HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 4, 1960
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PURSUANT TO By-law Number 2276, the Members-Eleot of the Munioipal
Council of the Township of Piokering met in the COWloil Chambers on
MONDAY, the FOURTH day of January, 1960, at the hour of EIGHT o'olook
in the evening.
PRESENT: J. Sherman Soott, Reeve-Elect
H. Ross Hawthome, Deputy-Heeve-Elect
Harvey Spang, Counoillor-Eleot, Ward 1
Edgar R. James" COWlcillor-Eleot, Ward 2
Harold Ashton, Counoillor-Ereot, Ward 3
Ross W. Deakin, Councillor-Elect, Ward 4
Clifford W. Iaycox, Councillor-Elect, Ward ~
Lloyd T. Johnston, Clerk.
@~ Members-,r,-ect, having taken the Oath of Allegiance to Her Majest,
Queen Elizablth II and the Declaration of Office on the day of Nom-
ination (or within 24 hours of nomination) took before the Clerk
their réspective Deolarat:J.ons of Office and took their seats at the
C¡)unc.il Board, the Heave in the Chair.
~_)?bomaS íi'leetham of the United Church, Greenwood, condt\cted the
llevotional _dress and Reeve Soott thanked him for his message.
Ime\~,. Scott a,ddressed the members of COWlcil, pointing out four
[argo develeflDants recently started which will be prooeeded with in
1960, namely, Frenchman's Bay 3100 unit development, route of C.N.R.
By-Pass, Wed Rouge Se~'&ge system, now approved by O. W. R. C., and
Rûugedale Development of 143 houses in West Rouge.
Reeve Soott askeel Counoil members to seriously oonsider (1) Industrial
p'romotion, now that water and sowers will be available in 1960.
(2) Township purchasing all or part. of the Hydro Eleotrio Power
System. '(3) Implement the re-organization of the Munioipal Office
under the direotion of Office Manager. (4) Study office space needs.
(5) Review all By-laws. (6) Zòne all or part of the Township.
(7) Suppo~,the Reoreation Committee fully.
All members of Council spoke briefly and stated it was their wish to
woI'k in hal'lM)ny among tbeaselves, the staff and to honour the rights
of the _jority. '
Reeve Soott.øubmitted a recolllDendation tor committees, which wås
fJ,ooepted and special ooDlllittees which were with minor exceptions
approved a.~ollows:
E. R. James and Reeve
R. W. Deakin
W. H. Westney and Heeve
H. R. Hawthorne and C. IaYQOX
H. Spang and H. Ashton
Mrs. Jean MaPIle rson
H. R. Hawtorne, H. Ashton(
and C. Iayoox (2, Quorum)
E. R. James, R. W. Deakin
and H. Spang (2, Quorum)
The tollow1n« PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard:
Planning Board
Ajax-P1ckering Hospital Board
Metro Conservation
Reorea,tion Committee
Galle COmmittee
Beal tI1- Uni t
Street Ha__
-'" 1. Dr. E_g~«'L1t again disoussed proposed C. N. R. By-Pass Route,
reoommencled the route north of Concession 2, and asked that
an independent Planning Consultant give an unbiased report to
Township as to which route should be used. The Metro Plaming
Board intend to further disouss the route on .ttn. 20, and this
report should be ~resented to them betore thaf' elate. See
Resolution No. 3/60. ,-
AGREED Reeve Soott contact several Plann1øc Consultants and
s1WØt a report to Counoil Wednesday, Jan..-y 6th, at 8 P. M.
- 2 -
Murray RUB~ll, Fire Chief for Fire Area No.2, stated he had
asked Chief ~nde for a new stove for Fire Station, as old one
was not reliable and so far no approval has oome through... Also,
ha would like a financial sta.teænt for 1959 of Fire Area 2
\~ xpendi ture s.
l)r~ reooBDended ßegl_ld Bozek, who is an Engineer, énd
ÏZrne--MIIDi of West Rouge, who has taken a course in Town
Planning, as ._bers for Tocship Planning Board.
liOVED by Hr. Ashton, seoonded bJ Mr. !arcos, tbat the Standing
Committees of this Council for" year 1980 be a. tollows:
Clifford W. Laycox
Edgar R. James
Ross W. Deakin
Harvey Spang
Ros. W.. lIe.kin
Cliftera ~ La7COx
Harry Ashton
-.,. R. James
H. -.... 4awthorne
Clifford W.&aycox
Ross W. Da.kin
H. Ross Hawthorne
and all member. of Counoil
Di\- "'J~"""J ·'NT>· 1:o1!RE
,-;;2-.:,~'~ ,1:1': 1; L'
EIiQ;r:"ID}ty . Al9!f'J~¡q REtATIQ~
Harvey Spang
Harry Ashton
Ross W. Deakin
H. Ross Hawthorne
Harry Ashton
Edgar R. James
H. Boss Hawthorne
Clifford W. Iayoox
~ND mAT the tit-st named _lIbar of Counoil, whoM na_ appears after
the Colllllittee, be Chairman thereof. CARRIED
MSOfRJON ~16 2.(60
tf()VE by Mr. a_s, seconded by Mr. Soott, that Donald MacPherson be
~ppointed to the Piokering Dis~riot High Sohool Board for a three
year term. CARR1JD
~: "Messrs. James, Hawthorne, Scott, and Iayoox
HAY: Messrs. Spang, Deakin, and Ashton.
~OVED by Mr. yoox, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that an independent
team of experts be oalled in to otfer an Wlb1ased opinion on
placement of ....ilroad line on al te ma ti ve route or original route,
as affeoting the Mlmio1pality or the Townehip or Piokering and
¡ provided that their answer be in the hands of the COWlcil at the
, lrtest date, Januar:r 15th, 1960. CAllRIIij!
DÌSOLUT:J;.ON.cNmOtlR 4/60
MOVED by Mr. Hawtho~, trèoonded by Mr. Spang, that a size of standing
oommittees be inoreásed from 3 to 4 and that minutes be recorded and
oiroulated to all Embers of Counoil. Quorum to oonsist of 3 members,
or the Reeve and 3 members. ~mD
MOVED by Mr. Spng, seoonded by Mr. James" that Mr. W. H. Westney
and Mr. J. S. Scott be appointed to the Metropolitan Conservation
Authority for the year 1960. CARRIED
- 3 -
R!-LAW ~ER 2460
lA'.r. Spang, seconded by Mr. Ashton, moves for leave to introduce a
By-law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a member to the Pickering
District High School Board, and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Spang" seoonded by Mr. Hawthome, moves that By-law No. 2460
to ap¡)\)int a member· to the Piokering Distriot High Sef1'bol Board,
be now read a seoond time, and that Counoil go into Committee of the
Whole thereon. .
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Spang, seoonded by Mr. James, moves that the report of the Committee
of the Whole on By-law No. 2460 be adopted, and that the said By-law
be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign tJ;te
same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. ÇARRXl¡1!
nY-lAW N1!MBER 2461
l-fr. Ashton" seoonded by Mr. Deakin, moves for leave to introduce a
By-IB.w of the Townahip of Piokering to appoint a member froll COWlci1r
to the South Ontario COWlty Health Unit, and that 8&JI9 now be
reaù, a first time.
Mr(j ':i.t~hton, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves that By-law N'WI!bèr 2461 to
appoint a member from Council to the South Ontario County Health Unit
be now read &t seoond time, and that Council go into Committee of t~
Whole thereon. '
'111':-3 Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
¥æ. Ashton, seoonded by Mr. James, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 2461 be adopted, and that the ~aid
By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Cler~
sign the sa_, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
B.y - IA~'¡ NUMBER 2462
Mr. Hawthorne, seoonded by Mr. Spang, moves tor leave to introduce ~
By-law of the Township of Piokering to appoint two members to the
Metropolitan Toronto Conservation Authority, and that same now be
read a first time.
Mr. Hawthorne, seoonded by Mr. James" moves that By-Law Number 2462
to appoint two members to the Metropolitan Toronto Conservation
Authority be now read a second time, and that Council go into
Committee of the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. Hawthorne, seoònded by Mr. Layoox, moves that the report of the j
Colllllittee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2462 be adopted, and that the ..
said By-Law be new read a Third time and PASSED: that the Reeve and'
Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
the re to . CA.I\.I!!EP
Mr. laycox, seconded by Mr. Spang, moves for leave to introduce a
By-law of the Township of Pickering to appoint a member. of Counoil
to the Board of Directors of the Ajax and Piokering General Hospital
for the year 1960" and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Layoox, seconded by Mr. Hawthome, moves that By-law Number 2463
to appoint a member of Council to the Board of Directors of the Ajax
and Pickering General Hospital for the year 1960, be now read a
seoond time, and that Counoil go into Committee or the Whole thereon.
- 4 -
By-law Number 2463 (Continued)
The CoDJDittee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read.
Mr. Laycox, seoonded by Mr. Ashton, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 2463 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve
and Clerk sign the same and the Seal or the Corporation be
affixe d the re to. CARRIED
1)Y-IAW NUMBER 2464 (Two Readings)
Mr. Deakin, Eeoonded by Mr. Ashton, moves for leave to introduoe a
By-Law of the Township of Piokering to appoint member. tø the
Township of Piokering Planning Board, and that same now bé read a
first time.
Mr. Deakin, seoonded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-Law Number 2464
to appoint members to the Township of Pickering Planning Board be nQw
read a seoond time, and that CO\Ulcil go into ColllDittee of the
"]hole thereon.
On MOTION of Mr. layoox the meeting adjourned to meet again on
February 2, 1960.
APPROVSn /1/11960