HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 30, 1960
A meeting of Council was held. on MONDAY, the THIRTIETH day of !!!I,
1980, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
H. Ross Hawthorne
Harve y Spang
Edgar James
Harry Boye s
Ross Deakin
Clifford Iaycox
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
MOVED by Hr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Iaycox, that Minutes of meeting
held May 9, 1960, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Iaycox, seconded by Mr. James, that Minutes of meeting
held May 16, 1960, be adopted. CARRIED
MOVED by Mr-. Spang, secon4ed by Mr. Boyes, that Minutes of meeting
held May.24, 1960, be adopted. CARRIED
The following CO~SPONl.)ENCE was read:
1. Re-int,l'Oduction of resignations of E. G. Baker and Mrs. Mildred
2. Villa£é of Stouffv1lle invite Reeve, Councillors, and Clerk to
their of'fieial opening of new Municipal offices June 15th, at
2:30 p. m.
consumern' ,Gas Co.all:f' ask Ontario Fue Board ror order to
permit em to reduCè rates to large consumers.
4. In 1948 Council off'icially closed sideline between Lots 26-27,
Conce8sion 5. At that time Howard Malcolm agreed to purchase
north quarter - 2i acres - for $25.00; Newton Robinson agreed ~
to purchase centre half - 5 acres - for $50.00; Mr. Brownridge
agreed to purchase south quarter - 2i acres - f'or $25.00, all
subject to a survey w.ich was never received by the Township.
Now the owners of the Brownridge property ask that sideroad
be opened so they can sell their 100 acres in 10 acre parcels.
Messrs. Malcolm and Robinson do not care if road is opened,
or if the y purcha sa .
Jack Ohapman recommends that no action be taken and if anyone
wants the road opened they can supply land and build a road
to Township specifications. See Resolution No. 197/60.
5. Pren~an 's BaY Rateuayers t Association, requesting further
develllplDents re sidewalk on Bay Road.
Clerk advise no f'urther developments., but it is expected C.B.C.
will register plan in several weeks.
6. Mr. 1. K. Cowan asked who was responsible for east 450 t of
Chesterhill Road. Road Superintendent and Council members
view and report.
7. A petition of' 18 owners of Rouge Highlands SUbdivision asked
that Council relieve their septic tank problem.
AGREED Mr. Chapman and Council members meet and discuss
problem on site..
- 2 -
The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
1. Messrs. Hawley and Mokedanz asked if Township owned Greenwood
Avenue in Plan 282 - were told Township owned but had not
assumed same as B Township Road. They asked that it be
maintained by the Township so they could get out year round.
AGREED Cle rk ge t conti tions of Planning Board conse nt and ge t a
report from Road Superintendent.
Messrs~ Chester Ufnal and Geor.e::e Botten, on behalf of' Rouge
Hill Community Park, stated that they have 3i acres, which is
not large enough f'or a proper park and as the adjoining 2.02 acres~
with brick house is now an estate and for sale at price of
$14,000.00 to $15,500.00, the1 would like to secure same.
The Board owns their land without any indebtedness, and has
$5,000.00 in funds on hand, the Province would give a grant of
about $3,500.00, and asked Council if they could put up balance
of $5,500.00.
The Reeve stated funds were not presently available.l but it would
be given consideration by the proper Boards.
3. Mr. Walter Kerr asked that he and his associates be permitted to
operate a. ttGo Kart" track in Lot 18, Concession I, north of ¡/
Highway 401.. to be used for racing, and that By-Law which prohibits
racing be amended to permit this. It was
AGREED that no action be taken by Council and Mr. Kerr advised.
þ{ellsrs. Hor.e::an and Shankman, of C. B. C. Development, asked
Council to drop Planning Board's requirement of Ii. acre s in
We st area to be set aside for a small park and to give them a
letter stating all conditions, Numbers 11 to 23.. have been met
by them. They stated 573 acres were to be registered as soon as
approved by Council. 5% park lands is 28.65 acres. They would
give the Township 70 acres, of' which more than the 28.65 acres
would be table land and balance park lands for passive use.
They considered the 10 acres extra to be given for a playing
field to be the area in north-east corner of west section and a
part of the 28.65 acres. They have partial O. W. R. C.
approvals and expect no difficulty for balance. The southerly
areas on each side of Bay now under discussion with Parks
Integration Board will be registerd as two blocks and not re-
subdivided except by Planning Board approval.
the Road Superintendent
to the approval of v
Allied Chemicals Limited
108 Tons Oalcium Chloride, less tar - $ 5..350.32
OVED by Mr. Boyes" seconded by Mr. Deakin, that Council approve t
.r,ecolllllen4ation of Mr. Chapman, that no action be taken regarding
~ideline bet-ween Lots 26 and 27, Concession 5. CARRIED
~1i!QnTJ1ftðll ....." ~160
~ by JII"."~ seconded by Mr. IaYCOII that Mr. Wm. Powers
B,ddress .:1._'.... .... l~ represent Ward 3 on Recreational Committee
in place ofJlr.. A1I8e1'8on tor balance of year 1960. CARRIED
~SOmqø ~'..~
~OVED _,. ltr.. .~, :øeconaed by Mr. Boyes, that the Mal road'
accounts rer 1IIei"UL« aRt. Bridge Department, amounting to '19,120.19, V'
be pa14 by the'~.~.vr,. CARRIE~
- 3 -
MOYßD by Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Boyes, that the resignation
of Mr. E. Baker be accepted" effective the 3rd day of' May, 1960.
MOVED by Mr. 1aycox" seconded by Mr. Deakin" that the resignation
of Mrs. M. Spang be accepted effective the 3rd day of May, 1960.
MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Boyes, that Mrs. Spang be
informed that she is invited to submit an application for employ-
ment in the Township Office s if she so de sire s. CARRIEll
YEA; Messrs. James" Spang, Hawthorne" Scott" Laycox, Deakin, Boyes.
NA Y: None.
Mr. James" seconded by Mr. Boyes" moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a Collector for the /
Township of Pickering (Mr. R. G. Turk), and that same now be read
a first time.
Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Deakin. moves that By-Law Number 2515 to
appoint a Collector for the Township of' Pickering, be now read a
second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. James" seconded by Mr.. laycox" moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2515 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve
and Cle rk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixe d
the re to. CARRIED
YEA: Messrs. James, Hawthorne, Scott, Laycox, Deakin" Boyes.
NAY: Mr. Spang.
On MOTION of Mr. Laycox, the meeting adjourned.