HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 7, 1960
A .lfeeting of' Council was held on WEDNESDAY, the SEVENTH day of
SEPTEMBER, 1960, at EIGHT o.c1Dck in the evening.
PRESENT..:.-J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
H. Ross Hawthorne
Harve y Spang
Edgar James
Harry Boyes
Ross Deakin
Clif'f'ord Iaycox
L. T. Johnston
The f'ollowing CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Minute., August 10, Metro Plannin~ Boa~. Nothing pertaining to
Pickering Township directly.
Z. Ontario Mun~o1Dal Board have approved two debenture by-laws for
watermain extensions, West Rouge.
3. The Ma~or. Reeve and Chairman of' Plannin£ Board, or alternates,
of' 43 municipalities within Counties of' Peel, York, and Ontario,
are asked to meet at Newmarket Wednesday, September 28th,
1:30 to 9:30, to disouss:.
(1) Is County Government obsolete?
(2) Co-operate in joint oapital works programmes.
(3) Future relationship with Metro Toronto.
(4) Will resort areas suff'er f'rom urbanization?
(5) Should rural areas be protected f'rom urban development?
Mr. K. H. J. Clarke objeoted to Charles Wiloox being granted
a Wrecking Yard License on Station Road.
Our Solicitors ask that Council confirm that Mr. Paul Mantha
assist in County Assessment Appeal. See Resolution No. 299/60.
Depart~nt of' M~1QiDa¡ Affairs - copy of' letter to Scarborough
Towosh p, adv~s ng tnat they are reluctant to recommend to the
~nister their conditions to McIntosh plan be imposed.
7. August 23rd Minutes, ~ntrål ~ke. Ontario ConservatiS!l Authoritf.
8. Works Department, August buildings:
54 Permits valued at $434,150.00.
1960 to date .. . 4,049,100.00
1959 to date - 2,164,480.00
9. Duffin's Creek Estates Subdivision in Ajax:
(a) Copy of our Solicitor's letters to Town of' Ajax and Sub-
dividers requiring ditch.
(b) Copy of our Solicitor's letter to Department of' Municipal
Affairs requiring ditch.
(c) letter from Ajax Clerk advising ditch will be conveyed to
the Town and maintained by them.
(d) letter f'rom Ajax Town Engineer advising such ditch will
be designed to handle peak f'lows of' run-of'f' water.
- 2 -
9. (e) Letter from our Solicitors requesting Township to pass a
resolution to authorize them to .withdraw objection to
Department of' Municipal Affairs.
Ajax Council are meeting September 12th, and Clerk stated
they propose to pass a By-Law in conformity with our
Solicitors' request.
lOa E. G. lewis, application for a Wrecking Yard, Concession 9,
Lot 16. Mr. Ashton states he has several objections and would
hesitate to recommend approval.
ll. Denartment of' Public Welf'are ask that Council name a person to
direct Emergency Measures Welfare Activity in the Township.
12. Hydro-Electric Poær Commission submit f'orm By-laws covering
Street Lighting Agreement with Bay Ridges Subdivision.
The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
1. Robert Cl.~b asked Council to remove obstruction on right-of-
way lane in B.F. R.3, Lot 24, placed there by HI'. Bennett.
Reeve Scott stated this to be a private misunderstanding between
Mr. Bennett and Mr. Clarke, and he should discuss with Mr. '
2. Mrs. J. E. Lusted objected to Council granting a Wrecking Yard
License to Mr. Wilcox on Concession I, Lot 17, as it would
depreciate the value of her property.
3. Mr. Neil Postill objected to Township Road Department taking
sod from Sideline 34-35, in Concession 5, opposite his farm,
which he had kept mowed at his own expense.
Mr. Chapman said he was using it to sod Whitevale east hill
and that job was now completed.
Mr. Sococc10, Architeot of West Rouge, stated he had submitted
plans ~or St. Mary's Roman Catholic School on Toynevale for a
Building Permit, and as there was no cellar, the Works Depart-
ment required that cement blocks be filled to vound level or
it should be tiled around building at cost of '400.00, and as
he claimed either was unnecessary" he be not required to comply.
Reeve Scott suggested he disouss with our Engineer, and if he
were to recommend to Council a change in the Building By-law,
Council would consider.
5. Mr. Kerr discussed the "Go-Kartlt By-law, and recommended:
(I) That in clause requiring all tracks to be at least i mile
from a home" the words "except where written permission
be obtainedlt be inserted.
(2) That the $500.00 license fee be reduced and
(3) he asked what Schedule "A" comprised.
6. Mr. D. S. MçIntosh discussed large Zoning By-law, and
recommended certain changes:
2.38 Front average grade be finished grade, not average, as
this is hard to calculate.
2.49 Lot depth - has given trouble in North York and should
be studied.
2.50 Lot f'rontage - has given trouble in North York and should
be studied.
6. 5.7
- 3 -
Frontage - should be narrower part of lot, not way
House faces.
Obstruction of yards - should include parking or movable
Permit regulated front fence.
Height - oan be a problem later.
Uses of' lots without buildings - cannot understand.
Would like explanation.
Irregular lots - repeat of 2.50. Recommend id.te ~
plan approval.
Accessory Buildings - (a) recommend 18", not 3', so that
garage can be direct to street. (b) 6' and 5' sho1Ùd
be 3'. No use having large lots When taking so much space
for side yard s .
5.22 Parking Regulations':"' add "Public" - Gas Stations.
6.1 Residential lot occupancy - 3 apartments could be built
on one lot. What is main?
6.2 Lots less than required frontage and area - cannot change
registered lot.
6.6 Corner lots - (c) Could not build a house under these
6.7 Parking Commercial Vehicles, Residential Zone - many
people only own panel trucks.
7.21 Lot Frontages, 70'. Recommend less f'ront, more depth.
9.23 Yard Requirements. ßecommend 20 to 30', average 25',
for builders.
12.3.4 Floor Area - consider bachelor apartments. No children.
Landscaping - Define.
Yard ßequirements - Minimum, subject to sit,e'" approval.
No provision f'or commercial buildings tied to each other,
say in shopping centre.
No provision for commercial build:l,ngs tied to each other,
say in shopping centre.
7. W. G,. Newman requested Lots 244 to 265 inclusive, Plan 345 on Bay,
and 284 to 303 inclusive, Plan 345, on lake, could not meet Town-
ship requirements for building, therefore should be zoned 03.
8. Mr. Millen, speaking for Grensaw Holdings, owners of 130 acres on
Mðore Road, requested 40 acres on east side, now proposed R3 be
R4, because railway on north and commercial on south.
9. Mrs. Gates~ of Port Dunbarton, asked when reoreation lands would be
a vaila ble .
Reeve Scott suggested perhaps two years When roads installed and
park land could be graded.
10 ""ftobert Clark~ was advised part of his lands ære now 031 Which
permitted Marinas.
- 4 -
Jæ~U'¡rION ~ 297/60
MO by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang,
TtJAT WII~ Council, on August 15, 1960, passed Resolution No. 288,
MOVED by Hr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang: Be it and it is
hereby resolved that the Township file application to the Minister
of Municipal Aff'airs requesting that he refuse approval and
refer to the Ontario Municipal Board the question of approval,
of a proposed plan of subdivision of lands within the Town of'
Ajax fronting on Pickering Beach Road and known as the Duffin's
Creek Estates subdivision, so that the interests of the Township
of Pickering may be protected in respect to such proposed plan,
and that the Township Solioitors be instructed to proceed
accordingly. CARRIED .
AND WHEREAS the Town of' Ajax has now, at oW' request, passed a By-law
in a form satisfactory to our Solicitors, accepting drainage work in
Ajax in diverting creek in Ajax, and has agreed to maintain same;
BE IT THEREFO~ RESOLVED that our Solicitors be authorized to with-
draw the Township's objection and request for referral of approval
of the plan to Ontario Municipal Board. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. James, that the August Road
accounts, amounting to $24,ll3.2l, as presented to Council, be
approved for payment. C~
~SOLUTION N~R 299/~0
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Deakin,
THAT WHEREAS Council have agreed that an expert on Municipal Assess-
ment is necessary if their Appeal against the 1960 Equalization
By-law of the County of' Ontario is to be successful;
AND WHEREAS Mr. Paul Mantha, of Ottawa, comes highly recommended for
this work;
BE IT THEH¡EFORE ßESOLVED by the Corporation of the Township of
Pickering that Mr. Paul Mantha of Ottawa, be engaged to assist the
Township of' Pickering in its appeal against the 1960 County of
Ontario Equalization By-law Number 2055'* and the remuneration for
such work will be on the basis of $100.00 per day, including
expenses for Mr, Mantha and any of his staf'f he will bring while the
survey is being pursued, and it will be $100.00 per day, plus expenses,
for actual attendance at the Court of Hearing. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Spang, that a Wrecking Yard
Lice nse not be granted to Mr. E. C. Ie wis, Conce ssion 9, Lot 16.
MOVED by Mr. laYCOXj seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the accounts for
the month of August, in the amount of $126,292.10, be approved.
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Spang, that Council authorize
the Road Superintendent to again call for tenders for a front end
loader to include a more specific statement of' specifications.
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. James, that the Road Super-
intendent be authorized to purchase the fOllowing, subject to the
approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario:
From: Robertsteel Canada Limited:
460 feet 15" (16 gauge) Culvert Pipe C $2.11 - . 970,60.
.. 5 -
Øt(Jt..!ft=t~ seconded by Mr. Boyes, that the
uperin endent be authorized to purcha~ the l"ollowing,
the approval or the Department of HighwaYfl of Ontario:
From: The Pedlar People Limited:
54 feet of 30" (14 gaugø) culvert pipe @ $4.76
26 teet of 36" (14 gauge) culvert pipe @$5.70
subject to
t 257.04
¡ 148.20
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Spang, that the Road Superin-
tendent be authorized to purchase the following, subjeot to the
approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario:
From: Armco Drainage Limited:
123 feet 58" X 36" (12 gauge) culvert pipe @ $12.62 - $1,552.26.
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. laycox that the Road Super-
intendent be authorized to purchase the following, sUbject to tQ~
approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario:
Westeel Products Limited:
709 feet l5" (16 gauge) culvert pipe @ $2.11 - $
257 feet 18" (16 gauge) culvert pipe C $2.42 t
BY-LAW NUMBER 2533 (Third ßeadin2)
The Committee of the Whole on By-law NlDDber 2533 arises and reports
the By-law, to license.. regulate and govern the racing of Go-Karts
and the holding of Go-Kart Races ~n the Township of Piokering, as
Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Boyes, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 2533 be adopted, and that the
said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
t.he re to . CARRIEI>
YEA: Messrs. Hawthorne, Iaycox, Deakin, Boyes.
NAY: Messrs. James, Spang, Scott.
BY-LAW N~R 2541
Mr. laycox, seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves for leave to introduce a
By-law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the Corporation to
enter into a contract with the Hydro-E1eotric Power Commission of
Ontario for the lighting of streets in the Township, and that same now
be read a first time. {Bay Ridge s streets)
Mr. laycox, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-law 8uliber 2541
to .ut~oriae the Oorporation to enter into a contract with The Hydro-
Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the lighting of streets in
the Township, be now read a second time, and that Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. laycox, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, move s that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 2541 be adopted, and that the
said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
M~VED by Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Boyes, that this meeting do now
a journ to meet again on the Third day of October, 1960, at the hour
of 8 0 t cloc in t e everjng. CARRIED
APPROVED / flJ. 1960 Clerk