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~fU NI C I P At If U I'LD I.N' 'G
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A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the NINl'H day of MAX" 1960
.t EIGHT 0 'clock in the even~ng:
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott" in the Chair
H. Ross Hawthorne
Harvey Spang
Edgar James
Harry Boyes
Ross Deakin
Cliff'ord laycox
L. T. Johnston" Clerk
MOVED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Spang" that Minutes of meeting
held May 2, 1960, be adopted. CARRIED
TÞ.e following CORRESPONDENCE was read:
1. Notice of Ontario Municiual Association meeting for 1960 to be
at St. Catharines August 28 to 31st. Forms f'or reservations.
2. Enrlneer T. 0, Jefferson asked Council to declare watercourse
through Lot 127, Dunbarton Gardens blocked in contravention of
By-law No. 2452. See Resolution No. 170/60.
3. School Aqta No.2 advise word "auditorium" in their correspondence
of ¡»reviou's week should have beø "Gymtorium".
AGREED Area 2 Board should meet Council re such addition.
Mr. E. G. Baker. Collector" and Mrs. Mildred Spang" submitted
their resignations. See Resolution No. 176/60.
As there is now no place in Federal set up of Civil Dereß1l~ for a
Co-Ordinator, Mr. John Daniell-Jenkins submitted his resignation,
but agreed to act as instructor if' required. See Resolution No.
Mr. T. O. Jeffersonts resignation presented at last Council meeting
was again brought forward as Reeve Scott was unable to get Mr.
Jefferson to withdraw same. See Resolution No. 175/60.
Our Solieitor submitted the second appraisal on Picov property
O.W.R.C. approval f'or Resources Land Co-Operative to construct
watermains, storm sewers, and sanitary sewers on their property
known as Bay Ridges Development.
Clerk reported he could find no authority to license HalllDer Mills;
Municipal Affairs could not assist but recoBaended we contact our
SGlicitor. See Resolution No. 172/60.
Our Solicitor has been working on an agreement for drainage costs
under Reselution No. 86/60" witÞ Eastown, now Rouge Valley
Shopping Centre . However, he recommends that Council accept their
o.ffer &1"-.3,000.00 without agreement and all statutes re drainage
shall apply.
Council a~reed to hold over until an opinion is secured from our
Notice" annual convention or Ontario Assoe1ation Urban and Rural
Municipalities, May 13 and 14, at Point Edward, near Sarnia.
Rou2e Hills ~ons invitation to Council and interested off'icials
to Charter N ght Anniversary" Friday, May 20, at Canadian legion
Hall, Highland Creek.
- 2 -
13 . 11. A 1 lfe Wlltn voUl d likeSe rytoe Road from Liverpool Boa d to
Moo~ ROäd south of C. N. R.,not only to Fairport Beach Road,
so as to protect school children. See Resolution No. 173/60.
The following PERSONS" on MOTION, were heard:
Alex Chambers, Concession 1, Lot 22, claimed several neighbours
were turning water onto his lands and asked that Council take
action to stop such action. By-Law Enfo roe ment Orf'icer asked to
view situation Tuesday a. m.
William Fair£rieve stated the error preparing 1960 Tax Roll
would require 40,000 entries to correct, that Tax Roll should
have been prepared by the Clerk, that road books were not being
kept as required by the Department of Highways of' Ontario, that
there was no By-law re holiday pay for employees leaving Township
employ, etc., all of Which the Reeve replied to.
)(r.. Fred lewis, of Altona, stated he paid business tax in Pickering
Township, that he operates a Chopping Mill, that Mr. Ross James
who owns a hamme r mill is employe d by him to grind grain for local
farmers in his area, and that he hoped Council would not license
such hammer mill operators.
Mr. Lewis asked Council to inspect, and if possible grade most
of sidelines between wts 26-27 and 28-29, in 9th Concession" as
the tra ve lIe d portion of the road allowance is low and dange rous .
Mrs~ Jean Mø!herson asked Council what happens to Tax Bills al-
ready sent out wrongly rated, and felt that the mileage of the
We lfare Office r seeme d ra the r high.
Mr. David McDowell asked if railway crossing on Concession 8
would receive safety measures this year. Mr. Spang stated that
it was fourth on his list of 1960 work to be done.
James Coates, of Claremont, suggested that Couneil place all
employees on a yearly mileage basis.
R. G. Tur~ submitted necessary inf'ormation about the April Town-
ship accounts and other matters dealing with the operation of the
Township off'ice.
Councillor Spang asked the Reeve the reason for Mr. Baker's and
Mrs. Spang's resignation and as the reason was unknown, asked
that Mr. Baker and Mrs. Spang be permitted to be heard at a
Committee meeting of Council and same was arranged for the
evening of May 11th..
ijOVED by ¡o(r. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Laycox,
TV~T WHEREAS the Township Engineer has declared the watercourse runniqg
through the north 66 feet of Lot 127, Dunbarton Gardens, owned by Mr.
E. E. Rancourt, to be blocked, thereby contravening By-raw Number
T~REFORE BE IT R,JSOLVED that this Council does now confirm that
By.,.Iaw Number 2452 has been contravened, and that the By-law Officer
~'be j required to take the necessary steps to have the blockage removed
f'r..om the said wa te rcourse forth wi th . CARRIED
MOVED by Mr. Boye s, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that Council approve a
license for Jack Montgomery to operate a Texaco Service Station on the
north west corner of Lot 6, Concession 1, of this Township. CARRIED
M~VED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the matter of licensing
Ha~r Mills be dropped and no further action be taken. CARRIED
YEA: Messrs. Boyes, Deakin, IaycoX, Scott, Hawthorne, James.
NA Y: Mr. Spang.
.. 3 -,
~MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the Corporation
of the Township of Pickering recommend to the Ontario Department
of Highways that the proposed service road from Liverpool Road" south
of the C. N. R., West to Fairport Road South, be extended to Moore's
Road to by-pass traff'ic past Fairport Beach School. CARRIBD
MO~ by Mr. laycox, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the accounts, as
per list dated May 4th, 1960, in a total of' $772.52, be written off,
4i's recommended by the Finance Committee on May 4, 1960. C~RI~D,
, VED by Mr. James, seconded by Mr.
resignation of Mr. T. O. Jefferson,
?-faY 23rd, 1960.
~VEI! by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that Mr. Baker and
~rs. Spang's resignation not be aocepte4 until we meet in a committee
wi th ~Ir. Bake rand Mrs. Spang and Mr. Turk. CARRIED
Spang, that Council accept the
with regrets" to take effeot
l1PVED by Mr. Laycox, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the April accounts,
in the amount of $190,772.32, be paid. CARRIED
OVED by Mr. IaycOX, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the resignation of'
· J. Daniell-Jankins from his post as Deputy-Co-ordinator for the
Township of Pickering be aocepted, effeotive May 9th, and we would be
pleased to accept his offer of' services as instructor. CARRIED
~OVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. James, that the following
repair be authorized by the Road Superintendent: Remove and replace
Dif'ferential Assembly, Truok # 13, by Burrow's Garage, Brougham,
$ 688.29. CARRIED
H,9VED by Mr. laycox seconded by Mr. Boyes, that a Bradma Addressing
~chine, Buckingham heavy duty model, be purchased at a price of
$4,050.00, as recommended by the Finance Committee on May 4, 1960.
~SOLUTION NUfttBER 1'81/60
M{)VED by Mr. James; seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that a National Cash
~gister, Bank Tellers Model, 10 total, at a price of $2,745.00, be
pþrohased, as recommended by the Finance Committee on May 4, 1960.
Rf.. T.I\W NU~R 25~3
Mr· Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Daakin, moves for leave to introduce a
Bf-Iaw of the Township of Pickering to license, regulate and govern
vehicles from which refreshments are sold for consumption by the public
a.d for the revoking of any such license, and that same now be read a
f:J.rst time.
Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Boyes, moves that By-law Number 2513 to
license, regulate and govern vehicles f'rom which refreshments are sold
fòr consumption by the public and for the revoking of any such license,
bè now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the
Whole thereon.
Tb,e Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read,
M1'-. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Iaycox, moves that the report of the
CQDUI1ittee of' the Whole on By-Law No. 2513 be adopted, and that the
said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be aff'ixed thereto.
- 4 -
1. Mr. Ashton see Mr. Chambers, Concession 1, Lot 22, re drlrtnage.
.2. Mr. Ashton report to Council on Lot 52, Plan 237.
3. Clerk change zoning meeting from Fairport Beach Community Hall
to Hillview School.
4. Clerk produce all garbage dumping ag~ements.
On MOTION of Mr. James, the meeting adjourned.
APPROVED_ _~_~£960