HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 6, 1960
A Meeting of Council was held on tmDtaq1)\1the SIXTH day of ~ANUARY.
1960, at EIGHT 0'c1ook in the evening. '
PRESENT: J. S. Soott, in the Chair
H. Ross Hawthorne
Harvey Spang
Edgar James
Harry Ashton
Ross Deakin
Clifford Iayoox
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
As Reeve 8eott was late, it was agreed Deputy-ßeeve lIawthome take
the Chair. At 8:45 Reeve Soott took the Chair.
The following CORRESPONDEIfCE was read:
1. Metro PlanninÆr Board request member for East District.
2. Q90d !!pads Association, $20.00. Township member last few
3. Ontari~ Eduoaf,ion Assoeia..tion fee, $40.00. Not previously a
Ontart. Co~~Y ~i1 and CroD ImDrov~ment Association request
usual grant of $25.00. '
Metro 10ronto Industrjal Co~is.ion are holding their annual
meeting Wednesday, January 20, at 1:15 in Toronto Board of
Trade Building and ask for a representative from Township
.Reeve Soott stated he had _de inquiries for experienced
Planning Consultants, tha..t Mr. P. A. Deaoon o~ Deaoon, Arnett
and Murray had been highly reoolllllBnded, that he had met Mr.
Deacon at Munioipal Offioes and reooDml8nded his appointment
to make a survey as to whioh C. N. R. By-Pass route would do
least da_ge to the Township, by January 15th.
The following PERSONS, on MOTION, \!ere heard:
Dr. ~1'don Edmund reoommended IÐme Milne, of West Rouge, and
fevinald Bozak, Woodview, to vacanoies on Planning Board.
W~ B.. J. ThomDson objeoted to statements made by Murray Jones
as to Oounoil's position re C. N. R. By-Pass and asked that
he be permitted to submit· to Mr. Deaoon a brief against C.N.R.
altemate route.
{lESOµJTIQI ~ 6/60
MOVED BY"'Rr. Hawthome, seoonded by Mr.
those itaas listed on attaohed purchase
.:urrIO~ ~R 7/60
D by Mr. Hawthorne, seoonded by Mr. Spang, that Mr. P. A. Deacpn,
of Deacon, Amett and Murray, be engaged to provide the Counoil of
the Township of Pioke ring with a report as to Yiioh of the two
proposed routes of the C. N. R. Aocess Line will do the least damage
to the Township of Piokering from a planning aspeot. This report
to be in the hands of the Counoil by Friday, January 15th. C~:JED
MOvE by Mr.3ãiiïès, seoonded by Mr. Ashton, that James Davidson be
appointed as a _mber of Pickering Township Planning Board for
a three year term. CARRIED
James, that Council approve
orders Numbered 367-368.
- 2 -
~SOLUTION Jq~ ~/60
MOYJ.-D by Mr. James, _oonded by Mr. Spang,
''rHAT WHEREAS W. Grant Messer of the Village of Piokering was seleotect
by the Village of Piokering and the Township of Piokering to rep-
resent the two municipalities of the Metro Planning Board, and such
appointment was oonfirmed by the Metropolitan Counoil on Ootober
22, 1957 for the period ending January 1, 1960;
AND WH~S the Counoil of Metropolitan Toronto have requested an
appointment to suoh position for a further tel'll;
BE IT TH~ORE R!ÐSOLVE» that W. Grant Messer" of the Village of
Piokering be appointed a member of the Planning Board of Metropol-
itan Toronto for a further term of one year. CARI\IED
YEA: Messrs. James, Spang, Hawthorne, Scott" Layoox, Deakin, Ashton.
NAY: None .
MOVED by Mr. Spang, seoonded by Mr. Ashton, that Piokering Township
Council members do not join the Ontario Eduoational Association.
H2m by Mr. James, seoonded by Mr. Spang, that we approve a grant
of '25.00 to the Ontario County Soil and Crop Improvement Associatiop.
MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seoonded by Mr. Spang, that the Road Super-
intendent be authorized to purchase, subject to the approval of the
Department of Highways of Ontario, the following:
From Robertsteel Limited:
54' of 15" @ 12.18
54' of 18" @ 2.50
58' of 24" @ 3.29
t 117.72
$ 443.54
,MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne" seconded by Mr. Laycox, that Counoil
reoommend to the Finanoe Committee that membership be oontinued
in the Good Roads Assooia tion at an annual fee of $20.00. CARRIED
Mr. Ashton, seoonded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduoe a
By-Law of the Township of Piokering to appoint a member to
represent the Township of Piokering on the "Central Lake Ontario
Conservation Authorit.y" # and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves that By-law Number 2465
to appoint a member to represent The Township of Piokering on the
"Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority", be now read a seoond
time, am that Counoil go into Collllllittee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. Ashton, seoonded by Mr. Layoox, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2465 be adopted" and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of tho Corporation be affixed thereto.
t ~I~D
RE~l.~}ØN ~R 2466
Mr. Spang, seoonded by Mr. James, moves for leave to introduce a By-
Law of the Township of Piokering to appoint a Valuer of Sheep and
Other Livestook worried by dogs in the Township of Pickering in the
year 1960, and that sa. now be read a first time.
- 3 -
BY-lAW ~ 2466
Mr. Spang, seoonded by Mr. James, moves tor leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Piokering to appoint a Valuer of Sheep and
Oether Livestook worried by dogs in the Township or Pickering in the
year 1960, and that same now be read a first time.
,Mr. Spang, seoonded by Mr. Layoox, moves, that By-Law Number 2466 to
~ppoint a Valuer of Sheep and other Livestook worried by dogs in the
Township of Piokering in the year 1960 be now read a seoond time, and
;that COWlcil go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
~. Spang, seoonüd by Mr. Deaoon, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2466 be adopted, and that
the said By-law be now ~ad a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve
~nd Clerk sign the same, and the Seal or the Corporation be affixed
thereto. ~mD
t-fr. James, seoonded by Mr. Ashton, moves for leave to introduoe a
Ðy-Law of the TownShip of Piokering to appoint a Warble-Fly Inspeotor
for the year 1960 and that same now --he read a first time.
Mr. . James, seconded bl Mr. Deakin, moves that By-Law Number 2467 to
~ppoint a Warble-Fly Jnspector for the year 1960, be now read a
fleoond time, and that COWlcil go into Committee of the Whole thereon.
1he Committee of tJ:¡ct Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. James, øeoo~d by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the Committee
of the Whole on. B,-Law N8.., 2467 be adopted, and that the said By-Law
þe now read a Th~rd ti. and PASSED; that the ßeeve and Clerk sign the
same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRmD
~y -lAW NUMJ!ER 2469 (Two Readings)
Mr. Deakin, seoonded by Mr. Ashton, moves for leave to introduoe a
py-Law of the Township ot Piokering to appoint a Weed Inspector to
~arry out the provisions of the Weed Control Aot, in the Township of
Piokering, during the year 1960, and that same now be read a first
Mr. Deakin, seoonded by Mr. Layoox, moves that By-Law Number 2469
t.o appoint a Weed Inspector to oarry out the provisions of the Weed
Control Aot, in the Township of Piokering, during the year 1960, be
now read a seoond time, and that Counoil go into Committee of the
Whole the re on.
Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves for leave to introduoe a
B.y-Law of the Township of Piokering to appoint members to the Township
qf Piokering Reoreation Committee, and that same now be read a first
time .
Mr. Ashton, seoonded by Mr. James, moves that By-Law Number 2468 to
ItPpoint members to the Township of" Pickering Reoreation Committee, be
now read a second time, and that COWloil go into CollllDittee of the
Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Ashton, seoonded by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the
CODDDittee of the Whole on By-law No. 2468 be adopted, and that the said
By-law be now read a Third time and PAS~;that the Reeve and Clerk
sign the same, and the Seal of the co~t1Dn be affixed thereto.
, CAßRmn
- 4 -
~ve Soott reported he had several meetings with Rougedale
Development, that minor details had been cleared, but oertain
finanoing not arranged.
AGREED Works Department should consider sidewalks _ for Area 2
ohildren in 1960 Budget.
It was AGREED that Reeve Soott should attend the Annual Meeting
of the Toronto Industrial Committee.
should meet Thursday,
It was AGREED that the
January 7th.
1. Clerk ascertain if there is a finanoil limit tor cutting
wee ds .
2. Welfare Department try and looate an animal pond.
3. Clerk ask Hr. MGsser, representative on Metro Planning Board
for quarterly reports.
On MOTION of Mr. Laycox, the meeting adjoumed.