 o¿~~ 2,686 plus 16
Ward 4 3;2l4;804.00 343,607.00 S, 85'" 4;l25 Plus 62 :/
Ward 5 5,443,015.00 404.450.00 "~3vo 5.523 plus ;348 ~
$ 17,711,578.00 1 ~ 356 ~ 775.00 ·91/ '17 S l6,619 plus 444
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
$ 16,354,803.00
2;305 -23
1;962 plus 31
2;670 plus 55
4,063 plus 60
5.175 1?lus 632
16,175 plus 755
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
$ 15,129,188.00
2 ;328
Assessment per capita:
1960 - $ 1066.00
1959- 1011.00
1958 - 981.00
11. Tenders for a front end loader were opened and resulted as
Firm MakE3 Model Prioe Specifications Met
--:-- -
Noble Equipment Massey-Ferguson 303 $5,095.00 Yes
Lorne McCoy Massey-Ferguson 406 6;834.24 No
Lorne McCoy Massey Fer~uson 65 4 ; 230.06 No
Craftway Equipment Int. Harvester 460 4;995.00 No
General Supply Co. Oliver 470 5;672.00 Yes
Dilworth Equipment International 460 5;220.00 No
Joe Champion Cockshut 550 4;811.53 No
A. E. Joslin Bray BL45 13;500~00 No
Love and McDougall Minn. Moline I 600 5;975.00 Yes
Construction Equipment Case W3 4,372.00 No
-- 3
The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
1. Mr. Field, owner of a home east of Gerald Cowan in Block M,
Þlan 418, stated the private 12' right-of-way to Rosebank Road
was not a good road and wanted a proper road built to his home.
It was agreed that Council members should view the area.
2. Mr. Doroz, also in same area as described in No.1, asked for a
proper road.
3. Mr. Robert Clarke asked Township to expropriate road over Mr.
Bennett's right-of-way on east side of Frenchman's Bay and
submitted an affidavit of Miss Armstrong to show that she used
said right-of-way to her property for the past .30 years.
4. Mr. Donald McIntosh objected to Scarborough Township holding up
registration of his plan in Pickering Township.
It was agreed that Reeve Scott and Mr. McIntosh contact Reeve
Campbell of Scarborough.
Mr. Satnik, of Fairport Road North, objected to the condition
of Fairport Road, stating that he had broken parts of his car and
the road was so bad' he could not rent his house. Mr. Chapman,
Road Superintendent, stated the first 1500 feet north of
Highway 2 would be paved this year.
William Fairgrieve asked if there were a budget for assistance
to unemployed this winter, stated politics were being used in
preparation of Union Agreement, and that Glendale Drive was
paved when it was not ready for paving, while other roads we~e pre-
pared for paving but not paved. He also stated culverts not
up to standard were permitted some places, not in others.
7. Mr. Hackl, of Fairport Road North, objected to:
(1) Condition of Fairport Road North.
(2) A tree in dangerous condition on roadside, a'part of which
fell on his car, causing considerable damage,
(3) High taxes. 1959 were $188.00, and 1960, $302.00, with no
change in buildings.
Mrs. Jean McPherson objected to her grandson's dog being coaxed
into Dog Pound truck on road at entrance to her son's home; the
payment of·$4.00 Pound fees, the return of the $4.00 Pound f~es
to her son, and the type of receipts issued by the Pound Keeper.
give Third Reading to By-Law No. 2511, zonirg most of lands south
of Highway 401, providing certain changes were made resulting
from the holding of three Planning Board meetings in the area
last summer. Mr. Todd stated the Planning Board were considering
several other recommendations which might be submitted to the .
Ontario Municipal Board before the Hearing.
Miss Violet Swan, of Rosebank, stated that firemen going to fires
across' Highway 401 should have protection either by flares or
police, as it is most dangerous for firemen to try to stop
traffic on this Highway. Councillor Deakin stated the Fire Chief
and Fire truck do carry flares, but agreed to contact the Fire and
Police Chiefs.
Reeve Scott explained the Auditor's report on proposed break up
of High School area and how it would affect the Township
4 --
~OVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. l.~ycox, that the Township Cpuncil
in£orm Mr. W. O. Bennett: If the blockade that exists in the form
o£ two automobiles on Township right-of-way is not removed by
9 A. M. Eastern Daylight Time, October 6, 1960, the blockade will be
removed by Township officials. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Laycox, that T. O. Jeffersop be
granted expenses for attendance of one day at the Sewage and Sani-
tation Conference at Niagara Falls between October 23 - 26. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Boyes, that the offer of K. H. J.
èlarke to sell approximately 4.8 acres at the north east corner pf
the Brock Road and No. 2 Highway to the Corporation of the Township
of Pickering for the sum of $20,000.00 be accepted, subject to the terms
and conditions of the offer of sale, and that the Township Solicitor
prepare the necessary documents and that the Reeve and Clerk be
authorized to sign the offer of sale and purchase. CARRIED
YEA: Messrs. Hawthorne, Scott, Laycox, Deakin, Boyes.
NAY: Messrs. James and Spang.
MUV~D by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. 'Spang, that the Corporation
of the Township of Pickering recommends, as requested by Plannint
Board, that Project Planning Associates be engaged to prepare an
Official Plan for the whole of the Township of Pickering. CARRIED
YEA: Messrs. James, Spang, Hawthorne, Scott, Laycox, Deakin, Boyes.
NAY: None.
y . awthorn, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the Road Depart-
~ent purchase, with the approval of the Department of Highways,
from Mobile Equipment, a'Massey-Ferguson Tractor, Model 303, for a
total price of $5,095.00, since this equipment meets specifications
~nd represents the lowest tender price. CARRIED
Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves for leave to introduce a
ßy-Law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the Reeve and Clerk
to sign the union agreement'with the National Union of Public Service
~mployees and its Local 129, on behalf of the Corporation, and that
ßame now be read a first time.
Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Boyes, moves that By-Law Number 2542 to
~uthorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign the Union Agreement with
the National Union of Public Service Employees and its Local 129, on
pehalf of the Corporation, be now read a second time, and that CQuncil
$0 into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. James, moves that the report of the
Qommittee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2542 be adopted, and that the
$aid By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
YEA: Messrs. James, Spang, Hawthorne, Scott, Laycox, Deakin, Boyes.
NAY: None.
AGREED Council meet Wednesday, October 5th, at 8 P. M.
Clerk check with our Solicitor if 1960 Assessment Notice legal.
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by'Mr. Spang, that this meeting do
now adjourn to meet again on MONDAY, the SEVENTH day of NOVEMBER,
1960, at EIG 'lock p. m. CARRIED