HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 27, 1960
A meeting of Council was heli on MONDAY, the !WlNTY-SEVENTH 'lay of
JUNE, 1960, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PrtESENT: nee ve J. S. Scott, in the Chair
H." Ross Hawthorne
Harvë-y Spang
E1gar J ame s
Harry Boyes
Ross Deakin
Clifford Iaycox
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
The following CORtŒSPONDENCE was l'ead:
1. Arthur McMenemy, 390 Rouge Highlã.nds Drive, objected to Sanit-
ationaepartment railing to return two five gallon cans which
he rillè-d with garbage and-·the--attîtude öf men when asked
to return same. Clerk get report from foreman.
2. JpseÐh AmbrUs, Who has a cottage on west side of Duffints Creek
in A~D.Y. property, asked Council to open fence at south end
of privately maintained Hillview Road in-Plan 342 so that ne
could get his car' to the cottage, as there is no bridge across
Duffin's Creek in A.D.Y. property. Council to inspect.
...... ... - --
3. Clerk reporte¿c he fia"t completed and returne1 forms to-Department
of labour as required, --as National Union of-Public Service
Employees had asked. for certification of Garbage and Road
Dep_ar-tment emplo!.ee s.
4. Our Solicitor 1 Mr. Robinette, stated that he felt it unwise to
pass by-laws limiting weigIit of loads on roads unless there was
an effecti've means of enforcing same. However, as all paved
Township roa1s are automatically classed as "A" roads, a
by-law could-òe passed making Concê-ssion 5 through Whi tevale
a Class "B" road, with the Minister's approval, thereby
limiting load to 22,000 pounds. See Resolution No. 240/60.
- - -
5. Buildin~ and Cönstl"uct;ioii Trades Council of Toronto and Vicinity
ask that Tender for Water Tank work be given to a "Union" firm.
6. Altona-~uto Service, Concession 1, Lot 33, ask for a license
to operate an Auto--BodY Shop. A~ it was not approved by By-Law
Enforcement Officer a resolution to take no action was passed.
7. Tenders for Water Tower work resulted as follows:
Penny and Ca8son Limited
Marino Construction Co. Ltd.
Richardson Construction Co.Ltd.
Watts & Henderson Ltd.
Ruliff Grass Construction Co.
D'Antimo Construc~ion Ltd.
N. De Sante Construotion Lt~.
$ 17,027.00
The f?11ow1ng PERSONS!. on MOTION, were heard:
1. Mr~' Milne, "of Claremont, -'obJe cted to Smith Construction Company's
yard at north east oorner Brõ-ck Road and C. P. Ä. at CTaremont,
stating that the lot was extremely un~idy and noisy work was
done-oat night and Sundays. It was agreed that the By-Law
Enforcement Officer should inve stigate and report back to ' i'
2. Mr. J~nsen, who has made application fÔr a car Driving Instructor
license, asked that the $50.00 fee be reduced. See Re solution ./
No. 244160.
Mrs. J. McPherson otijected to a-'poI;fsible water charge on
assessment of new proposed water area.
MchaM T~ed~ stated the taxes on his 7i acres in 5 years had
g?ne up f!,_om '7.?0 to_.$35.00. Clerk get informat~.on.
Mr. ButIer, of Proctor and ßedfel'ti, checked Tenders for Water
Tank work; ffeclared the lowest three Tenders met the specific-
ations and recommeñ1ed acceptance of lowest tender - Penny--and.
Casson Limi~ed, för $17;027.00 and stated they 1id considerable
work in Toronto area and one job for h~s firm to their satis-
faction. Estimated. t-otal cost of tower to be approximately--
$90,000.00, and their estimate was- $lUO,500.00. Council agreed
p!:inting on tower be !..el~ow on dark gree~.'
Mr~' Becksteaa, of Fairport, asked that-Front Street at Commerce
St'reet shourd bê' a three way "Stop" street. By-Law Committee
bring in a report.
MOVED- by Mr. Layoox, secon~d by Mr. Boyes'" that the Reeve be v
â'uthol'ized to consult with Stevens, Hassard and Elliott, with
respect to appealing the increase in County Assessment. CARßIED
- 2 -
Miss V. Swan objected too hel' assessment and agreed to see the
Assessment Commissioner this week.
MOVED by Mr-. Hawthorfie, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the ten'1er for ....
the elevated tank work in the West Rouge.be awal'ded to Pennyhand
Casson Limited, at a cost of $17,027.00, as the lowest tender.
~SOLU¡ION NUMBErt 239/60
MOVED by Mr-. läycox, sè-con4ed by Mr. Spang, that application from
A1toffã' Auto--Serv1-ce for-perMit "to operate an Auto Body Shop be -.
1eferrerJ. for a written report from the By-Law Enforcement Officer.
MOVED by Mr-. Dë-akin" seconded by Mr. Laycox" that the Clerk prepare
a By-Law ieclaring the Whitevalè- Road fl'om Sideline 32-33 to the
Markham Town Line as Class "B" road (under 22,000 lbs.) CARatIED
äESOLUTION ~ 241/60 -- --
MOVED by Mr. . akin" seconaed by Mr. Boyes, that PicKering Township
engáge Hunting LimiteiI' t'o compile aniI' complete an Aerial Survey of
lan4f between the waterfront and the road. between Range 3 and
Conoosšion 1 and. west of the l'Oa1 between Lots' 20 and 21 to the
Scarborough Town Line, approximately 4,100 acres, at the cost of
Two Thousand and. Fifty Dollars ($2,050.00). CARnIED
hESOLUTION ~ 142/60 --
MOVED by kr-. a h"me, seoonded by Mr. Iaycox" th-at--the
i"ntenitent be authorized to have motor and transfer drive
repaired. by J. I. Adam. Co., at a cost of $2,700.00.
Road - -Supël'-
of grade r
o I
MOVE by -.- a 0 , _conded by Mr. Spanf"
oal1ed to orush approximately 20,000 ton of 4"
Pit on No.7 H1¡h_y.
hESO~IOtt ~244/6Q... -. --
~OYE by 10'. . n{ _oonted-by Mr. Hawthorne, that- Counoil check
into the reason or ,50.00 charses on a driving instruction school
and. have an answer tor Hr. Jensen at the next Council Meeting.
that Ten'ders be
gravel from the S01en
HOVED·by Mr. Laycox seconc1ed by Mr. Deakin, that the Treasurer be
ä-utfiorized to pay accoufits in the amount of $1,,709.60, wffichh
represents Planning Board. fees and mileagè- due the members from
January 1, 1960 to JUDe 30, 1960, in accordance with the attache1
sche~u1e. CA~IED
- 3 -
f'eeve Sco:t,aiY!sei Council that COiUlty Counoil hai aiied $1,,547,554.
,"ssessmen to Picke~ing To.w.n.ship for equalization purposes for 1961
¡ax at ion. This woulrt ..make Township of Pickering equalization figure
18,167,872.00'or 22.07332% of County levy ani an increase of
16,174.40 over 1960 rates. There are 18 municipalities in County
With 39 votes. Pickering Township has 4 of 39 votes ani 13 votes
of Whitby, Ajax, Pickering Village ani Pickering Township represent
58-1% of total County asse sSlDent. Township has 20 1.ays from June 27th
to appeal.
BY-LAW NUMBER 2521 (ThiM Reaiing)
M~. Laycox, secon~e1 by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that the report of the
Cömmi ttee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2521 I'egal'<l1ng fence s arouni
private- outdoor swimming pools be aioptei, an1 that the said. By-Law v'
be now rear} a Third time anti PASSED~ that the Reeve ani C1et'k sign
the same, ani the Seal or the Corporation be arfixei thereto.
M.... LaycoX, secondei by Mr. Deakin, moves f"or leave to introduce a
By-law of the Township of Pickering to increase the remuneration of
the Deputy-Reeve and Councillol"s ani to repeal By-law Number 1988,
ani that same now be reai a first time.
Mr. LayCOX, secoh1ei bÿ Mr. Hawthorne, move s that By-law Number 2524
to l'rtcrease the remuneration of the Dëputy-Reeve and Councillor's ani
to repeal By-law Number 1988, be now reai a secon1 time, and that
Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
-- -- -. v'
T~,e Committee of ~he Whol~, arises and reports the By-Law as rea1.
Mr. IaycoX, secon1ei by Mr. Boyes, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2524 be aioptei, ani that the
saii By-Law be now rea1 a Thiri ti~ ani PASSED; that the .Reeve and
Cle~K sign the same, anit the Seal or the Corporation be affixei
thereto. -. - CARnIED
YEA: Messrs. LaycoX, Deakin, Boyes, Hawthorne an:! Scott
HA¥: ~e8".. lallleS ani Spang
~. Spang, secondei by Mr. James, moves for leave to introiuce a
By-law or the Township of Pickering to increase the remuneration of
the Reeve, anit to :repeal By-Law No. 2417, ani that same now be reafi
q. first time.
~.... Spãng, secondei by·-Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-law Number 2525
to increase the rëmuneration of the .Reeve, and to t'epeal By-Law V'
No. 2417, be now reai a seconi time, ani that Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
~e Committee of the Who~e arises ani reports the !3Y-~w as reai.
~r. Spang, seconifei by Mr. laycoX, moves that the report of the
Oommittee of the Whõîe on By-law No. 2525 be adoptei, and that the
saii By-law be now reai a Thiri time anti PASSED; that the Reeve an!
Clet-'k sign the same, ani the Seal of the Corporati. on be affixed
the re to · CARnIE»
YEA; Mess~s. Laycox, Deakin, Boyes, James, Spang, Hawthorne, Scott.
NA Y: None.
MI-. Boyes, secondei by Mr. Deaki-n, moves for- leave to iñtroduce a
By-law of the Township of Pickë-ring to authorize the borrowing of
Seventeen Thousani, Seven Hunirë-i and-'Thirty-Seven Dollars and Sixty
Cents ($17,737.60) upon iebentures for the installation of a water
main ë'xtension on East Avenue from Rouge Hills Di'ive to Highway
Numbê-r 2, thence westerly on Higþway Numbër 2 for one thousand one
hunifrei-ani fiftëen feet (1,115f) in Water Area NO.1, ani that same
now be rea'" a First time.
- 4 -
B~,-LaW No. 2526 (Contin~-,t)
Mr. Boyes secon1ed-õy Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-Law Number 2526
to authorize the borrowing of Seventeen Thousan1 Seven Hundred- and
Thirty-Seven Dollars ani Sixty' Cents ($17,737.60) upon debentures
for the installation of a water main extension on East Avenue
from Rouge Hilîs Dr1've to Highway Number 21 thence westerly on
Highway Number 2-f'or One thousand one-huntlre1 anti fifteen feet
'(l,115') in Water Area No. l be now reai ã seconi time, and that
Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
- - --
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as reatl.
- - -., - -
Mr. Boyes, secon1ei by Mr. Laycox, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2526 be adopte1, and that the
sai1 By-Law be now reai a Thil"i time and PASSED; that the Reeve ani
Clerk sign the same, ani the Seal of the Corporation be affixe1
the re to. CARnIED
M~. Deakin, secon4ei by Mr. Laycox, moves for leave to introtluce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of
Two ThousantJ. Three Hunirê~ ani-Fifty Dollars and Seventy-Oñe Cents
($2,350.71) upon iébentures for the installation of a-water main
extension on Islanff Roa1 from Rouge Hills D~ive easterly to a point
oñe hun~re1 añil forty (140f) feet 1istant west of River-coUrt
Dri va in Wa te r Area No. 1 ani that same now be re a1 a first time.
Mr. Deak1'n, secont\ei' -by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-law Number 2527
to authorize the borrowing of Two Thousand Three Hundre1 and- Fifty
Dollars ani Seventy-Onë- Cents ($2,350.71) upon debentures for the
installation of a--water main extension on Island Röa1 from Rouge
Hills Drive easterly to a point one hun~red' and forty (140f~ feet
1istant west of R1ve~court Drive in Water Area 11= 1, be now rea~ a
seconi time, ani that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
T~e Committee of the Whol~ arises ani reports the ~y-~w as read.
Mr. Deakin, secondei by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2527 be adopted, ani that the
saii By-Law be now reai -a Third time ani PASSED; that the Reeve ani
Clel"k sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
the re to. CARtiIED
Check fees--for- Driving Schools in other municipalities ani reason
in 1956 for $50.00 fee.
Che ck if Township employee scan sit on School Boaris.
Check assessment of RichaM Twee1ie at White vale .
Contact Mr. 11i1le to get in touch with ßeeve Scott.
On MOTION of ~. Spang the meeting aijournei.